CHURCH NEWS BETHEL AME CHURCH Rev. T. J. Sanford, Pastor J. S. Jtffer .on. Ri porter Th„ Sunday School opened at its usual hour, with fair attendance. Subject of the lesson: Jonathan; Courageous Friendship Seriptual Texts. 1 Samuel 14:140 2 Samuel 4-17. Golden text, “A Friend Lov-th at all Times.” Proverbs 17 17. All teachers present. After 30 minutes of discussion, school was called to ofrder. A ffplendid, re view by Rev. Rome, aft.r which tho doors of the church were open ed for the acception of members. At 11:00 o’clock, Rev, .Rome brought to ub a splendid message. The subject: “Knock and the Door shall be opened.’’ The message was enjoyed by all. One was united with the church. With a large number of visitors present, among them were: Mrs. A. E. Hubbard, of Oklahoma City. Miss Thelma Julette Leo of Chicago, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Miss Katherine Roundtree of Iowa, Mrs. Pauline Munell of Detroit. Miss Syhal Ellis, Mr. Rudolf Ellig and Miss Williams all from Detroit. We arc glad to welcome visitors to Bethel. The sick of the church aro able to be out. Rev. Sanford is getting along fine. A splendid program was rendered by the young people of the church. s> Our regular prayer and class \\ i dnesday of each week, don’t forget to come out Men’s Day pro gram next Sunday eve., Sept. 26th 1938. Come and erjoy yourself. --o -- mt. calvary community CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, 1’astor Mrs, Edna Mitchell, Reporter Sunday school opened at 9:45 o' clock by superintendent Sister Ed_ na Mitchell, tHere wts m. nice attendance. Will mothers see that their hildren come out on time. 11:00 A. M. service was opened by “Jesus Ktrp Tde Near the Cross”. Our pastor being absent from the city, Rev. Caldwell is in charge with the assistance of Sis ter Milrded Jackson, he brought un a wonderful message from tc*xt found in Luke. Subject; “Let them alone, they need me some.” He surely preached a wonderful ser- i mon. Thes spirit ran high. One was added to the church. 6:00 P. M. The young people met. There was ?. nice attendance. 8:00 Service was opened by the Choir singing. Rev. Caldwell brou ght the message which was sea soned with grace, Text from Rer. 1-13, Subject “He is your Friend.” Tuesday night; pastor’s Aid. Studying is Easier... with GOOD LIGHT Better Sight Lamps are scientifically designed to give the proper soft, glareless light—in plentiful amounts —for studying. Give your family the benefit of this eyesight protection. Better Sight Lamps are low-priced! Good Light is the cheapest thing you buy. See your dealer's display of Better Sight Lamps today! SEE YOUR DEALER Enjoy BETTER LIVING with Cheap Electricity! Wednesday; Regular Service, Fri day; Missionary Society meets. PILGRIM BAITIST CHURCH Rev. G. E. St wen son. Pastor Mrs. M. L .Dixon .Reporter Devotions for the morning ser vices were conducted by Rev. St. Clair. At the absence of the pas. tor. Rev. Campbell had charge of tho services. He spoke from the. 25th chapter of Gen. 21st throu tho 33rd verse. Subject “Discard, ing Heritage for Material Satis faction. This sermon was quite in teresting and instructive. Visitors were, Mrs. Williams from Miss ouri and Mrs. Crawford, BYPU at the usual hour was enjoyed by all prfsent. Rev. J. E. Lewis spoke at the evening ser vices from 14th chapter of St. dohn. --- V CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. L. M .Relf, Paistor Edna I'ankey, Report® r Sunday School opened at 9:30 A. M. with a splendid attendance. The subject of the lesson was "The cost of being a friend". At the morning service, Rev. Relf, preach ed a high powered sermon from Proverbs 17-17. The text was; “A friend Loveth at all Times.” Evening service, Rev. L. M. Relf preached another good sermon which was enjoyed by all. There were many visitors present. A niong them were Mrs. India Ho gan, Mr. Clayton Hogan, Mr. Les lie Hogan and son, Jewel Hogan from Amary, Miss. Mr. Branch, i Mrs .‘Reiman, Mr. and Mrs. Screw der. Visitors are all ways welcome to come out and worship. •-0 INTERDENOMINATION CHURCH Elder VV .1. Irivng, Pastor The Church that stands for the unity of God’s people, as the standard of Christian fellowship. Services was very good all day Sunday. The Sunday school is in creasing in attendance. The morn ing sermon delivered by Elder Samuel Stafford who spoke from this text, Ezra 918 “Reviv0 Us Again,” it was clearly shown to revive the tliurch, would aid to its purity ard spiritual influences which would cause sinners to be converted. Evening services consisted of prayer and testamonies. -0 SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Clarindt, Iowa 1 Rev. I). Nicholson, Pastor Sunday school opened at the* usual hour with Miss Rachel Ca_ son presiding. A large number of young peo ple wc re present. A wonderful lesson was taught. Morning service was in high. Tho pastor brought forth a won derful sermon. Evening service was the spot light service with a larg,. group of young people present. The Pas tor brought forth another soul stiring message. Subject “The Heavenly Birth.” M e were pleased to have several visitors. Visitors arg allways welcome. Sunday will be a great day in Clarinda at the Second Baptist i Church. Come one and all have your spirit revived. -O MT.MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. I,. I*. Jonere, Pastor F. Burroughs, Reporter Though the weathe r was unusu. al attendance at Sunday school was fairly good. Our pastor has returned front his trip to the National Baptist Convention full of good things to tell us. He brought to his congre gation at the morning worship, a real lively sermon form Acts 5:20 subject “Christian Boldness” front thia sermon we gleaned that Chris tians must not be afruid to cry out against sin and sinful things even though it cause suffering to do so. Peter and John who were cast into prison and suffered many trials and hardships because of their decided stand for Christia nity was the illustration around which the sermon was woven. For the evening worship, the 51st Psalms .subject ‘The Prayer | of a Back Slider,” was also a ser 1'ion that die will not forget soon. Borty to relate that among the sick members, Mrs. Juantia Bur ton and Mrs .Wade are apparent ly the most serious at this writ ing. The BYPU is giving a jitney social Thursday Sept. 29. Every one is invited. Visitors are always welcome. -O CLAIR CHAPEL ME CHURCH Rev. G. I). Hanock, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Preaching 11:00 A. M. Epworth League 6:30 P. M. Preaching 7:30 P. M Sunday school opened at the usual hour with a good attendance and interested scholars. At eleven o’clock the church was filled with an attentive congre gation to hear the message brou ght to us by Bishop R .S. Jones. The Bishop selected his sermon from Romans 8:37, “Nor height, nor dept any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” A truly wonder ful sermon and inspiring to all. Many visitors were present and we arc happy at all times to have them. Rev. Hubbard of So. Omaha and Rev. Reynolds of Lincoln were also with us. The rally ends next Sunday and we are hoping that all the Tribes will reach the Land of Cannan by then. On Wedn:^ day, nights we have our regular prayer meeting at which time you aro also invited to worship with us. -oOo MT. NEBO BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Oaten, Pastor F. Conner, Cl rk Tho Mt. Nebo Sunday School met and an arousing lesson was taught. Rev. T. J. Rynfrow preached a wonderful sermon. The spirit ran high throughout the day. Visitors were: Mrs. Lucile Avery, Little Rock, Ark., Mr. and Mrs. Brown Mr. S. B. Union, Miss Willo Mae Ewing all from Albion, Mich., Mra. Dailey1 Dixon from Zion Church. There will be a Musical Program beginning Sept. 26th-29th. --o__. PLEASANT GREEN CHURCH Rev. Reynold, pastor Willa Mae Rc<.s, Reporter Sunday school at 9:00 o’clock with Mrs. I. M. Oliver presiding. A lovely program was rendered by Mrs. King and Mrs. Henderson. Morning’ worship 11:00 o’clock, sorg by the choir prayer for the siil: by Rev. Green. A lovely and inspiring sermon was pr> ached by Rev. Reynold. Visitors: Mr. Law rence Tucker, Mr. Johnny John son of Chicago, 111. BYPU 6 o’clock with president in charge of.timely song service, was held with Mrs. Buxton, In st ructor. Program was rendered by Miss Julia Keys. You are welcome at Pleasant Green Baptist. -—o FONTENELLE PARK RECREATION . m The hours of 7 to 9:30 P. M. of every Monday have be. n earmark ed by this center for fun and fro lic. Any one over 16 is welcome. Those who wish to take instruc- ] tion in social dancing should regis-; ter now. Children’s classes are held from 3 to 5 P. M. daily ex cept on Saturday when they meet from 9:30 to 1:30 P. M. Instruc tion is given in weaving, painting art woodcraft, basketry and mould ing. The center is serving Central Park and Druid Hill schools in phys-ed every evening after school hours. Soccer football and horse shoe YWCA NEWS The Gross Eicks Junior and Senior Girl Officers for the com ing' year are president, Juantia Lett, Vice-president, Elsie Mallory Secretary, Vivian Morgan, Trea surer Johnette Coleman. Commit, tees, Program, Dorie Newlar.d, So cial, Velmr. Thomas; Membership Elsio Mallory; Service, Mildred Squires; Inspiration, Mary Yancy; Publicity, Arverne Kincaide; Hos pitality, Mildred Greene. The Op timist officers are President, Hel en Bradshaw, Vice-President, Do ris Southad; Secretary, Joyce Blair Treasurer, Betty Riggs, Social Committee, Roberta Longmire; Membership, Doris Southard; Pro gram, Francis Alford; Service, Ju lia Key. Officers elected for the Blue Triangle are as follows: President Doris Pittman; Vice-president, Annie Harvey; Secretary, Collen Kincaide, Treasurer, Louis Willis. Th;, Setting.up Conference for all Girl .Reserve Club Officers will be held at Camp Brewster Septem ber 2.1, and 24. Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Althea Vann will accompany the girls from the North Side Branch. The younger girls (5 to 10) will meet Saturday at 11:00 A. M. Mrs. Bernice Marshall, Adviser. for the boys are included in the program. Friday is music day for the children. Tho center is prepared to give instruction in dramatics and pup_ petry. Adult classes are being organiz ed and a variety of subjects will bo offered. Adults are invited to avail them selves of tho recreational facilities of this center. Ladies interested in physical ed ucation are requested to apply to supervisor Alvin S. Kelly for in formation regarding a proposed class in this subject. All WPA city recreation activi ties are op^n to the public free of charge. 1,-1 •" '■< Those children who have been fortunate enough to hear the Civic Orchestra’s first music apprecia tion program in ir is years series are unanimous in pronouncing it ore of the finest ever presented by tho orchestra. Performances have evoked more than ordinary enthusiasm. On several occasions tho orchestra has been accorded what amounted to an ovation. The Federal Music Project is happy or.ce again to bring mo ments of cultural pleasure to Oma ha school children. Parents are earnestly invited to share with their hildren in the en joyment of these concerts. In response to numerous re_ quests that the Works Progress Admisistration civic orchestra be heard in evening pei-forpiance dur ing the fall and winter months, State Director Wm. Meyers, it is learned, is endeavoring to arrange for weekly appearance of the or chestra in the Omaha University gymnasium. Following is the schedule for th» week of September 26. Monday: WPA Civic Orchestra: I St. Joseph’s school, 9:15-10:00 A. I M.; Comeniug School, 10:30-11:30 A. M.; St. Wenceslaus School, 1:30 2:15 P. M.; Colored Orchestra: South High School, Noon; Flor ence Home, 7-8 P .M. Tuesday: WPA Civic Orchestra: Madison School, 9:15-10:15 A. M.; Ashland Park School, 10:45-11:45 A. M. Wednesday: WPA Civic Orches tra: St. Phillip Neri, 9:15.10:00 A. | M.; Notre Dame School, 10:30- I • ~ _ _-- i' THE AWFUL PRICE YOU PAY FOR BEING NERVOUS Check Below Anil See If You Ilave Any Of The Signs Quivering nerves can make you old and haggard looking, cranky and hard to live with-—can keep you awake nights and rob you at good health, good tiroes and jobs. Don’t let yourself r'go” like that. Start taking a good, reliable tonic—one made espv Hally for women. And could you ask for any thing whose benefits have been better proved than world-famous Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound? J the wholesome herbs and roots of Pinkham a Compound help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tone up your system, nnd help lessen distress from female func tional disorders. Make a note NOW to get a bottle of this time-proven dtham’a Compound TODAY without fail from your druggist. Over a mil lion women have written in letters reporting wonderful benefits. For the past 60 years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has helped grateful women go "smiling thru" trying ordeals. Why not let it help YOU? 0 11:30 A. M.; Florence school, 1:15 2:15 P. M.; Colored Orchestra: South High School, noon. Thursday: WPA' Civic Orches tra: Duchesne College, 11:00-12:00 A. M.; Colored Orchestra: Miller lark Pavilion, 8-11 P.M. Friday: WPA Orchestra: Cen tral Park School, 0:15-10:15 A. M.; Holy Name School, 10:45-11:30 A. M.; Clifton Hill School, 1:15-2:15 P. M. Colored Orchestra: South High School, noon; Pilgrim Bap. tist Church, 8-10 P. M. Saturday: WPA Colored Orches tra: Florence Community Hall, dVbVWVyVJV.VWdMVWM% Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery | 8-11 P. M. ■ II I 11 J I Mil l - ,. ! try cote pills if others ; I AILED! Thousands of women ! have learned to prefer COTE ' PILLS to bring QUICK, SPEEDY RESULTS in some longest, diffi~ cult, abnormally delayed periods. Mrs. B., Va., ‘Misses 2 mos. After taking I came around.” Mrs. L., Mich., “Missed 2M mos. The flow started.” Regular package $2.00. COTE Special Formula No. 4xxxx for lon.g r standing conditions $3.00 per box. COPY OF “IW PORTANT INFORMATION TO WOMEN” FREE WITH ORDER. COTE PRODUCTS CO., Dept. 49-NP, 205 Middlesex St. Lowell, Mass. MflJi mfWjiWX^maggF To Be Smartly Dressed. AT LOW COST See Bargains at THRIFT SHOP, 201 Crounse Block, opposite Post Office, Upstairs. Cheap., OOATS, DRESSES, SHOES—Crounse Block Other girls can have ! LIGHTER | SKIN, ,oo! I , LEASt. don't print niv name, but if my story can help other girls, here it is! I was imp;, Jal, never asked out on account of my ugiy. blotchy dark skin! I tried so many remedies I grew discouraged. I said ‘I'll try iust one more.’ Luck ily it was Nadinola. Now my skin is lighter, softer and feels smooth as siik. Men say I'm alluring.” What YOU Can Do Tonight, smooth a little of this fragrant cream on your face; no rubbing or massaging. Usually in 5 to 10 days you begin to see wonderful improvement — your skin becoming lighter, softer and smoother. Coarseness and ugly shine are improved at the same time. Nadinola is Sure and Safe Don’t take chances with un proved bicaches, ointments or t'omed b'j pt aj immu. nal modal salves. Demand genuine Nadi nola. tried ;md ♦~v«*-rd for two gsnergUons. J'*' You Cet Results, or Money Bach For sale at good drug stores in two sizes, 50c and $1. Every jar of Nadinola contains full instructions and positive money-back guaran tee. If youf druggist doesn't have Nadinola, don’t accept a sub stitute—write direct to Nadinola. eftclosing 50c or $1 for postpaid package. Address Nadinola, Dept. 41, Paris, Tennessee. - W > f. m> V' • iRWOmi HOW TO MAKE HAIR LOVELY ...AND KEEP IT THAT WAY Larieuse, in One A ppIication, Will Bring to Your Tresses Glorious New Color Hide Every Gray Hair HOW can you make your hair youthful looking and keep it that way . .. hair that is silky-soft, sparkling, richly colored ... hair that casts a spell of romance? With costly preparations? Expen sive treatments? No! Just a simple, single application of Godefroy’s Larieuse, the quick-acting, easy to-use hair coloring which does not rub off or wash out. Drab, lifeless, gray-streaked hair takes on sparkling brilliance tjvhen Larieuse is applied. Color wanted comes evenly—jet-black, black; dark, medium or light brown, or blonde. Leaves the hair soft, flufTy — ready for hot irons or perma nent waves. Millions of bottles sold during the past 43 years. If not satisfied, your dealer will re fund your money. V Get a bottle of Larieuse (look for the red box). Color your hair—be always ready for life’s joy and romance. Larieuse Shampoo . . . produces a remarkably cleansing shampoo which leaves the hair soft and fluffy. Larieuse Stain Remover . . . removes hair dye stains from hands, forehead and scalp. Will not affect color of hair. GODEFROY’S If your dealer does not have L"B,do.,U5 HAIR COLORING m GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3510 OLIVE ST. • ST. LOUIS, MO*