affairs The ''S-o-oi-e-t-y> World organizations Mrs. 1*. L. McVay 28G8 Corby St, fa spending a five week vaca tion In Uorver, Colo., and Colo. Springs with her people. She write and 'says that she is having a very (a great cola A drink with a Mgreal name AUlial protects |l\ you from imitations pleasant tinie and is visiting the ! mountains quite often. —-□ Miss Camille Ford of Washing ton I). ('. formerly of Omaha, will bj the house guest of Miss Chris tinu Dixon and Miss Elia Wright during a short stay here. Miss Ford is enroute home after a rmnth vacation in Houston and Beaumont, Texas. She will be re. j leptant of a few social affairs I during this week end. Miss Ford will be glad to receive her many friends at 2889 and 2885 Ohio Street. Springers Cheaper than Hacon, 20^ lb. Dressed and Delivered Free: Green Trading Stamps,—, C A KEY’S GROCERY, WE. 0089 Open Sundays—Baby Beef Head, quarters. Charlene /Reese from Council Bluffs is visiting Betty Jean Bur ke of Omaha 2007 Clark St. --o——— Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brooks en tertained Mrs. Brooker Burnett j from Corpi Christie, who is visit, ing her sister. Mr. John Polk 2009 Clark St. Thost 1 resent were Mrs. Marga ret Rodgers from St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. George h’enrord . Jeana Spinks Council Bluffs, Mr. Charles Banks;! Mr. and Mrs. Rossie Farmer; Mr.' ad Mrs. Earl Patterson; Mr. and ’ I Mrs. Gradie Fry; Mr. and Mrs.1 Marvey from Council Bluffs, Mr.' and Mrs. I.enord Hawkins. A nice time was had by all. Mrs. Rodgers is a guest of Mrs. and Mrs. Burke. --□ BR\C» |'Ver Veod l . income 1 oUt Rc-J«d';-h.‘e. «• °p, V*‘ gOUAUJj^^lLiJtf JJgSbRVlCE^I 20th & Douglas Sts. Downtown Store 2406 L St. South Omaha Open Evenings and Sunda/s NOTICE! AH registered eosmelotogists who wish to be members of the Omaha Unit of the National Beau tician League are asked to get in touch with the president Mrs. Christine A1 those as soon as pos sible—Phone Webster 0840 2422 No. 2nd St. --□ The well known young couple, Mr. and Mrs- Jack Farmer of 2218 North 27th Street, entertained the following out of town guests the last past week: His brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. banner of New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Turner and daegh They motored here stopping ter, Marilyn of Washington, D. C. t.hieugh the State of Virginia and Mississippi Missouri. A family gathering honoring the guest, was sponsor ed by the host and hostess of which only members of the family wer presrt including Mr. and Mrs. William Farmer, and Mr. and Mrs Herbert Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Passmore and Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Crum. Various partieB were given in. their honor. One of the most outstanding parties was that given by Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Irving in their n w FontcneUe home, 2207 Charles St. Mr. and Mrs. Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farmer and Mr. Carl Turnc.1 motored to Lincoln for n, short v sit. The guest will take the s." no route back to their des tinations. They stated that they ! i njoyed themselves immensely! v- hiln in our city. —I_I Social Art Club Tho Social Art Club met Wed nesday 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. j Oneida Brown 181G North 28th St., with th > President in charge1 After 30 minutes of business transactions, the Sewing instruc tress took charge. Some very lovely work was displayed by the j ladies. Four new members were; enrolled. The hostess served a very exquisite repast. Next meet Aug. 10th at th home of Mrs. CoO lier 2513 Charles St. Tho Social Art Club met Aug. 10th at the home of Mrs. Colliers 30 minuteH was given to business th0 Pres, in chnrge. The Sewing instructress and ladies had very lovely things on display. One new member was enrolled- A charming menu was served by the hostess. The meeting adjourned to meet August 24th at the home of Mrs. Dean, 1111 North 23th St. Mrs. Mrs. Blue, Reporter, Mrs. Ware, reporter —-□ NORTH SIDE BEAUTY SHOP By Versie Winston OUR COMMENTS “EYEBROW GROMING .GIVES EYE ALLURE” Well grained eyebrows empha size eyo expression. Eyebrows tinned ts a pencil line, after man ner of Hollywood stats are no longer in vogue but all feminine eyebrows require guiding and a bit of trimming, of course, the natural line of growth must be skillfully followed. It is a difficult and annoying task for any woman to arch her eyebrows correctly. When it is poorly done, it is most unattrac tive. A steady experienced hand with a knowledge of what constitutes tho correct amount of thinning is essen if one would enchance the beauty of her eyebrow line. Eyebrow groming is a special service we {five customers at a reasonable price. You will like ycur eyes much better after hav ing our professional eyebrow treat ment. “ 0 ' IOTA HEAD OX THE AIR I " ---1 MRS. LOLA. M. PARKER National President of Iota Phi Lambda, the business woman’s sorority, who will deliver a ra dio address Sunday morning, August 20, 10:30 E.ST on a na tionwide Columbia n tvork on j the “Wings Over Jordan” pro gram. The Iota Phi Lambda will bi holding their annual conven tion in Cleveland August 27-30 and it is expected that Mrs. Par ker will gives echoes from the ; construction program plarn d by • thesci young business woman. (ANP) | ——n The Althouse Beauty School is ■cntinually adding new students on its roll of Beaptv operators. Among our latest enrollment we' havn clementine Magness. Ollie R dd and Haiti Moore. POPULAR DETECTIVE SERG. MARRIES On Monday, August 22, Mr. Ulyss Grant one of Omaha’s popu. ' lar detective sergeants, and Mrs. j Mario Stuart the former prop, of tho Stuart Art Shop who about two years ago moved to Decatur, Mich. They were united by Rev. Sadler in Co. Bluffs. The couple has a host of friends who wishes thorn a long and properous life. -oO o RETURNS HOME AFTER VISIT Mrs. Florence Tyrrell, Jean Ter rell, and Betty Jean Janieg left Omaha 2 weeks ago to visit Miss Ethel Terrell who is taking a nur ses training at the Kan. City hospi tal No. 2. Mrs. Florence Terrell and Miss Jean Terrell returned Thursday, Aug. 24 and reports a very pleasant trip with daughter ! and sister. Miss Betty Jean James remained with her uncle a brother of Mrs. Toby James. -oOo Mrs. Dorothy [ssac daughter of the lat .Rev. John L. Williams I visited her mother and brother. She left Omaha Saturday night and stopped in Kansas City en route to Tulsa, Okla. -oOo Mrs. Estelle Robinson and party i left Monday Aug-, 22 for the Paci | fie Coast. They will stop at Den ver, Salt Lake and many other parts and routes. Will also visit friends in Lod Angeles. -oOo Mrs. Edna Burl y and Mr. Wil lard Dill motored to St. Louis Mo. to accompany Miss E'a Dixon. Miss Dizon went to visit her mo ther. Mrs. Edna Burley and Mr- Wil lard Dill motored to Des Moines to accompany Mother Craig. -oOo— MR. BROWN MOVES TO OLD j FOLKS HOME Mr. H. L. Brown better known i as B. and M. Brown, who is re tired from service from ths Bur lington Railway on pension after 1 serving 42 years on the Presidents private car, who formerly lived at I 2211 Ohio, the resident of the late Mrs. Martha Smith Carter. He wishes his many friends to know that he has moved to 933 N. 25th St. Mr. Brown says he is very proud of his new home. Mr. and Mrs. Bu.rt Johnson are handling tho affair of the new homo and says it is in No. 1 shape. All guests, ape proiyl of them. Mr. Brown has fully recovered from a recent slight illness. He is 84 years old. Mr. Brown contributes his health to moderate life. He is es. pecially found of carrots and fruits. Obstains absolutely from liquor and tobacco. Mr."Brown has Mrs. Nettie Jay Fredicks 2220 Lake St. | as guardian who looks after his affairs in full. -oOo Colored Old Fo 1 ’ s at the home wishes to thank fi iends for dona- j tions. Mrs. Geo. Wood—Market Las. j ket of grapes. A friend—Two stack of clothes, j over coat, 2 shirts 2 suits of un- j der wear, socks and 4 men hats. Callers at the home: Mrs. and Mr. Edwin Banker, of Chicago, 111. Mrs. Udell Ragin and son. Mrs. Maggie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Johnson in charge. - -oOo ESCAPES FROM PRISON Auburn N. Y. Aug 18 (CNA) — Edward Sampson 30, serving fivoj years fur attempted grand lar-J was reported escaped from I an Auburn prison this week. -O-— NEGRO.WHITE PICKETS MARCH IN RICHMOND Richmond Va., Aug. 24 (CNA)— j In one of the first solidarity ae I tions of its kind in this section, ■ 200 white clothing workers mem ■ bers of the Amalgamated Clothing J Workers of America marched in a 1 mass picket line ara and the plant j of the Export Leaf Tobacea Co., 1 where 200 Negro tobacca worktTs I have been on strike since Monay. Tho fci-racial picketing was sig. nil'cant in that it aimed at the end of one of the South’s ni"st potent anti-labor weapons: the division between Negro and white workers. Tho policy of Southern employers has fcepp. t* keep Negro and white labor completely divided either in separate branches of the same in dustry cr in separate departments if working in the same plant. This policy has been actively supported by the A. F. of L. top leadership with its jim-crow unions and its outright refusal to organize' Ne "CLOTHING F0r"sALE^ Hats, Shoes and Clothing on Sale at the St. BENEDICT CATHOLIC SCHOOL. Somethings practically m\v. Come in and see them! f.roes. The two jointly pickting unions are both members of the. CIO. Johnson Drug Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions WE 0998 1904 No. 24th St Herman’s Market HERMAN FRIEOLANDER PROPRIETOR 24!h Lake St. WE. 5444 r "PARDON ME WHILE I FIRE THE FURNACE", ^ A WIEmBBSmBtUi INSTALL AN Automatic GAS FURNACE Cold weather isn’t far away- Just think back to last winter. Before long you, too, will be saying again, like you said last winter. “Pardon me while I fire tho furnace.” Old-fashioned heating means constant interruption the whole day through, needless trips to basement. It costs so little to have real automatic heat in your home. Why not install a modem auto matic GAS FURNACE? Find out NOW just how much it will cost to heat your home. Call ATlontic 5760 and ask for a FREE HEATING SURVEY! TEND YOUR FURNACE FROM YOUR EASY CHAIR!