The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 10, 1938, Page Four, Image 4

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R v. L M. Relf. Pastor
Edna Pankey, Reporter
Sunday School at usual hour,
'9:30 A. M. Attendance good. We
■were glad to welcome home our
pastor, who has been attending the
National Convention of the church
<>t Christ Holiness in Los Ange
les, Calif, for the past three
weeks. Rev. Relf related many in
teresting and educational pragram
from the corvention which was
•enjoyed by all.
At the 8:00 P. M. service Rev.
Keif preached a inspiring sermon
from Psalm ’, 27, after which com
niunian was held. Our National
convention is over but it will live
on in the hearts of the one’s that
had the pleasure of visiting in
that beautiful city of I,oH Angeles
Calif, and attending those won
derful session’s of the convention
Rev. G. E. While, Pastor
Mrs. Mary Williams, Rep.
Servico was good all day Sun
slay. Sunday school as 9:30 with
tiw assistant Supt. Bro. Ray.
xnond Johnson presiding. At 11:00
o'clock the pastor brought to us a
sould stiring sermon found in
fsiah 6:8. Subject "Here Am I,
Sent mo- At 6 o’clock the BYPU
had a large attendance and 8 P.
M. speaking meeting and the
Lord’s supper, and one member
waa added to the church, the pas
tor and delegation left early Mon
•day for St. Louis Mo. to attend
We Pay Cash
For Old & Antique
WE 2869 521 No. 16th St.
immmmm — ■ , — —
Bobbin's Pharmacy
2106 No. 24th St. WE 1711
Q-■ ~ —
tho National Convention.
Tho sick of the Church are Mrs.
Alice Bowman 2424 Erskine St.;
Mrs. Raymond Johnson, 2626 Ohio
St.; we wish for them a speedy
Tho Willing Workers Club, will
1 moot Thursday night at the home
| of Deacon Turners 1008 No. 24th
St. Yo uare always welcome at
Morning Star.
Rev. S. S. Spaght, Pastor
Sunday was a great day at the
[ Church of God in 2026 North 24th
St. Tho Church was honored with
the presence of Mrs. Lela Sudduth
Evangelist of Topeka, Kansas. Sho
brought us two soul stirring
messages which refreshed our
souls and left us with much food
for thought. The morning message
was presented from 51 T’h. 12, 13.
And tho evening sermon was cho
sen from St. John 5 the latter
part of verse 0- Wilt thou be made
whole? Both sermona were very
irspiring and brought much en
couragement to the saints. Mrs.
Sudduth, will be with U3 the next
ten days, conducting daily services
to which any who are in need of
spiritual help are cordially invit
ed. Service begin each week day
night at 8 P. M. Everybody wel
come at nil times to the Church
of God.
Rav. G. E. Step - ion, Pastor
Mn;. M. L. Dixon .Reporter
Sunday school had an atten
dance of 116 with 13 teachers
present. Mrs. Anni Belle Thomas,
Secretary, is spending the week
end in Chicago.
This being the 1st Sunday a
highly spiritual eovanant meeting
was had. Mrs. L. Clark united
with tho Churchy Visitors were:
Mrs. Freeman, Pittsburg, Pa. a
sister of Mr- Dorsey, Mrs. Loraine
Watson, Zion, Mrs. Mary Pailee of
Paris Tenn..
Thy following p r?.ons from th.s
-————————— f
^OU can change dark, coarste, oily
A skin to creamy smoothness quickly,
easily, safely! You can be the envy of
the girls, the admiration of men! Just
buy a package of Nadinola Bleaching
Cream. Smooth it on your face each
night. While you sleep, the positive
and scientific bleaching action of Nadi
r.ola makes your skin finer, softer, un
believably lighter!
Quick, Safe, Sura
When you use Nadinola, there is no
long waiting for results. No heart
breaking disappointments. It's the
sure, safe, double-quick bleaching
cream. For years and years Nadinola
has enhanced the loveliness of thou
sands and thousands of beautiful
You Get Results—or Money Back!
Don't take chances with unknown
bleachey, ointments or salves. Demand
genuine Nadinola, tried and trusted
for two generations. Every jar of
Nadinola contains full instructions
and positive money-back guarantee.
For sale at good drug stores in two
sizes, 50c and $1. If your druggist
doesn’t have Nadinola, don’t accept
a substitute—write direct to Nadi
nola, enclosing 50c or $1, for post paid
package and a free book of beauty
secrets Address Nadinola, Dept. 31,
Paris, Tennessee.
’ Church are attending the National
^Baptist convention commening in
St. Louis this week: .Rev and Mrs.
G. E. Stevenson, Mrs. Emma A
raut, Mrs. Catherine Jackson, Mrs.
Alico Ftobbins, Mrs. Goldie Down
.Re'". and Mrs. C. Adams, and
Mrs. Minnie Dixon.
BYPIJ was very good. The pro_
gram was rendered by groups No.
1, with Mrs. Stevenson presiding.
Mr. Williams of Zion was a visi
Rev. R. W. Johnson, I’astor
Mrs. Edna Mitchell, Reporter
Sunday school opened at 9:45 o’
clock by the Superintendent Sister
Edna Mitchell. 45 minutes was de
voted to tho lesson. Subject was
Samuel Spiritual Revival- Brother
Butter of Kansas City, Mo. was a
visitor. There was a large atten
dance. 11 A. M .service was opened
by the choir singing the laird in
his Holy Temple. Sermon by Sis
ter Rev. Mildred Jackson from
Mark. Subject Jesua Thou Son of
David have mercy on me. Remarks
by our pastor. The spirit ran high
and, there was a wonderful shout
in the camp.
At 3:00 th0 Gospel Chorus had
a wonderful service. The Gospel
in Song at 6:00 o’clock. The Young
People Union meet at Sister Mel
ton. There w-as a wonderful les
son and we invite more to attend
our service.
8:00 Service was opened by the
choir singing The Lord’s in his
Holy Temple by our pastor from
Samuel 5-27 verse. Subject Hand
writing on the r-J,',
Thj Gospel Chorus sang to the
glory of God. The spirit ran high
all day. We had many visitors.
Wednesday regular service, Fri
day Missionary Society meets at
3:00 o’clock.
Suiday Sipt. llthere w'ill be a
program rendered by the Mission
ary Society ending their drive to
raise funds. They will also have a
rally. Sis Milton President.
Rev. F. I’. Jones, Pastor
Tho birthday breakfast was a
very pretty as well as successful
affair. Sunday school at usual
hour with good atttedance. From
Acts, 12 chap., the pastor brought
a practical yet sould stirring ser
mon. The ‘ Blood of Jesus Christ ’
was tho subject for the evening
This sermon was uplifting and
sincere. In fact both sermons1
prov0 that the pastor as a man of
God really strives to bring sermons
that are spirit filled and full of
leal gospel truth. The pastor, his
wife and a few other members of
the church left Monday afternoon |
to attend the National Baptist
Convention. The pulpit will be oc
cupied by Rev. May next Sunday.
Visitors aro always welcome.
The Friendly Church
Last Sunday was the fourth and
last quarterly meeting of this con
ference year, the presiding Elder
Rev. J. W. Williams, delivered a
very inspiring sermon from the 26
chapter of Matthews and the 39th
verse, stressing the fact that
Christianity is a life of service.
The rites of bapitsmal were givm
Bettie Jun.e Fellows after which
we had saerements. »
Thu presid’ng Elder preached a
gain at the evening services. Sun
day Sept. 18th will he appreciation
day and we are again looking for.
ward to having a full day of ser
vices sponsored by the stewards
and stewardess. Plans art. being
2509 North 24th Street
Best Chili and Best Hot Dogs
in the West
All Kinds of Sandwiches
... .WlMjpfjPgurnmg.
The Larleuse Beauty Foundation wai established by ^
the Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods
of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make
the results of this research available to the public.
Perfume is one of the most un
dent means used by woman to snare
her man. Famous queens of his
tory ore said to have perfumed
themselves with glamorous scents.
They spent small fortunes having
their perfumes Wended Into special
scents to lit their moods ami per
sonalities. Fortunately, at this ad
vanced day and age there are good
perfumes within the reach of the
most modest purse, and such a
great variety of scents that we can
select the ones best suited to our
particular need without paying so
much for special blending.
Floral Scents Now—Exotic
Perfumes Later
Any advice I give you as to the
choice of perfumes will probably he
superfluous since you will select the
one that appeals to you most at the
time you buy. This much I will say,
however: Light floral scents are
best for summer use. A heavy per
fume on a hot night defeats its own
purposes. A light touch of gar
denia or of carnation or the ever
populnr and ultra-feminine lavender
will contribute to your freshness on
a summer night. Save the heavier,
more languorous scents for winter
when you are being your most glam
orous in sweeping gowns. Exotic
perfumes, rich materials, and snowy
evenings—these are an unbeatable
If you aren’t accustomed to us-1
ing perfume, be careful how you
apply it. Letter far to use none at
all than to go out smelling like a
walking perfume counter. Apply It
lightly to the lobes of your ears,
the tips of your fingers, the bend of
your arm. Be very wary about put
ting it on your hair. There me spe
cial preparations especially manu
factured to make your hair glamor
ous. Perfume clings to it— ai.J to
furs—long after it has become Male.
According to popular theory, scent
rises and for tills reason many, peo
ple like to put a touch on their
ankles and on the hems of. their
dresses. I can’t stress too much,
however, the importance of modera
tion. Perfume should be ft subtle,
glamorous and remote fragrance
that lingers about yc-ur person, not
a scent that noisily announces your
arrival and is more displeasing
than compelling to those around
Select Perfume That Suits
Select a perfume that, salts you
nml use it consistently. People will
grow to associate It, with you .lust
as the scent <>f pine Is reminiscent
of i lie north woods and lilacs of the
spring. A dash of your favorite
perfume cun give you as much lift
as a new lint or an exciting date.
Be enchnntlngly, romantically
fragrant, ami, above all, certain
that you haven't applied an over
dose of liquid allure.
What are your beauty prob
lems? Write Marie Downing,
Larieuse Beauty Foundation,
Room 607 — 511 Locust St., St.
Louis, Mo., and she will be glad
to answer them. Be sure to en
close a self-addressed stamped
made for the year end banquet and
Mr.'.. George Borders is the chair
man; the tickets are out now; so
plan to be the guests of some ta
ble. so this affair will again go
over as usual. Our class meeting
aro held each Tuesday evening
spiritual treat awaits you there
so come out and join us. We can
assuro you shall be benefited. Vi
sitors are always welcome at all
services. Spend your next Sunday
worshiping at the friendly church,
St. John AME.
Philadelphia, Sept. 8 (ANP)—
The editorship and management of
the Christian Recorder, AME, pub.
lieation, have been combined.
George A. Singleton who has
formerly been editor is now busi
ness manager as well. He assumed
charge last week immediately af
ter a resolution was passed by the
Bishop’s Council session at Kit
trell college. Details of the merger
which separates the Reocrder from
the publishing house management
will be concluded September 28.
when the Publication Board of the
church meets here with a commit
tee of bishops including Bishops
I). H. Sims, W. A. Fountain, E
J. Howard and H. Y. Tookes.
' ■"»>
Kitrell, N. C. Sept. 8 <ANP)_
Officials of the AME Church are
looking forward to the establish
ment of the church in Cuba. At
yjle recent Bishop’s Council held
here an invitation was receive<1
from J. H. Devereaux, Deputy Su_
preme Chancellor of the Knights
of Pythias of Havana, asking that
representatives from the council
l'e sent to the islands with a view
of establishing churches there. The
following commission was named
and will visit Cuba in December;
Bishop R. C. Ransom, H. Y.
Tookes, D. H. Sims, E. J. Howard
and J. A. Gregg.
The council planned for 1939
meetings and will convene in Dal
las, T^xas, Feb.rary, 1939; in
Philadelphia. June, 1939 and in
Atlanta February, 1940.
The question of merger with
other colored Methodist bodies was
continued after conferences with
representatives of other Metho
dist bodies who met with the AME
bishops on the subject.
I -oqo
1818 NORTH 24th ST. JA. 9331
Fine LIQUORS and Wines
Dinners & Short Orders Served
also The Place Where All Are One Family
Dear Flditor:
Wn would like to call your at
tention to a world Wide convention
oi Christian people, to be held in
^ifty English speaking cities of the
world, September 9-10-11, 1938.
The key city will be London,
England, and the principal speaker
will bo Judge .Rutherford, speak
ing from Royal Albert Hall, in the
heart of London. This is the larg
i st hall that could be obtained and
which Judge Rutherford has pack
ed out many times in the past.
The speaker on this oeeassion will
be connected by direct wire to a
largo auditorium in each of at
least fifty large cities, in Austra
lia, Canada, Great Britain and the j
United States ,
Omaha, Nebraska, has been se_
lected as one of the cities and the
City Auditorium at 15th and Ho
ward Sts. has been engaged in
Omaha to house the eonvi ntitm
during the three dates and will
draw thousands of Jehovah’s Wit
nesses and others who desire to
serve Jehovah God .
The subject of Judge Rutherford
Sunday speech is “Face the Fac V,”
and will be delivered at one P. M.
central standard time. Other
speeches during th • convention will
deal with matters of vital interest
to the people. This is a free con
vention; the public is invited; no
admission and no collection.
For those unable to attend the
convention, radio stations in this
vicinity will broadcast Face the
Facts at one p. m. September 11th
The following stations will be
used: WMT-CEDAR Rapids Iowa;
WOC-Devenport; WHO-Des Mo
ines ; K F N F-KMA-Shenandoah;
KSOO.Sioux Falls, SD.; WNAX
Yankton; WJAG-Norfolk, Neb;
KGNF-North Platt:-, Nebraska.
Tho information is given to you
because many of your readers are
doubtless the thousands of peoples
who have listened with pleasure
to tho radio talks by Judge Ru
therford ard who will be interest
ed in the information herein giv
en, as matter of interesting news.
If you desire to publish all or
part of these facts as a news item
it will be greatly appreciated by
a considerable number of your
readers, wia are sure. Giertainjy
your doing so, will be evidence of
your good-will arid your interest
j in Jehovah’s Kingdom, which is
the only hope for the world.
With thanks, we are very
Jehovah’s Witnesses,
Clarence E. Knight ,
5706 North 27th St.,
Omaha, Nebraska.
(Continued from page 1)
for the Bureau had to W'rite the
department of state in Washing
ton to make an exception in this
passport. The department’s word
diil not come before I left, for the
time was short. Therefore the
Bureau wired me in Paris that
matter was pending in Washing
ton, and suggested that I see cer
tain people in Paris. When we
called up the American Embassy,
they said that they had word from
Washington to restamp my pass
port and O. K. me for Spain visit.
I went to the embassy and it took
them an hour and ten minutes to
do what should be done in ten
minutes. E'en at that, they are
much speedier than the French;
when one goes to a French office
in a passport matter, he has to
leave the passport, and is told to
‘ como back at 2 on Saturday,”—
as it is then Thursday. When he
goes at 2 on Saturday, expecting
to leave Sunday, he will be told:
“Not ready. Will be r. dy at 3:30
or 4-” He will go at five minutes
of four, and be told: “In a few
minutes,” and at about 4:30 the
smiling French clerk will demand
75 Francs and hand him his pass
port,—all marked up and visaed
for Spain.—But, wait a minute:
las!: Thursday he was required to
pay several francs for a mere
DianK lorm on wnien ne was to
write his name and home, nation
ality, etc., in “application” for
what was already applied for by
' tho American Embassy as noted
in his passport. Everything costs
something, something direct, in
France; when you ride in a taxi
(it’s very cheap), you pay your
fare and then tip the driver; when
you go to the movies, you buy
your ticket and then tip the usher
who shows you your seat, or to
any seat; when you drink fresh
lemonade, you are brought the
juice and the sugar and a table
bottle of water, and you stir up
your own concoction, and tip tbe
waiter. But in this way you get
real lemon juice in your lemon
—something that is often ab
sent, or very, very scarce in lem.
onado in the United States.
Now I am set for Spain? I
havo the American O. K., the Par
is Chief of Passports O. K., let
ters from the Paris Bureau, let
ters from the Propaganda head
of the Spanish headquarters here;
both the Bureau and the propa
ganda crowd have telephoned to
Barcelona, Spain, and t oPeripig
nar, France, thc “border” place.
An official car is to meet me at
the French Border on Monday,
and I should be in Barcelona on
Monday night or Tuesday, 22nd,
or 23rd of August- But shall I?
There is still a lot of red tape to
be cut at the border. No more
money must be taken into Spain
than one will use there,—for it is
not likely that he can be permit
ted to bring any out,—such is the
graft of profiteers in war: peo
plj take in cigarettes and other
luxuries, which sell for their
weight in gold, and bring out
Spanish money,—if they are al
lowed so to do. So I shall leave
my extra bit of money in Paris,
or in the consulate at Perpignan,
and pick it up again when (if) I
get out of Spain. Also I must
arrange to take in a camera, and
to take in the bit of food, espec
ially the gift food. I will stop
at the leading hotel in the Span,
ish city, but even the leading ho
tels are not sure on the food ser
vice these days. I have bought
some French brown bread, be
cause I hear that bread behind the
battle lines is terrible.
AH of my bags and baggage, ex
cept absolute necessities, will re
main in Paris. I will take only a
light bag borrowed in France.—
I forgot to say: I had to pay
for the return message to the
Washington, D. C., office,— and
for several taxi trips that official
proscrastination made necessary.
All set to go now, “travelling
light.” Maybe I can tell you
more about it later.
Omaha Stove Repair Works
1208 Douglas St. Phone AT.2524
Cleo Cola
Queen of Sparkling: Drinks
12oz. for 5c
ALTHOUSE School of Beauty
Fully Accredited by State of
Nebraska. Tuition in Small
Weekly Payments.
2422 N. 22nd St. Omaha, Neb.
Telephone WE. 0846
Duffy Pharmacy
We. 0609
Free Delivery
Men and women make big
money every day telling the
most complete line of over
300 guaranteed cosmetics, flavoring, medicine*
and curios. Customers buy on sight and buy
the next time you call. Make up to $40.00
a week full time, $5.00 a day spare time.
Get Lucky Heart * FREE samples. 5fipage
Illustrated beauty book. $9.00 worth of
guaranteed products and * biff sample cas*
FREE of extra cost. Write Lucky Heart Co.*
DEPT. 1-9-33, Memphis, Tenn.
To Be Smartly
AT LOW COST See Bargains at THRIFT SHOP, 201
Crounso Block, opposite Post Office, Upstairs.
Cheap. OOATS, DRESSES, SHOES—Crounse Block
You, too, can have lovely hair—hair that people
will notice, admire—by using Godefroy’s
Larieuse. Drab, lifeless, gray-streaked hair takes
on new color and lustre when Larieuse is ap
plied. Color wanted comes quickly, evenly.
Larieuse won’t rub off or wash out and it
doesn’t color the scalp. Leaves the hair soft,
fluffy—ready for hot irons or permanent waves.
Choice of 18 colors. Get a bottle of Larieuse
today. Dealer will refund your money if you’re
not satisfied.
™“#v‘ tieuAs
does hove
it, send $i.25 HA1R COLORING ,0
direct to ... 80
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