The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 27, 1938, Image 1

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    • • • ' ^^ssssssasi.g
Largest m
Negro Paper ■ "F ■
in Nebraska L' full pages of
5_ «= _ _m Comics
Copy ^
, ^ „ ff t Pnatoffi(.p Omaha Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBU., SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1938 NUMBER TWENTY
Entered as Second Class Matter at Postoffice, Umana, rveorasKa . ___I_-_■ ■ -.
One of the greatest problems of the Negro is the pressing
need of employment opportunities for the race. At tthe
present tipie, throughout,, the country, the many Negro organ’,
zations are launching programs and drives for mass action,
for the employment of Negroes. Many of these Organizations
Has Plan
President, since 1922, of the Na
tional Baptist Convention, 'Inc.,
which meets in 54-. Louis, at thi
Coliseum on Washington and Jef
ferson avenues, Sept.enber 6-12,
In its 58th annua] session, when a
host of 50,000 is expcted to be
present. Dr. Williams has a plan
for the convention to raise $50,000
to retire at a saving the second |
mortgage on the Morris Memor
ial buildinfi (publishing house),
Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Williams, a
native of Eufala, Ala., was edu.
cated at Bishop college, Arkansas
Baptist college, and Selma univ- j
ersity, and is Harmon Award
winner, pastor of Mt. Olivet Bap
tist church, Chicago, and presi
dent of Victory Mutual Life In
surance company- (Calvin service)
Newly appointed Editor of the
Kappe Journal, which has been
published for 24 years by the Ka.
pa Alpha Psi fraternity. Mr.
Fleming now 34, is a native of
Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin
Islands, and was educated at
Hampton, the University of Wis
consin (in journalism), New
York of Social Research and the
University of Pennsyvania. No
ted as an authority on th_■ Negro
Press, Mr. Fleming has served as
news editor of the Norfolk Jour
nal and Guide, and city editor
of the Amsterdam News. He now
lives at 1504 Catherine Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.,
(Calvin Service).
Chicago, Aug. 25 (C)—The Ser
vice Drug stores carried a full
page ad. in the Chicago Be“, 3644,
S. State St., Olive MyrI Diggs,
editor, last week.
have as their general slogan no j
not buy where you can’t work.” I
Only by mass action can the Ne-1
gro secure this objective. All Ne
groes should support these organi
zations in their vicinity.
On0 of the Negro’s most effect
ive weapons in his economic bat
tle for equality, is his purchasing
power. The combined purchasing
power of the Negro in 1937, was
approximately $3,000,000,000. Ihif
is greater than the total amoun
of all exports from the United
States in that year. Negroes have
a purchasing power even great-1
than that of the whole Domini; ,
ji! Canada.
It is my belief that Negroes
must attack this problem more
from the fundamental viewpoint
of economics, and kss from the
social and religious angles, if they
arc to gain economic security- It
is the purpose of this column to
point out how Negroes may ge*t
the full benefit from their purch
asing power.
If Negroes concentrate their
buying upon those firms who era.
ploy Negroes, they will benefit ' y
getting more consideration from
these companies in the form of
employment, not 'Vdy in menial
positions, but as sales exeeuth es,
salesmen, clerks, technicians, skill
ed laborers, and in other positions.
Negroes, in their daily purchas
ing. are blindly supporting those
companies that have a closed door
policy in regard to employment
opportunities lor me race, woe
of the best ways of finding out
what companies have an open door
policy, is to read the advertise
ments in the Negro newspapers.
Study your advertisements, re-J
member the names of brands, and
demand them when you make your
purchase. Patronize your Negro
dealer, so that he, in turn, can de
mand that these companies send
only Negro salesmen to service
him. If there is no Negro dealer
in your neighborhood, demand
these products from a white re
tailer, who employs Negroes. It
makes no difference in what cap.
acity the Negro is employed,
whether he be manager, clerk, de
livery boy, or porter, so long as
he works there.
Many a mother and housewife,
in her daily purchases of food and
ize that she is closing the door ot
home commodities, does not real
opportunity for her children, by
buying brands of goods made by
companies that have a closed door
When Negroes buy more of the
products advertised in their own
papers, they will establish a re
ciprocal fueling of “Goodwill” to
ward those manufacturers who ad
vertise in the Negro press. This
“Goodwill” is essential in increas
ing employment opportunities for
tho race.
Next week, I will point out how
Negroes can create new oppor.
tuiities in their purchase of soaps
and of soap powders.
A man pays five dollars for mat- 1
tress and in turning the mattress
over 5 and 10 dollars bills begin
falling out. Mr. James Sterume. a
utility employee of Dundas, Ont.,
who found a stack of bills in a mat j
tress ho bought 2nd hand for five j
' • /'"’I • • T 1 National Baptist Hosts Celebrate 75tH
VjhriStia. V^Jnnstian. -L/CadcrS Anniversary of Negro Freedom...
Leaders of the National Baptist
Convention which convenes Sep
tember 7.11 in St. Louis. Mo.
Left to right top row: Dr. A. M.
Townsend, Nashville, Secretary
Sunday School Board; Dr. J. M.
Nabrit, Secretary Convention,
President American Baptist The>
ological Seminary, Nashville; Dr.
L. K. Williams, Chicago, Presi
■ dent; Rev. L. K. Jordan, Historian-,
Kev. B. |T. Perkins, St. Louis,
j Treausrer:
j Second row: T. S. Hartm, Brook
; lyn. Vice President; Reiv. J. B.
^Adams, Brooklyn, Secretary Social
Service Commission; Rev. T. 0.
Fuller, Memphis, Assistant Secre
tary; ReV. J. C. Jackson, Presi
dent New England Convention; E.
W. D. Isaacs, Nashville, Secretary
BYPU Board; Rev. T. T. Lovelace,
Secretary Home Mission Board:
Third row: Rev. E. Arlington Wil
son, St. Louis, Assistant Secre
tary; Wm. H. Haynes, Chicago,
Attorney; Miss Nannie H. Bur
| roughs, Washington, Secretary
Woman’s Convention Auxiliary;
Rev. E. L Twine, Secretary Edu_
cation; Rev. J. H. Branham,
Chairman Transportation Commit
Fourth row: ,J. E. Gayle, New Or
leans, President Laymen’s Move,
ment; Rev. D. V. Jemison, Selma,
Ala., Vice President; Mrs. S. W.
Laytcn, Philadelphia, President
Woman’s Convention; Rev. A. L.
Boone, Cleveland, Vice President;
Rev. Ralph W. Wiley, Rome, Ga.,
Secretary, Benefi Board; Rev. J.
H. Jackson, Secretary Foreign
Missionary Board; Roland Smith,
Statistician. (ANP)
dollars. It is said he refuses to
estimate the treasure but neighbors
say it was more than $2,000 dol
Garfield Hayes Says Let
Lawyers Join Bar Assn.
The American Bar Association
was called upon by the Civil Li
berties Union today to remove its
discrimination against membership
of Negroes as an initial step in
conducting a militant fight for
minorities, following its recent
creation of a special committee on
defense of civil rights.
The Unior’s suggestion was con
tained in a letter to Frank J. Ho.
gan, president of the Association,
by Arthur Garfield Hays, general
counsel for the ACLU. Congratu-!
lating Mr. Hogan on the action
taken at his ivcommendation in
forming the civil, liberties commi
ttee, Mr. Hays offered the cooper-1
ation of the Union and its branches
throughout the country.
Mr. Hays added:
“We welcome the American Bar )
Association’s long delayed reco
gnition of its responsibility in this
field and trust that its work will
be conducted on behalf of all min
orities without discrimination. As
Housewife Captures
Prowling Burglar
a frst step, we urge the committee
to life the ban against Negroes in
the Bar A sociation.
‘‘Personally J wish to add that I
am a member of the American 1
Bar Association but that I intend
to resign unless some action is
soon taken so that Negroes may
be admitted to membership. I
hope that such an example on my
part will be followed by many
other members.”
. -^
The annual children’s day picnic
sponsored by the Democratic 1000
club, Twenty fourth and Parker
Sreets will be held at 1 P. M.
Saturday at Krug park. Guests
and children with their lunch bas
kets, will meet at th club hall
for transportation to the park.
Bobby Brown, chairman of the
picnic committee will furnish free
tickets to the park’s concessions. 1
Mrs. R. C. Price 2411 North 22rul
street, wife of the widely known
barber, capture^ a young burglar
after ho had raised a window lead
irg into the dining room and en- i
tered the home. About two months
ago she called her husband’s at. ;
tention to a riped off screen lead
ing into their bedroom, and about
two weeks ago she missed a pocket
book while watering her lawn late,
in the evening, which sh^ was posi
tive she had placed in a dresser
drawer. The pocket book had about
10 dollars in it. Alwut a week ago
she noticed a screen had been lift,
ed from a side dining room win-j
dow showing evidence someore had
entered the house and after a close
search of the house, she discovered
r. saving bank missing which con
tained about a dollar. Last Sunday
about 10:00 A. M. she had a tele. !
phone call asking her to come to
the YMCA at once to assist the
resigning secretary in chocking
over the books, not thinking it was
a call to get her away from home,
in order to give a thief a chance
(Continued on page 4)
Appointed To Police Dept.
Mr. Pittman Foxall, 2903 *F St.,
was appointed to the police dept,
by Police Commissioner Richard
Jopsen, Tuesday, August 23rd.
Chicago, Aug. 25 (C)—Jesse
Binga, 73 former president of the j
Binga State bar.k, 36th St. and
South State, was paroled Saturday
after setting two years and ten
months in Joliet prison of a one
to ten year sentence for embezz
ling $32,500 of the closed bank’s
funds. A former Pullman porter,!
Mr. Binga rose to affluence, and
had much trouble occupying a bea
utiful home on South Parkway,
the house being bombed several j
times. Binga will report to parole
officers for three years. A petition !
bearing 10,000 signatures was pre- i
sented for his release.
Change Commanders of N.
Y. Guard Unit
New York, Aug. 25 (C)—The
369th Infantry of the New York
National Guard had its comman
ders changed last wetk when after
investigation, Governor Leham
ordered CoL John G. Grimley dis
charged and Col. Joseph A, S.
Mundy was placed in temporary
New' York, August 25—The con
servative New York Herald Tri
bune, in an editorial published
August 19, poses the question:
“What has become of that quaint
old theory known as Nordic sup
remacy,” and then proceeds to an.
swer it in terms of the amazing
fistic record of three world-title
champion, Her.ry Armstrong.
The complete text of the editor,
ial, entitled ‘Three Champions in
One,” follows:
“Devotees of boxing, the Sweet
Science (of the sour science, de
pending upon the point of view,)
are far from being agreed that
Henry Armstrong the California
Negro is the greatest fighter that
ever laced on gloves, but he at
least has done somethino that no
Other pugilist ever did: he holds
hreo worsd titles at one time, the
featherweight, lightweight, and
welterweight. That is to say, he
is tho titular master of all pugi
lists weighting between 126 rid
147 poinds.
“However, Wednesday night he
came out the fight w:th Lou Am
bers for t’"» ' ch?.m
(Conntinuod on page 5)