The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 27, 1938, Page Three, Image 3

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    Make Rapid Progress. . .
_________— ■ —— '--- 11 'mm
•One of the new prefabricated
■homes being erected on the pro
ject. The walls in sable ends
wcm built in sections at a temp
orary mill erected on the project
and then hauled on trucks to the
house site. This was one step in
th method of low-cost housing con
struction developed by the Farm
Security Administration.
(Bottom) Ono of the project
farmers with a wagon load of seed
and fertilizer. By purchasing
their tools and supplies in large
wholesale lots the project famil.
ies have be*cn able to save con
siderable sums of money.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 25 (Jane
Jiichards for CNA) One of the
most important races for Nebras_
kp. Unicameral (one house) legis
lature is occurring in the Fifth
District where John Adams, Jr.,
Nebraska’s only Negro senator, is
runring for re-election. Adams’
district includes an important
2229 Lake Street I
f«r Popular Brands
—Always a place to park—
WEbster 3043
working class section, and the
largest Negro area in the state.
Unicameral elections are on a non
partisan ballot, with the two high
est in the primaries appearing m
the November ballot.
Adams, Who has been endorsed
by both tihe Union Voters’ league
(AFL) and Labor’s Non Partisan
L'-ague, has served two previous
terms—as representative in the
last session of the bicameral, and
a:: state senator from the fifth
His record is the most consis
tently progressive of any Nebras
ka state senator. He led the fight
for relief at the last session, in
troducing a series of bills design
ed to raise more money fir the
state assistance fund- In addi.
tion he introduced a bill for the
ratification of the Child Labor A
mendment, which was shouted
down by Tory senators and which
a voice was finally taken after the
insistance of liberal and progres
Effective May 1st:
20 cni Discount
on Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Cash and Carry
Edholm and Sherman
Launderers & Dry Cleaners
;WE 6055 ' 1;
Be A Booster
When utir solicitor calls at your home, be sure to show
by giving him or her a newsy item or taking a subscription for
12 months, 6 months, 3 months, or even 1 month.
When you BOOST THE GUIDE, you are boosting Omaha
and are enabling us t*o give employment to more of our owr
boys and girls.
2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518
sives throughout the state.
Adams wrote and introduced the
till which made possible Nebras
ka's taking advantage of the Fed
eral Housing Act, and he devoted
r. good deal of time to the prelim
inary work for the first housing
project in Nebraska—the Logan
Fontenelle homes in Omaha which
replaced one of the worst slum
area.-, in the crowded 24th Street
..Condensed Summary for Busy.
(by Albert G. Barnett for ANP)
Hilo, Hhwaii—Last Tuesday
night, following the waterfront
battlo between police and long
shoremen strikers and sympathiz
ers in which 36 persons were hurt,
th atmosphere continued tense,
Sheriff's deputies, regulars and
volunteers patrolled the streets
with riot guns and tear gas bombs
Docking of the Steamer Waial.
calc precipated the riot in which
500 strikers took part.
Capetown, S. Africa—The gov
ernment of he IJnicn of South Af
rica last Tuesday refused a pass
port to W. F. Nkomo, to attend
a world peace conference at Vass
al' college, USA. Basis for the
refusal: Statement that “the con
gress is being used as a cloak by
Youth Internation, sub
sidiary of the Communist Inter
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Because
a large part of the populace, white
and black are too poor to purch
ase electric refrigerators tc make
artificial ice, a much needed com
modity here, thegovernment has
built a large plant five miles
from this city for the manufact,
urc of artificial ice. At present
its output is five tons of ice bars
n day.
Birmingham, Ala.,—With 150
delegates in attendance, the Grand
Lodge, Knights of Pytias opened
is annual session here last Wed
Get Money Love
I guarantee to help you itt a atari b
lf«. No ease beyond hop*. Stop worn
ai* t Write me today Information FREE
M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sta
Jersey City, N. J. Dept. O.
Farm Family at S. E, Missouri Project -
Owin Whitfield’s family. One
rtf 50 Negro families on the Farm
Security Administration’s project
near Sikestor., Missouri. With all
of the crops and their gardens in
good condition these families are
well on their way towards making
I 'heir first y ar on the new' project
p. success. liesides bein^ active
ir, project affairs Mr. Whitfield
is vice president pf the Southern
Tenant Farmers Unio .
jesday. Grand Chancellor Oscar
W’. Adams presided and Supreme
Chancellor S. A. T. Watkins of
Chicago wag present at the meet
ing'. Tho Grand Court, Ord r of
Calanthe, met simultaneously.
Memphis, Tenn—Police and dep
uties this week renewed search for
r, bad of four Negroes who stag d
three r:bbries in the county Tues
day night and broke the nose of
one of their victims, a storekeep
er. A filling station and fruit
store were also held up.
Columbia, S. C,—Only white
people will vote in the August
Democratic primary, Governor
Glin Johnston declared this week.
He cited a law passed at the last
session of the legislature which
| authorized a political party to
I limit qualifications for member
ship in that party. He added that
| the Democratic party had amend
ed the rules so that only white
Democrats could vote in the pri.
mary, thus entirely eliminating
tho Negro vote.
Birmigham, Ala.—WPA. State
Director W. G. Henderson this
wert: stated that the WPA educa
tion program, started four years
ago under sponsorship of the Ala
bama Education department, has
taught 24,326 illiterate adults, a
1 large percentage of them Negrc
1 es, the fundamentals of reading,
; writing and arithmetic.
Oklahoma City, Okla.—Local
business men have decided to go
after the 1939 session of the Na
tional [Business league which
met this year, Aug. 17-19 at Hous
ton , Texas. Thomas Edwards
pr r.ident Oklahoma City Negrc.
Business league, is leading the
fight to bring next year’s conven
tion here.
New Orleans, According to Wil
liam L. Austin, director Bureau of
' tho Census, New Orleans, sixth
city ir Negro population, had 289
Tetail stores operated by Negroes
in 1935. Total sales: $574,000;
salaries paid, $49,005; operating
expenses. $147,000; slump, caused
by depression; sales dropped from
$2,300,374 in 1929 to $574,000 in
1935—a decrease of 75 per cent
with 482 fewer Negro operated
stores in 1935 than in 1929.
i Washington, Aug. 25—The Am
erican Federation of Labor esti
mated unemployment in June at
11,445,134; an increase of 42,0001
over that of May and 375,000 over
that of April.
Salisbury, N. C. Aug. 25 (ANP)j
—The Carolina Leadership Train
ing School and Ministers institute
of its kind in the on untry, under
the supervision of its executive se
cretary Bishop L. W. Kyles held
its eighth annual session on Li
vingston colege campus August 1
5, This session far surpassed the
previous nes ir. enthusiasm arjj in
the work accomplished. Nearly1
200 attended and 107 certificate
were awarded. This was the great
est number i the history of the
The institute ig era posed of
many people who are sent at the
expense cf their churches to re
ceive the instruction offered, and
oi eliurch shool teachers, super
intendents, ministers missionary
work, rs and other who are bene
fltted by taking the various reli
gious courses offered.
Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 25 (A
N. P.)—Dr. Felton G. Clark the
now president of Southern univer
sity will begin his administratived
career upon a foundation which his
i'ather, Dr. J. S. Clark has solidly
Before retiring Dr. /J. S. Clark
succeeded in secering for the next
biennium through the legislature
and the federal governmen.b $1,
238,000 for buildings supp- rt and
maintenance- This is the largest
■s'rglo appropriation ever received
by any Negro land Grant College.
| An appropriation of $500,000 from
tho state and $410,000 from the
federal government will be used
in the construction of new build
ings and improvement of the gen
eral physical plant. The new
buildings proposed are two dormi
tories, a dormitory-stadium, an ad
ministration library a hospital a
high school training school build
ing, a laundry and enlargement of
tho caftJeria and home economics
Exactly $320,000 of the appro
priation is assigned for support
and maintenance to take care of
the administration and teaching
staff of 85 persons and such other
expenses as may be included in
tho operation of the institution.
The state legislature, for the
first time, appropriated an $8,000
scholarship fund to Southern uni
versity to aid worthy students
who are unable to meet the finan
This is a new step forward in the
cial demands of the institution,
history of Louisiana. This scholar
ship fund in every way to that
given to each of the five white
colleges supported by the state.
D/. J. S. Clark president-emeri
tus, upon request of the president
of the college and state official
expressed willingness to cooperate
i nan unofficial way with the ar
chitect and president in helping to
carry out the entire program that
he has so carefully and successful
ly planned- When this program is
finished within the next twe years
Southern university and A. and M.
colege should be one of the most
I in Grant colleges in the south.
The new physical plant, when
completed will amply acccmmi^
date 2,000 students. The new pres
ident, Dr. Felton G. Clark is very
optimistic about the future of the
r.ohool. He is making every effort
to offer to the people of the state
a type of education that will quali
fy them to meet in every way the
demands of the state.
Now York, Aug. 25 (C)—Pre
paring for the big upswing in
‘ White collar employment in Har
lem which is expected as a result
of signing cf a “trade agreement”
on Saturday between the Uptown
Chamber of C mmtrce and the
Greater New York Co-ordinating
Committee for Employment, by
which stores guarantee ts Negroes
“one third” of the jobs in the 125th
street (Harlem) area, a rush to
register at tho Urban League, YM
and YWCA employment offices,
through which it was agreed the
help w> uld he “cleared”, began
Monday morning. The agreement,
signed after four months of n< go
tiation, and following five years
of labor strife, during which pic
keting has been rampant an thous
ands of dollars lost tx. merchants
because of their refusal to employ
Negroes, although es formed
thy bulk of their customers, has
given mw hope to the Harlem com
In the text of the agreement the
term “whftu odlar” is defined as
“one engaged in an executive, gel
ling or ckrical capacity, or in
any other position in which the
workers come i direct contact with
the cuctomers. The positions main
ly excluded from this classification
aro those of a menial nature, such
as porters, janitors, etc-”
Mayor LaGuardia, Newbold Mor
rls, president of the City Council,
and Stanley M. Isaacs, president
cf the Borough cf Manhattan, were
among the high officials praising
the agreement.
Chicago, Aug, 25 (ANP)—At a
meeting held here last Monday on
the city’s Sout.hside and held un
d« l* auspices of the Negro Labor
Relation League steps were taken
to provide more jobs f r Negroes
Representatives of several or
ganizations submitted a program
tailing for delegations to visit pri
vate industries and ask for the
employment of colored workers.
More WPA jobs will also- . be
sought. Ray Harsbrough, Comm
unist Party candidate for state
Superintendent of schools tne of
the speakers said:
“Negroes are persecuted and
discriminated against because they
are for the most part, poverty
stricken. We must insist upon jobs
and security fcr all American citi
zens, whatever their color.”
Att.y. William Dawson alderman
of the Seond Ward and Republican
candidate for Congress in the
First District pledged continued
effort to improve the unemploy
ment and relief situation among
New York Aug. (ANP)—€e
lerina Garcia, who bcpes to fight
Henry Armstrong for his welter
i weight title after the double
champion battles Lightweight
King Lou Ambers in their post
poned bout Wednesday night, ap
peared before the state athletic
commission a week ago Wednes
day to post $2,000 for the match.
The commission accepted the
check but told Garcia and his
manager, George Parnassus that
Armstrong won the title frcm
Barney Ross on May 31 and has
six months to defend it under tho
| commission’s ruling.
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