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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1938)
ELKS CLOSE 39TH ANNUAL CONVENTION IN BLAZE OFGLORV J. Finley Wilson He- leeted Grand Exalted Ruler. Starts 17th Year As Head of Order, Mrs. M. John son Again Chosen Grand Daughter Ruler,—Over 200,000 View Color ful, Three Hour Parade—Gover nor Nice W Romes Elk Herd. Baltimore, Sept. 8, (By T. W. Anderson for ANP)—With tradi. tional pomp and pageantry and oratorical aclaim, highlPighted by welcome addresses by Maryljnd’s Governor Nice and Baltimore’s Mayor Jackson, colored by a spec tacular, three hour parade through iam-packed streets, of cheering spectators and featured by the re election for his 17th consecutive year, of J. Finley Wilson as Grand Exalted Ruler, the 3(Tth annual conclave, IBOE of W. ended in a blaze of glory here last Saturday night. Fourteen special trains and 300 buses brought the delegatee here from all sections of the coun try. Mrs. Abbie M. Johnson was also re-elected grand daughter ruler RABE’S BUFFET 2229 Lake Street for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS —Always a place to park— DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY WEbster 3043 and the entire grand lodeg cabinet of G.E.R. Wilson was again re-; turned to office despite the rumor ed opposition of Roy S. Bond, grand esteemed loyal knight, by Joseph James, Jju, of Daytona Boach, Fla. The Tuesday street parade, most spectacular since 1927, was the highlight of the greatest conven- j tion in Elk history, and one of the most harmonious. 50 BANDS, 300 MARCHING AND DRILL UNITS Over 200,000 Baltimoreans and spectators from al parts of the country lined the streets, and wit nessed a parade which took some six hours to pass a given point. Some 50 bands, over 300 marching and drill units kept the throng in one cheer after another, as the year’s most brilliant fraternal dis play was launched. Birlliantly plumed drum majors, guadily dres. sed and beautiful girls; briskly stepping juniors b< ys and girls; nattily attired bands units, helm eted legionnaries, high stepping policemen; swift riding motorcy cle patrols; Jaintly stepping horse back units; hot swing bands, and a final touch being added by the loveliest of Negro Womanhood, ensconced on huge floats, gave a grand touch of jjolor, as the An tlered Herds marched “for Finley” and old Baltimore, which for 20 years had not seen the Elks. Welcoming the Grand Lodge to the State of Maryland Governor Nice told of having appointed for the first time in history, Negro policemen in his state, and told his audience that he did it “not to gain the affection of the Ne groes of Maryland, but because I felt that it was the best way to detect crime among the Negro Effective May 1st: 20 cwl Discount on Laundry & Dry Cleaning Cash and Carry Edholm and Sherman Launderers & Dry Cleaners WE 6055 WHAT EVERY DRAB HAIRED WOMAN SHOULD KNOW i .. .To Find Romance You Must Look Your Loveliest... Color Your Hair With Godefroyfs Larieuse ARE you worried because your l\ hair is losing its color? Has the appearance of gray brought you loneliness ... a constant fear of losing your popularity—your sweetheart—your job? There are many reasons why you should be concerned, especially if your hair has prematurely lost its color. For gray hair is considered a badge of advancing age — a sure indication that you’re getting along in years. Is there anything you can do about it? Definitely yes! You can hide every gray hair—have hair that is richly and evenly colored, soft, fluffy,lustrous and natural looking —with a single application of Gode froy’s Larieuse, the quick-acting, easy-to-use hair coloring. It will not rub off or wash out. Neither is it affected by permanent waves or the use of hot irons. Choice of 18 colors, including jet-black, black or brown. Get Larieuse from your druggist or beauty shop. Color your hair— see how much more lovely you can be. t Larieuse Shampoo . . . produces a remarkably cleansing shampoo which leaves the hair soft and flufiy. Larieuse Stain Remover .. . removes hair dye stains from hands,forehead and scalp. Will not affect color of hair. CODE ff HOY'S ' If your dealer does not have LUue,*:25 hair COLORING t.,A GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3510 OLIVE ST. • ST. LOUIS, MO. Mi- • -- 1 " ~~1xm Be A Booster When oar solicitor calls at your home, be Jure to show YOUR interest in your LOCAL PAPER, THE OMAHA GUIDE, by giving him or her a newsy item or taking a subscription for 12 months, 6 months, 3 months, or even 1 month. When you BOOST THE GUIDE, you are boosting Omaha, and are enabling us to give employment to more of eur own boys and girls. “SO COME ON, BE A BOOSTER.” OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant StreetWE 1517—1518 PERSONALITIES 111 if I EDGAR LESLIE, A. S. C. A. P. V ■ Songwriters Have No Textbooks - By Daniel I. McNamara THE songwriter uses no text books except the unwritten volumes of experience. He doesn’t dash ofT his lyrics in inspired mo ments. Struggle and sweat with meter and rhyme , . . perspiration, not inspiration . . . make for suc Jcessful songwriting. Believe this on I the authority of no less a person age of the songwriting fraternity than Edgar Leslie, for thirty years one of the most successful of his profession, and for many years a I leading member of the Board of Di rectors of the Amertcan Society of ^Composers, Authors and Publishers. Leslie had written many popular song parodies for dialect comedians, thirty years ago. when he created his original smash hit, "I’m a Yid disher Cowboy.” He followed this quickly by a collaboration with Irv ing Berlin — “Sadie Salome, Go Home." These two numbers defi nitely established him as an up-and coming author of popular song. Hits multiplied. "Get Out and Get Under," “When Grown Up Ladies Act Like Babies," “America. I Love You.” "California and You.” "Oh, What a Pal Was Mary” and “Dirty Hands, Dirty Face” followed in quick succession. ' Harry Warren and he wrote "By the River St. Marie," and left it. forgotten, in manuscript form, for eight years. It emerged from oblivion to become one of the great .hits of recent years. “Among My 'Souvenirs” was written in London ,jto the music of "Horatio Nichols," the composer being In reality a , leading English music publisher. Lawrence Wright Leslie has writ ! ten songs with Walter Donaldson, Jimmy Monaco and many others, j - Recently he teamed with an old >- .— friend, Joseph Burke, popular song composer. Six times in two years their creations have led the country in popularity. "In a Little Gypsy Tea Room," “On Treasure Island," “A Little Bit Independent." “Moon Over Miami,” "Robins and Roses" and “It Looks Like Rain in Cherry Blossom Lane" reveal the magic touch of this gifted pair "At a Per fume Counter" is one of their latest Songs For Youth Leslie has evolved a practical philosophy of songwriting. He be lieves the songwriter must address himself to youth, that the song must carry a simple and direct mes sage. It should be easy to sing, and he points out that popular songs must compete with the movies . . . that they must paint an attractive word picture. Leslie is a thoroughgoing New Yorker. His grandparents lived in Seventy-first Street when it was known as Bloomingdale Road, and they used to spend their summers at a cottage in Chelsea (Twenty third Street). Happily married twenty-one years, he now lives in a midtown hotel; usually retires early., He follows deep-sea fishing and golf, and enjoys sea voyages. His favorite outdoor sport—as a spec tator—is polo. In the writing of songs he goes into the more mun dane memories and experiences of his life, into things more In touch with America as'It is to the great mass And be writes to please them.! Music Features & Photo Syndicate people. Certainly Negro policemen would be much better to correct the criminal traits of their own people than white policemen.” Gov. Nice told his audience that he fa vored equalization of salaries of school teachers in his state, as well as elsewhere, “for,” sai dhe, "Negro teachers have to meet the same requirements of deucation be fore they are allowed to teach, and that being so, why shouldn’t they draw the same salaries?” “When I go back into office this unfair und unconstitutional law shall be wiped off the baaks,” he stated as the crowds cheered and gave him an ovation. THE GRAND TAI.KS Addressing the Grand Lodge, and making his anuual report, Mr. Wilson gave a list of new lodges set up since the last session at Cleveland, nad gave a naccounting of his office, expenses, etc., and reported a decided increase in the wealth, and size of the Grand Lodge. Five mortgages were burn prior to the present grand lodge ed during the month of August, These mortgages totaled the cash sum of $100,000. Folowing the report of the Grand Exalted Ruler, Dr. Hudson J. Oliver, of New York took the ploor, and motioned that the rules bj suspended, and that the Grand Secretary, James E. Kelly, be au_ throized to cast one ballot for the reelection of Mr. Wilson as Grand Exalted Ruler. Admist a pandemo nious display, and with a tremen dous ovation, Mr. Wilson was once again swept into the office he has filled since 1922. Dr. Oliver's mo tion was seconded by Hobson J. Reynolds, exalted ruler of Chris Terry Lodge, of Philadelphia, and a member of the Pennsylvania le GET MONEY — LOVE i guarani## to help row rat a nr* Marl ta Ufa No eaa« beyond hopa 8toy worry big I Write me today Information FREE M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sta Jereey City, N. J. Dept. O. gislature. Shortly after this a delegation of ladies, representing the Grand Temple and headed by the just re elected Grand Daughter Ruler, Mrs. Abbie M. Johnson, of Phila delphia, presented Mr. WiLson with new colid gold collar. The gift was presented by Miss Ella G. Berry, past grand daughter ru ler. The Grand Lodge sessions in 1939 will be held in New York City, in 1939, as the Mightly Monarch Lodge headed by Dr. Hudson J. OJived big strongest for it. -0 NEW YORK TO CHERBOURGE’ FRANCE BY WILLIAM PICKENS (for ANP) “THE QUEEN MARY" is a huge institution,—lige a great city square packed with, say 3,500 people. Od just imagine the Em pire State Building being pushed over the ocean at the rate of 35 miles an hour. The ship had just finished a re cord run from Cherbourg to New York in 3 days and 21 hours, and as I write we are about to do the West-East record of all time in 4 days and an hour of two- We are now not more than 3 hours from Cherbourg,—having passed early in the afternoon the Scilly Islands and the Southernmost part of the island of Great Britain. Tho trip has been easy, pleasant and uneventful, so far. The wea_ ther has been fine. There was some rain the third day and some heavy, dewey fog on Saturday. There are a few colored passen gers: President and Mrs. Sanford, of Langston university, of Okla homa; one of their teachers; a professor of Institute, W. Va. col lege, leader of their party; r Huntington teacher; and a Balti more teacher. Miss Tillman, the Langston tea cher sang beautifully in our con cert Saturday night. She and the black man who served on the pro gram seem to have been the stars from all comments. There is also another Negro pas senger on his way he says, to Egypt and Palestine. His profes sion I do not know, but from the crowd who came to see him off, ho is master of some church or some “club”. From the ship’s library I pick ed up “Joan of Ark” her life story by Milton Waldman, as interest, ing a thing as I have e'er read. Before I left New York the Me dical Bureau aiding Spanish Gov ernment with medical supplies hskou me 10 go to a pa in. i snail go, if they get the permit from tho state department and eablt it | to me. If only I had time, I would go to Egypt this trip, but that must be done in the futrue; if possible, I must goon visit Africa in its most interesting partis. Life i sso short and there is so much to do. Today many of us attended ser vices of the English church in the great auditorium in the middle of thig ship. It is realy a great audi torium. Tho captain led us through the prayers and chants, and the others incantations. Ceremonially “civilized man” is far from the “savage,” bu tnot essentially. Quite a number of times I’ve been to France, but I may see more of it this time—more than “Paris." It’s cold today: I have on a win ter suit and will use a winter overcoat when I go out, thig 14th day of August. No use for mohair and Palm Beach clothes here. It was a bit warmish as we crossed tho Gulf streams. When you come to Europe, north of the Med iterranean countries, bring real clothes. Calvin9s Digest By FLOYD J. CALVIN (Listed by EDITOR AND PUBLISHER) Presidential Politics Wo recall quite vividly that one of the arguments advanced by somo Negroes against the candi. dacy of Governor Roosevelt of New York for the President was that while the candidate himself might be all right, it would be tho same old Democratic party which ho might lead to victory and once he got in office, his hands would be tied by the conservative members of the party. This meant that if .Roosevelt became President ho would not be able to carry out a progresive program because of the obstructionists in his own party, and it meant also that his liberality toward the Negro citizen would likewise be curtailed What a different story today! President Roosevelt has shown that he does not lack the courage, nor the initiative to launch a pro gram which requires the making over of his own party. He has pur posely gone out and asked the vo ters in the Democratic primaries to defeat certain obstructionists within his own ranks, and has asked that men be sent to Wash ington as members of the Congress who are more broad, more liberal and more progressive in their views. What more could we want in a party leader or a President at this time? Three Crowns The New York Herald Tribune has facetiously asked in an editor ial what has become of the theory of Nordic Supremacy since Henry Armstrong captured his third world boxing title? This third crown—all three are featherweight welterweight, and lightweight— makes Henry master of all men between 124 and 145 pounds. , While we are no boxing enthu siast, we view the sport as too debasing—We are pi-ound of Henry conquests’ since by his fistic prowess he has made boxing his tory. Never before has one man held so many titles. Henry won his laurels with the unstinted appro val of the highest sports authori ties and fight critics. This makes his achievement rebound to • the credit of the whole Negro group. Jake Powell While tho Negro press has been telling its readers al along that it is indispensiable to racial pro gress and should, therefore, re. ceivo more suport, the recent Jako Powell incident serves to ill ustrate just how powerful and how important is this medium a mould group and puglic sentiment. Jake Powell, a Yankee ballplayer made a prejudice remark about the race over the radio. The white could not and did not take up the issue lie cause (they were thankful to say) it did not originate with them. So the Negro press was the only gency to take up the cudgels in behalf of the group. Just how well this agency did the job of protest was proved hy Jake Powell him self visiting Negro newspaper of fices and signing an abjectly apo logetic statement beseeching color ed folks to “forgive-” Our own view is that there are some things you might forget but cannot for give. Jake Powell’s remark is one. Incidentally, Negroes now see quite clearly just what their press can do for them. In this case, neither politics, nor the Church, nor the interracialists could help. Through no other agency but the press could such pressure have been brought to. bear with such salutary results for the whole group. Stand by your newspapers! Recession Profits While most people are talking of their losses, it is encouraging to note that one Negro enterprise, N. C. Mutual Life, had income of over a million dollars in the first half year, and that it had $125,000 left in profits after all expenses were paid. The profit item repre sents nearly $1,000 per day for each working day of the priod covered. It is a rare thing, indeed to find a Negro business that is making a net profit of $1,000 per day after all expenses are paid, especially a business that employ*, a small army of people in the pro motion of such conservative item* as health, education and thrift. Another Durham organization, the Mechanics and Farmers Bank, also in the million dolar bracket, has shown gains in resources ol $45,000 during the last ten years. In 1937 this bank’s resource* wero around $800,000- Today, af_ ter seven years of depression, th* resources are $1,260,000. We have noted that most of th» larger Negro enterpises, when they reach a certain respectable figure, they seem to stay aromut that poit. Not so the Durham en terprises. Sometimes we may spec ulate on what causes Durham en terprises to continue to win. BISHOP GREGG FLIES TO CONFERENCE Chicago, Sept. 8 (ANP)—Bishop J. A. Gregg of the AME church ar rived here by United Airlines piano enroute to his conference in Ontario. Canada. On the day conference was scheduled to opes tho Bishop had been forced to de„ lay his arrival in order that he might attend the funeral of Rev. R. II. Hackley, pastor of St. Paul, Des Moines, Iowa, one of the welt known ministers of the church antf. a. friend of many years. In order to arrive for the second day of the conference he was forced to take his first plane ride. The Bishop reported the experience as delight ful, being particularly enthusiastic over a view of the sunset a hove the clouds, a sight which he says he will never forget. --—oOo— Patronize Our Advertisers GOOD LIGHT... . . . the Cheapest Thing You Buy! For just a few pennies worth of cheap electricity you and your fam ily can enjoy all the benefits of Better Light. Don't gamble with pre cious eyesight—it doesn't pay. Be sure that every lamp in your home has the proper sized Mazda Lamp to give you enough of the right kind of light. And be sure that dark hall ways and stairs are safely lighted. Check the empty sockets in your home today, then see your dealer. Get a fresh supply of Mazda Lamps. It costs so little to have good light. i / SEE YOUR DEALER Enjoy BETTER LIVING with Cheap Electricity! |WE. 1517 "Classified dept.”