The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 01, 1938, Page Two, Image 2

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Listed by EDITOR &
War Threatens
If war comes row it will he
thrust upon a world that does not
want war. Even the puppet na
tions, struggling under the heels,
of dictators, are not as anxious
to fight as they pretend. The rea
son is the cost of war is too
frightful. There are on longer any
illusions about dying in mud waist
deep, or being buried standing up.
War might give the sagging eco
nomic system a lift; but that is
all. We all know' it would be an
artificial boost, to be followed by
a worse callaspe later. So we
might as well try to figure our
way out of this dilema, as to have
a worse one with which to con
Nobody knows what the sabre
rattling dictators are going to do,
finally. All a sorely tried world
can do is watch and wait.
In the selection of Dr. L. II. King
to run for Congress in Harlem, a
2229 Lake Street
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Beware Kidney
Germs if Tired,
Nervous, Aching
Are you Run Down. Nervous, suffer Aching
or Swollen Joints? Do you Oet Up Nights, or
suffer from Burning Passages, Frequent
Headaches. Leg Pains, Backache. Dizziness,
Puffy Eyelids, Loss of Appetite and Energy?
If so, the true cause often may be germs
developed In the body during colds, or by
bad teeth or tonsils that need removing.
These germs may attack the delicate mem
b’xnes of your Kidneys or Bladder and often
cause much trouble. Ordinary medicines
can't help much because they don't fight the
germs. The doctor’s formula Oystex, now
stocked by nil druggists, starts fighting Kid
ney germs In 3 hours and must prove entirely
satisfactory In 1 week and be exactly the
medicine you need or money back is guar
il' teed. Telephone your druggist for Cystex
48iss-tex) today. The guarantee protects
you Copr. 1937 The Knox Co.
major constructive move has been
made. Dr. King is an able man, he
bas behind him a career of achieve -
ment. In Ha.4! m, it is not so much
party politic,, as it is to get a Ne
gro in Congress that the public
is concerned about. For the pre_
sent wo i1 mmend suspending
party lin'-s and working whole- *
heartedly to put Dr. King over. We |
believe he w 11 give all Harlem i
the representation it needs, and we ;
do not believe his representation
will bo tinged by party partisan
ship. Once again, we want to send
a Negro Congress. The race at
largo needs it as well as Harlem.
More I’«y Increases
Tbj indefatigable leader of the
United Government Employes, Ed
gar G. Brown has now struck out
for $1,000,000 increase for the
3,000 low-paid workers of the Dis
trict of Columbia. Appearing be
fore the District Commissioners on 1
Monday, September 12, Mr. Brown |
asked that 3,000 workers be given
consideration to the extend of add
ing $1,000,000 to the District bud
get, so that school and hospital
custodians and orderlies, street
sweepers, ash collectors, garbage
removers and thousands of inter,
mittent per djem wortiers—that
these people be given a five day
week and regular status on the
annual roll with sick leave and an
nual leave as others in the federal
The UGE has already set an en
viable record in guining increases
for low-pa ill Federal workers, no
tably in the Department of the In
terior. May they be sccessful in
this latest attempt.
Yt'mg Mpn Up
The Baptist conclave in St. Louis
brought two militant young men
into the spotlight—Rev. A. Clay
tor Powell Jr., of New York and
Attorney Joseph A .Booker of Chi
cago. Rev. Powell, leader in the
labor fight in Harlem which has
been successful in winnnig many
new jobs, was one of the principal
speakers of th. convention. Mr.
Booker, son o fa distinguished
Arkansas educatof, was one of the
main speakers before the laymen’s
section. Dr. L. K. Williams who is
an inspiration to youth, was re
elected president of the convention
for the 17th consecutive time. Bup_
tist affairs are still in progressive
Nr.tieral Resources
Varying ir terpretation are beinq;
placed on tho figures released 1 y
tho National Resources Committee.
The Negro Labor News Serviro
of New York points out that: The
Committee’s figures also show that
42 per cent of the families of the
country are getting under $1,000 a
year. This is certainly a powerful
indictmmt of capitalism. Experts
tell the technical knowledge and
tho available man-power to turn
out an average of $5,000 a year
for every family in the country.
Yet we are falling far short of
that figure which engineering sci
ence makes possible, simply and
solely because capitalism
there has been a complete failure
to distribute to the workers and
farmers the purchasing power ne
cessary to keep our industries go
ing at anything near full blast.”
This is something to think about,
i g
) mb rate? I
Clean up that front room. We specialize in making old
houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for esti
mation on work. No job too small or too large.
Ten trained decorating mechanics. Our Motto—Service
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Peoples Paint and Papering Shop
alsinq t he Family- P<I won t shave hilt mustachu nil m a nurry again)__ _ f- i:sn*
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J <3000«fc-SS $**<*. A X***? S ( K^W- KfMA-WtXH- 1
I fVx Mfk'WV-'I^S, t pM(j1rj Cwepe I \ ft.Nrcpvfv po^»o 1
SEEN NOWIN Se;, ^<*jtCkl (npi nf'll «|
IfOMNI Sti^E. THE- ; As
(C\QCU% ef>*H£ ' -A
CX-' (IX,
_DO YOU KNOW WHY- • Tin Other Cnys lob Always Ms Tin hast ?_Dim t# »« m Bj Fisher j’
'v*\r?TsBr< /-——Uee • i
ketTnow hon about \ 1 A soft -—->
0 THAT ShiPMEnT ^ u*eL MR8eou*0
OF 02owe.? l io’tEN SlCNTHlS [
- ~S'—C' PLEftSe V
v ^ »f
International Cartoon Co., If. y. '
NU'l'K:—Your question w;';l be answered FREE in th's ror
amn ONLY when a flipping of this column is enclosed with YOUK
ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents and
• self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY
READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on
THREE QUESTIONS* Send all letters to Abbe Wallace,
P. O. Box 11, Atlanta, Georgia. _ _
D. J.—I am writing you to find
out if there is any way that you
or anyone else 'can break up my
son from this other woman? I
am worried to death?
Ans; There isn’t anything that
I tan do or anything anyone else
could do to make hint give up the
woman he feels he is in love with.
Try not to become involved in the
affair for it will certainly end up
in a family fuss. It’s likelyl that
ho will see his mistake later on.
M. P. H.- The woman that lives
next door to me is she a friend?
Sho makes like she likes me, does
she ?
Ans: The woman means well.
Sho does like you and is only try.
ing to be friendly. Don’t feel
that she is taking advantage of
you in any way for she isn’t.
D. L. K. Will my mama ever
leave my husband ard my business
alone ?
Ans: Yes, but she is the type of
person who worries continually a
bout something and your affairs
seem to prey on her mind. Don’t
hold any hard feelings against
your mother for her faults—try
to overlook it and give her noth
ing to worry about.
E. M.—I am planning on leav
ing town and 1 want to know if
it would be a good idea or not ?
Ans: dt would not. The
place for you is at home with your
family until you are married—
then you can leave town and do
anything you please with your
husband. An association of thi3
Ladies and Children’s Work
A Specialty
—2122 Iuike Street—
Get money ... Love
I guarantee to help you f«t a .tart to
ife No case beyond hnya Stop worry
f»g f Write me today Information FltEK
M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square SU
Jersey City, N. J. Dept. 0.
Asthma Cause
Fought in 3 Minutes
By dissolving and removing mucus o
phlegm that causes strangling, choking.
Asthma attacks, the doctor’s prescription
Mendaco removes the cause of vour agony
No smokes, no dopes, no Injections. Ab
solutely tasteless. Starts work in 3 minutes
Sleep soundly tonight. Soon feel weU, yeRr
younger, stronger, and eat anything. Quar
anted, completely satisfactory or mouej
back. If your druggist Is out ask him to
order Mendaco for you. Don’t" suffer another
day. The guarantee orotects you.
kind never works out favorably.
G. B.—Will my luck change
ary if I carry out my present
l plans?
Ans: I believe that conditions
in general will take a favorable
upturn if you do make the change
you contemplate. You certainly
won’t lose anything and it will af
ford you new interest in life and
you will make some nice new
friends too,
L. H.—Well, tell me if we will
ever make up, and does he care
for me yet, and —what must I
Ans: Stop worrying and fret
ting —about this boy for he does
not love you. Make up your mind
to spend your spare time some
other way—read good books and
will profit more. It will be quite
some time before you meet your
future husband.
E. A. I think I have one of
the most inferiority complexes or
one of the worst cases of emotion
al immaturity on record. I am a
shamed to admit at my age that
I am so completely at sea about a
lot of things. What should I do
to understand myself better and
will I ever enjoy a state of mod
erate economic security through
my work or otherwise?
Ans: Young lady you are tak.
ing life entirely too seriously.
You must get out and make
friends. You are going to meet
a certain individual this winter
who will change your life com
pletely and by this time next year
—life will be wonderful for you.
Create an interest in all kinds of
__ I
Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 22 (A
NP)—Attorney General A. A.
Carmichael was requested Friday
by Morris Shapiro, Sctossboro De
fense committee counsell, to set
a dato for hearing pardon appli.
cations on behalf of Andy Wright
Charlie Weems and Clarence Nor
ris. However, Qov. Graves, who
is in Washington, will probably
set the date as is his custom.
Pardons were asked for the
boys recently in a hearing before
the pardon board. At that time
the state refused to recomnv'nd
pardons for Haywood Patterson
and Ozle P well and said pleas
for Norris Weems and Wright,
wero "prematurely made” since
time for appeals had rot expired.
Old jokes or new jokes or any
kind, of , ajoke, I like them. If
they are old enough, I have for
gotten them, and they are new a
gain. And anyway, nobody got in- j
digestion from a
And my neigh
bor, he is kinda
comical at times,
and I guess he
j thinks maybe I
am a good guy to
| try his jokes on, i
!so he says Jo, did E
^ you)'hear about a Jo*' Serra
feller who gold his 10 thousand
dollar dog? And I says, no.
Well, he says, this dog looked
like 2 bits but the feller held his
price at 10 thousand—but he did
not sell him. And then one day
ho rushed home and he said, I sold
tho dog. But when he was pinned
down he said is wasn’t exactly 10
thousand in cash—it was kind of
a trade—he got 2 nice five thou
sand dollar cats.
So I says, were the cats sure
enough worth 5 thousand? And
our neighbor, he took a long
breath and he looked out the win
dow and far away and he says, Jo,
I see now why some of our elect
ions turn out sofunny.
Yours, with the low down,
Candidates Quer
ied On Federal
Anti-Lynch Bill
Thcreo seeking Senate Seats Are
Asked by NAACP to Pledge to
Vote for Cloture Rule to
• Pass Bill
New York, Sept 23 —A ques
tionnaire asking candidates for
Congress to state their attitude on
a new federal anti-lynching bill
is being sent out by the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People.
Tht NAACP board of directorg
i" Nebraska" li
1202—4—6 North 24th St.
Phone WE 4137
Poultry and Egg Dealers
Oui prices are reasonable,
see us first.
Free Trading Stamps with
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• ... . .. ............. |
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at its meeting September 12 form,
ally decided to sponsor the re-ir
troduction of an anti-lynching bill
in both houses of Congress next
January, and the questionnaire fol
lowed swiftly upon the heels of
the board’s action.
Candidates for the Senate are
being asked by the NAACP if they
will vote limitation of debate on
the bill if the sponsors in the Sen
ate should present a petition for
In tho last Congress the anti
lynching bill was filibustered to
death in the Senate because, al
though more than 70 senators had
pledged to vote for the bill when
it came to a vote many of these
solons did not consider the'r
pledge binding upon a cloture vote.
New Orleans, La., Sept. 20 (By
Bcb McKinley for ANP)—The
Eight National Eucharistic Con
gress at New Orleans from Octo
ber 17 to 20, 1038, which is being
sponsored by Archbishop Joseph
Francis Rummell of Louisiana and
expected to attract 100,000 Cath
olics from all parts of the coun
try, will take every precaution a
gainst slighting Negro Catholics
in the south, according to the
eminent Reverend Doctor Edward
F. Murphy S. S: J. of Xavier Uni
versity, Convener for the College
and University Group, Chairman
of the Mission Exhibit Publicity
Committee, Vice-president of the
Theme Committee, and frequent
spokesman for Archbishop Rum.
mell in matters pertaining to the
congi’ess and the Negro group. Dr.
Murphy stated that Negro Catho
lics have been invited and are urg
ed to participate in all of the mas
ses in the City Bark Stadium,
and in the general meetings at the
city auditorium, functions, and to
support special observances at Xa
vier University where the Prelates
will discuss the spiritual problems
and conditions affecting Negroes
in the south. These discussions will
be led by three Negro faculty
members of Xavier University,
Professors David Jackson, Ferin
and Rousseve, Oscar Bouise; and
Mrs. Percy Crczout who will act
as Secretary of the discussions for
married and single women. Dr.
Murphy said that Negro and white
children will sing at the general
Pontifical Mass for children, and
that Negroes will not be at the
tail of the huge parade, but will
be in a position of honor, preced
ing the Priests and near the Bless,
ed Sacrament, which will be the
glorious climax of the procession.
free service on all Church, social.
Club and organization news, Mail
telephone or bring to office at
2418 Grant St. before Wednesday
noon for current publication. Spe.
cial coverage of big events call
Web. 1517.
Call lTs For
Attics, Kitchens, Bailments, Re
roofing, Insulation, Re-siding.
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19th & Nicholas Sts. JA. 5000
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