m , Largest ~- M Negro Paper ■ "■" 11 in Nebraska >- ■ full pages of e«^ |_ ^ Comics *1 Per I /JUSTICE/EQUALITY HEW TO THt lTneA EVERY WEEK U Copy ~^>4---- "' --ww»>:.:.sga ‘ ■ ■ —-_____- . ___ ___r—5S ' Entered .. Secnd ciae. Matter .> foe.office. Omaha, N.tr-t,- Omaha, Nebr., Saturday, Sept. 17, 1938_Number Twenty-Three A. F. of L. Head To Speak At Porters’ Convention Dr. L. K. Williams Re-Elected By Baptists! HITS AT RELIEF PLAN - 10,000 ATTEND CONVENTION Celebrate Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of Freedom _ ® -— "-—rz— St. Louis, Mo. (By R .C. Fisher I for ANP)_Dr. L. K. Williams of Chicago acclaimed the "Moses" of the multitude of Baptists of the National Convention of the United States, was reelected presi. dent by that mammoth religious body after delivering his annual address at the 58th annual session and the celebration of the 75th , year of the emancipation of the Negro in America, at the spacious | Coliseum last Wednesday even ing. Ir. his annual message, the dy namic religious leader scored the present relief plan. He said the present relief plan is robbing folk ■of self respect and self-depen dence. He called upon his host of churchmen, assembled from every nook and corner of America, to acquit themselves as men in help ing to correct the present econo mic conditions and aid in bringing about a return to private employ ment. The militant leader, with an apparently burning heart, plea ded for greater education of the America Negro and pointed with pride tb the part the Baptist Church has played in elevating his standard of life. Approximately 10,000 heard the address. The convention was offi cially opened at the Coliseum, Tue. William L. Mason, Democratic president of the Board of Alder, men, welcomed in his own way, the delegates for Mayor Dickmann ■who was not present. While praising the worthiness of relief as an emergency measure, Dr. William warned of its paraly sing affects if continued. Tho relief situation,” he said, is inimical to the growth of a self reliant labor supply and strike a deathly blow at private indus try. It can help to breed and cul tivate the spirit of paternalism and an untimely crop of hopeless consumers. The present relief does not encourage marriage and the building of the family, for it of fers no safe economic foundation. It robs the people of a proper morale, and can easily pave the way to the overthrow of popular government and the emergence of a totalitarian state. I Union Protests Docking of 6 Workers For Total of $22.06 Kansas City, Kansas—Because Armour and company ‘docked” fi'e Negroes and one white work er $22.09 for time spent arbitrat ing a grievance, the CIO union called a sit-down strike, Friday, September 9, shutting down pro duction throughout the plant. Half of the 1,800 workers parti cipating in the strike were Ne_ groes. The strike was called early Fri day morning, shortly after checks were issued, and the gix men dis" covered they had been cut $3.68 each. FLASH The strike at the Armour Pack ing plant in Kansas City was call ed off late Monday night and workers returned to their jobs Tuesday morning. No agreement on the grievances was reached, but both company officials, and union leaders agreed to abide by the decision of an arbitration board. CHURCH LEADS KAUt DR. L. K. WILLIAMS Reelected president of the Na tional Baptist Convention meet ing here in St. Louis last week. His selection for a renewed j term of leadership came at the close of h js annual address, pro claimed one of the most bril liant deliverances of its kind. Dr. Williams challenged the cri tics of the church, pointed to its accomplishments. Backed by facts and illumined by spirjt his speech traced the history of the Negro in America and de scribed the leadership of the church in evei’y phase of racial lifj. (ANP) HILLSIDE TO START A 8 DAY REVIVAL . The Hillside Presbyterian church j 30th Ohio St. will start an eight; day revival beginning Sunday' night, Sept. 24th at 8 o’clock. The various ministers of the city will take part and Mr. H. L, Preston will conduct the singing. On Sun day night, the Rev. John S. Wil liams, pastor of the Church will speak. On Monday, the Rev. W. H. Phelps pastor of Lowe Avc. Presbyterian ch u r c h. Tuesday night, Rev. Francis Boquet Ph. D. On Wednesday night, Rev. Thomas Nevin pastor of first Presbyterian Church. Thursday night, Rev. M.1 K. Curry, pastor of Zion Baptist Church ahd Friday Dr. W. Dickin-j son, pastor of Trinity Baptist Church. The entire community is invited to share in these wonder ful services wi'Ji us. Rev. J. S. Williams, Pastor. Boyd Baptists Hold 58th Annual Session In Fort Worth, Texas Forth Worth, Tex., Sept. 15 A. N. P.)—.This city was host to thousands of Baptists from all sections of the nation September 8-11 when the National Baptist ; Convention of America held its | 58th anrual session at Mt. Pis gah Baptist church with Rev. S. R. Prince, pastor, and the congre gation acting as hosts to the dele j gates. BEAUTY F! IFS TO GREET PPAIITICIANS_ MISS MARIE DOWNING of St. Louis, beauty expert and widely read columnist of the Larieuse Foundation, as she ar rived in Chicago by plane over the Chicago and Southern Air l ines Sunday afternoon to at tend the annual convention of ! the National Beauty Culturists League. Miss Downing is being greeted by Mrs. Majorie Joyner, rational president of the Lea rS>--—— guo which has delegates in at tendance from every section of the country in what is sajd to be the largest and most success ful session. (ANP) —-i BEAUTICIANS OF NATION MEET IN WINDY CITY LECTURES, DEMONSTRA TIONS, EXHIBITS AND HAIR STYLE FEATURES OF CONVENTION S ek Legislation Beneficial To Beauty Industry Chicago, Sept. 15 (ANP—Fea tured by the pressnde here of nearly 500 licensed beauticians, operators and beauty shops owners from all sections of the country, who listened to lectures, took part in demonstrations and explained new methods of hair and beauty treatments, the National Beauty Culturisits League held the largest and most interesting convention in its history last week at the Savoy, ballroom. Main objective of the League is to bring about standardized an ap proved methods of treatng hair, scalp and skin; to elevate the standards of the profession; pro tect licensed operators and owners from the menace of “bootleg” shops, inferior service and price cutting, and to secure passage of state laws to protect the interests of all Association members. Marjorie Stewart Joyner is president of the beauticians’ na tional body. At Thursday’s session election of officers consumed al most the entire day, wjth Mrs. Joyner again elected to head the organization. A gala hall marked the close of Thursday’s activities with the big Savoy ballroom crowded to capacity by delegates and visitors. Newly elected of ficers were presented during the intermission. Another major concern of the de legates and League officials dur. ing tho convention was to encour age shop owners to buy cosmetics powers and other beauty supplies and equipment from Negro manu faetn>~0--*v,'>—— ~x tu--ZZ~“ 0 tion. as much as possible. Other officers elected for the ensuing year included: Dorothy Chapman, New Yory City ,1st vjce president; D. E. Taylor, Bos ton, 2nd vice president; Serena D. Davis, Philadelphia, recording secretary; Bessie Mercer, Wash ington, D. C.; financial secretary; Cordelia Johnson, Baltimore, treas urer and Effie Bushnell, St. Louis national organizer. South Side Store Robbed The Peoples Drug Store, 2731 Q St., the only drug store on the soithside operated by Race jxmple, was broken into early Thursday morning and robbed of a large quantity of merchandise. Police are seeking the culprits. The Peoples Drug Store is op. erated by Dr. Northcross and Mr. George Althouse. KAPPAS TO HOLD CONVEN TION IN OMAHA NEXT MONTH Bishop R. E. Jones At Clair Chapel M. E. Church Sunday, Sept. 18th Bishop R. E. Jones, resident bishop of Columbus Area will be the guest speaker at Clair Chapel, Church for the eleven o’clock ser vico Sunday Sept. 18. This is Bis hop Jones first visit to Nebraska, since he was elected Bishop in 1920, in Des Moines, Iowa. Bishop Jones, before coming to the Co lumbus Area, was the resident Bishop of the New Orleans Area comprised of the states of Louis ana, Mississippi and Texas. The Columbus Area over which he is now presiding Bishop, takes in the states of Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Colorado, and Ne braska. Before being elected bis. hop, he was editor of the South western Christian Advocate for twenty years, from which office he was elected to the general su perinttndency of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The pastor, Reverend G. D. Hancock, officers and members of Clair Chapel are extending an invitation to the pub lia to hear the message of Bishop Jones next Sunday at evelen A. Tho Provincial Convention of tho Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity will be held in Omaha October 14 15-16. The Honorable Tehophilus M. Mann, Grand Polemarch will bo one of the Principle speakers at a Mass Meeting to be held Oct. 16. Delegates from Iowa, Minne sota and Nebraska will be in at tendance. Atty. John Adams is president of the Omaha chapter, and Dr. Ferguson of Waterloo, Iowa is provineal president. ONLY NEGRO COMMISSIONED CIVIL WAR VET, DIES AT 103 -. Dos Moines, Sept. 8—Col. Wril_ liam Henry Singleton, 103, believed to have been the only commission ed Negro off jeer in the Civil War died of a heart attack last night. He had participated with his comrades in the annual parade of tho Grand Army of the Republic. His wife said th', This will be the last public ap pearance of President William Green before he sounds the gavel for the opening of the 56th An nual Convention of the American Federation of Labor in Houston, Texas. » The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters is one of the hundred and four international unions of the American Federation of La bor. This is the 13th Anniversary of the organization and the first convention following the signing of the wage contract with the Pull man Company, August 25, 1937, in Chicago. The Convention will ex tend through September 23. Convention held in Chicago, last week and returned to the city by Mrs. Christine Althouse of the Al house School of Beauty Culture. The NBCL has been organized for 19 years and has done some won derful work in elevating the stan dards of the beauty profession. Three Delegates To Baptist Convention Die In Car Crash —■ Chicago, Sept. 15 (ANP)—A head.on automobile collision early Wednesday morning three miles from Lincoln, 111., resulted in the i death of Robert Dortch, Jocal bus inessman; Mrs. Rosie Jackson, 42, and Mrs. Corinne McAlpin, 41, i who were enroute to the National Baptist convention in St. Louis. A white woman Mrs. Rouse was also killed in the crash. Mrs. Lau ra Syvick, 45, and Mrs. Alma Buckley, 88, in the Dortch car, ! were so seriously injured they • were forced to remain in a Lincoln |j (Conntinued on page 5)