The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 10, 1938, Page Two, Image 2

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Ac few of the wise saying of C.
Cl. Spaulding, president of the Na
tional Negro loagu.c during the
course of his annual address at
‘‘Our young people should real
fei that there are only about two
thing's you enn successfully begin
at the top, a ditch and a grave.”
'' **I a rabit’s foot is so lucky, why
1414 N. 24th St.
AT 7777
Across the street from the
did the rabbit lose it?”
“Our people should learn that
they will find luck in hard work.”
“Get the funds before you have
th0 fun. Our young people get in
trouble trying to have fun with
somebody else’s funds.”
Most Negro restaurants should
in acuality be called, ‘Riskes to
Run.’ ”
“Newspaper advertising is the
best means by which you can let
folks know what is on your
“The three essentials in business
aro character, ability and training
—you can get the money later.”
New York, Sept. 8 (ANP)—B.
T. Harvey of Morehouse College
at Atlanta, Ga., was a visitor in
New York for a brief period, run
ning over from the tennis tourna
ment in Pennsylvania. Mr- Harvey
actively identifi d with athletics
regular cash price
This modem MAGIC CHEF is a great bargain.
You save $22.00 by purchasing during the
round-up. It has sell-lighting top burners, highly
insulated oven, accurate oven heat control,
smokeless broiler and other features. See it right
away. Pay on your gas bill—take up to 3 years.
With each MAGIC CHEF 3101 goes a cooker WITHOUT
EXTRA COST. This cooker ordinarily sells tor $9.75 retail in
Omaha stores. For "waterless cooking" and other methods.
Cooks a whole meal on one burner.
L The* new CP (Certified Performance)
gas ranges are now on display at
the Utilities District. Approved by the
American Gas Association with 22
super-cooking features. See these
Mrs. Roosevelt Scores Southern Exploitation
throughout the South outlined the
program of the Tennis Associa
I tion and declared that at the
meeting of the executive body,
1 mor© was accomplished in a con
j structive manner than at any pre
' vious meeting. One of the inno.
vations was to set a five year pro
j gram, outlining and voting then on
! the places where the tournament
s was to be held each year for the
I next five years.
: Colored Players In MGMs
4 Too Hot To, Handle”
Paid $3,000 Per Day
Hollywood, Sept, 8. (By Harry
Levette for ANP) TThe “big bad
wolf” can huff and puff in vain
at tho doors of many local colored
films actors and extras tihs com
ing winter, for the pay-roll at
JVietro-Goldwyn studio for their
new film “Too Hot to Handle” dur
ing the past ftw weeks has b.en
a godsend to them.
During the past nine days near
ly $3,000 per day has been paid
out to the colored players alone,
most of them who are numbers
of th eScrcen Actors guild. Those
who did not belong to this power
ful and veiy beneficial union were
allowed to work by the studio af.
ter securing waivers so they could
full out the numbers required.
These received the same rates of
pay as guild members, which was
attended to by Charles Drubin,
capable young militant checker
for the guild
The sum total was the largest
amount of cash paid colored movie
actors since ‘ Slave Ship'” at Fox
studio over a year ago when in
addition to the stock players, and
day players who had worked all
through it, 700 wpre used on a sin
gle day. This was the well remem
bered scene of the sweltering hell
hole of a crowed ship hold packed
with human cargo.
Including a number whose
checks with adjustments for over
j time and stunt pay averaged $100
per day during this period, 255
men worked for three days
straight. Of these many doubled
back after a few hours sleep at
home to start a new day of 8
hours at studio specifications.
; Washington, Sept. 8 (C)—The
Industrial Bank of Washington,
Jesse H. Mitchell, president re
sources of $783,435.81, it is re
ported,and capital is $50,000, and
deposits $685,219.
I --o
Asthma Cause
Fought in 3 Minutes
By dissolving and removing mucus o
phlegm that causes strangling, choking.
Asthma attacks, the doctor's prescription
Mendaco removes the cause of your agony.
No smokes, no dopes, no Injections. Ab
1 solutely tasteless. Starts work In 3 minutes
; Sleep soundly tonight. Soon feel well, year!
i younger, stronger, and eat anything. Guar
I anteec completely satisfactory or money
j back. If your druggist Is out ask him to
I order Mendaco for you. Don't suffer another
! uay. The guarantee urotects you.
MADISON DORAM, left, half
back, and HIRAM WORKMAN,
tackle, right, Xavier U. candidat
es for the All-Star Grid team that
.will play the Chicago Bears, Sep
tember 23. Last w-eek these two
boys led the voting. (ANP) —
- ——r—— 11 " ' """
Two Detroiters Named
On State Commission
by Gov. Murphy
Detroit, Sept. 8 (ANP) State
Senator Charles C. Diggs and
John C- Dancy, executive secre
tary Detroit Urban League, have
been appointed by Governor Frank
Murphy on the Commission to re
write the Michigan constitution
I and which will be rhairmanred by
Dr. J. Ralston Hayd* n, former
Vice-Governor Philippine Islands,1
new head of the Department of
j Political Science. University of
Michigan. Governor Murphy de
scribes the newly created body
‘•Thj commission wil lbe called
a Commission on Reform and Mo
dernization of Government. In
order to permit a comprehensive
study and the submission of such
proposals and recommendations
as the commission may deem ad
visable, the comission will be au
thorized to make a study of means
and methods whereby changes
may be made in the procedure and
i structure of the state government
- that will provide greater efficiency
and economy in the conduct of
i public affairs, improve the quality
; of the puhlic service, and make
j the government more responsive
I in tho public needs.”
Augusta, Ga., Sept. 8, (ANP)—
| For a number of years there has
! been a whit.- man on Broad Street
I who sells the Chicago Defender,
along with white newspapers. The
Defender and I ittsburg Courier
may be secured at some news
stands, but the real “news” around
here is that white boys are now
going through the colored section
selling as one called it, the Penn,
sylvania Courur.” This shows that
whites will handle anything that
is a good seller, and plenty of
them read it, too.
Since 1864 jfl
-1 I
Clean up that front room. We specialize in making old
houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for esti
mation on work. No job too small or too large.
Ten trained decorating medhataics. Our Motto—Service
First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858.
Peoples Paint and Papering Shop
NOT MUCH, JUST $800,000
Washington, D. C.—The Govern
ment’s $800,000,000 slum-clear,
ance and low-rent housing pro
gram was launched becuase “Ame
rica has decided to subsidize good
housing instead of subsidizing
slums” R. M. Little, a consultant
of the United States Housing Au
thority, declared las tFriday, Sept.
2, at the dedication of the Brand
Whitlock Homes in Toledo, Ohio,
in which 264 families, mostly Ne
groes are housed.
“We have paid money to build
jails for criminals and public hos
pitals for the sick,” Mr. Little
continued. “We have tried to wipe
cut juvenile delinquency to im
prove health, to clean up fire ha
zards for the good of the entire
community. But we have only re.
cently began to attack these pro
blems from a more logical angle.”
That angle, he indicated, is the
improvement of housing condi
Erected from an allotment of
$2,000,000, (Brand Whitlock Homes
was opened for occupancy last
spring by Nathan Straus, Admin
istrator of the USHA, and the 264
dwelling units are not now 100 per
cent leased. Rer.ts, including heat,
hot water, and electricity for
light and refrigeration, average
$24.56 a month.
Mr. Littlo called attention to the
fact that in the construction of the
proj-ct, “employment was given
both Negroes and whites as near
ly as possible according to the ra
tio each bears to the total local
Cleveland, Sept. 8 (ANP)—‘We
didn’t get hungry, we just didn’t
think about it,” was about al the
comment made by two girls aftci
they had. finished a two day’;
trek to this city from outside od
Waren—a distance of 65 miles
but it gave a splendid indication oi
the type of stamina and determin
ation that youngsters can have.
Tho twins are Geraldine- anc
Jacqueling Marsh, 12, whose receni
life has been a tragedy of beinj
‘‘shunted about.” At least that;
tho way they seem to feel abou
Until a short tim*. ago they ha<
lived in a home here, but had latei
been sent to a farm on the out
skirts of Warren. For a very brie]
time they stayed then became dis
satisfied. A bit of consultation de.
veloped in their young minds th<
plan of setting our for Clevelani
and the home of friends who hac
been very kind. And Monday, a
bout the lunch hour, they se
They were extremely cautlou:
on the way and accepted only twi
or three short lifts that were of
fered them. E'en then, they mad
sure that their benefactors “look
ed alright” before accepting. And
since these lifts were short the
girls tru<Jgdd most of the dis
tance on foot.
They arrived on the outskirts
of Cleevland around midnight
Tuesday, weary almost to exhau
sion. Their last ride had been with
a postman. They claim, that they
wero not afraid of him because
he “looked official.”
They rode only as far as Kins
man road and walked the rest of
the way to Wade park, about four
miles. There they stopped for a
long-awaited rest. Efforts are be
ing made to keep the girls in
Cleveland, O. Sept. 8, (By Ted
Yates for ANP)—With Theodosia
B. Skinner, national officer as mis
tress of ceremony, Iota Phi Lamb
da opened its fifth annual conven
tion here last week at Antioch
Baptist church, the main address
being delivered by Rev’. Henry P.
Jones, pastor Bethel AME church,
Philadelphia. Several hundred dele
gates and visitors from all sec
tions of the country were present.
Lauding womanhood, Dr. Jones
“I am proud of these woman |
who are doing their part for the !
race. These women who have taken 1
a high place in the business, s°cial j
and economic world, and all this |
talk about women not working
should be discarded. Why in |
Shanghai, China, there is a bank
sucessfully operated by a woman.-';
Loir. Markers of Chicago, is j
president of the National body j
and Bertha J. Carnes is president
of the local Epsilon Chapter
whoso members acted as hostesses
to delegates and visitors. Social
highlights of the session were a
garden party Sunday afternoon
at Phillis Wheatley Home, a sum
mer formal Monday night at Cre
ole Garden, and reception for the
Iotaa on Tuesday night, with the
local chapter Psi Phi Fraternity
as hosts.
Honorary members of Epsilon
Chapter are Jane E. Hunter, Le
thia Fleming and Mable G. Glark.
Next yejh'.’s convention will be
held in Washington, D. C., with
j Gamma, the hostess chapter.
Washington, Sept- 8 (ANP)—At
the request of President Stenio
Vincent of the Republic of Haiti
made several weeks ago, War de
partment officials said a military
mission was being sent the Is
land Republic, presumable to aid
in training Haitian military forces.
News of the mission became
known with the issuance of speci_
al orders by the War Department
New York, Sept. 8—Mrs. Frank
lin D. Roosevelt took a slap at
tho South’s exploitation of the Ne
gro in her syndicated column “My
In the New York World Tele
gram of August 17, th eFirts La
dy said:
“The South haa so many po
tential riches but it always seems
to mo that many of its advantages
go for nothing because of habits
and customs which have grown up
and been injurious to the land and
people. The people who have been
forced to the lowest standard of
living and have a minimum of edu
cation and the lowes tcash income
are the Negroes, and I think it has
always been felt by the south that
in some mysterious way, this is
an advantage. During the last few
years some question has arisen
in the minds of many Southern
peoplo as to whether a backward
group is ever an advantage.”
assingning Lieut. Samuel J. Heid
ner, infantry, to duty “with the
United States military mission to
Haiti at Fort au Prince." Another
order issued assigned Capt. Doug
las B. Smith, infantry, to duty
with the same group. Date of
sailing was announced as on or
about Sept. 6. Heidner, as chief
of the delegation will report to
tha American Minister at Port au
Prince, for duty, “under the di
rection of the President of Haiti.”
I\o expense will be incurred by
the United States government in
connection with the mission, the
special orders stated.
Ladies and Children’s Work
A Specialty
—2422 Lake Street—
Dr. Pepper Bottling
4809 S. 20th MA. 2153
American and Chinese Dishea
King Yuen Cafe ..
201014 N. 24th St. Jackson 8576
ftnen from 2 p. m. until S a. m.
North 24th Shoe
1807 North 24th St. WE. 4240
Let Us Make Your Old Shoes
Look New—Our Invisible Re
soling Does Just That.
1937 Plymouth Coupe like new -- $525
1933 Plymouth Ooupe, good rubber, new paint job-$275
1934 Plymouth 4 Door sedan, very good condition.$350
1935 Ford Coach ------ $300
1933 Oldsmobile Coach, very good condition- $275
1931 Willys ____ $75
1931 Oakland FOUR DOOR SEDAN -- $50
1930 Plymouth Sedan --—---- $100
Shames Body Builders
1906 Cuming Street AT-4556
LAUNDRY Announces— — — 1
Here’s Good News for North Omaha’s
thrifty homemakers. You can now save
20% on all laundry and dry cleaning by |
using Emerson - Saratoga’s convenient |
Drive in Courteous Service plus Savings
Equal to Receiving Every fifth bundle
without charge. You’ll like Our Quick
Cash and Carry Service
Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts. i