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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1938)
affaIrs The -S-o-c-i-e-t-yv World organizations VISITS LOUISIANA t * Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wells and Bister will motor to Louisiana on their vacation on the 17th of Sept, visiting relatives and friends hoping to have a very successful trip. They will return home a. bout October 4. iocig^aTr-*!ogy ~ t,T~ , , Johnson Drujr Co. ! Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions WE 099ft 1904 No. 24th St [ I I a * Returns From Los Angeles Mr. J. C Carey 2636 Binney St., his wif , Zenobia and two children Mary Ellen and Ike have just r« turned from a eight days vacation spent in Eos Angeles, Calif, as the guests of Mr. and | Mrs. Robert Jones of that City. . The Careys said that this was the j most interesting trip they have ] made in seveial years. Tb-fy visit ed several points of interest while ir, Calif, including Hollywood. They spoke of having met many Omahans and formers Oipahans in the Movie Capitol, among them, being; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pctti fortf, Livida Irving, Mr. and Mrs. Shackleford and John Adams Sr., M1', Carey said the most; impres sive home owned by colored people was that of iBill Robinson, tap 1 dancer, which is said to be valu ed at $50,000. IIt. sai'l that they, had a splerdid view of Hollywood’s movie colony from where they lived and that the necessity of getting the youngsters back into school prevented him from staying for the American Legion Conven tion. Miss Courtney Beane of Fort Worth, Ti *ws is here indeffnately visiting wfffi her sister, Mr.s Eou (11a W’aites at 2626 Binney St. _-I, w=j ucfj u _cj u=ii ucdj Ucdj uc=dj Uc£j uc=u udu u=jj Ucdj Ut=ij Ucdj Ucdj Uc^j u^^iseriBnjsnicaienisn, » IRcn^esvous grille • • Vt (formerly the Apex Bar) A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LIQUORS — BEERS & WINE SPACIOUS DANCE FLOOR _ NEWLY DECORATED" 1818 N. 24th St. JA-9331 40 Years of experience i has made it I > ■\ / She is a lovely addition to our single set. Miss Jtomona Bends of Lincoln, was in the city over the woek.end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. James at 222 N, 23rd Ave. She is an employee of the Lincoln Ur ban League. Mrs. Wave Madison, 1417 No. 2.3rd St. Plaza, wife of Stanley Madison underwent a minor opera tion this weik at the Lutheran L'ospital. She has returned home and is getting along nicely. . ■ r> RETURNS TO ST. LOUIS Rev. W. E. Turner, pastor of the Church of God in Christ, St. Louis left Friday morning after spend ing five days in Omaha visitirg with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Earl McConnell 2634 Maple St. While Springers Cheaper than Bacnn, 20<* Th. Pressed and Pelivered. • Free: Green Trading Stamps,— CAREY’S GROCERY, WE. 6689 Open Sundays—Baby Beef Head_ quarters. here the Rev. made a complete round of the churche8 of hig faith. Before coming to Omaha, hp con ducted a successful Revival at the J.Oth St. Church in Des Moines, Iowa. -• Mrs. Gertrude Pankey of 2226 Ohio St. entertained h r father, Mr. C. A. Fletcher of St. Paul Minn, over the week-end. -O Miss Charline Davis, daughter of Atty. and Mrs. Chailes Davis, will give* a party Oct. 23rd in ctlebration of her 5th birthday. ] Majorie Elizabeth, the 3 weel I old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G B. Lenr.ox has gained in weigh j and now scales nine pounds, mo ther and daughter are enjoying the best of health. AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Best Chili and Best Hot Dogs in the West AH Kinds of Sandwiches HOME MADE ICE CREAM *r bp ^ 7, 7Z Dolgoff Hardware PAINT, GLASS & VARNISH We I)o Glazing & Make Window Shades to Order Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes, & Stove & Furnace Repairs Electrical Supplies Plumbing Supplies Roofing Paper & Guttering We Have a Full Line of KITCHEN UTENSILES (Open Evenings) —WE. 1607— 1822-24 N. 24th St. S T A T E.==a=!================!S====r^ 1 ■" ,.~M }* The State’s Great Fair of A fers the greatest bar T gains in many a i E day. Ill We ship anywhere, II and extend easy ‘ terms to out- | HI of- towa j ; ] customers. ’ FREE i PARKING p Drive lute Con- »|j wo station Eg across the II street, present I | ticket at time 11 of purchase. \l EASY TERMS I _I II I Your choice of these 9 and. many other W s»fts with pur F chase of new suites and outfits at the “State.” BUY NOW AND SAVE!. GAS STOVES $21.95 See our big stock at mon ey - saving prices. STUDIO COUCHES $17.95 Open to full size bed. Ask About Free Scrip U l -1 11 / ^ g BEAUTIFUL MODERN SUITE j If you need a newr living room suite here is your chance of a lifetime. New modern suites, just re ceived . . . and Free Gifts with any new suite pur chased. PAY 75c A WEEK! OTHER LUTING ROOM SUITES PRICED AS LOW AS $27.95 34-PIECE HEATER GROUP ALL FOR $]985 See our complete selection of Circu lating Heaters now on display at money saving val ues. Heater groups begin at $19.85 and up. 82-Pc. Set of Dishes and Utility Cabinet included in all groups. ana OIL HEATERS At Low a> $18.95 50c A WEEK MATTRESSES BIG VALUES IN The “BRADFORD” $1566 Inner-Spring Mattress... U The “SWEET SLEEP” $Q85 Cotton Mattress..7.. 9 THE “EXCEL-ALL’ $“1495 Inner-Spring Mattress ■*¥ Simmons BEAUTY REST $QQ50 Inner-Spring Mattress.... 09 * i iff Uii&adfmA |FLUSH KIDNEYS CF POISONS AND STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS LIVE A HEALTHIER, HAPPIER LONGER LIFE i Thousands of men and women1 wonder why backache bothers them—why they have to visit the j bathroom often at night—why , flow is scanty and sometimes smarts and burns. Any one of these symptoms mtan.s that your kidneys and blad : der need attention now before these minor symptoms develop into herious trouble. To flush out waste poisons and acid from kidneys, soothe your irritated bladder and put healthy activity into them, get a 35 cent package of GOLD MEDAL Haar lem Capsules and take as directed. This harmless, tried and true better in a few days, as the su medicire always works—you’ll feel premely effective diurectic and kidney stimulant drives excess uric acid from the body w'hich is often the aggravation of joint a gony, sciatica and neuritis. Rut be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules— the original and genuine—right from Haarlem in Holland, A.ll good things are imitated. Fri.-Sat.,Sept. 23-24 By Request We Repeat Our Sale of Last Week — 1 Pt. 2 Yr. Old 90 Proof WHISKEY We Carry A Large Stock of Beer, quart 15c & UP Per Case & up Phone AT. 9715 1402 North 24th j Safeguard l the Nation’s “White Spot” 1 # As Nebraskans, we are proud that our State is called the Nation's "White Spot," due to .the fact that unlike other States, we are not burdened with income taxes, sales taxes, and other j special taxes. As taxpayers, contributing in taxes on beer alone, more than ! $500,000 a year to Nebraska's operating budget, we are one of the State's biggest taxpaying industries. We are especially glad , to make this contribution, because it is a major guarantee of i Nebraska's continuance as the Nation's "White Spot." ' We have therefore organized our huge taxpaying, grain-buying and employment-furnishing industry for the purpose of conduct ing our business in the public interest. We are certain that what is good for the public is good for us. Our self-regulating program has been hailed as "unique in American industry." It has already been highly commended by civic leaders and leading newspapers throughout the State. We cordially invite you to support our program. By so doing, you will be helping to safeguard Nebraska as the "White Spot" of the Nation. 710 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG.—LINCOLN Geo. W. Fritton Blaine G. Beckwith The Bottling and Stor age Co., 'Inc., Alliance Elias Essay Myers Distributing Co., Inc. John L. Peters Beatrice Bev. Co. D. E. Bolman and Son Sales Co., Beatrice Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Beatrice Ft. D. Braithwait Columbus Nash-Finch Co. Ernest F. Stochl Abbott Ic* and Bever age Co. David City Distg. Co. Fairbury Sales Co. City Fuel Co. Falls City Mere., Inc. Myers Distg. Co. Geo. F. Rushart Fremont Bottling Wks., Inc. Gumb Beverage Co. H. P. Lau Co. Veldon G. Lewis Saeger and Co. Percy Bedford The Brown Fruit Co., Grand Island Central Distg. Co. Claire Detweiler Dick Bros. Co., Inc. Grand Island Falstaff Distg. Co., Inc. D. H. Meves Grand Island Nash Finch Co. City Club Bev. Co. P. M. Everson Co., Inc. Hastings Beverage Co. Hastings Fallstaff Co., Inc. K. «SL R., Inc. Hastings Nash-Finch r.n L. Phillips Hay Springs Bev. Co. Ben B. and Jennings West Holdre^e Coca-Cola Bottling Co. F. & M. Sales Co. Geo. and Emma Beard Kearney Ice and Cold Storage Midway Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Ralph A. Borgelt Geb. F. Burt <&. Co. Country Club Beer Dlat. R. H. Hudson H. P. Lau and Co. Lincoln Tobacco Co. Marsh £. Marsh, Inc., Lincoln Midwest Distg. Co., Inc. High Life Bev. Co. J. C. Orgutt & Co. Rohrlg Distg. Co. James K. Clausen F. J. Weber Coca-Cola Btlg. Wks., McCook Geo. Paulsen & Co. R. G. Stevens Joseph Jicha, Jr. Albert Kassick, Sr. Nebraska City Falstaff Distg. Co., Inc. E. M. Guilliatt Otoe Beverage Co., Inc. Alva F. Shelby F. C. Blakeman F. L. Abel Elkhorn Beverage Co. Norfolk Bev. Co., Inc. Norfolk Bottling Co. Standard Bev. Corp. Artificial Ice and Coal Co. C. A. Bradley The Brown Fruit Co.,' North Platte Central Distg. Co. Lloyd R. Heusman North Platte Nash. Finch Co. Platte Valley Bev. Co. Star Coca-Cola Btlg. Co., Inc. A. E. Baugh Oakland Distg. Co. Ace Beverage Co. Bevington & Johnson Blotcky Beverage Co. City Club Beer Co. Cornhusker Liquor Co., Inc. I Marsh & Marsh, Inc., i Omaha Omaha Beverage Co. { Paxton & Gallagher Co., Inc. Quality Bev. Co. Chas. Sherman Co. Trimble Bros., Inc. United Beverage Co. J. M. Gatz Merri Beverage Co. Olaf Olsson , Chas. Peters Bill E. Busch i' Plainview Bev. Co. Jacob E. Rohrig E. G. Goss and Mrs. Cora Goss A. B. Schaeffler Scottsbluff Coca-Cola Bottling Works V. B. Williams M The Bottling and Storage Co. Western Ice and Storage Co. Chas. Lammert Western Brew Distg. Co. D. E. Bolman & Sons, Superior Adolph Kovarik Valentine Bever. Corp. Wayne Ice and Cold Storage Co. Herman Sellentin EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Robt. A. Drum, Chairman Arthur C. Storz Richard G. Kneedier, Jr. L. M. Merriman R. N. Kuester E. G. Goss Charles E. Metz CHARLES E. SANDALL, State Director