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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1938)
SOCIAL CLUBS AFFAIRS ORGANIZATIONS Mrs. Edna Pankey, reporter of Oirisi Temple Church is leaving Aug. 19 for Los Angeles Califor nia tt ataend the church of Christ jtHolliness) district convention. —.-o-• I-nWTence Parker of 2415 Cald well St-, lftt last Thursday morn ing £.*r Chicago, 111. to visit his uncle Ray Parker aril Aunt Leona ■Johnson and his cousin Albert Johnson and family. Another aunt /ice Emma parkr, now Mrs. Gibson of Seattle, Wash, and hus jaral and twe sons aro also visit ng at the same time and they ire haying a family reunion and a&rebce reports having a fine time He will spend about two weeks there. Johnson Drug: Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions «K 099H 1904 No. 24th St. 1 •Herman’s Market HERMAN FRIEDLANDER PROPRIETOR 24th Lake St. j NOTED ORCHESTRA ROYALY ENTERTAINED ON TOUR Noble Sissies and His Orchestra toped in Omaha a few hours Sun ! day Aug. If. He was the Dinner j guest of Mrs. Florence Jones 2/W9 ; Seward St. With this famous hand' is cur own Jimmie Jones who wps edu cated in Omaha and studied music under the latq Dan Desdunje, Can ada and elsewhere writes apd com posj music plays and masierg the. j tJeneral Instruments. ; Jimmie is the son of Mrsl Jones, i j . I : Little Jimmie Jones juni; r accom- ; rallied his father and a two week visit. Mrs. Joma’ spared no pains making the short stay) of her distinguish guests a very plea-' rar:1; ore. Mr. Sissies and the boys were very much impressed with th , city and expressed a desire to Como back y me later date whetr they can stay longer. After eats and eats and more oa». they d< parted for Lake Oki fcoj' where they have a two day engagement. Here they will me t Mrs. Lula Mae Ridge a niece of, Jimmie’s. Cheater Burell, Mr. arid Mrs. Wilbur Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Dreig las Henry, Miss Edith Wilson, Known ar the Pinging Black Bird, Jimmie Miller, Gilbert White Win da! Cully. Gene Mikell, Billy Bank; aid Harry Bro k-\ Omaha guest I wer, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Parks. R <’. and Mrs, Price. No bio Sissies Orchestra has ap pealed in pictures Many times. ----- i I_I LEWIS SEP VICE STATION 1 Best Gas, Oil and Gi'ease also the Best O. K. Used Cars So St.p In and See Them (ICE & ICE COLD WATER MELONS Cara ir. Good Condition and (^heap Southwest Corner of 24 th. & Grant Sis. y.i y#yarjrnwr»¥>iL 1 tipitk THE ORIGINAL FORMULA FOR MORE THAN i 40 YEARS ABSO PURE. I --—- ■ I I ill — |. ♦. * ^Yriah jj y ^dijjrdrucL Rug. U. 8. P«t. Off. /f BEfliiTy.-RoniflncEi BflBMWTTTTTTT:11JT1I'V—i The L.irieuse Seauty Foundation was established by f the Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make the results of this research available to tho public. So ninny of ns have the idea that, if a little sun is good for our henlth and vitality, a great deal will be even more beneficial. This Is, of course, a mistaken notion ns you arc hound to leurn from painful ex perience. Now that the swimming season 1s here and many of us spend all the time we can spare at the beaches, we must take definite precautions against sunburn. Sunburn Is a very real burn, and, just as we would not put our hands against a hot stove, neither should we expose tender skin to the sun for more than a few minutes at a time until v\e have become accustomed to Its rays. Spread a protective cream over the skin before exposing it to old Sol for any length of time. Even better, if you don't mind the shine, use olive oil. Cover your face, arms, shoulders, back and legs. If you stay out long enough for that to dry, repeat the application. Summer sun is very harmful to the skin. It dries out the nntural oils and leaves it rough and peeling. You’ve seen peo ple who have acquired a weather beaten, leathery look from too much exposure to the sun. Once the nat ural oils are gone, the skin starts wrinkling. Dry skin wrinkles more readily than oily skin, even when not exposed to the sun’s drying ef fects. In summer we must take spe dul pains to ward off lines and crows’ feet even though the appli cation of creams and oils is more a trial in summer than during the cooler months. Then, too, we are likely to have deeper squint lines from the glare of the sun, especially the glare of sun on water. And while we nre on the subject of glare, the eyes too can he “sun burned.” Protect them with the dark-colored glasses which nre so much in vogue this year. If you don’t, you will find yourself frown ing at your companions with tired blood-shot eyes ut the end of the day. But suppose the burn gets you af ter all. You have one of the best remedies right in your own home. Vinegar Is an excellent antidote for sunburn. Spread it on gently over the burned surface. You can feel Its cooling effect as you apply It. Use it as soon ns you come out of the sun if you fear you have been over-exposed. Continued exposure to the sun, even though you are careful not to get badly burned, will darken the color of the skin. The surest and quickest remedy for this is blench ing. A good bleach, used regularly over a period of time, will have a noticeable effect. Bleaches, how ever, are likely to have a drying effect, so follow them up with an ap plication of cream. You can’t avoid oils and crentns In the summer, so lay lu a supply and be on the safe side. What are your beauty prob lems? Write Marie Downing, Larieuse Beauty Foundation, Room 607 — 511 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo., and she will be glad to answer them. Be sure to en close a self-addressed stamped envelope. PARK DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mis. Ai thui Samps n, weu hosts and hostess it a Park Linner Party at Riverview Park, tiui day Aug. 14th 1938. The following guests were pre sent: Susan Woods, Lillie Smith, ochn Cole, Clifford Davis, Ellen & Fluor Davis, Charles lug ns, An drew Ligona, and Clarence I)a'is. A delightful time was had by ail. Miss V. G. Marshall, Superin tendent of the Child Savings Ins titute, Kansas Ciay, Ka sas, Sis e,- and Sister in law f Mr. and Mrs. It- A. Thomas, of 3116 Bur dette St., arrived in the city on Monday for a two we ks vacation after a visit to the city of Omaha she was so impressed by the hos pitality shswn her last year that she returned again this year and r.hj seems well pleased with the progress of our race is our city. -u-—• 3 IN ONE That is Henry Armstrong today of course, he had to do a little running to get that three in one biV. he got it and new the world will want to see him. That fight ing piece of machinery in the form of a man. No question a lout it, Mr. Henry Armstrong is the World’s greatest champion— J in t. Mis:. Annie Mae Ward left O mahs Wednesday ight August It. Shu will stop in Chicago a week father, Rev. S. Ward. His home then go on to Detr' it to visit her Pas onoe here. She was escorted to the station by many friends and relatives. She had a farewell party Tuesday She will return this fall. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Leffall are motoring Hollywood, Californ ia. to visit her sister Mrs. Lucas and Mr. Bernard Hytyer are ac companying them. The places they are planning to visit on their trip are Salt Lake City, Utah, Evanston, Wyoming, g i Tia Juana, Mexico and San Diego California. They hope to have a successful trip. VPS. BETTY BRYANT ENTER TANNED Mrs. E. M. Price cf 2620 North 25th Street and Mrs. .R. C. Knight entertained at breakfast Thursday morning, for Mrs. Betty Bryant, 01 Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs Bry | ant is the aunt of Mrs. Beldna Collins of 2624 Erskine St. | ATTY. RALPH ADAMS AND FAMILY VISIT OMAHA Air. and Mrs. Ralph Adams and non arrived in Omaha to spend a few days with their many frier.ds and relatives. MRS. E. McKINNEY VISITS DAUGHTER , Mrs. E. McKinn y of Ralph, Al j abania is visijmg her daughter | Mrs. Estell Williams of 2426 Cald I ell Sftreet. Mrs. M,cKin;iey has j I avc Sunday to visit her brother 1 been here one month and will in Marshall, Iowa. From there 1 sl'o will visit a brother, Mr. Jos eph Brown, who is a policeman in Chicago, who lives at 6225 S. 1 Throp Street. Mrs. McKinney will return to Tuecclwooso, Ala bama after her visit with h r bro ther in Chicago. | - MR. AND MRS. W. S. WINN ! VISIT SON AND DAUGHTER | Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Winn, 2626 i Seward, are visiting their son Ro bert Winn and daughter, Mrs, Osceola Wright oh Minnqa|>olis, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Winn will 1 visr, manv points in the East be fore rituring home. MISS CARMILLE FORD VISIT OMAHA Miss Carmilie Ford of Washing ton. D. C. formerly of Omaha will , visit the Hibbler family for four . days while enrute to Houston, Texas to visit with her aunt. Miss F.-rd is a graduate of Howard uni j and Mrs- H. iJ. Ford who formerly ' "sity and is the daughter of Mr. lived in Houston, Texas, later REID’S Pharmacy _____ PHONE 24th & Seward Sts^ WE. 1613 TRY REID’S REID’S LIVER PILLS LIVER SALTS 10c & 25c 25c Best for that tired and De pressed feeling. moved to Omaha, Nebraska for the past six years has lived in Wash ington D. C. Mr. H. J. Ford is the founder of the Omaha Guide and is presi-j den of the Omaha Guide Publish-j ing Company. Springers Cheaper than Bacon, 20<* lb. Dressed and Delivered Free: Green Trading Stamps,— CAREY'S GROCERY. WE. 6089 Open Sundays—Baby Beef Head. (,‘uarters. j ■■ ..- - " l GOLFERS GO TO TOURNAMENT Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Scott, Mr, Lonnie Thomas of, Lincoln Nebras ka Mr. Boyd Galoway and Sister Esaleo Galloway of Dallas Texas, left for Minneapolis iMnn-, to at tend the Golf Tournament Thurs-' day at 8:00 P. M. MRS. PEOPLES LAID TO REST Funeral services were held ft r Mis. Larry Peoples at Cleaves Temple Church, Monday morning at 11 o’clock. Rev. Rass officiating Interment, Forest Lawn Ceme tery. -O CELEBRATES THEIR FIRST ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones of 2866 Grant, celebrated their first W. tiding Anniversary, Thursday, Avgust 18th with a few of their intimate friends. --0 ! DORSEY’S: BODY BROUGHT TO • OMAHA Mr. Dwight Dorsey’s body ar rived Thursday evening, private j funeral was held Friday at 9:30 from the Lewis Mortuary. In ternment was hi Id at Forest Lawn Cemetary. MRS. MILLARD WOODS VISIT FRIEN DS Mrs. Miliard Woods of Lincoln, Nebraska visited frieds here for a lew days while enroute to Minneo polis Minn., to attend Golf Tourna ment. -0 MOTOR TO ST. PAUL, MINN. Mrs. Melva McCaw Stuart ac companied by her sister Miss Ger trude McCaw and niece Jam's McCaw drov0 to St. Paul to visit their sister and aunt Miss Bernice McCaw. -O Mr. Joe Dorsey i.f New York, arrived, in Omaha Wednesday to attend, the funeral of his brother Dwight. Mr. Dorsey will spent about ten days in Omaha with his mother ar.d many friends. itiii ^Hbv x ■ I New Life-Saver Treati ' Gives Split-Second Stops ! on Wet, Slippery Roads f Rain or shine, wet or dry, the new j Goodrich Safety Silvertown will give ! you the greatest tire protection you’ve i ever enjoyed on that holiday trip— ’ and for months to come. You’ll never 'r know what the word “Stop” really means until you feel this great new j; tire grip the road. Com* in for Freo Demonstration Let us show you how the new Safety Silver. ' town makes a dry track on wet road”, actually 1 sweeps the water right and left leaving a dry | track for rubber to grip. Flay safe. Equip j your car with GOODRICH SAFETY SILVERTOWNS , i ^ WITH LIFE-SAVER TREAD J /Auto fan* con,, Mr*S k 'W. .«!(„ J‘" '0r I'M.. J i CLEANER AND WAX I Polish and protect the finish of your car. Easy to apply. [ SPONGES —CHAMOIS A necessity for a good wash 1 job. Variety of I sizes. ■ Your Choice T.4 CIGAR LIGHTER Variety of styles—all out standing values. Easy to install. ^19c Up STEERING WHEEL CONTROL Simplifies back ing. turning or parking. I 39c | POLISHING CLOTH Leaves no lint — absorbs dust — will not scratch surface. 19* ’-. AUTO BULBS varry a spare in case of f merg ency. Genuine Mazda — last longer, give brighter , light.Jj __ _ [auto horns IA A Aj| Genuine Klaxon ^11_ *10.00 Value. FOG LIGHT Penetrates fog* rain and mist. Amber convex lens. I m GOODRICH SEAT COVERS )A| KUiur. Dress up your car—Protect the uR- I holstery and your clothing. Precise ly tailored—long wearing. GOODRICH BICYCLESi Ride the new Knee Action Streamline §' bicycle. Completely equipped with S Inrlt tank. twin lights and many other fea tures. $49.95 Other / Goodrich Bike* | $2495 ^reARDEl^s J HOSE Made of Bisting rubber. Reinforced with strong braided cotton cord Bends easily without crack ing. $179 25' Coupled ht "''iUOMMmL kUHL" MTHflr tWMg 20th & Douglas Sts. 2406 L St. Downtown Store . South Omaha Open Evenings and Sundays j