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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1938)
Dentists Hold Successful National Convention Chicago .. 8.50 Detroit . 11.25 “FASTER New York . 19.35 TIMC Denven . 9.00 Com Angeles. 27.0# bout'es San Fr*nci*c« 27.0# Whether you travel for business or pleasure, let Burlington Trailways save you money. Economyfarestoall point* —phone agent or come in and ask. BURLINGTON BUS DEPOT 1410 Douglas at 15th St. Phone: Atlantic 2300 Patronize Our Advertisers 1J? Celebratin' its 25th anniversary the National Dental Association convened in Chicago last week. The event hailed 9s the best con ventiim the organization has yet held, brought 300 members from every section of the country. Nu merous clinical programs and lec tures in which the latest scientif ic development^ within the prof sshn were studied but the visit ors found time to attend the plen tiful social courtesies which the host, Lincoln Dental Society and its ladies auxiliary, had provided for their entertainment. Dr. Reginald E. Beamon, retir ing president, is shown dressed in white in the cerjter af the picture, first row. On his right are Drs. S. C. Hamilton, Chicago, president I elect; E. W. Taggart, Birming ham, chairman executive board; S. B- Smith, C. B. Absalom, New York; F. Ncrris, New Jersey; P. W. Hill, Mississippi; L. A. How ell, Pampa, Fla.; On his left, Rus sell L. Dixon, dean, Howard Den tal college; D. H. Turpin, dean, Meharry Dental college; J. A. Davis, Washington; J. A. Jack son, Charlottesville, Va.; Maur ice Hebert, president, Lincoln Dental Society, Chicago; Waldom A. Howard, Houston and Dr. M D. Wiseman, Washington. (ANP) -o__ NATION S USHERS ENDS 19TH AN NUAL CONVENTION Washington, D. C-, Aug. 13 (ANP)—More than 400 delegates and 61 visiting ministers from all parts of the country journeyed here for the 19th annual session of the Natv'.nal Ushers’ Association at Vermont avenue Baptist church. Th.> four-day meeting closed last Saturday, with Brooklyn, N. Y., chos n for the 1030 session. Speakers at the Wednsdcy pub lic meeting were Judge Armond W. Scott of Municipal court, Mel ■ i . H- T. Gaskins and Dr. W. A. Tolson. Ushers from threa new state rf—Gal ifsm'a, Nebraska and Ohio—joined the association, lekgate Fred Gates of Pennsyl ania presented a resolution to be .cnt t> th NAACP, together with \ check for ?25in support of an nti-lvnch'ng hill. The president Here's a way to save money that may appeal to you / HENRY, LET'S DRIVE ) A WE 'V WELL, WEP MEED OVER TO THE BURTS HAVEN'T ANY ' ANY THIN*. SOMETHING TO UXJL I SUNDAY. | WANT TO TALI*) "FFRIbEKNOR ABOUIA US OFF ON TO MRS. BURT ABOUT / IN °{ja CAR RETUIutRATOR THOSE llor, v_V SOME THINCS A tW KNOW IN lilt CAR * MYtMENTS, ! czr S\ -Sy B^.1 <th ( OH, WE / | NEVER / ALL RIGHT! YOU Y), TELEPHONE ? ( \ THOUGHT nA-,, YOU CAN TALK V V -JUST DON'T ITS EASIER AND ) fa? OP THAT A 1 AW HOUR FOR LEM 1 WANT TO /f CHEAPER y^-—' (,)} MAYBE ) (, THAN WE COULD V>a— ^ too! Wf A f w drive > __•:/—,:u_i1— ■ 1 11 ' ii i i f I ENJOYED OUR VISIT, ETHEL ) f MOM ONLY TALKED A FEW I WE OUGHT TO CALL EACH J ) MINUTES, BUT SHE SAID IT WAS I V. - OTHER OFTEN. S AS GOOD AS AN HOUR. AND L»_ --POP SAVED MONEY. _ A % V / >• SO THEY RE BOTH -f ^ -_SAr,5r,ED • It’s always good weather for trips by telephone. You save your self worry about roads, storms and traffic — and save expense, too. Nights and Sundays are dangerous times on the highways but they are fine times to telephone for long distance rates are lowest then. • • • Lowest long distance rates are in effect every night from 7 p. m. to —4i30 a. m. and all day on Sundays. •»* NORTHWESTERN SELL TELEPHONE eOMPANT (V the1 association, W. M. P. Davis, Wasrington, !>• C., presided and received. reports fr^m various offi cials. The amount of money raised was announced at $1,000.63. Officers elected at the closing session were W.-M. H. Davis, Washington prsi dent; Henry Sorrell, Maryland, 1st vco pr sklent; Virgil Bouhvare, Missouri, 2nd vice president; Mrs. A. Lee, California, 3rd vice pnsi !ent; J. L. Lennox, Ohio 4th vice ! res id nt; Mrs. Jessie Burnett, Washington, D. C., recording se cretary; Nell;e Lsckett, Pennsyl vania, flnnacial secretary and A. Cox, New J rgey, treasurer, Board f directors: John Madeen, New Jersey, L. M W< st, Missouri; Lau ra Jackson, Virginia and A. W. Briggs. Texas. _n_ MAJOR WRIGHT ON VACA TION. STILL OPTIMIS TIC ON RACE PROGRESS Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Aug. 19, (C)—Major It. It. Wright, Sr., 83 year-old prea'dent of the Citizens & Southern Bank of Philadelphia stopping two days hire «n his va cation Motor trip to Ann Harbor, Me., said ho was never more fpti mistic about race progress than ho is now. Although the country *s in the midst of trying times, the. Major said h? is confident the Ne gro will find a way out. The Citizens & Southern Bank, which Major Wright, founded in September, 1920, after he had spent mor than thirty years as a school master and was considered an ‘old man’ and ready to quit ac tive life, has recorded $735,000 in resources, and is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora RESERVED FOR The FEDERAL Market 1414 N. 24th St. AT 7777 Across the street from the LOGAN FONTENELLE HOMES tion, every depositor being insured up to $5,000. The Major is the active president of the bank, being on the job daily at his advanced age. And to further prove that he is not yet through, five years age tho Major visited Haiti, and con ceived tho idea cf CTJ..g la© Haitian Coffee and Products Co., and became a Urge importer of Hait!an coffee- He sells this cof fee to large white concerns in Phil adelphia and other cities. Last year he led a delegation of prom j inent colored eitzens to Haiti on | a goodwill tour. Tho Major recounted his lifetime of promotional activities. While a schoolmaster in Georgia he pro moted State* Fair, which was a huge success, having the support of state officials. Since he has been liv ing in Philadelphia he has promo ted various ‘ Progress Expositions", one of whl'ch drew 14,000 people who paid for admission. He has been a lifelong business, and is founder and pres ident of the National Negro Bank ers Association. THREE SUITS FILED AGAINST DAYTON POLICE Interracial Troubles Are — Rampant Ihiyb'n, 0., Aug. 18 (by Barbel Dayton, ()., Aug 18 (By Barbee W. Durham forANP)—Three dif ferent suits have bpfn f:led a gainst local police by Negro citi timo colored Daybmians, aroused zens for brutality. At th • same by the bragging insults of Jake Powell, N w York Yankee out fielder, in a radio broadcasts at Chicago are seeking a hearing with Chi; f R. F. Wrustner on not airing Powell ngain this winter. Th i ball player has been a po liceman here when not playing with the Yankees. Interracial friction resulting in the bombing of thj home and busi es* establishment of C- J. McLin, promonent mortician, has caused the stationing of f»'ur private guards at the homo. It is believed the bombing was an attempt to at least intimidate McLin, advisor to the Dayton Youth Movement, an organization picketing white stores in Negro neighborhoods that do not hire colored clerks. One <f the three lawsuits has been filed by the NAACP against Patrolman G. F. Bumgartnr for tho killing of Jack Francis, a num LET PEOPLES DO IT Oleau up that front room. Wo specialise in making old houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for esti mation on work. No job too small or too large. Ten trained decorating mechanics. Our Motto—Service First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbater 2858. Peoples Paint and Pairing Shop LJLRRY PEOPLES, Proprietor | ber baron. Recently a mass meet ing was held ;n a local church to protest the slaying and was at tended by more than 1,00 persons. Tho amount sought in the suit is $10,000. Clauds Wilkinson has also charges against another officer for manhandling his son, one of the pickets In the Dayton Youth Movement. A thin! suit pending i? that v* Coarlaa Crass, arrest* on suspicion because he handed a clerk a $100 bill while making a purchase, in a downtown store- Af ter remaining in jail over n:ght, he was released. Evans is suing for false arrest and humiliation. Charging violation of the state civil rights law, Clarence Sm'th, prominent young business man, had a warrant issued for the arrest of the white proprietor of a sand wich shop, when he was refused serrlgg. I DEE CEE WELFARE I WORKER HEADS SETTLEMENT HOUSE Washington, D. C. Aug. 19 (A. N. P.)—Miss Mae C. Hawes head worker cf the Southeast Settle ment House was being widely com mended this week for her success in devoling the Southwest project from a little over-crowed building in May, 1937, to its present com modious quarters on Virginia Ave. acquired in January of this year. Tho new home, is a 22-rcom Colonial building. Hilyard Robin son, Federal architect, volunteered to aid Miss Hawes and supervised remodeling and renovation of the houso to meet the needs of the neighborhood. The community Chest has made it possible for Southest House to scrve persons ranging in age from 2 to 92. Its program stresses personality de j velopment and social participa tion. Southeast House offers social, cultural and educational activities including arts crafts, music dram atics, athletics camping discussion groups lectures be me making and social hygiene- Miss Hawes form erly served as director of the Em ma Ransom Hous, New York City YMCA and as a member cf the YWCA national board. Sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation and the Rosenwald Fund,she directed a four-year community house ex periment for Negroes in Atlanta She is also a member of the Wo men’s International League for Peace and Freedom. --—o WPA STAMPING OUT ALA. ILLITERACY Birmingham Ala., Aug. 18 (A. N. P.)—According to an announce ment this week by W. G- Hender son, State Director WPA, the Ad ministnation’s ducation program, inauguarted four years ago under sponsorship of the Alabama Edu cation Department has taught 24,326 illiterate adults of approxi mately 10 percent in the number ■it illiterates in the State, he said. In 1930, the Federal Census show ed there 251,095 illiterate persons in Alabama above the age of ten. Of this number 188,673 were Ne groes. The same census showed the Statu population—persons over 10 years cld—as 2,000,663 and of this number 718,290 were Negroes. -_o LEWIS DETHRONING; CHAMPION MAY SUE NEW Y O R K Washington, Aug. 8 (ANP)— Chairman John Phelan and the New York state athletic commis sio ndrew the ridicule Thursday, of Edward C. Foster, executive secretary of ahe National Boxing Association for dethroning John Henry Lewis as light heavyweight champion in that state. “Lewis rightfully retains Ins title,” he declared. “Why only 3 months ago he sucessfully defend ed his crown against Emilio Mar tinez in Minneapolis. This is an other of Phelan’s mistakes.” It was learned in Pittsburg that Gus Greenlee, Lewis manager, has instructed his attorney to file suit in federal court for $300,000 a gainst the New York commission for depriving the champion of his title. . Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. 4809 S. 20th MA. 2153 CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes King Yuen Cafe 2010H N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until t ». "■ WWWMWMVWWWiV ’ North 24th Shoe Repair 1807 North 24th St. WE. 4240 Let Us Make Your Old SI1003 Look New—Our Invisible Re soling Does Just That. “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty —2422 I,ake Street— Asthma Cause Fought in 3 Minutes By dissolving and removing mucus o. phlegm that causes strangling, choking, Asthma attacks, the doctor's prescription Mendaco removes the cause of your agony. No smokes, no dopes, no Injections. Ab solutely tasteless. Starts work in 3 minutes Bleep soundly tonight. Soon feel well, year: younger, stronger, and eat anything. Guar anteed completely satisfactory or money back. If your druggist is out ask him to order Mendaco for you. Don't' suffer another day. The guarantee nrotects you. MOW YOU TOO CAN HAVE THAT uiu. jj'in THAT MEN ADMIRE AND WOMEN ENVY I When skin too (lark, rough, blotchy, etc. spread on gen, uine DR FRED PAL MER’S SKIN WHITENER. It must make nature work faster to bring out a lighter brighter, cleaner new skin surface or your money back. 25c at drug stores. FREE SAMPLE For Free Sample, write to I)R. FRED PALMER’S LABS., Dept. D-302, Atlanta Geo, rgia. BILL’S LOAN BANK —CONFIDENTIAL LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES— Clothing Furnishings—Shoes—Dry Goods for Men, Women and Children MISS HORTENSE HARPER, 2632 FRANKLIN, WILL BE HAPPY TO SERVE YOU. BILL’S LOAN BANK 1804 North 24th St. Phone WEbstcr 1309 Emerson-Saratoga I [ LAUNDRY Announces— — — Here’s Good News for North Omaha’s thrifty homemakers. You can now save 20% on all laundry and dry cleaning by ’ using Emerson - Saratoga’s convenient ; Drive in Courteous Service plus Savings Equal to Receiving Every fifth bundle without charge. You’ll like Our Quick Cash and Carry Service i Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts.