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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1938)
Douglas County Vote Unofficial results of Tuesday’s primary election: Douglas County Offices DEMOCRAT Clerk of the District Court Frank McGrath . 14,660 Simon A. Simon .7,139 Clyde W. Drew. 5,523 Assessor—Full Term C. F. Carl King .11,012 Al. C. Scott .7,845 Andy Jensen ..6,792 iE. M. Jacobberger .2,300 Assessor—Short Term (To Fill Vacancy) ■Harold P. Caldwell .14,852 (Henry Brawley . 6,752 I Sheriff John Hopkina .22,770 Treasurer Otto J. Bauman .17,022 M. L. Endres...7,987 Joe J. K. Kulhanek. 3,026 Clerk James P. Hoctor.19,725 Joe Bulat . 6,356 Surveyor William Bill Green.21,100 Attorney James T. English .17,301 J. J. Krajicek . 7,914 Bolus J. Bolus .2,650 REPUBLICAN Clerk of the District Court Robert Smith .15,470 Assessor—Full Term Joe C. Stolinaki . 8,559 Leo N. Swanson . 3,303 Frank W. Currey . 2,518 ! William S. Greenleaf .2,087 Karl Kehm . 1,817 Assessor—Short Term (To Fill Vacancy) Patrick F. Lynch .11,582 Sheriff W. H. Bill Dorrance .14,008 M. B. Parks . 3,673 Treasurer Walter Korisko .13,970 Clerk Grace Berger .9.752 [Hugh T. Cutler.7,796 Surveyor JLouis E. Adams . 9,569 •Henry E. Gaden . 4,847 [Charles F Starr . 2,210 * Attorney [Kelso Morgan . 4,684 [Boss L. Shotwell . 4,624 Frank L. Burbridge .4,487 [Thomas J. Sheehan, jr.3,104 'L. N. Bunce. 719 i Commissioner (First District) DEMOCRAT Frank O. Sandeiholm.1,529 J. M. Roncka . 1,441 Sam Howell . 1,263 Frank J. Hughes . 514 Denis J. O’Keefe . 357 Ada E. Shafer. 249 REPUBLICAN Bernard R. Stone. 1,171 Jess P. Palmer. 1,087 Frank C. Best . 1,057 Frank A Marshall . 760 B. Q. Haines. 570 Vernon H. Zimmerman. 502 John E. Good . 177 County Commissioner Second District DEMOCRAT [Edward Jelen . 3,598 uGus A. Dworak . 1,410 |J. A. Jack Kidd . 315 [Frrvicis D. McGuckin. 245 REPUBLICAN lA. VV. Elsasser . 1,1701 JJoseph F. Bauer . 428 |A. T. Krause . 353 County Commissroner (Fourth District) . DEMOCRAT |W. J. Maloney . 2,966 •Charles E. Burns. 2,159 ^red B. Martin. 1,209 Eay K. Dennell . 952 3seph P. Chapuran. 790 [George E. Nichols. 320 John H. Devine . 199 REPUBLICAN IH. B. Bergquist . 1,511 [Phil C. Lynch. 787 W. R. Miiner. 755 Joe Parks. 708 Director Metropolitan Utilities District DEMOCRAT Francis P. Matthews.12,799 John T. Belitz. 7,956 George E. Yager . 5,841 REPUBLICAN W. B. Millard, jr. 8,472 (Harold A. Palmer. 3,200 (Harry Hender. 1,968 Herbert W. Fischer. 1,767 ;Walter A. Nielsen. 1,539 The vote on state offices in [Douglas county follow: ' NON-POLITICAL Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John W. Yeager .22,082 Harry O. Palmer. 7,066 [Robert G. Simmons. 5,019 C. A. Sorensen. 3,797 (E. B. Chappell . 3,056 [Paul I. Manhart. 2,345 Henry S. Payne. 1,103 ‘Archibald J. Weaver. 936 State Superintendent of Public Instruction .Charles W, Taylor.25,003 Sarah T, Muir. 6,484 Otto L. Krula. 6,475 County Superintendent Henry M. Eaton.32,708 Legislature, Fourth District (High two nominated.) William Norman.2,155 Clarence E. Stubbs......... 595 Robert J. Swanson. 553 U B. Johnson. 461 Myron, McGuckin . 418, Gilbert P. Hansen. 303 Edward G. Wells. 224 Legislature, Fifth District John Adams, Jr.1,607 Harry A. Foster ..1,088 Edgar D. Thompson.966 George H. Merten.917 Minnie Olson .789 Johnny Owen.541 John Conrey .479 Robert O. Watson.366 Henry G. Chait.355 Arthur Ottinger.137 Legislature, Sixth District William E. Worthing .1,676 Sam Klaver.1,508 George T. Sullivan. 923 Edith Beckman.542 William D. O'Shaughnuessy.. 332 J. Porter Allan.299 James La Hood .. 281 Walter L. Edmondson. 224 Legislature, Seventh District [Charles F. Tvrdik .2,638 [Joseph K. Proskocil .2,181 Joe Kubat.1,274 Ashby E. Smith . 786 Carl Tucci .. • • • 589 Legislature—Eighth District Peter P. Gutoski .2,742 Patrick J. McMahon.2,078 Blaine Young .1,066 Robert C. Druesedow . 831 Charles R. Wilfong . 704 Leo H. Cassidy. 660 Legislature—Ninth District I Amos Thomas .2,085 J. G. Masters .1,470 Ralph G. Coad . 987 James W. Shea .. 534 William C. Johnson . 509 J. Willard Marrow. 326 John O. Yeiser . 274 Legislature, Tenth District Ernest A. Adams .3,623 Dewey Hanson . 919 Roy V. Sedlacek . 621 Charles B. Crowley. 461 Albert B. Osborne . 236 DEMOCRAT National Committeeman (To Fill Vacancy) James C. Quigley .20,148 Governor R. L. Cochran.24,590 William H. Swanson.2,026 Franz C. Radke. 1,232 Samuel Freeman . 1,015 Fred W. Bartzatt .. 426 Lieutenant Governor Edward D. Mclvim . 9,342 Terry Carpenter (Scottsb’ff) 7,235 Phil A. Tomek . 2.400 W. H. O’Gara . 1.394 Glen E. Carpenter. 1,339 H. B. Shellenbarger. 1,316 Asa D, Scott . 1,21** Henry Pedersen . 1,05 1 George E. Nickles. 85U James Franklin Christie .... 508' Henry F. Schepman. 37(> Oscar L. Osterlung . 349 Martin L. Gable . - 319 Lieutenant Governor (To Fill Vacancy) Nate M. Parsons.18,115 Secretary of State Harry R. Swanson .16,761 Paul R. Beath . 4.001 Arthur E. Olson..3.970 Auditor of Public Accounts William H. Price .20,671* State Treasurer Walter H Jensen. 8,187 Charles E. Hall . 6,990 F. H. Luikart . 3,804 W. B. Banning. 3,06’ Myron Nelson Wilson.2,327 Attorney General Grenville P. North .10,682 Richard C. Hunter .10,223 John P. Jensen .. . 4,926 Railway Commissioner Paul Halnine. 8,823 Martin Jensen . 4,177 Peter M. McShane . 4,164 Floyd L. Bollen . 2,998 Harry P. Conklin . 1,833 W. F. Haycock . 1,752 Irl D. Tolen. 997 Kenneth Gerber. 881 Forrest Lear. 580 Congressman—Second District Charles F. McLaughlin ....14,515 Foster May.11,442 Mabel Gillespie . 3,117 William J. Shallcross. 567 Republican Governor Charles J. Warner. 8,372 Vernon R. Thomas . 3,074 Robert G. Ross . 2^996 Kenneth H. Gedney. 1,733 Lieutenant Governor Leo J. Crosby . 8,013 Robert A. Nelson . 2,409 William Edward Johnson ... 2,189 Harry C. Moore . 1,172 C. A. Green . 1,103 Clarence Reckmeyer . 835 A. B. Walker. 819 Secretary of State L. E. Marsh . 9,080 George C. Snow. 3,487 C. W. Hill . 3,149 Auditor of Public Accounts Ray C. Johnson . 8,612 O. M. Campbell . 4,642 Charles F. Greenburg.1,848 State Treasurer T. W. Bass. 6,672 Richard H. Larson . 5,067 Crawford J. Mortensen.2,547 Theodore F. Donelson.1,536 Attorney General Walter R. Johnson...11,065 John W. Cooper . 3,661 Straight Townsend.1,630 Railway Commissioner Duane T. Swanson . 6,811 BABE’S BUFFET 2229 Lake Street for Popular Brands of BEEK and LIQUORS —Always a place to park— Help Kidneys Don't Take Drastic Drugs Your Kidneys caratain 0 million tiny tubes or Alters which m«(i be endangered by neg lect or dna^tic. Irritating drugs. Be careful. If functional disorders of the Kidneys or Bladder make you suffer from Oettlng Up Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Circles Under Eyes, Dizziness, Backache, Swollen Joints, Excess Acidity, or Burning Passages, don't rely on ordinary medicines. Fight such troubles with the doctor's prescrip tion Cyatex. Cyatex starts working In 3 hours and must prove entirely satlsiactory In 1 week, and be exactly the medicine you need or money back Is guaranteed. Tele fihone your druggist for Cyatex (Stss-tex) oday The guarantee protects you.«Copr. 1837 The Knox Co. * S\vs STATE WILL DEMAND CHAIR FOR STEPSON SLAYER Newport News Va., Aug. 5 (A NP)—Following the Police Courl hearng last Tuesday morning fu Mrs. June Parker Clark, held or a charge of murdering her stepsor Thediore Clarke, Ml Common wealth Attorney Herbert G. Smith declared *'I will p stively demanr DOUBLE JOLA IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY WEbster 3043 Governor R. L. Cochran ... I seven to one plurality. v. * -_: " • fcharles J. Warner . . . from speaker to nominee. Henry F. Luckey . . . renom- | Inated in First. I Charles F. McLaughlin . • . wins by 2,700. How They Ran in State Races Democratic Governor 1,761 out o' 2,037 precincts.) R. L. Cochran .96,109 William H. Swanson .13,874 Franz C. Radke .11,395 Samuel Freeman . 9,190 Fred W. Bartzatt . 3,750 Lieutenant Governor (1,531 out of 2,037 precincts.) Terry Carpenter.33,242 Edw. D. McKim.14,508 H. B. Shellenbarger.10,763 Phil A. Tomek.10,056 W. H. O’Gara. 8,632 G. E. Carpenter. 6,945 Henry Pedersen... 5,744 Henry F. Schepman. 5,048 George E. Nickles.. 3,693 j Oscar L. Osterlund. 3,043 ’ Asa D. Scott. 2,955 Martin L. Gable. 2,010 I J. F. Christie. 1,808 Secretary of State 1,788 out of 2,037 precincts.) Harry.R. Swanson.80,365 Arthur E. Olson .21,590 Paul R. Beath .18,035 Auditor (1,531 out of 2,037 precincts.) William H. Price.60,523 T reasurer 1,887 out of 2,037 precincts.) Walter H. Jensen .39,060 Charles E. Hall .30,518 W. B. Banning .23,051 E. H. Luikart .19,373 Myron N. Wilson .10,656 Attorney General (1,815 out of 2,037 precincts.) Richard C. Hunter .59,922 J, P. Jensen.33,079 Grenville P. North .26,078 Railway Commissioner 1,855 out of 2,037 precincts.) Floyd L. Bollen .21,126 Harry Conklin .20,288 Paul Halpine .18,275 Martin Jensen .16,216 W. F. Haycock .13,919 Peter M. McShane .10,332 Irl D. Tolen . 9,154 Forrest Lear .5,884 Kenneth Gerber. 5,556 Governor (1,716 Out of 2,037 Precincts) Charles J. Warner..33,958 Kenneth H. Gedney.14,169 Vernon R. Thomas .12,894 Robert G. Ross.15,791 Lieutenant Governor (1,541 Out of 2.037 Precincts) William E. Johnson.17,246 Leo J. Crosby .15,612 Robert A. Nelson .14,784 Harry C. Moore .12,739 C. A. Green.9,739 Clarence Reckmeyer. 9,453 A. B. Walker . 8,121 Secretary of State (1,463 Out of 2,037 Precincts) L. E. Marsh .45,427 Geoige C. Snow.20,607 C. W. Hill .18,569 Auditor (1,463 Out of 2,037 Precincts) Ray C. Johnson .39,962 O. M. Campbell .26,034 Charles F. Greenburg.13,390 Treasurer (1,407 Out of 2,037 Precincts) T. W. Bass .36,917 Richard H. Larson .22,294 Crawford J. Mortensen ...13,362 T. F. Donelson .10,062 Attorney General (1,205 Out of 2,037 Precincts) Walter R. Johnson.37,905 John W. Cooper.14,316 Straight Townsend.14,195 Railway Commissioner (1,037 Out of 2,037 Precincts) 1 Duane T. Swanson.19,147 William L. Randall.13,259 Van L. Taylor . 8,250 Dorsey G. Howell .6,137 Lee Wells.4,923 W. W. Maltman.4,078 Non-Political Chief Justice (1,762 Out of 2,037 Precincts) Robert G, Simmons. 59,836 C. A. Sorensen . 48,056 John W. Yeager.. 39,188 E. B. Chappell . 29,993 Harry O. Palmer. 20,093 Archibald J. Weaver.17,604 Paul I. Manhart . 10,448 Henry S. Payne. 11,40? State Superintendent (1,371 Out of 2,037 Precincts) Charles W. Taylor.113,431 Sarah T. Muir. 36,281 Otto L. Krula.21,472 death in the electric chairm for her.” Clarke was fatally shot last woek next door to his home, just three hours after his marriage to Miss Evelyn Tuth’ll. He died the next day. After waiving prelimi nary hearing, Mrs. Clarke was re turned to jail. The pr- secutor re fused to agree to her release on bail. Actual motiv for the flaying has not been revealed but neigh 'nrs reported that Mrs. Clarke was violently opposed to th* mar lriago of her stepson. Clarke was well known here and for a ruin lie*' of years work.d in the local , shipyard in the same department with his lather. Mrs. Clarke, also I faces a damage suit of $10,000 ' Lr ught by the widow of h r step sen, Mrs. Evelyn Clarke. SCOTT-LINSAY NUPTIAL AT JOI I IN, MO., AUGUST 14TII I _ Malcolm Scott, Utilities em ployee and son of Mrs. J- M. Scott 2885 Miami ft. will leave Fr'day fe.' Joplin. Mo., where he will be j married to Miss Lenora Lindsay of that city Sunday afternoon, Aug. 14th by Rev. Williams of Kansas city. Among the Omahan expected to atond the wedding" will he; Mrs. Scott, Burns Scott, Dr. C'ra'g Morris and wife, Sgt. Daily and wife and Boyd Galloway. Tho newly weds will Lave im mediately after the ceremonies on j J an ext; nded honeynoon triy ac companied by Miss Azalee uaiio way of Dallas Texas, Lonnie Tho mas of Lincoln and Boyd Gallo way. After spending two days in Omaha the party will visit Min neapolis, Minn, where the men of th-i group will compete in the Central States Golf Tournament on August 21. They will visit sev eral other citi s before returning to Omaha. BARK’S ICE & FUEL —2I Hondo— See Your Neighborhood Ice & Coal Man for Prompt Delivery Service Effective May 1st: 20 clnt on Laundry & Dry Cleaning Cash and Carry Edholm and Sherman Launderers & Dry Cleaners WE 6055 The Nominees J Lieutenant Governor Democratio Republican Carpenter Johnson 'j Secretary of State inrTiinOBWWilMniiiMiiirrrMn"f»»r mmm Swanson Marsh Treasurer - Attorney General Hunter -mm jonnson Railway Commission Bollen mm m i Swanson Auditor ilk •••.• * ‘mm* Price Johnson 3hief Justice (Nonpolitical) Simmons Sorensen State Superintendent Taylor _J Pa+^onizo Our _Advertisers AMBIPI0U9 PROGRAM FOR NATIONAL MEDICAL ASS’M Hampton. Va„ Aug 5 (ANP)_ Threo leaders of the medical pro fess;on will be honored during the 44th annual convention of the National Medical Association. They ar0 Doctors A. M. Curtis, Washington, D. C-, J. E. Perry, Karlas City, Mo., and J. H. Hale, Nashville Tenn. Dr. Curtis is a noted surgeon and formerly was professor of surgery' at Howard University. Dr. Horry is a pioneer nrd-westem surge) ip and hospital founder, w!>ile Dr. Hale holds a similar eminence in Tennessee, both as a t acher and practitioner. Each of the men have risen to the top of the profession, and all hav0 been especially active in tranam’tting knowledge to young er mien in the profession, making i; possible for them to practice medicine and surgery in all parts of the nation, by holding clinics and establishing hosp'tals at a timu when these advantages wore denied the colored profession gen ially. Tim three sessions of the sur gcal section of thj Association hav.t been d.dicutod to the three honorees, d'spe.otively. Dr. Peter Marshall Murray vf Now York City will make the address of ap prtK iat:on when Dr. Curtis is hon ored ; Dr. Walter H. Maddox, Montgomery, Ala., for Dr. Perry; and Dr. J. J. Thomas, St. Louis, Mo., for Dr. Hale. Each honor e will respond, giving observations an ’ incidental remarks. Plans are also < n foot to honor Dr. J. A. Kenney, of Newark, N. J-, editor of the NMA Journal, who has been highly useful in es tablishing hospitals and clinics throughout the country; Dr. Geo. William Bowles of Pork, Pa., president-elect of the NMA, for his long and untiring services to I organized medicine; and perhaps to others. It is also a plan of convcnt’on officials to present engraved sli ce.' medals to cider men of the profession, who have been mem bers of the association for 25 years or mere. Similar citations are likely for dentists affiliated with the body. Th . NMA is composed of doctors, dentists, and pharmacists, its cen atituberjt societies totalin g 52 stato and local societies. Tho National Association of Colored Nurses also meets here simultaneously with NMA. The National Hospital Association, the John A. Andrew Clinical Society, tho National Insurance Examiners Association, and the NMA Wo men’s Aux’liary, also affiliated will hold their sessions here A number of important ques tions the election of a new poster if officers, the selection of a rlaco of meeting will be among tho business session highlights, Several cit;es have already invi ted tho association to be their guesS next year. M-dical college heads and pro fessors, including Dr. Ed L. Purn e.\ Meharry’s new president and cn there active in research in vari ous largo hospitals and state de partments of health will also speak on their spec'alties. I SUPER-FEATURE I NEW MODERN SUITE AND FOUR OTHER PIECES ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER TO BE SOLD AT Modern design Davenport and v Ir . . . and you get 4 other pieces as pir ■ - I ! at positively no extra cost lo you. See this amazing value. Deliveries PAY ONLY 75c A WEEK 25c A WEEK | TWO SHELVES! It’s streamline! It’s ■ new! Walnut finish I tops in combination I with other cabinet I woods. Note: Tw o I rounded shelves, cen ter drawer with its V matched front. A most delightful desk. i Similar to picture. ' CHAIR to match . $1.95 fc - Out-of. Town .<** Deliveries TABLE RADIOS $495 Floor Samples. Demonstrators and Trade-Ins ELECTRIC i WASHER J $2775 1 See Our lil« Stork J at Lowest 1*rices P sss frtjm $79 J-ROOM OUTFITS 599