The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 15, 1938, Page Six, Image 6

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Dr. 'Ira, N. Gabrielson, Chief
Bureau of Biological Survey
Th3 answer to th j question “Are
Kama management areas a suc
cess?” depends entirely on whether
>' or not tho individuals involved are
satisfied with the accomplishments
of their specific enterprise.
Game management areas aro
• most frequi ntly cooperative in na-,
ture, and the success of any co
operative undertaking depends
i largely, if not entirely, upon the
human beirgs associated, upon the
I fordsight and understanding of the
! problem by those sponsoring the
j project, and upon the energy ex
pended in an effort to make the
undertaking a success.
When game management areas
were first sUgg* sted in this coun
try, some of us hoped and others'
exp leted that such areas would be
the solution to many of our game
problems. Such programs have not
yet provided a wildlife Utopia,
and they probably never will be
cause different people expect dif
ferent results from them and are
net satisfied with anything that
does not come up to their expect
Regardless of the discordant as
pects, I believe that game manage
ment areas have b en generally
successful because most if not all
such areas, provided they have
teem in operation several seasons,
have benefited wildlife or hunting
to some extent.
, Just how we should judge the
success of such nr«as is, I believe
b matter of personal view. - Some
management nivas have succeeded
In curtailing the promiscuous en
croachment upon private lands by
irresponsible hunters. In some dis
tricts this has meant that lands
which were formerly closed to all
hunting have boon made accesible
to individuals who have thought
enough of their sport to establish
good faith with the land owner
and take it upon themselves to
protect his rights and property by
onn moans or another—the results
success, better sport, new friends,
and a deeper appreciation of the
privilege of hunting.
Other a reus have provided better
food and cover conditions for the
game and wildlife of the country
and when given adequate protection
from irresponsible hunters as well
as from its natural enemies, these
areas have demonstrated that
wildlife can be brought back into
depleted covers. When manage !
tnent areas can do this, they are
As part ot their plan other areas
have incorporated small inviolate
sanctuaries well distributed throu
ghout the project wherein the wild
life may seek refuge from danger
in t-nso of need. When hunting
pressure is great, this feature has
proven most effective in perpetu
ating a seed stock of small game
and other species. We may be dis
appointed upon finding that all
tho birds and rabbits in the region
&ro on the other side of the fence
but should we admit that next
year there will be wildlife in these
covers and that it won’t be tixpen
sive, pen-reared, half tame stock.
For these and many other rea
sons, game management areas are
a success, but unlike “Topsy”
they do not just grow. To accom
plish any of these things, means
hard work, money spent and a sin
•cero effort on tho part of partici
Still Coughing?
No matter how many medicines
you have tried for your common
cough, chest cold, or bronchial irri
tation, you may get relief now with
Creomulsion. Serious trouble may
be brewing and you cannot afford
to take a chance with any remedy
less potent than Creomulsion, which
goes right to the seat of the trouble
and aids nature to soothe and heal
the inflamed mucous membranes
and to loosen and expel germ
laden phlegm.
Even if other remedies have failed,
don’t be discouraged, try Creomul
Bion. Your druggist is authorized to
refund your money if you are not
thoroughly satisfied with the bene
fits obtained. Creomulsion is one
word, ask for it plainly, see that the
name on the bottle is Creomulsion,
and you’ll get the genuine product
and the relief you want. (Adv.)
pants to play an unselfish and fair
game. Few if any game manage
ment areas have accomplished all
I ho objectives their sponsors anti
cipated ; most of them cost far
more than anyone anticipated or
cared to acknowledge. Still, most
of them succeeded to some extent
and have proved that game man
agement areas can be successful
H' wc are willing to work, pay the
price, and not expect the impos
Chicago, Oct. 13 (ANP)—Wil
berforceans living in other parts
of the country who plan to attend
the Wilberforce-Tuskegeo Football
Classic, October 14th will not have
thj difficulties of finding friends
and former school mates which
they have had in the past. The
Chieago-Tuskegee Club has ar
ranged with the South Parkway
YWCA for the use of their quaf
rs as headquarters for the en
tire day of tha game. A group of
Wilber foremans will be on hand
from 9:00 A. M. until game time
to meet and greet out of town
alumni and former Wilberforcr
students. Ev fry possible comfort
will be provided and no one will be
allowed to become lonely during
the day.
i nj local ciui) is also planning
n any social events for the day. A
Pre-Game Supper will be held at
Morris Eat Shop and a Post-Game
Dance at the Bacon’s Casino. On
Thursday night, Wilberforceans
will participate in a Boost* rs’ Pa
rade throughout the* south side dis
Dr. D. Ormon Walker, president
and members of the faculty of
Wilberforce will share honors with
former footbnll play*rs now resid
ing in Chicago at both the supper
and the dance.
This season the student body of
Angeles, is proud of Kc.n Washing
ton and his ability to throw a
forward pass 75 yards, just as
Cornell men everywhere are look
ing up to “Brud” Holland; North
western to Jefferson and Minne
sota to Bull; and in New York,
Coach Mai Stevens of NYU is de
pending heavily on Ed Williams,
fullback to make the season a suc
Tho senson is off to a fine start
and ere Thanksgiving conus some
new names are scheduled to rise
on the firmament to football star
FISK 12-12 H
Nashville, Tenn. Oct. 8.—A figh
ting group of Tougaloo stalwarts
tallied to tie Fisk 12-12. Fisk scor
ed their first touchdown in the
opening of the second quarter.
With constant drives, Bowman & i
Tinch placed the ball on Tougaloo
1’ yard line. On the next play
Bowman hit tackle for 13 yards.
A reverse spinner gave Fisk her
first touchdown. The attempt to
placekick was futile. The Touga
looBulldogs played defensive foot
ball until the last of the socond
quarter when a Fisk drive from the
50 yard line to the 6th by Jamison
paved the way for the Fisk Bull
dogs’ second touchdown. The try
for an extra point was again un
A new and spirited group of
Togaloo clansmen re-entered the
game following the half. Tougaloo
made their first tally last of the
third quarter with the aid of three
consecutive pcnalities which placed
the ball on Fisk's seven yard line
and with two plays Williams drove
over for Togaloo s first Touhc
down. Opening the fourth quarter
with the aid of a fumble, Tougaloo
accquirt'd the ball in mid-field. On
the next play, Captain Braddock
received a short pass from Ward
j and raced 65 yards for a touch
i down. The try for an extra ponil
' was no good. The game ended with
Harris Grabs Pass for South's First Touchdown Against Tech
Perry Harris, South back,
grabbed Bruckner’s pass over
the goal line to scere the first
Packer touchdown in Friday’s
~ I ■IIIIHII— ■mu -- g-MBMW
19-7 victory over Tech. Harris
(No. 36) is shown coming down
with the ball. Eddie Dygert, (No.
33) missed knocking it down.
On the right is Tech's Sammy .
Vacanti (No. 88).—World-Her
ald Photo. J
_ ’
South’s Joe Furst Brings Down Tech s Epstein
.Toe Furst. South High’s full
back, brought down Tech's Ep
stein at left tackle on this play
| In the Packer-Maroon prep fea
ture Friday afternoon. On the
1 left, ready to support Furst, is
South’s Alexander. South won, 19
to 7.—World-Herald Photo.
Fisk de p in Tougaloo’s territory.
FISK U. 0 12 0 0
Tougaloo College 0 0 6 G
FISK: Walker. ,R. E.; Wilson R.
T.; Montgomery R. G.;‘ Knox C.;
Boyd L. G.; Starks L. T,; Gaddio
L. E.; Jamison Q. B.; Lockhart,
R. H.; Murphy (C) L. H.; Bow
man F. B.
Tougaloo; Nash R. E.; Freeman
R. T.; Crawford R. G.; Figgers j
C.; M. Fletcher L .G.; Lenyard J
L. T. Davenport L. E. H. Williams i
Q. B.; Clark R. IL; Ward L. H.; j
Braddock (C- F. B.
Officials: Referee Cravens from,
Clark U.
Umpire: Maxwell, Morehouse'
Head linesmen: Gaston, Tennes- j
seo State College.
Chicago, Oct. 6—A loud Boo
er>'ated tho insertion of Jake Po
v'ell into the Yankee lineup in
tho eighth innirg. It was in this
city that Powoll made his slurring
remark about the Negro rare over
thj radio some time ago. Protests
forced his fine and suspension.
El Paso, T ix. Oct. 12—A foot
ball game here October 20 between
Texas Coll go of Mines and Santa
Barbara State of California was
canceled Wednesday by officials
of the California school when they
refused to bring the Cam here un
less two Negro players wire al
lowed to play.
“The thing came as a surprise
to me,” Coach Saxon of the Mines
said. “About two week ago a Ktter
from the Santa Barbara eoa'-b.
telling me he had two Negro boys
on his team and asking what
would be our attitude in regard
to using them.
“I told him our athletic council
would not agree to their use since
Negroes are not used in games
with white players in Texas cities.
Since writing that letter ,1 hadn’t
heard a word until tonight.”
Tho Mimrs opened a two-year
homc-and-homn contract with San
tr, Barbara last year, the teams
battling to a 13-13 fJe yi the
California city.
Don't bo afraid to use yefur
electric vacum cleaner often on
your rugs. It will not injury them
and will, in fact preserve their
1'fe by getting rid of the dirt em
bedderi therein, say Good House-'
Keeping Magazine. 1
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