The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 10, 1938, Image 1

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Largest jm
Negro Paper , - a *# m
in Nebraska 'B'B Y full pages of
,_ Conics
Entered as Second Class Matter at Postoffice, Omaha. Nebraska- Omaha, Nebr., Saturday, Sept. 10, 1938 11|| Number Twenty-tWO
Anybody who ^
does not thinl H
the women 1||
know what they
aro doing, they | '
are barking up
the wrong tree.
And just because
you see one worn-1
like a Cherokee, Jo*; Serra
it is no sign they are all Chero
And what I got in mind about
the women, it is this here organ
ization they got down there in
Suffern, N. Y. state,—the Wom
en’s Rebellion.
And any politician who thinks
he has been fooling the women,
and thinks the women do not
know who is paying him his nice
salary, he is none tod smart. He
is like a pale boy coming in from
behind the barn, and whistling,
and with a notion his mother does
not know he has been smokin’.
W'omen, they just want decent
Govt., and do not pay too much
attention to windy politicians
They are used to wind around
home. But when they start house
cleaning, they do not just dust
things here and there.- They
clean house.
And boy, if I was in politics
and the women got after me I
would fold up my tent and take
to the tall timber.
Yours, with the low down,
-- ~-- \«
Jackson, Miss., Sept. 8 (ANP)
— Apparently the “depression” has
finally made its way into Mississi
ppi for mariagcs among Negroes
slightly more than half the state’s
poulation, decreased from 17,689
for the last five months of 1936 to
15,145 for the same period in 1937
according to Dr. R. N. Whtifield,
director of the state bureau of vi
tal statistics.
how to Get Into
(by William Pickens for ANP) 0
Before I left for New York City
on Aug. 10th, I promised the Med
ical Bureaii and North American
Committee, which is rendering hu
manitarian aid to the Spanish
Government, that I would go to
Spain and look at their work and
talk to leaders, and *ee the LoyaL
ist front and try to understand
what is going on,—and be able
to say intelligent words about it
all when I get back. And to
Spain I am going—unless some
thing stops me.
As I write, I am still in Paris,
- V-y
but am planning to leave tomor
row, Sunday, 21,—one week after
getting into France. It is all at j
my own expense, but I am going '
to carry out that promise: already
I have a box of food. Food is
scarce and hard to get in Spain,'
even for one who is a guest of j
those in authority. This box of
food is to serve me, and to be giv-!
en away to others
But, how does one get into
Spain in these crazy nationalist
days ? First, my passport is
marked not good for Spain. There
(Continued on page 4)
' EDNA HEARD Only woman
composer on Federal Theatre Pro
jects whose work for West Coast
drama units attracts national note.
..— —D- .
Spencer Tracey’s Chauffer
Visits Guide
Jim Brown, chauffer and per.
sonal attendant to Spencer Tracey
famed screen star, was a visitor
in thc Guide office Thursday after
noon. Mr. Brown said he had been
employed by the film star, Mr.
Tracey for three years and that he
enjoyed working for the star of
‘Boys Town” very much. Brown
is staying with relatives in the
Lovt Apt. while in Omaha he said
he would return the star from
New York to Hollywood within
two weeks.
Negro Bricklayers Build
Bennett Library
Greensboro, N. C. Srpt. 8 (ANP)
—Negro brick layers exclusively,
are being used upon the new $100,
000 Thomas F- Holgate Library
under construction here. The bulid
ing which will be ready for occu
pancy some time this fall is a gift
of the General Education Board
and will cost $100,000. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Pfeiffer of New York
have endowed the library for main
tenance ’at $100,000.
New York, Sept, 8—Calling at
tention to the radio speech Aug
29 of Congressman Martin Dies
in which he pledged his commit
tee to investigate all forms of
unAmerican aciltvitiea, the NAAC
P. has renewed its suggestion,
made originally June 8, that the
committee probe into the Ku
Kluv. Klan, the Black Legion ond
similar organizations.
'The later, signed by Roy VVilk.
ins, assist.aiilt secretary said:
“It hns ben demonstrated that
the activities of the above named
organizations have stimulated di
rectly and indirectly outburst of
mob violence and lynching which
aro contrary to American princip
les, arid we fed sure that your
Committee would be rendering a
service to the country by expos
ing these mo'oments.’'
Observers of th(- Dies commit- j
tee’s recent hearings saw a hint
to the chairman to get at the bot
tom of real unAmerican activities
in this country that have been
long taken for granted in the hist
paragraph of the letter which said
—.'‘As a matter of fact, it may
very well be that a greater serv
ice will be rendered by exposing
I these movements than by pointing
i out the unAmerican actions of so
; called alien groups-’’
Hieronymous, Sr. Killed
by Hit-Run Auto Driver
Vacations In Chicago
Home Demonstration Agent in
Avoyelles and St,-I andry Parish
es with headquarters at Bunkie,
Louisiana, who spent her vacation
in Chicago as house guest of Miss
Louisa M- Fisher, 307 East 59th
During the annual 4 H Encamp
ment held at Southern University
in July, 4H Club girls from her
parishes won first prize in com
petitive skills. Miss Fisher ig a
graduate in home economics from
Southern University. (ANP)—
Many of Us Wondered;
Now We Know. . .
»_ ^
Kansas City, Sept. 6—Sam She
pard, former Kansas Citian now
residing in St. Louis, became per
manent owner of the first place
Labor Day Golf trophy here Mon
day by virtue of his victory in the
annual affair.
Twice before a winner and de
(Continued on page 8)
Los Angeles, S'pt. 8 (ANP)—
That thousands of votes, colored j
and white, for William Gibbs Me-1
Adooo were lost by nlast minute
coup from his bitter enemy, Pier,
son M. Hall, was admitted by Mc
Adoo’s staunchest supporters fol
lowing last Tuesday’s election in
California. This was the charge
that the senator had been and still
may be a member of the hated Ku
Klux Klan. A well r.orn member
ship card with his name still plain
ly engraved upon it caused the
specators to gasp in amazement
(Continued on Page Eight)
Solomon Hieronymous, 2825, No.
28th A'e. father of Preston Hier
onymous owner of the Northside
Transfer and 4 oth*>r children
was killed instantly Wed. P. M.
when hit by an auto at Florence
Blvd. and lfinney, Sts. The senior
Mr, Hieronymous who was 84 yrs
old was returning from an east
Omaha spring, at the foot of Bin
ney St. where he went daily to get
a bottle of spring water, at the
time of the accident.
Police said the hit-run car was
gqing south on the Boulevard when |
it hit the veteran Omahan as he I
was crossing on the north side
of Binney, his body wa3 carried al
most fifty feet.
About two hours after thc ac
cidents police received a telephone
call from a Millard resident saying
an Omaha driver had stopped his
car in his driveway and was a
sleep outside on the ground. Po
lice officers tooks the driver and
car to the police station. The ear
had a damaged fender and hood
and a broken headlight lens, po_
lice said. The driver was quoted
a« saying that he didn’t remem
ber any accident. Depgty County
Attorney Fitzgerald said three
charges would be filed against him
Thursday; Manslaughter; causing
death while under the influence of
liquor and leaving the scene of an
Mr. Heironymous had lived in
Omaha for 49 years and was a
retired employee of the Chicago
Northwestern R. jt. and a member
of the St. John AMR Church. He
ip survived by two sons, Preston
and James, Omaha; three daugh
ters; Vinney and Nora, both of
Omaha and Jenny, Pleasant Point
Me. The body is at the Myers fun
eral home, burial arrangements
will bp made when his daughter,
from Maine arrives.
Bomb Explodes In Doctor's
Cleveland, Sept. 8 (By Clarence
L. Simmons for ANP)—An ear
splitting explosion shattered the
stillness of the night as a misdi
rected bomb narrowly missed
bringing death to the family and
several friends of Dr. L. O. Baum
gardner, well known surgeon, at
his home in Wilmer road in Cleve
(Continued on Page Eight)
_ f
New York, Sept. 8—President
Roosevelt was praised this week
for his action in calling a confer;
cnco to explore ways and nteuna
of extending the Social Security
Act to include domestics and
farm workers.
In a letter addressed to th*
chief executive at the Whit*
House, the National Association
for tho Advancement of Colored
People expressed pleasure over
the disclosure that the President'*
calling of the conference insure*
the fact that “definite action is to
bo taken, looking toward tho
broadening of the Social Security
Act to include all those who need
its protection."
Pointing out to Mr. Roosevelt
the real aid to colored people that
extension of the Act will afford,
th0 letter, which was signed by
(Continued on page 8)
Late Huey Long’s Cook Is
Honored On Senator’s Birth
New Orleans, Sept. 8 (By Ro
bert McKinney for ANP)—A mild
mannered, neutral brown woman,
Miss Louise Wise, was liguaBy
honored on the Kingfish’s birth
day and in his mansion on Tuesday
when Curator James J. A. Fortier
mado her a guide to visitor3 «nd
supervisor of all workmen around
the house, which the state has
bought as a free museum.
Miss Wise formerly worked in
the Huey P. Long domicile as cook
and maid to Mrs. Long.
The celebration was witnessed
by several bundl'd friends of
the late senator who milled around
Miss Wise throughput th® day1
because “she knows more about
the senator than anyone in Louisi
ana.” They praised her loudly and
Mr. Fortier said he selected the
personable Miss Wise so as “to
give a final, authentic touch to the
building because she knew the
Senator's ways of living and the
way tho house was managed so
well, we felt that Louise would be
considerable help in the operation.
The New Orleans, a white daily
carried this statement and a pic
turo of Miss Wise on its front
page, also her statement, “I am
so happy."
| BUYERS’ GUIDE by Clarence H. Peacock |
When the Colored People of this
country learn to use the vast hidden
economic power the have, they can
whip into line those companies and or
ganizations who do not desire to ac
cord the Negro a right to live and sur
vive in the economic life of this nation.
All Colored Americans must cooperate
in the use of their purchasing power
to gain new employment opportunit
ies for the race.
Colored consumers spend many
hundred thousands of dollars a year
in their purchase of soap and soap
powders. Negroes constitute one
tenth of the total population of the
United States, yet they buy 35% of all
the soap sold in this country. 75% of
the laundresses (commercial laundries
excluded) in America are Colored.
Four of the larger soap manufact
u,rers spent $12,000,000 to advertise
their products for one year. From my
own observation, not one of these man
ufacturers found it necessary to spend
any of this amount in the Negro
press. ,
In 1936 these companies spent the
following amounts for advertising.
1. The Proctor and Gamble Co.,
manufacturers of P&G Soap, Chipso,
Ivory Soap, Ivory Flakes and Ivory
Snow spent $5,876,146 for advertising.
2. The Colgate Palmolive-Peet
Company, manufacturers of Palm Ol
ive Soap, Cashmere Bouquet Soap, Su
per Suds and Concentrated Super
Sutds spent $2,,69,577 for advertising.
3. The Lever Brothers Company
manufacturers of Lux, Rinso and Life
buoy Soap, spent $2,803,603 for adver
4. The Pels Company, manufac
turers of Pels Naptha Soap and Chips
spent $480,71, for advertising.
If these soap manufacturers had
spent only 1% of their advertising in
the Colored newspapers, the income of
these papers would have been greater
by $121,300 in that year. These new
advertisers would have had to employ
Colored salesmen to back up their ad
vertisements and to promote the sale
of their products in this market. The
increased revenue of $121,300 would
enable the Colored newspapers to give
employment for one [year to seventy
five or more Colored youths.
About ten years ago the Lever
Brothers Company made a bid for
Colored patronage by advertising the
merits of their poducts in the Colored
newspapers. They employed Colored
: j lecturers and participated in Colored
I cooking schools. This company is
I . still enjoying a considerable amount
of Colored patronage.
Every Colored housewife is art im
portant buyer of soap and soap pow
ders, for the use of her owrn home.
Those who do domestic and laundry
work are also important buyers as
they exert considerable influence re
graing the brands bought in the hom
es of their w hite employers.
Patronize your Colored newspa
pers, watch their advertisements, so
that you can do your part by buying
only those brands that are advertised
in your papers. By spending your'
money with those companies that in
vite your patronage, you will derive
direct benefits through the increased
employment opportunities for the race.