The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 15, 1938, Page Four, Image 4

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Rev. E. H. Hiisi.n, pastor
Anita Dlpp-Youitg, reporter
Tho Salem Baptist Church and
pastor wish to thank all who hav^
given your hearty cooper.Mon,
throughout the past wet ks Recog
nition Services and to ask you to
continue to worship with us until
Sunday Oct. 16, when we mak,, the
close of or recognition services
with a Home Coming Dinner.
Our Sunday Morning Service
was well attended and Rev Hilson,
our pastor preached a very in
structive sermon. Subject: A Rule
that Connot Be Proven.”
iRcv. 2:27 Psl. 9. The Sunday af
ternoon Services wtre well atten
ded and those present found it to
be both interesting and instruc
tive. The pastor used as a sub
ject for the evening service “Occ
upy until I come” after which a
Concccration Service* was held for
tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clauil McKinney, and the infant
daugl ter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. Austin is still ill, and Mr.
Wilburn is reported to have suf
fered injuries in an automobiles
BYPU was interesting and well
attended. The vice-president took
charge in the absonce of the presi
dent, who was away making offi
cial calls.
-oOo --
R«v. N. Nicholson pastor
Clarinda, Iowa
Sunday chool opened at th., us
ual hour with a large attendance.
Morning worship was in high spi
rit. Tho pastor brought forth a
stirring message. Subject A glori
ous Vision.
Evening service was tht. Spot
light Service with a nice group of
Young People present. The pastor
brought forth another soul stirring
message. Subject: “Appeal to God”.
Wo were pleased to have Mrs.
Maggio Smith of Omaha as our
visitor all day. Visitors are always
welcome to Clarinda. Tho Second
Baptist Church wish, s to announce
their heartfelt sympathy to Rev.
Clayton in his bereaved time.
Thi Western District Board
melting will convene next month
r-, the Second Baptist Church in
l WEbster 3043
Omaha Stove Repair Works
1208 Douglas St. Phone AT.2524
t> --——- I
f larir.da.
P-ev. Reynolds, Pastor
Wilia M. Ross, reporter
Sunday school opened at 9:00
with Supt. presiding. A lovely mu
sical program was rendered. Tom
my Upher's birthday was celebrat
| id. Number present 84.
Morning worship Devotional ser
vico was r. ndored by the Deacons.
Prayer for the ick by Rev. St.
Clair. Song by the choir. A lovely
sermon wag preached by Rev. .Rey
nolds. Announcements and ad
BYPU at 6:00. A lovely song
service was rendered by Miss Bux
ton the chorus leader. Teachers
took charger of their classes for 20
minutes. A lovely program was
rendered by Mr. Hywood Parker.
Evening worship at 8:00 with
tho deacons in charge. Prayer for
the sick by Rflv. Whitelow of N.
Dakota. A lovely sermon preached
by Rev. Caldwell. Subject: Three
Eagles, Song. Collection, Annouco
ment, and adjournment.
You are welcome to all parts of
tho service.
Visitors: Mr. Ardis Bryant, Miss
V. R. French, Miss Georgia, Mrs.
Linn Cook, Miss Ethel Moore, Mr.
Williom Lomax and Mr. Nichol
. -oOn ,
The 9th Annual Harvest Festi
val of Hillside Presbyterian church
will bo hi Id Sunday Oct. 16th at
eleven A. M. and 4:,'10 ,P M.
At eleven, the choir will chant
the opera domini and will sing,
“Hark Hark, My Soul ” by Shelly
and “Come ye Blessed’’ by John
Pringle Scott. Tho Rev John Wil
liams, pastor will preach the har
vest sermon and Mrs. Green Mor
ton will sing ‘Goodbye Summer’. In
tho afternoon will be the Havrest
Muaicul. The guest artists for this
occasion wlil be Mr. Richard Mil
ler, Tenor. Miss Clario Henderson
soprano who recently appeared at
tho Joslyn ard Miss Hetty Nelson
prominent violinist.
As an introductory numbi r
Hooker Washingon will present one
of his first compositions with both
tho piano and organ. Udotsy Good
win,a 10 year old pupil of Rev.
Williams will offer 2 number—
Lack’s Prelude, and Rimsakorsa
: koff's ‘The Song of India". Music
; lovers should be in their scats at
Rev. R. E. Johnson, pastor
Edna Mitchell, reporter *»
Sunday school at 9:45 o’clock
was opened by Superintendent,
Edna Mitchell. There was a large
attendance-. We are asking for
more children. 11:00 o’clock wor
ship was opened with “The Lord
Kilpatrick’s f
§g ■ For Sport and lor Hunting | 1
V Gabardine Twill . . . Leather Front
: f
Sizes 36 to 46
Low Priced at
Comfortable and otllitarlan. Zlppered breast pocket.
Knitted oollar, cuffs and waistband to keep out
the cold. Leather front and leather trimmed pockets.
Plaid cotton lining throughout. \
Men’s Rayon and Lisle Socks
Bayon with lisle foot, toe and double spliced heel. New shades
lor fall, gray, navy, tan, brown and blue In pr
• BT> chocks, plaids, stripes and docks. for ,,
Men’s Broadcloth Pajamas
Full Government Standard Cut Prints ‘n .Upover and coat
styles. A nice medium weight to w^ar right now
and all winter if you like. Sizes A to D. tjjPM.
Attractively priced at ..
-si TniSZ&rrwu T-vr trr
is in His Holy Temple.” Sermon 1
by our pastor from Matthew 11:7;
Subject: What Did You Expect To
£ a. The spirit ran high.
6:00 Young People’s Union was
opened by the president Sister Mel
ton. There was a nice crowd. Wc<
welcome all young people .also the
elderly ones.
8:00 servico was opened by be
Choir singing. The pastor preach
ed p wonderful sermon full of pow
er. Text: St. Luke 9:23 verse, sub
ject: A Christian Journty. The
spirit ran high.
Service every night this week.
The gospel in a song.
Friday the Missionary' Society
met at Sistur Milton, president.
Baptizing Sunday night.
Rev. F. P. Jones, pastor
F. Burroughs, reporter
The order of services are as
Sunday school 9:30 A. M.
Morning Worship 11:00
BYPU 6:3 OP. M.
Evening Worship, 8:00
Wednesday evening prayer meet
Mrs. C. Murray a former mem
ber' of the church, who now resides
in St. Paul Minnesota, was present
at, both morning and evening ser
vices. She stat'd that she was
glad to be with us once more. Mrs.
Beck, who has been absent for a
long period of time because of ill
ness was present at the evening
Visitors are always welcome.
Rev. L. M .Relf, pastor
Edna Pankey, report r
Sunday school opened at 9:30
A. M. with the Supt. Mr. S. Staf
ford presiding. The attendance was
good. Rev. Relf preached the
morning and evening services. The
text: Genisis 1:20 and St. John
4:7. Both sermons were highly ape
preciated. Many visitors were pre
sent. Our HYPU is held every
Sunday evening at 6:00 P. M. with
Miss Forrest in charge. The young
people are doing a splendid job.
The Junior (thoir sings every
Sunday morning. Come out and
hear them.
Visitors are always welcome.
-oOo— .
Meet Your Friends at The* Omaha
Guido’s 12th Annual Household &
Food Demonstration, Oct. 18 to
22nd ami Take Home A Prize.
M rx. M. L. Dixon. Reporter
Rev. G. E. Stev nson, pastor
Sunday school at, 9:30 with a
good attendance. Mrs. Beatrice
Gray of the Cl aves Temple Sun
day school spoke in the interest
of the leadership Training school.
Mrs. M. S. Dixon spoke at the
Cleaves Temple School in The in
t<rest of the* leadership Train
ing School. Sunday morning ser
vice Were well attended. The pas
tor spoke* from the subject “Divine
Guide*nee.’’ The Junior Choir ren
dered very good music for this
service. They will also sing Friday
evening for Rov. Moseley’s church.
Thero wero several visitors. A
mong them was mortician J. D.
Lewis, who made timely remarks.
Mrs. A. M. Robbins, Mrs. C. Jack
son, Mrs. Herbert, Mrs. Stevenson,
Mr. Sengy Young and Mrs. M. L.
Dixon attended a meeting at the/
First Methodist Church in interest
of the city wide religious survey.
BYPU was quiti interesting. Rev.
J. A. Harris the field missionary
was a visitor for the evening ser
vices. Th0 Sunday School remem
ber v little John Daivg at 2889
Ohio St. with a hvg of fruit and
thirty cents during his illness.
Rev. Dan Thomas, pastor
Carline Thomas, reporter
Sunday School opentd at 9:46
with a good attendance. Tho
church celebrated the fourteenth
anniversary of our pastor. Devo
tional exucercises was lead by be
acon McBay and Deacon Golden.
Speaker for thc morning was Rev.
Watson, pastor of Church of God
in Christ. Subject: The Good Shep
her, which was enjoyed by all. We
had many visitors to worship with
us. Visitors are aways welcome.
Speaker of the afternoon was Rev.
Adams of Paradise Baptist Church
and his host, who brought us a
wonderful message. The numbers
on tho program were, a song by a
trio, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Oliver
and Mrs. Jesse Lee Moore. A won
derful talk concerning the pastor
was given by Deacon McBay. A
wonderful message was brought to
us by Rev. O. W. Travis: Subject:
A Witness for God, and a solo by
Rev. James Crawford ‘ If I had
My Tick«t.” Accompanied by Mrs.
Ozella Frazier. We all had a won
derful time. Sister Harriet Jackson
at tho hospital is improving slow
ly and hopes to bj homci soon. Mrs.
J. Smith underwent an operation
and is resting nicely.
On Sunday Oct. 16, 1938 at 11:00
Bishop Ernest V. Shayier D. D.
bishop of the dioccse of Nebraska
will institute the Rev. George A.
Stams D. D. former arch deacon
ji West rn T -mnesee as the rector
;>f St. Phillips Episcopal Church,
21st Paul Sts. There will be a spe
cial service by the choir. The pub
lic is cordially invited.
—»——oOo —
R; v. R. W. Johnson, pastor
--- I
Mrs. Mary M. Rodgers is pre
sorting a midnight ramble Satur
day night October 15, 1938 at 9:30
P. M. until— at Mt. Calvary Com
munity Church 25th and Grant St.
You will miss a rare treat when
you miss this service. Mrs. Rod
g-rs will also appear Sunday af
ternoon at 3:00, speaking on the
subject “Thn Telescopep of a Wo
man’s Life in Fifteen Bright Stars.
Tho song service will coincide with
tha talk.
This service will be for women
only and girls over eleven years
of age. Mrs. Kathryn Riley at tha
Conferences:—‘‘Conference makes
?. ready” man. Fall season is gen
rally the time for the annual con
ference for our bretheren in the
major branches of colored Metho
dism. At this time our fellow mini
sters of the group are reporting
and making plans for a new year.
Tho writer of this colmun is pray
erfully looking forward to attend
ing thc Annual Ministerial Con
vention of tho Church of God. Oct.
10-14) at Topeka, Kansan.
As wo ambassadors of the cross
meet to gather inspiration and
help from the fellowship of each
other, we pledge our loyalty to our
King, and unselfish service to the
subjects of his Kingdom. We are
mado ready to meet the problems
and responsibilities that face us
during the forthcctning church
Remember that America had it--'
446th birthday on October 12.
Some ono humorously suggested
that Columbus made a mistake by
discovering America and that we
ycur OgfiJBS-’
®uy kitHS TO
6 W°NTHL« donn^
NO MO^b 4114
* OIL*
Acitv f «EE a°d
should giva it back to the Indians.
But seriously, we thank God
for '‘America the Beautiful” when
wo think of the limits or entire
lack of fradom which men experi
ence in Italy, Germany, and other
countries. When wq think of the
poverty existing in India, and then
behold the beauty of our woods we
gletfully sing:
“America, America, God pours his
grace on Thee
And crown thy good with bro
From sea to shining sea.”
Every Thursday evening from
7:30 to 9:30 o’clock in social danc
ing will bo held at Hanscom Park
recreation center.
Earl Lane, city recreation hand
craft specialist, has just completed
a handbook on model airplane con
struction and flying. The text is
easy of apprehension and numer
ous drawings aid much in making
the simiplicity of the directions
still more simple.
Copies of the booklet are avail
able to all recreation students.
Volleyball games between Flor
ence girls were played in Florence
Community gym Friday October
7. Florence wtire the victors, tak
ing two games out of a scheduled
thrte. Scoro in the fir^t game was
21-18 second game, 21-13.
Cora Jenson captained Florence,
and Norma Lurd thci Belevere girls
In our last notes on Font-nelle
rack recreation activities we inad
vertently neglected to mention that
on Saturday and Sunday the horse
shoe courts are under the super
vision of Mr. Ray Ollenger.
Following is the daily schedule
of classes conducted by city re
creation instructors at the Urban
League center.
Instructress Edrose Willis;
Fru-school, 9-12 noon; Staff
Meeting 1 P. M.; Girls Handcraft
3-6 P. M. A Cappele Choir 7-9 P.
Pre-school; 9-12; .Boys’ Quarte
tte, 3-6 P .M.
Pre-school, 9-12; Girls’ Hand
craft, 3-6 P. M.
Pre-school, 9-12 Noon; Mixed
Chorus (Boys and Girls) 3-6 P. M.
Handcraft meeting, 9-12 Noon;
Varieties, 3-6 P. M. Social Dances
Instructor Goldstone;
Staff Meeting, 1 P. M.; Phys,
Education, 2-4 P. M.; Ladies Gym
Phy. Education, 12-4 P. M.; Ne
gro Hist. Club, 7-9 P. M.
Handcraft Meeting, 9-12 Noon;
Long School 2:45-4:45 Hi Y, 7-9
P. M.
Pre-school, 9-12 Noon; Phys.
Education, 1-4 P. M.
Phys. Education, 12-4 P. M.;
Cub Scouts, 4-6 P. M.; Youth For
um 7-9 P. M.
FASTER St. Joseph -$ 2.20
TIME Kansas City.3.20
I)ci> Moines . 2.50
Ottumwa . 3.80
Chicago . 8.50
Detroit .11.25
SCENIC >4ew York _19.35
ROUTES Denver . 9.00
Los Angeles __.27.00
San Francisco ....27.00
Whether you travel for business
or pleasure, let Burlington
Trailways save you money.
Economy fares to all points—
phone agent or come in and ask.
1416 Douglas at 15th Sts.
Phone: ATlantic 2300
Phya. Education, 20th & Burd
ettq Field, 9-12 Noon.
Instructor: Gena Murray;
Sup. Meeting, 9-12 Noon; Staff
meeting, 1 P. M.; Long school
2:45-4:45; Aduljt Handcraft, 7-9
I*. M.
Pre-school, 9-12 Noon; Long
School, 2:45-4:45 P .M.; Puppetry,
Ladies’ Handcraft, 1-5 P. M. j
(Logan Fontenelle); Stagecraft
urs and Dramatic Club 6-9 P. M.
Home Nursing, 1-4 P. M.; Long
School, 2:45—4:45; Puppetry, 6
8:30 P. M.
Pre-school, 9-12 Noon; Long
School 2:45-4:45 P. M.; Boys’
Handcraft, 9-12 Noon.
(Continued from page 1)
ment meted out to Mr. Porter and
wo intend to 'follow this caso
through, because it involves much
more than appears on the surface.’
Last July, Governor Allread was
nominated by President Roosevelt
for the post of federal district
judg*,—receiving the nomination
personally from the hands of the
President when the chief executive
visited Texas on a speaking tour,
The nomination comes up for con
firmation before the U. S. senate
in January.
The NAACP. secretary pointed
out that the whole question of
rule by mobs in an effort to ob
struct justice was involved in this
case, ag well as the question of
action against police and court of
ficials who are r/gligent in pro
tecting citizens from lawless mobs.
“This is a striking revelation of
why we need an anti-lynching bill”
he said, “it is obvious in this case
that if no action is taken to bring
these mobbists to justice, even
when they go into a courthouse
and drag out a legally summoned
prospective juror, then an incant
iv0 is open to others to take the
law into their own hands and in
flict their Jegdnerata prejudice
upon other innocent victims pure
ly because those victims happen
to be citizens with black skins. It
would moan further that all the
victories obtained in securing the
right of Negroes to sit on juries
would be nullified.”
White said the Association
would ’’watch carefully” to see
what action Governor Allred would
take in the matter.
The NAACP was the first or
ganization in the country to give
r —
—- ■■iiimiMnf '-nwMii Mm i .n- im
Negroes nation-wide prominence to
the question involving the rights
of Negroes to sit on juries, al
though this right was established
as early as 1890.
The Association won a state su
premo court reversal in the famous
Elaine, Arkansas riot cases (be
tween 1919 and 1923, involving 79
sharecroppers on the ground that
Negroes were systematically ex
cluded from the jury. It finally
won the complete freedom for all
the men. Twelve of them had been
entenced to death, 79 to fife im
The case of Jess Hollins who
was twice saved from death for
an alleged criminal attack upon a
white woman, at Okmulgee ,OkIa.
was also won in 1936 on the
grounds that Negroes were sys
tematically excluded from th^ jury.
The most recent case which the
Association has won on similiar
grounds that of Joseph Hale, 19
year-old Kentucky boy, convicted
of a killing by an all white jury.
Last April, 1938, the U. S. Supreme
Court set asidii the conviction on
the ground of exclusion o f Ne
groes from the jury and remanded
the case back to the State Suprome
Court of Kentucky.
Duify Pharmacy;
We. 0609
Free Delivery
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With it NOTHING is beyoncr your
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lems, Banishes Fear and Worry,
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SUCCESS. Stop wishing and
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LIN, Dept. 66, 452 E. 46th St.,
Chicago, 111.
Buster Brown’s in
SEE Buster and Tige
in Our Windows this
week. —
He Has Brought Along the
Newiiit Styles in Children’s
Shoes at Reasonable Prices.
We also Carry A Full Line
1510 N. 24th St. JA-1564
“T/OU wouldn't believe it now, but
I a few months ngomy skin was so
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My mother 3aid 1 was foolish to k -<:p
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Do as Famous Beauties Co
Most girls have much greater beauty
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Do you want men to admire you
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Get Nadinola today.
You C3n’t isn!
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Every cent you pay i ' linola is
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At all drug stores, 50 large money
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genuine Nadinola! L n’t trust your
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If your druggist doesn’t have Nadi
nola, send us the money and we will
mail it to you postpaid, together with
a book of beauty secrets. Address
Nadinola, Dept. 26, Paris, Tenn.