The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 15, 1938, Page Seven, Image 7

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Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St.
Omaha, Nebraska
Phone WEbster 1517
Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927,
Bt the Post Office at Omaha, Nebr., under
Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
All News Copy of Chrurches and add Organi
zations must be in our office not later than
5:00 p. m. Monday for curren issue. All Adver
tising Copy or Paid Articles not later than
Wednesday noon, preceeding date of issue, to
insure publication. __
"""-Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of
God and the Brotherhood of Man must prevail.
These are the only principles whil will stand
the acid test of good. ____
Powerful forces are at work to
save homes, according to W. E. Malla
lieu, General Manager of the National
Board of Fire Underwriters, 85 John
St., New York, as expressed in the
foreword of an attractive new booklet,
“Another Home Goes up in Smoke,”
just issued by that organization. These
forces represent the combined engin
eering skill and the active interest of
th outstanding fire protection authori
ties in the country and this new book
let has been issued as a part of the
campaign to inspect every home in
America by uniformed firemen during
Fire Prevention Week this year. It is •
designed to arouse public interest in
making household inspections.
Its pages 'are illuminated with
drawings and graphs to flag the atten
tion of people who might not otherwise
be interested in this subject. A mini
mum of copy is used, yet each set of
opposite pages points a definite lesson
in fire prevention, and even the casual
reader should carry away a desire to
cooperate in safety measures. The book
let is free in reasonable quanities, or
at cost for large orders.
In addition, many thousands of
National Board Fire Prevention Week
posters have already been distributed
to railroads and steamship lines for
posting in stations and shops and on
piers in October. Other materials in
clude stickers, Fire Prevention Week
speeches, puzzles, playlets, booklets and
inspecion blanks.
(From the Interracial Review, Oct.,
1938, New York City)
_ —Block the Filibuster—
The recent announcement by the
National Association for the Advance
ment of Colored People that plans are
already under way for a new campaign
for the enactment of a federal anti
lynching law by the next Congress is
welcome news to a majority |of the
American people.
Obviously, such a decision was to
be expected. To have taken any other
popKior.f; was tp submit cravetnly to
the will of the small handful of Sena
tors who perpetrated the shameful un
democratic filibuster.
Public opinion rallied to the sup
port of this legislation during the last
session, as never before. Now that it
has been demonstrated to the American
people that the states wherein lynch
ings are perpetrated do not prosecute
or purtish the mob murderers and that
the Federal Government is powerless
to act, public opinion demands the en
actment of a federal law to curb and
punish the mobs, and to wipe out for
all time this, the foulest blot on Ameri
can civilization?”
“But the number of lynchings has
been greatly decreased?” Yes- ‘But the
evil is still present. The tradition that
men may be lynched with impunity still
remains. The threat of lynching and
mob violence still holds a community
sanction in many sections.
“But the filibusters will filibuster
once more?” There is only one answer
to this: The Cloture Rule. It is only
necessary that the Senators who favor
the bill vote in favor of the Cloture
Rule, as a barrier against the repetion
of the protracted filibuster of the last
session. Remember that the overwhel
ming majority in the House and Senate
favor this federal law.
The Interracial Review is convinc
ed that the Catholic Press of America
which is supporting this legislation
should urge the adoption of the Cloture
Rule to block the filibuster and insure
the early passage of this needed legis
There can be no armistice for
lynching and mob violence. Lynching
must go!
_nOn ■—
When the colored press and other
fair minded persons urged in the
strongest language that the great pow
ers of Europe come out and demand
protection for the kingdom of Ethio
pia, the plea fell on deaf ears. After
Mussolini committed his murderous
rape on one of the oldest dynasties on
earth, he came before the plebiscite
with his bloody hands and obtained re
cognition for his loot. This was but en
couragement for other nations, to whet
their knives and decide which way they
would cut.
At the time the struggle in Ethiopia
was going on, when all in vain thou
sands were thrusting their bare bodies
in the horrible flames where there was
not even the ghost of a chance that
they might win, we argued that a prin
ciple was involved. While the rape was
being committed on a colored kingdom,
it was a question of time when such
would be attempted on any weaker na
tion. So today we see the poor Czechs,
losing, a vain struggle, fighting to keep
their independence.
Health officials are highly sensible
of the progress made in problems that
lend themselves to mass control activi
ties. For example, by way of supervi
sed water and milk supplies, sewage
disposal, drainage, quarantine, anti
diphtheria measures, and vaccination,
scourges that formerly took a terrific
toll, have had their power reduced,
sometimes strikingly so.
It must be appreciated, though,
that by far the greater responsibility
of maintaining health rests with the in
dividual. Consequently, while it is ever
essential to stimluate the community
mind to-support control policies enthu
siastically, it is a basic obligation of
health officials and of the medical
profession to emphasize the need for a
greater sense of personal obligation in
the health program.
The physician is conscious of this
duty. More and more, he is indicating
the protective and life prolonging value
of the periodic physical examinations.
He stresses the advantages of living
reasonable within the limitations set
by nature. He is forever, explaining,
the definite manaces to health that su
perstitions, self diagnosis, and self
treatment represent. In addition, he is
rendering valuable professional service
in local clinics to those in need of it.
That carelessness and ignorance
regarding personal health still are
more general than is desirable cannot
be questioned. Nevertheless, these bar
iers slowly, but surely, are being re
Thus with the physicians of the
community not only curing illness, but
instructing and inspiring persons in
the art of healthy living, present day
principles are being increasingly appli
ed by the individual. However, a deep
er appreciation of the physician’s pos
sibilities for constructive good in the
community somehow must be generat
ed. It will directly reflect not only
greater individual health, but an in
creased community wrell being also.
Armond Denis and his wife, Lelia
Roosevtlt Denis, recently returned to
New York after a six month tour
through the Belgian Congo. They
brought back with them a film record
of their trip which has been called
“Dark Rapture,” and which will open
on Broadway, October 8. According to
advance reports, this film contains
some interesting records of the lives of
African pygmies and a race of “giants’*'
never before filmed.
This latter tribe of 20,000 are de
scribed as living high in the mountains
and their average height is seven feet
and they are superbly proportioned.
The women are as tall as the men but
they are seldom seen, being kept invio
late from the gazes of man. The only
women, allowed to appear in public are
relatives of the giant king and the
Queen Mother. These stately people,
say the explorers, are not Negroes, L e.
thejy are not black, but have a copper
color much the same as the America
Indians. They have civilization of their
own but the whites who visted them
were unable to learn from whence they
came and how they reached their pre
sent homeland in the wierdly beautiful
African mountains.
These people would make an in
teresting subject for historical re
search. An expedition under one of the
Negro educational institutions, such as
Howard or Fisk, we believe would be
able to live among these people for a
time and learn much of their back
ground habits, etc. For hundreds of
years, whites have tried to understand
the colored races of Africa but have
failed. We think that American Ne
groes would be more successful if for
no other reason than they have a kin
ship of race.
There are still many mysteries of
Africa not yet revealed to civilization.
Historians of the race in this country
would do well to study the Dark Con
tinent and its people in order to have
descendants of those people in the new
world realize their heritage.
—New York Age
It seems to us that our Sunday
Schools miss a good opporunity to be
of service in not giving over a least
part of the weekly lesson and by not
holding occasional essay contest on
this subject.
As important as religious educat
ion is, we believe that the study of
Negro history is also of vital impor
tance and since it cannot be made part
of the curriculum of the public schools
where many other racial groups are
taught, the church should take it up.
The excuse for the iNegro church as a
segregated organization, is that it does
more than just teach religion—that it
teaches religion and its history as it
relates to the race. A part of this teach
ing should, we believe, deal with the
achievements of those otf this group
along religous and secular lines in
much the same way as is practiced at
BUYERS’ GUIDE by Clarence H. Peacock |
Seventy five years after emanci
pation Negro insurance companies can
be proud of the contribution which
they have made in the economic devel
opment of the race. Negro insurance
had its beginning in the fraternal as
sociations after the Civil War. Within
the last twenty years their services
have caused them to be regarded by
home owners, business men and the
sick as financial reservoirs from which
funds flow in times of stress.
There are forty nine companies
owned and operated by Colored people
in the United States. These companies
reported nearly $340,000,000 worth of
insurance in force with admitted assets
of savings fnr their policy holders of
about $21,000,000. These companies
employ over 9,000 men and woman, a
mong whom are executives, sectutaries
accountants, salesmen and clerks.
•Negro insurance companies were
founded by Negro capital for the pro
tection of our people and to provide
jobs for thousands of our youag men
and women. These companies owe their
present power and prestige to the many
ambitious and highly educated men and
women who brought character and
stability to this institution. The cooper
ation and confidence shown by our
group for iJNegro insurance should be
a guide in the planning and in the
building of a larger and more secure
Negro economic life.
Although Negro insurance com
panies have made considerable pro
gress within the past seventy five years
they do ndt have the full support of
our group. Colored people *pay over
$100,000,000 a year in premiumss to
white insurance companies, without
creating employment opportunities for
the race when our doctors, dentists,
nurses, and thousands of our qualified
youths are w dting for the opportunity
to put their knowledge into practice.
Many of these White companies
offer Colored people restrictive policies
on which weekly premuims must be
paid. These sub-standard policies are
imposed upon Negroes and rarely is
there any differential made in the a
mount of the premium with regard to
the type l mplmanent. Yet these pre
miums the are '.ad to White insurance
compar’ ■ by Colored people go direct
ly to tv • • rotection of the white peo
ple’s in the form of loans, mort
ages a- ' mployment.
Co7 d insurance companies want
Hebrew syangogues.
It’s a reflection on the Negro as
a race when three youngsters of a
group select Robert Taylor, Edward G~
Robinson and “Babe” Ruth as
their racial heroes. Books on the Negro
should be a part of every Negro home
as well as at least one Negro newspa
per, and the home training should be
supplemented by the Negro church.
and seek your patronage by advertis
ing in our newspapers. Let us cooper
ate and continue to put our confidence
i nthese companies so that they will
be in a position to create more jobs
for the members of our race.
For economic security read our
papers and support their advertise
ments. . i
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