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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1938)
V w _ CHICAGO GROUPS CLAIMS responsibility FOR BILBOS PLAN TO DEPORT NEGROES Chicogo, Aug., 12 (ANP)— Jealns of a Detroit group which claims the “glory’’ of backing the efforts of Sen. Theodore Bilbo of Miss, to send at least 2,000,000 Negr es ‘back’’ to Africa, the Peaco Moveme t of Ethiopia, a Nigro organisation with head Kansas City 3.20 l)es Moines 2.51 Ottumwa ... _... 3.80 Chicago . 8.50 Detroit ... 11.25 r FASTER New York. 19.35 TIMS Denven . 9.00 Los Angles. 27.00 ROUTES San Francisc« 27.01) Whether you travel for business or pleasure, let Burlington Trailways save you money. Economy fares to a II point* — phone agent or come in and ask. BURLINGTON BUS DEPOT 1416 Douglas at 15th St. Phone: Atlantic 2300 quarters in Chicago, this week an nounced through Mrs. M. M, L. th y ard they alone were sponsors of the proposed legislation. “The bid sponsored by Sen. Bd b.; is the work of our organiza tion,” Mrs. Gordon said. She de elar. d the Peace Movement is six yearn old, that on Nov. 15, 1933 400,000 signatures were sent to President Rm sevelt with a r quest that “we Po sert hack to Africa," that Preside t J^arday of I.ib ria favors the plan, and tha t every governor, senator and represe nta tive; as well as leading newspa pers had b en cororialized >,n th matter. “Sen Bilbo brought our plan to to the senate on last Jan. 21 in hi:s fight against the anti-lynch ing bill,” Mrs. Godrcn said, “and to Hen. Bilbo, alone with our on Feb. 7 a letter written by us memorial wait) read by the Sena tor on the fl or of th; senate.” Since then, the executive presi dent, said Ph» Mississippian has w;rktd with the Peace Movement and in a recent communication told her, “I wish it were possible to have a petition of four or five m'llkm to preser.^ to the next ses sesion of congi i s8 at which 1 will present my repatriation prograc i full.” __ITi-. MEDICAL CENTER IS NOW OCCUPIED Gtalangue, Angola, W. Africa, Aug. 13—E v-ry department of our work has row be, n transfered to the new structure. We moved into j fhi new Willis F. Pierc-V Memorial h capita I with hardly r ripple of U ■ ~ TRY REID'S K6IQ S Pharmacy LIVES PiLLS 2llh & SEWARD RTS. 1 Oc & !£*>C i..... REID’S WL 1613 LIVERSALTS I I ! Best for (hat tired and De- 1 pressed feeling. Plan Now for a Comfortable Winter! Install AUTOMATIC HEAT! Look forward to a comfortable winter I Now is the time to install Automatic Heat—an Oil Burner or a Coal Stoker. For just a few pennies worth of cheap electric service a day, you can do away with the job ol tending furnace and yet have healthful, dependable, even heat. Many times, the cost of operating a Modem Automatic Heat* ing System is no more than the cost of old-fashioned, hand-fired plants. Let your Heating Dealer give you full details today 1 SEE YOUR DEALER Enjoy BETTER LIVING I with Cheap Electricity! interruption in the service. Much of the int r or decorating and painting have already been. done. Amid the hum and buzz of planes, th. swish of saws, th, ring of hammers, the smell of fresh paint an>' thu happy laughter cf ready attendants el aring the deck for action we trarsfercd patients, moved and set up equipment, scrubb d some fl ors and polished others, examine i new- comers, gavo < ut medic nes, dressed | wounds, held teaching clinics and demc nstrated to anxious mothers, th ■ proper cure of babies- And in less than three weeks we did more thar. thirty major < perations in the a w center. There is a difference in work in this well aypoirted hospital. It is cheery to both patients and attendants. There is organization in its every detail. Order, chan lincss and action are the qualities which characterized it during the years in the cld building and now in this new center it is continuing in the same manner, but certainly with added zest and detemrna tion. The spirit and influence of this whole medical program arp far reuching factors in Angola and the new structure, as stated in previous issuse, typifies that sp: lic, -0 Religious Conference — Gives Bishop Honors' Fort fimith, Ark., Aug. 13 (ANP)—A spark thrown from a speaker’s address dur’ng the Youth Council session of the Rf-ligious; Congress in sessi'n here Thurs day led into a wild demonstration of appreciation and approvial of Bishop H. Y. Tookes in a spontan eous movement, the delegates and vfs'tors rose to their feet and be gan to sing and march about the church as a tribute to the presid ing bishep. Thu youth council's band swung into action and for an hour Bishops Grant and Gregg, who were al ternate presiding officers, did net attemp': to quell the spkndtd de monstration which greeted their fellow bishop. Flowers were pre sented in the name of Bishop and Mrs. Tookes, who was detained at the bedside of h(r ill mother, and were nc'l pted by Mrs. Ga,rrett Tookes Lamb, his daughter. On petal •. of the flowers were pinned dollar hills, one for each year of the b\sh p’s life, 66. Equally unpremeditated was introduction by a young woman <» ' a resolution endorsing Editor J. H. Clayb rn of Arkansas for the bishopric in 1940. No native horn Arkansan has ever won a seat in tho bishopric, and the resolution was adopted w!th fervor by the largo assemblage. -—c RESERVED FOR The FEDERAL Market 1414 N. 24th St. AT 7; 77 Across the street from the GOG AN FONTENELLE HOMES xxxxxx® Patronize Our Advertisers Cannon Ball’ Girl Will Defy Death To Thrill Throngs at Ak-Sar-Ben’s Gigantic Market Week Festival Aug. 22 Here, high in the sky, is Miss Bobby Jeanne, "The Rocket Girl," as she is shot 50 to 60 feet in the air to land in the arms of her two catchers. Bobby Jeanne is the only show girl in the world to perform this death-defying stunt without the use of a life net. This act, from "Soaring High," will be the finale of a fast-moving program, "Market Week Festival," to 1)0 staged in front of the grand s! and at Ak-Sar-Ben field begin ning Monday night, August 22, MAKE ARRESTS IN SHORTER COLLEGE ROBBERY CASE Evidence Said To Link Churchman-School Teacher To Shooting Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 7 (ANP) —Police officers and chinch leaders hero are hopeful of an nouncing shortly a solution of the startling shotting and robbery of Presiding Elder O. Sh< rman on Jun ■ 7. The prominent pastor was robbed of $2,200 belonging to Shorter college AME institution here, and then shot by the rob ber . as he was conveying the j ""oney to his home at 802 H;ckory ; St. Three m r. are under arrests, j ( nr, Prof. \V. M. Burns, described : s th brains of the plot, and two 1 thers, nun named Ollison and 'jckworth, who are said to be his tccompliees. The latter two men \r ■ in jail, but Burns is a liberty urdev a .?5,000 bond. All three are residents o fFordyce, Ark, a town tar little Reck. There is a myst'eal quality to th.i story of the hold-up and at tempted assasination, with rami fications into church circles which liav0 kept the case upon the ton gues of nearly everyone here and throughout the stat The money was part of an educational fund which had been raised during the presid’ng elder's coueil held at Bethel chruch in North Little Rock. The funds were turned over to Rv. Sherman who is chairman ol th finance committee of th-' school for transportation to his homo for safe keeping at the close of the evening meeting, and were to have been banked o nthe follow ing day. As Rev. Sherman drove into the dr’veway of his home, cne of the two ran who had been following the car took the grip containing th3 mdney from him at the point of a gun and fired point blank at his head. The bullet entered one side of his neck emerging on the, other side, but the plucky minis ter though weak from loss of blood followed the robbers in a zig zag and continuing through the follow ing Saturday night. More than one hundred characters in the all star cast will bring music, swing and classical, tap dancing, vaude ville and other highlights of enter tainment to the open-air throngs. A two hundred-foot platform equipped with three revolving stages and elaborate scenery pro vides the setting of an amphi theater. Ak-Sar-Ben has arranged for this all-week night program to chase about Little Rock Street* until he lost them. Three weeks later a cldc devel eped which led to the arrest of Burns, Ollison and Duckworth. The latter two confessed that they had plotted with Burns to commit the robbery and testified that the mon ey had been turned ever to him after their escape. Prof. Burns Is a principal in a rural school nar Fordyce nad has been r. prominent layman in the AME church. He was a delegate to tho last AME General confer ence held in New York in 193(5, He had for some years been a professed friend cf Rev. Sherman, anil was u former student at the school. These connections are all eged to have given him an insight into the methods of handling the school’s money- He is alleged to havo hired OlUson, an expert chauffeur and Duckworth, a casual laborer, to corry cut the details of the crime, promising them a char, cif the proceeds they said in their confession. Observers close to school aril church authorities say that it is hoped th: trial w:,ll clear up cer tain peculiar angles of the case. Tho question aris s as to who tipped off Burns that Rev. Sher man had custody of the money. On ly presiding elders were inside the meeting at the. There is curiosity also where Burns, who was sa:d to bo financially embarrassed, was ablo to raise the $300 to pay the bonding company which went his bail, the $150 cash which he paid his lawyer and the $50 which it is reported h© paid to secure h:s re lease from jail before the formal charges wer© filed against him. IBishop Tookes, prelate of the Episcopal church has pledged the powr of his office and the re sources of the connection to clari fy th© matter and if possible to secure the return of Shorter col lege’s funds. Efforts are being mado to get the case set for the next court session on August 22. __n-. SR. JOAO CORNELIO RETURNS Galangue, Angdla, W. Africa, Aug. 13—It was a special treat and an unusual opportunity for the students at the Medical Train ing school to have Sr. Toao Com elio as one of the instructors. He, being one of the anown tribes men was the greatest inspiration which could have come to them. Dr. McMillan wras due to have gone there fl;-r his regular six weeks as instructor but due to the pressing need of his attention the many details in the construc tion of the hospital here it was not possible for him to go. He choso Sr. Cornelio to substitute for him. Sr. Cornelio was enthu siastically acclaimed by the stu provide the people of Nebraska and western Iowa a medley oi entertainment never before see* in the middle west. The show appeals to the classes and th< masses—something for everybody men, women and children. Admission prices are at a popu' lar scale with reserved grandstan4 seats selling at 80 cents and $1.10, box seats at $1.65 and unreserved grandstand seats only 55 cents, Children under 14 will be admitted for only 25 cents. dents for his clear and clean cut explanations. Wo arc unusually proud of Sr. Cornelio. He is studious, unt'ring and effiient. He was trained here inquiry into pathology, bacterio in the old hospital. His sarching logy and paras',tology is insatiable. In his early years he apprenticed under a native witch doctor arm later turned to modern scienti fic medicine with all the pent up passion of a lifetime let loose. In the new civ'lization which has crowded in upon the native Sr. Cornelio is one native who is cer tainly able to stand alone. CHURCH HEAD SEEKS ESTATE OF AGED WOMAN Chicago, Aug. 13 (ANP)—A courj case attracting unusual at tention here is the suit filed last wek in Circuit Court by ilbur Glenn Volivji. general overseer of Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. 4809 S. 20th MA. 2153 _-— the Christian Catholic Apostojl’c Church in Zion, in which Overseer Voliva asks the court to deter mine the beneficiary of the $25, OOO estate left by Mrs. Carrie Hills, 93-year-old fair-sk;nned wi dow' who died last March. Named in the suit is Mrs. Cer ise T. Tennon, grand-niece of the deceased and also fair of skin. She lives at the Southway hotel here, is a well known social worker, and although making no pretense at j ‘ passing,” is always mistaken for r whit j when among person of the white race. Tho racial identity of Mrs. Hills became known in 1937 when the ■ matter of her ability administer ing her estate came up in Pro bat.i court. Mrs. Tennor- is the only relat’.Ve of the aged woman living in Chicago. Bolivia charges in his suit that in 1931, Mrs. Hills executed a will leaving her entire estate to ih;,m, but that will w'as destroyed and'another will admit ted to probate last April, bequea thing the estate to her grand-neice Mrs. Tnnon. oliva asks the court to set aside the second will, and permit him to prove the existence of th first document. I ■V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VA’ CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishca Kins: Yuen Cafe .. 2010*4 N. 21th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. n* IV.V.V.V.V.‘.V, .VANV.-.V North 24th Shoe Repair 1807 North 24th St. WE. 4240 Let Us Make Your Old Shoes Look New—Our Invisible Re soling Does Just That-, "IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty —2422 I.ake Street— Asthma Cause Fought in 3 Minutes By dissolving and removing mucus o. phlegm that causes strangling, choking. Asthma attacks, the doctor’s prescription Mendaco removes the cause of your agony. No smokes, no dopes, no injections. Ab solutely tasteless Starts work in 3 minutes Sleet soundly tonight. Soon feel well, veari younger, stronger, and eat anything. Guar anteec completely satisfactory or monej back. If your druggist is out ask him to order Mendaco for you. Don't suffer another day. The guarantee nrotects you. MOW YOU TOO CAN HAVE THAT llMilHlUHEl THAT MEN ADMIRE AND WOMEN ENVY iWl.en skin is too 'dark, rough, blotchy, etc. spread on gen. uine UK rivrj,v * MER’S SKIN WHITENER. It must make nature work faster to bring out a lighter brighter, cleaner new skin surface or your money hack. 25c at drug etoies. CSiHSBk FREE SAMPLE For Free Sample, write <o DR. FRED PALMER’S LABS., Depf. D-302, Atlanta Geo. rgia. I ■ ■ r > i i t t r it ■ 1 '*11 ■ 1 BILL’S LOAN BANK —CONFIDENTIAL LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES— Clothing Furnishings—Shoes—Dry Goods for Men, Women and Children MISS HORTENSE HARPER, 2632 FRANKLIN, WILL BE , HAPPY TO SERVE YOU. BILL’S LOAN BANK 1804 North 24th St. Phone WEbster 1300 Emerson-Saratoga | LAUNDRY Announces— — — Here’s Good News for North Omaha’s thrifty homemakers. You can now save i 20% on all laundry and dry cleaning by using Emerson - Saratoga’s convenient Drive in Courteous Service plus Savings Equal to Receiving Every fifth bundle without charge. You’ll like Our Quick Cash and Carry Service Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts. I