_ _ g- —, Largest jm Negro Paper ■ in Nebraska l»' l ^ full pages of Comics ZM Per /JUSTICE/EQUALITY i HEW TO THt LINE'S every week U Copy ! Entered a8 Second Class Matter at Postoffice, Omaha, Nebraska / > Omaha, Nebr., Saturday, Sept, 3, 1938 _Number Twenty-One— _ 1 » . * ■ - ^——————— BUYERS’ GUIDE .....— 3czxz>cx=x^ooo^^^5C)ci>ScSSocx=)OOC As long as Negroes look to the white race for ready made jobs, they will be caught arid bourne down by every economic depression that comes along. Colored pfeiople can prevail themselves of the many existing opportunities of creating their own employ ment. . . . . Negro youths must be trained to have conti dence in their own abilities as business men, and en couraged to go into business for themselves, ihe Negro race has a purchasing power of about $3,000, 000000 a year, yet they are suffering because they have practically no producing power. Some of this $3,000,000,000 might easily be kept within the race, and used to establish enterprises where Colored youth —can get business experience and training. This business experience and training is es sential to fit them to successful meet competition m the business world. Succeiss assured, they . w ill be their —own boss, and their opportunities will be un limited, depending upon their ability and ambition. They will not be discriminated against because ot color, and most important of all, tney will be build ing a secure economic foundation for generations to Statistics show tnat about 50,000 of the 12, 000 000 Colored Americans are engaged in business. The majority of these people who have gone into business are for the most part confining their activ ities to the service trades, such as barber shops, res aurants, undertaking parlors, tailor shops, etc. F rom this, one can readily see that the Colored people in America are not engaged in the fundamental and producing industries of the times, and that barter and trade has not been a part of our group. This has been due to a lack of cooperation within the race as well as to the lack of opportunities for business experience and training. Biographies of most of the business leaders of the race will show that these leaders began at the bottom and worked up to the top, with but little in itial capital. A number of the readers of this column are making inquiries as to how they can go into busi ness for themselves with little or no capital. I would like to point out to these people that there is not only an opportunity to strengthen their future security, but an excellent chan|ce tor them to makei spare time money by becoming agents for quality products in their own neighborhood. There are many sections in the United States where Colored people must travel miles to reach a desirable retail outlet, for the necessities they wish to purchase. A copy of “Specialty Salesmen Mag azine” or “Independent Salesman” or any of the sal es magazines, can be obtained at your local library, or at the nearest newrs stand. In these magazines, and in your Colored newspapers, you will find adv ertisements of firms seeking aegnts for uniforms soaps, cosmetics, polishes, foods, clothing, etc. By taking a few of these items, and talking about them to your friends' you can secure orders, and in a short time establish yourself in a small busi ness. Aside from the revenue it will bring you, it will be a source of business education and experience and a long step toward the —goal for which the race must head, if we are to gain economic security. Read your Colored papers, and patronize their advertised products. _ New Crusade Needed To Fight Rising Prejudice Ithaca, N. Y., Sept. 1 A “new crusade” which will reach the “conscience of Ameria,” is needed today if the rising tide of preju dice and reaction in this country is to be broken down, E. Frederic Morrow told an NAACP. meeting here last week. Mr. Morrow, co ordinator of branches of the as sociation, spoke to an audience comprising citizens and students of Cornell university’s summer school. -O Texas Octet On 10,000 Mile Tour Austin, Sept. 1 ro youths and calls upon Governor Bibb Graves to use his power to j free all five defendants still in ! jail Reviewing the paper’s own stand in the case as a consistent supporter of tho Atorney Generals position of fighting for the death penalty for the boys, tin- editorial entitled “O Scottsborol”, says in : part: “The Advertiser, for itself, and j it has no doubt that it speaks for tho majority of responsible Ala bamians, resents the ipidignitjes heaped upon our people in connec tion with this revolting affair but i from the beginning nearly 7 and ; a half years ago The Advertiser has been interested primarily in seeing that Alabama had its way without intimidation from the out sido in these cases it has never wanted to see the full penalty of tho law executed. “—The State of Alabama has at last had its way. It has repeat edly convicted ‘ “the boys” some of whom are now growing old in the service of our prisons; Alabama has been repeatedly, taunted by the Supreme Court of the United States and by agitators in two hemsipheres, with the re (Continued on page 4) CHARLES H. HOUSTON GETS BEFORE T.V.A. COMMITTEE /-\ _ -—-—-«• Alabama Teachers Pay $137.60 Dues Mongomery, Sept. 1 (C)—Eigh. ty-six teachers of Pickens county, in western Alabama, have sent to President H. Councill Tronholm of Stato Teachers college $137.60 as 100 per cent dues from their group for the American Teachers Asso ciation, the Alabama State Teach ers Association, and the Alabama Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers. .-o N. J. Elks To Fight Civil Service Discrimination Newark, N. J. Sept- 1 (C)— Elks of northern New Jersey were scheduled to meet at Newark lodge home, 153 S. Orange a'e, Sunday, to fight discrimination in civil ser vice appoitmens, under the direct ion of the civil Liberties and Edu cational Department of the Grand Lodge, preparing for a state_wide rally in Trentoo on April 24 ac cording to Mercer Burrell, chair man of the Civil Liberties commit tee of Pride of Newark Lodge. -0 Washington Students Visit Naval Academy Annapolis, Mr. Sept. 1 (C)—The Washington Educational Touring club of Cardoze night school, Geo. H. Walace, president, visited the U. S. Naval Academy Sunday, at tho invitation of Rear Admiral D. P. Sellers, superintendent of the school. TVA PERSONNEL DIRECTOR TO PROBE NAACP. CHARGES __, Knoxville, Tenn., Sept- 1—'I'be Joint Congressional Committee in vestigating the Tennessee Valley Authority here moved today to get at the bottom of charges of gross brutality and discrimination against Negro workers ir the TVA area revealed by Charles H. Houston, national legal represent ative of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people, when he testified before j the Committee here last fort night. Officials of the Association an nounced today that Gordon R. Clapp, TVA personnel director, who was directed by the commit tee to prepare a report on the NAACP. charges, will begin a two day investigation September 6. Mr. Clapp, the announcement ! said, will be accompanied by Mr. Houston, and will cover the same ground covered by the latter and Thurgood Marshall in their in ! vestigation for the Association. In a telegram inviting Houston to “accompany me, to observe and assist” in the investigation, the TVA personnel director said he | would “take tesimony from com plainants and others involved-” Action on the Association’s 1 charges represent the result of four years of hammering on the | part of the NAACP. beginning in 1934. It was d"ring this year that the Association sent investigators into the area whose peport of conditions was substantiated by a government investigator. SEEKS JOBS FOR RACE i ALDERMAN WILLIAM I). DAWSON Chicago Republican candidate for congress from the 1st con gressional Illinois District who is charting the fight of the Ne gro Labor Relations League, a potent organization which is waging a crusade for more jobs for Negroes in Chicago. liust week a Chicago Daily employ ed six branch managers as a re sult of its activity. They plan to tap every availble opening which will furnish additional eraploymien^ Mr. Dawson will oppose Congressman Arthur W. Mitchell, Democrat in the Nov. ember elections. (ANP). WINS HIGH PRAISE IN SAFETY CONTEST Nebraska Power Company’s fleets of passengers cars and trucks traveled more than one mil lion six hundred thousand miles with nine reportable accidents to win high places in their divisions of the 1937-38 national fleet safe ty contest, according to reports received from the National Safety Council. The passenger car fleet of the Nebraska Power Company captur er third place among forty-three competing utilities companies, and its truck fleet holds fifth place among sixty-three large utilities' fleets. Only four accidents were ex perienced by Nebraska Power Company',' passenger car drivers in a total of 870,000 miles they traveled from July 1, 1937 to June 30, 1938. That record is twice as good as they achieved in the 1936. 37 contest year when nine acci dents were experienced in a total of 850,000 miles. Winner of first place in the pas senger car contest amont utilities was Central Texas division, Pan handle Refining Company wit! but one accident in 892,000 miles Shell Union Oil Company’s south ern division was second with three accidents in 815,000 miles Nebraska Power Company’s trucl fleet also cut its previous year’s accident repord in two with but five reportable accidents in 745, 000 miles traveled during the con test year just closed as compared to ten accidents in 847,000 miles in 1936-37. America Utitilits Service Cor poration of Savanna, Illinois wor first placo in the large truck fleel division; Shell Pipe Line Corpor. ation’s telephone and telegraph di vision .second, and central State; Power and light of Tulsa, Oklaho ma, third. The 1st and secorn place winners experienced but oni accident each year during the con test year, and the third place win ner, but two accidents. -♦ Club Women Give B. S Abbott Testimonial Chicago, Sept. 1 (C)—Chicag clubwomen gave testimonal to Edi tor R. S. Abbott of the Chicag' * $57,300 Suit ] led By Kid nap V ictim TEXAN ASKS $57,300 FO* FALSE ARREST .. Dallas, Texas, Sept. 1—A suit for $67,300 was filed here this week by twenty .four year old Mio> key Ricketts, against Dr. and Mr* F. H. Newton, both white, and seven others including two polics men, charging false imprison ment, beating, kicking, starving and threatening. The suit grew out of Rickett’* being located by policemen in the attic of Dr. and Mrs. Newton’s homo in Highland Park here July 30. According to police, Ricketts had been imprisoned in the attic of tho Newton home for five days bound and gagged, because they suspected him of stealing jewelry from Mrs. Newton. Tho Newtons, along with two servants, have been indicted by a grand jury on charges of false imprisonment, in connectior with the kidnaping of Ricketts. Defender at tho Women’s Club in tho loop Friday evening, honoring tho veteran publisher for thirty two years of journalistic service. Mrs. Irene M. Gaines, president of the Chicago and Northern District Association of Women, was chair man. -o—-• Pre- Autumn Musical At Hillside On Sunday afternoon Septem ber 11th at 4 P. M. ,the II ill side Presbyterian Church 30th and Ohio St. will present the “Musical Four” in a Pre-Atumn Musical, featuring Classical, opera and Ne„ gro spirtuals- Personel of tbig quartette includes, Rev. John S. Williams, Mrs. Ethel Webb, Mr. H. L. Preston. Mrs. Otis Jamerson is accompanist. They will be no ad mission charge at the door, but each person attending this musical will bo expected to give a silver offering. This will mark the be ginning of the musical activities a Hillside. Thct nex will be the second Sunday in October. -O Convict Burns and Accom plices In Shorter College Robbery, Shooting Case Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 1 (ANP) I —Tho Shorter College robbery case has been solved, the three men responsible for stealing $2, 319.90 of the school’s money in a hold-up June 7, during which pre siding Elder O. Sherman was shot, are behind the bars and A ME cir cles in Arkansas are breathing easier. No trace of the money, however, has ever been found. Prof. Wm. Mabel Burns of For dyce, Ark., active in church af fairs and delegate to the last general conference of the AME church held in New York in 1936. who was named as the “brains” of the plot was convicted and sen tenced to 10 years in the peniten tiary. Roma Ollison and Haywood Duckworth one an auto mechantwi 1 and other a laborer were given identical sentences with Burns • The robbery and shooting took ■ place immediately after a meeting ' of presiding elders and church leaders held at Bethel church in North Little Rock, June 7. When tho meeting closd Rev. Sherman took the money which was in cash and had been placed in a grip, to his home. He was followed by Olli son and Duckworth, the forme* placing a gun at H«v. Sherman’s ’ head just as he was about to leave > (Continued on page 8)