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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1938)
I Theatricals Music Features 1 BILL ROBINSON, TAP KING, " MADE HONORARY CAPTAIN Los Angeles,—The banquet Hall at the YMCA twenty-eight street, Branch was the scene of an ela borate banquet given in honor of the King of tap dancers, world’s famous dancing star of stage and screen, Bill “Bdgangles” Robin son. The occassion was the presenta tion of a beautiful solid gold eme rald incrusted badge, making him an honorary Captain of the Los Angeles Police Department. The presentation of the badge, was made in person by Mayor F. L. Shaw in a most appropriate ad dress. Bill in his inimitable way responded to the presentation and honor in a short that seemed to echo the sentiments of the people of his race and in whose behalf Bill Robinson is cuch an ardent worker. The people df the world are pround of Bill Robinson and his achievements, a splendid person ality his loyalty and philanthropy is known everywhere and appre. ciated by everyone. Dr. H. H. Towles was chairman of the Citizens’ committee in be half of Mayor Frank L. Shaw in the coming recall election and around the table was grouped some of the most prominent citizens of church, social and political life of Los Angeles and the cream of the nation’s entertaining world render ed a fittihg program of song mu sic and dancing. Among them were Miss Jeni Le Gon mistress of cere monies; Louie Armstrong, Eddie Anderson and Johnnie Taylor, the famous piano playing Beal Bro thers. NEGRO “MIKADO” OPENS SUNDAY CHICAGO, Sept. 22 (AN?)— Sept. 25, is the opening date for the Federal theatre’s all Negro version of the “Mikado” to be pro duced at the Great Northern theatre. Ardent Savoyards who remem ber Gilbert and Sullivan’s most popular work in its whimsical Jap anese setting, will see the same setting, the same costumes, and hear the same music, this time, produced by the Negro unit of the Federal theatre, they will hear, also, a syncopated version of the music. The opera, as it has heretofore beer, known, is a typical English affair. Without losing any of its charm the cast has made it as A merican as a baseball game. North 24th Shoe Repair 1807 North 24th St. WE. 4240 Let Us Make Your Old Shoes Look New—Our Invisible Re soling Does Just That. JEAN CHILDRESS GRIEVES UNNEC ESSARILY FOR DAD New York City, N. Y., Sept. 22 Littlo Jean Rosa Childress, age 3, whoso father plays the role of the crippled ‘Jacques’ in the WPA Federal Theatre’s products 1 ‘ Haiti’’ at Daily’s Sixty-third St. Theatre, begged her mother to take, her to see her dad do his stuff on the stage. In the last act of “Haiti,” Al vin Childress (her father) is caught spying on the French, and is swiftly sentenced to the ‘wheel.’ It was at this point, when Child ress presumably falls dead, that Jean Rosa couldn’t take it, for with a howl that rocked the thea tre, she made it clear she wanted her dad alive if possible. It was not until Jean Rosa was taken backstage and given a mello roll by her dad, that she began to smile. Patronize Our Advertisers HOW TO MAKE HAIR LOVELY ARE KEEP IT THAT WAV You, too, can have lovely hair—hair that people will notice, admire—by using Godefroy’s Larieuse. Drab, lifeless, gray-streaked hair takes , on new color and lustre when Larieuse is ap- i plied. Color wanted comes quickly, evenly. ^ Larieuse won’t rub off or wash out and it doesn’t color the scalp. Leaves the hair soft, fluffy—ready for hot irons or permanent waves. Choice of 18 colors. Get a bottle of Larieuse today. Dealer will refund your money if you’re __ not satisfied. GODEFROY'S • § If your dealer M >► M #/I X does not have dir.T.t$1:25 hair coloring ,o GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3510 OLIVE ST. • ST. LOUIS, MO. Effective May 1st: 20 Cent Discount on Laundry & Dry Cleaning Cash and Carry Edholm and Sherman Launderers & Dry Cleaners WE 6055 Be A Booster When oar solicitor calls at your home, be sure to show YOUR interest in your LOCAL PAPER, THE OMAHA GUIDE by giving him or her a newsy item or taking a subscription foi 12 months, 6 months, 3 months, or even 1 month. When you BOOST THE GUIDE, you are boosting Omaha fend are enabling us to give employment to more of our owe boys and girls. “SO COME ON, BE A BOOSTER.” OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 —- ———————--— PFRSOnALITIESinmUSir! I ^ HARRY T. BURLEIGH, A.S.C.A.P. ^ The Student That Inspired Dvorak >* By Daniel I. McNamara ftCWINO tow, sweet chariot!" The stirring strains of this Negro spiritual are mirrored in the second theme of the first movement of Dvorak’s “New World Sym phony." Dvorak died in 1904, but the young Negro student who first revealed to the famous Bohemian composer the beauties of this refrain and of scores of other spirituals has lived to become one of the most notable figures in Amer ican music,—Harry T. Burleigh, a.s.c.a.p., famous baritone soloist and composer. Burleigh had won a scholarship in the National Conservatory of Music in New York while Dvorak was its head in the early ’90’s. Born in Erie, Pennsylvania, December 6, 1866, he learned music first from his talented mother, a college grad uate whose cultivated mind flowered in the genius of her son. Dvorak often listened hours at a time while the young student played the spirit uals he had learned from his mother. Their lasting impression on Dvorak is seen in the music of his New World Symphony, first per formed at Carnegie Hall in 1893. While still a student, Burleigh won appointment as baritone soloist in St. George's Protestant Episcopal Church.' Now, as the only Negro member of a choir of 120 voices, he is completing his forty-fifth year of continuous service. Worshipers in the famous institution long since have come to regard Burleigh’s sing ing as an integral part of their de votlons. As a concert singer he ha# appeared before distinguished audi ences in Europe and America; and twice sang before King Edward VII. A tireless student, Burleigh is a master of German, French, and Italian. He has an honorary degree of Master of Arts from Atlanta Uni versity, and of Doctor of Music from Howard University. When Victor Herbert organized the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers in 1914 as an agency of musical copyright protection, he in vited Burleigh to become a charter member. Burleigh’s first successful compo sition, “Jean," has been a concert favorite for many years. His ar rangement of "Deep River” was one of his earlier efforts. John McCor mack sang his “Little Mother of Mine" the world over. His list of original compositions runs into the hundreds. Burleigh leads a busy life, but finds ample time to befriend many struggling young artists. He gave up the concert stage ten years ago for more attention to his church work and editorial duties with a music publishing house. He shows no evidence o£ advancing years, his1 rieh voice ringing out in solo parts with the full vigor of his early con cert triumphs. Burleigh deprecates his part in the New World Sym phony, but musicians who know the facts trace in Dvorak’s impressive symphonic creation the unmistak able influence of the young student who himself was destined to achieve fame as a composer long after Dvorak had passed on. (Music Features & Photo Syndicate) A PERSIAN LOVE SONG Ah, sad are they who knew not love, But, far from passion’s tear and smiles, Drift down a moonless sea, be-1 yord The silvery coasts of fairy isles I And sadder they whose longing lips Kiss empty air, and never touch Tho dear warm mouth of those whose they love— Waiting, wasting, suffering much. WPA. NEGRO THEATRE TO OPEN SEASON WITH “AND ROCLES AND THE LION” The WPA. Federal Theatre pro ject, in inaugurating its fourth consecutive season in Harlem, has selected for its 13th presentation,; CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishca King Yuen Cafe .. 201 (Pa N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Ooen from 2 p. m. until 3 a. i». WAV.W.V.V, WUVWWWV > George Bernard Shaw’s “Androc les and the Lion.” Federal Theatre officials chose the Shavian comedy for a Harlem vehicle, bearing in mind the over, whelming suc<tess oif “Macbeth” and “Haiti” in Harlem. The play will have a cast of more than 150 Negro actors, in cluding Jack Carter and Edna Thomas of “Macbeth” fame, and Daniel Haynes, movie, stage and radio aiiist. -0 BOJANGI.ES, 10 WHITE PLAY. ERS DROPPED AT 20TH CEN ■ TURY t Hollywood, Sept. 22, (A.N.P.) Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, world’s greatest tap dancer, has been re moved from the yearly contract list at 20th Cenntury-Fox film studios where he has scored many successes with Shirley Temple, and will work on a picture-to-picture basis. He is currently working in “Hard To Get,” which started pro duction last week. At the same time, it was an nounced that 10 white contract players had also been dropped, a mong them Ethel Merman, Simone Simon, Claire Trevor and Helen Westley, LOTTE LEHMANN — FIRST ATTRACTION IN MUSICAL ART SOCIETY PROGRAM Hampton Institute, Va., Sept. 22 —The Musical Art Society of Hampton Institute presents, as its first offering of the season, the famous soprano, Lotte Lehmann, tho artist, who according to the Boston Herald, “has everything a singer needs.’’ Coming to Ogden Hall on Mon day evening, October 10, at 8:15 o’clock, Madame Lehmann will be preceded, not only by highest commendatory tributes of lang uage, but by a record of achieve, ment which is above mere lip ap praisals. She has sung under the fore most conductcks. At the great Salzburg festival in 1935, Toscan ini chose her for his Fidelio per formance. Bruno Walter has put aside his baton several times to accompany her. Current History THE NEGRO IN CUBA HAVANA, Cuba, Sept. 22 (by Ben Frederic Carruthers M. A. for ANP)—Cuba, the baby repub. lie of the New World, has had a long and important history as a colony of Spain and for many years was considered the brightest jewel in the Spanish imperial crown. The abolition of slavery of King Alfonso XII in 1880 marks th0 beginning of the new day in which the Cuban Negro, come into his own at last, was to outstrip all other American Ne groes in his fight for justice and a share in the political, social and economic life of the republic. During the War of Independ ence 1898, the ex-slaves joined the armies of the Cuban Rebels andby their loyalty and bravery, won the respect and admiration of the Chiefs of the devolution: Jose Marti’, Maximo Gomez, and others. Two of the most highly respected Revolutionary comman ders were the mulatto general, Antonio Maceo to whom the Cub an government has erected the most imposing monuments, and the Negro General Guillermo Mon cada whose portrait hangs in the magnificent $22,000,000 eapitol building in Havana. i he tradition of active partici pation of the Negroes and rnczt izos in the political affairs of the Nation in spite of American in tervention in the affairs of Cuba since the War of Indepednenc? persists to the present time. To. day in the Senate four of the thirty-six Senators are “hombres do color” and fourteen of the hun dred and forty represBntatives aro the legislative voice of the 1,500,000 Negroes and Meztizos who have the right to vote and to hold office. In the appointive po litical offices there are many im portant posts held by men of col or. In the contemporary cabinet of His Excellency, Federico Lar edo Bru, President of the Repub lic the post of jBajo Secretario de Justica in charge of the efficient police force of the Island is held by a Negro gentleman by the name of Cespedes who is also President of the Club Atonas of Havana, one of the finest Negro Clubs in the world. In the armed forces of the na tion under the direct supervision of the dynamic Chief of the Rev olution, Colonel Fulgencio Batista, tho Negro is well represented in every rank. The efficient police force of the Republic has hun. dreds of colored men enrolled and they are not shunted off to , the Negro districts which simply do not exist in the cities of Cuba. In the hospitals and schools of the nation the color line is virtual ly unknown to staff and patient, student and teacher. The magni ficent new Institufo Civice Mili tar has a student body of some 700 students of which one-third aru colored. They all ai'e wards of the government and enjoy the same privileges in the school and dormitory life. Bus chauffeurs and conductors I I (Music Features & Photo Syndicate) WITH the exception of the Duke of Windsor when he was the Prince of Wales, the members of |-—-1 the British royal tamiiy rarely ex press themselves , concerning pop ' ular music. The last occasion the world got an inkling of the tunes most pre ferred at Buck ingham Palace was several years age when a list - ■ ui uio iiiumv. tui Loult Reid a court ball was given out by Queen Mary. We remember the list, for promi nent upon it was our old rhumba friend, “The Peanut Vendor.” In deed, it was the only modern tune represented. The Queen, who chose the pieces to be played, seemed to believe that old tunes, like old wine, are best; gave her chief approval to the waltzes of Johann Strauss. P *-# The Duke of Windsor, as Prince of Wales, was an enthusiastic fol lower of American popular songs, and scarcely a monin passed that Tin 'Pan Alley song-pluggers didn't seek to tie up H.R.H. with some new ditty, under such bill ing as “the latest fa vorite of the Prince of Wales." It meant money at the sheet music counters. That “Marche Milltaire" Leading classical march as rated by the j number of perform-! nnces, Is, according to" the surveys of the Am erican Society of Com posers, Authors and i'uousners, scnuuen s tiwrcue ram talre.’’ But there Is good reason— bo much military marching going , on throughout the world. Aside from Its public recitals, It is also a pet of piano teachers and their students. Next to this composition the most j favored classical marches are Bizet's ["March ot the Toreadors" trom i "Carmen"; Tsehalkowsky’s "Marche Slav,” Wagner's March from "Tann hauser” and Grieg’s “March of the i Dwarfs.” ■ Ted Flo-Rlto A.S.C.A.P. lleply to reader: Alfred Lee was the author of the old comic ) song, "The Man on the Flying Trapeze," *J Most often heard of the oldtime tunes are those associated with Blue Ridge mountaineers, cowboys, New England farms, the plantations of mammyland, the Broadway of the Teddy Roosevelt era. Sentimental America ever has an ; ear for its old songs. Yet they must be well played, well sung. It even calls loudly for the old airs of Broadway, of the gay and brilliant Broadway before it had succumbed utterly to . blatant ballyhoo, fruit juice stands, cheap little stores, sec ond-run movie houses. The old Broadway inspired George M. Co han, Irving Berlin and a dozen others. The Broadway of today brings them nothing but a sigh. It’s almost time for another sen sationally successful American song. We haven’t had one since "The Last Round Up." It is the tunes of for .1_An "Ti Pi-Tin " "Vieni, VI eni,” that have domi nated America's* popu lar music world in the last two years. J Symphony orchestras , and their assisting pian ists have for some inex plicable reason practic ally overlooked Grieg's Concerto this season. Yet, for sheer beauty of melody there is no con certo in its class. Dance bandleaders seem to have ceased their custom o! marry LI1£ ineir vucausiB. wa» a not *o long ago, when the batoneers and their songbirds were generally abiding by the spirit of the Tin Pan Alley serenades which they were performing. Notable examples of such romances were George Olsen and Ethel Shutta, Ozzie Nelson and Harriet Hilliard, Herbie • Kay and Dorothy Lamour, John Kirby and Maxine Sullivan. In each of these cases professional separation fol lowed. Their careers have profited, as a result -- - _j are of both races and both sexes,1 bands and orchestras both muni-! cipal and private are bi-racial, the faculty of the National Conserv atory of Music is composed of the outstanding musicians from both races. The popular and much of the classical music of Cuba rests frankly and alluringly upon an African base and many of the pop. ular congas, rumbas, and danzas proclaim the charms of the Negro woman in the lyrics and the charms of Negro rhythm in the music. All public places are open to tho dark skinned Cuban and the natives actively resent American and British attempts to set up their fetish of a color line. The Cuban’s standing in the communi ty, is determined by culture and by breeding rather than by race or money. The traditions of old Spain govern to a great extent the social life of the nation. AU English speaking people are assumed to be Americans and as such fair game for exploitation by the Cubans. Because of the de_ plorable conduct of the non-Span ish speaking Americans who swarm to Havana, the American dollar commands respect where the American himself does not. Of all foreigners the Mexican command most respect because of the out and out Socialist program of the President of Mexico, Laz aro Cardenas. The Cuban people are ninety percent pro-Loyalist in the current Spanish Civil War. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS! Not now/ m m m thanks to BLACK-DRAUGHT. Often that droopy, tired feeling is caused by constipation, an everyday thief of energy. Don’t put up with it—don't neglect it! Try the fine old vegetable medicine that simply makes the lazy colon go back to work and brings prompt relief from constipation. Economical?—yes! Less than one cent a dose. And you know Black-Draught is re liable, because it’s... “An old friend of the family ” BLAC 1