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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1938)
AFFAIRS The ✓S-o-oi-e-t-yv World organizations University Girls Entertains ^^^^^g^lzora Collins entertain iBOtce selection ox yuuiiK ■n in her heme Tuea Bcu she honored Mrs. Btvis with a luncheon, ^^fches cooked in M rs. ■ imitahle slayle "'er,» Bhe six young women MHPMMVMrs. Cecelia (). 1/ewis, A. B, Graduate of the University of Omaha, principal of the Junior High Schotl Department, Chiek ashe. Oklah« ma,study ing at the University of Omaha for her Mas ters degree. Mrs. Marie Major Moss, Bacholar of Education, graduate cf Western Illinois State Teacher's College, a former teach er in.true public schools in Quincy 111. Mrs. Lucy Mae Stamps-Britt, a student at the University of Omaha, Secretary to the Execu tive of the Urban League for many years, Mrs. Thelma Norris-Han c.ock, A. B. Graduate of the Uni versity of' Omaha student in Pa rent Eduactlon work at Creighton University for years a teacher in Adult F ucaticm VocatDe partment Miss Ther so Curry A- B. grad uate 01 Rish p College in the f;eld of Public $ bool music, the only gradual, in that field from that college foi 19d#, the oi ly daughter of Rev. M. Jv. Curry, pastor of Zion Baptist church and Miss Ps tel'", Roberts' n, A. ,B. Graduate o' Bishop College Marshall Texas Graduate of the Univ rsity of Omaha C Hege of Commerce and Hi mine a st udent at the Creigh to i University graduate school, dt ‘n.: work toward her masters !> "re or yeaLs a teacher in Adult Education under the hoard of Education Vocation Department daug’ of the Hostiss Mrs. Col lins. Mrs. I ewis will leave for Den Kerman’s Stfjrket HERMAN rRIEOLANDEfl PROPRIETOR 24th bke St. WE. 5444 | ■ 1 TODAY 1 THE MOST ATAIKED ABOUT ^DISTINCTIVE l&COLA DRINK t ver Colorado the ensuing week. -,ji Katherine Ann Watte, age 7, is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watts of. 2209 Lake Street She ski pod 2A and is new in the 3U. Katherine Ann is musicially ta lented. Her teacher of piano, Mrs. Frank AlFson says she is above average for a child of her age. At the age of three she sail the popu lar » ng of, “3 Little igs” and won n large doll as a prize. She has sang on tho air a number of times and was on Faster program at l’ilgrim Baptist Church and played the Wood Nymphis, She played at the Masonic Hall r'; a Style Revue presented by Mis. Marij Alford. She played at the closing of the V'blo School held at Zion Bapthst Church. Katherine Ann is v ry found of books and rollers skates- She has many dolls but likes 11 play best with tho one called Bitty Jane. If has a wreath of golden hair.1 5-hi washes and curls its hair. , When asked what she is going t • hi when she grows up, her can-j did reply is an ele'ator operat r • hair dresser while her parents! ra.t :n hop,; she will be a gospel! singer. Dr. J. J. Jones Dentist, and his wife left for Chicago Surday n aming Aug. 7, by motor to at tend tho National Dental C nven t’<>n, which will bj held in CM-ago ■rr-m tho 9th to the 12th day of Aug. While there, they will visit Miss Juliette Lee of Omaha who is employed at Provident Hospital, ard other friends there. Going to California by Automo bile August 20th. Wanted two to share expense—Call Web. 5020. PARTY MARRIED IN AUTO — The Contracting Parties were Flody Robinson and Mrs. Louise Flanks. They both resided in Omaha, most of their lives. This was somewhat of an unusual marriage. While the auto whirled about tho streets of tho c:ty, ,Rev. A. Wugrv r of the I. D. Pe pies Mis sion Church performed the cere mony. Mr. Robinson and 'Bride are at homo at 2.517 Caldwell St. Springers Cheaper than Bacon, 20£ lb. Dressed and Delivered Free: Green Trading Stamps,— CAREY’S GROCERY, WE. 6089 Open Sundays—Baby Beef Head, <,barters. CENTRAL STATES GOLF TOURNEY TO BE AUGUST 12 Minneapolis, Minn., Aug.13—In terest in the eighth annual Cen tral States gt If tournam. r.t to be held heio August 21, reached a rev high here this week. Elabor ate! plans have been under way for scjtij time for the event but wher. word came from the St. Louis and Kansag City clubs that : about twenty-five golfers were to : r fKresent ithose clubs the local committee has redoubled its ef I forts. Indications point to the lar gest as well as th-, fastest field ever to enter th tournament in the history of tba association Tho I leart-c-f-America club of Kansas City will be represented by Un players. George McClain and Leroy Doty are chief and de finite threats for the title. Mc Clain bagged the city title in a fourth of July tourney in wh’ch ho just edged out Doty. Beth Doty and McClain have held the Kansas City title before. Other good golf ers in the Kansas City party, will be Walter Ricks, Kenneth Hill, Morris Herndon, C. L. Pres cott, Majcr Shavers, M. Hill, Ray Rucker and J- W. Elliot. Ricks is the long driving star who annexed tho driving contest held in con nection with tho city tournament. Tho Paramount gclf cluf of St. Louis will be out to keep its l'e cord intact of furnishing the champion, which it has done for tho past threij years. Sam Shepard Richard Yeung, Sanders Mason, Herbert Love, Edgar Cash and i Albert Hill are all championship mashio wiolders. Shepard, the de fending champ, and Young have both held the title and know how to keep the paoe. Young won the spring tfcumey this ear in the Mound city which indicates he will be on his gamie. Mason and Cash will be newcomers to Central States play. Both are long drivers and will be tha thick of the fight Mason and Love in tune-ups in St. Louis last week turned in cards of 76 and 79 respectively over the Forest Park lay-out. Included in the St. Lou’s contingent will be Frank McCon;co, Eugeni Garner, FVed Alston, Dr. 1,. B. Howell, William Alexander and Dr. Davis, day. Tho local golfers are working out daily for the event, Mrs. Alberta Jones wife of Dr. is expected home Friday August 12 from Methodist Hospital where sho underwent an appendectomy. Johnson Drug Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions WE 0998 1904 No. 24th St. New Life-Saver Tread Gives Split-Second Stops on Wet, Slippery Roads Kain or shine, wet or dry, the new Goodrich Safety Silvertown will give you the greatest tire protection you’ve ever enjoyed on that holiday trip— and for months to come. You’ll never know what the word “Stop” really means until you feel this great new tire grip the road. Com* In for Fre* Demonstration Let us show you how the new Safety Silver town makes a dry track on wet roads, actually sweeps the water rirht a^d left leaving a dry track for rubber to grip. Play safe. Equip your car with GOODRICH SAFETY SILYERTOWNS WITH LIFE-SAVER TREAD J \ U*e-S°VaIB C t° ** 1 faL via »aka ila new til* *h „nd k'oV,‘ 1 jS\ (his amal‘"f BOTH 9kldficenBe ld»»* I fll you «3al HoW UB Y0Ut,U^, y0U COO 1 la s**iu9t sfi* u* s:Sy! *• i 111 *7» ^ven4f°*^„ W*^0®* and deU’9t V <■» --I soTjALrmBivi W”He liTili 20th & Douglas Sts. Downtown Store 2406 L st. South Omaha CLEANER AND WAX Polish ar d protect the finish of your car. Easy to apply. Your Choice 48° 1 POLISHING CLOTH Leaves no lint — absorbs dust — will not scratch surface. 19c ■— i ,4 [ SPONGES — CHAMOIS 1 AUTO BULBS] i A necessity for \ a good wash l\ job. Variety of it sizes. H Your Choice |39c v- j V urry n spare in case of e m e r g ency. Genuine Mazda — last longer, give brighter light. CIGAR LIGHTER Variety of styles—all out standing values. Easy to install. AUTO HORNS ^ A A J Genuine Klaxon ulh trumpets. ~ ___ *10.00 Value. [FOG LI f STEERING WHEEL CONTROL Simplifies back ing, turning or parking. Penetrates tog, rain and mist. Amber convex lens. J OODRICH SEAT COVERS Dress up your car—Protect the up holstery and your clothing. Precise ly tailored—long wearing. > GOODRICH BICYCLES Ride the new Knee Action Streamline bicycle. Completely equipped with 1 _ VJVIC ... twin lights and many other fea tures. $49.95 a Other III Goodrich Bike* GARDEN'^ J HOSE Made of sun-re' l sisting rubber. \ Reinforced with strong braided Rl cotton cord |H Bends easily Hi without crack ■ ing. ft "179 25' Coupled 20th & Douglas Sts. 2406 L St. Downtown Store . South Omaha Open Evenings and Sundays Open Evenings and Sundays SJKOPBilLMBMMBMBBBKHBW—IM———I—MHM——WMMBBaMMBBMMMWBMMg ——----- -■ _