The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 13, 1938, Image 1

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    Largest 9
Negro Paper
in Nebraska E|^ full pages op
5 “ ■ /mmm BW.S C“icS
Qopv _- new iv me imt\ every week
- -T-^r -• -_.__
Entered a8 Second Class Matter at Postoffice, Omaha, Nebraska- Omaha Nebl\, Saturday, August 13, 1938 Number Eig'hteen
Baptists To Celebrate 75th Anniversary of Freedom
Hold. Great Congress
hold great congress
Bishopj R. A. Grant, H. Y.
'Tookes and J. A. Gregg, photo
graphed with a little parishon
Romona Worls, at the great
religious conference held at. Fort
Smith, Ark., last week by the 12th
Episcopal district of the A.M.E.
Church, o'er which Bishi p Pookes
Tho congress developed courses
in religous education covering
various phases of church activi
ty and brought together general
officers of the church a» d visitors
from many sections. Bishop Too
kes won high praise fiiT the excel
lent of the congress and for the
notable work which he i8 doing in
the Arkansas-Oklahoma District.
(See Story on Page 4)
Quite shocking and unexpected
news was the report of the death
of Mrs. Bennie Peeples, wife of
Larry Peoples and a younger girl
of an pioneer Omaha family.
She passed away on Tuesday
evening about 7 o’clock in the pri
vato hospital of I)r. Fletcher.
Besides the immediate family,
sha leaves a host of friends and
acquaintances to mourn her loss.
Mount Ncbo and Cleves Temple
tied for hon i's in a track meet
conducted by the city recreation
department Thursday at the chur
ches’ picnic at Elmwood park.
Each church scored 14 points.
Other p lints:
Mount Moriah 13, St. John’s 10,
Zion 6, St. Benedict's 5, Bethel A.
M. E. 5, Christ Temple 5, Beth
el Baptist 6, Church of the Living
God 5, Pleasant Green 3, Bethel
Omahan round On
Tracks; Cut Up In
Three Parts
Waghngton, Aug., 7 (ANP)
On? of the 24 nationally known
persons asked to comment for the
Keep America Out of War con
gress on the present world situa
tion and the nation’s stand on |
tho war problem was Dean Wil- !
liam Pickens NAACP field secre
tary. Tho sentiments of those in
vited to comment were released in
tho daily papers Sunday.
Dean P’ckens is his statement
declared: “The United States of
America is one nation that is big
enough to stay out of wor,—out
cf any war in which she is the
aggressor. As matters stand to
day, and as they will stand for
many tomorrows, it will be diffi
cult for America to engage in any
war, if that war hus to be made
by other aggressors on America.
We will prepare for defense. No
body will attack us. We would not
attack others.
“We need not be so foolish or
‘idealistic’ as to believe or pre
tend that there are not forces in
the world which would attack us
if they thought they could do so
and win and profit. We need only
such preparation for defense as
will assure those forces that they
cannot win and cannot profit by
any attack upon tile United Stat
es. We shall not depend on any
mysticisms but upon our national
forces, spiritual and material. As
r. nation, we should have nothing!
to do with anybody’s else wars.
But, our citizens, as free individ
uals, should have as much liber
ty as possible to take their own
individual way in such conflicts,1
at their own individual risks.
“I do not belong to those who
say that they will not fight if our
country is attacked. There is
such a thing as a defensive fight.
If the liberty and life which we
have in America is attacked, it
would be as wicked as it would be
'calamitous for us not to defend
it. If we are prepared and do not
threaten, we can avoid war.’’
M. E. 3, and Presbyterian 3.
Marty Thomas estimated four
hundred participated.
Theodore Gatewood, 34 years
old, of 21*17 No. 25 St. was struck
by a Burlington train past of the
24th street viaduct and was ser
iously injured. Two fingers were
amputated by the physicians and
at the Nicholas Senn HospTtal
where they feared that Ids left j
leg might also huve to be ampu
Gatewood was employed at the
Union Pacific as a train porter,
and is married and has a son.
Leads 5th District Aspir
ants by Wide Margin
John Adams, Jr., Omaha Attor
ney, made a runaway race for the
Legislature in the 6th district in
the August 9th primary. He and
Dr. Harry Foster, veteran in pol
itics were nominated to run off
for tho election in November- Ad
ams spread-eagled th*. field by
taking a lead of 700 votes over
Foster and a field of eight others
candidates. Adams has been top
man in every unicameral race in
tho fifth district.. He served in
tho last Ufislatune and was sel
ected by newspapermen as the
tho last legislature and was sel
last; session.
The total of each candidate in
tho order they f:nished were:
John Adams, 1007; Harry A. Fos
ter 1,088; Edgar Thompson 960;
(ieorge H. Morton, 917; Minnie
Olson, 789; Jchnny Owen, 541;
John Conrey, 479; R. O. Watson,
366; Henry T. Clait, 355; Arthur
Ottitnger, 137.
Pupils and teachers of Sunday
schools in the churches cf Omaha
held their annual picnic Thursday
afternoon at Elmwood park.
More than four hundred persons
M. E. Webb, president f the In
terdenominational Sunday School I
j A celebration of 75 years of
Negro freedom will hold the spot
light at the annual National Bap
tist convention to be held in St.
Louis Sept- 7—11. Tribute will be
paid to the race’s leaders from
tho pre-emancipation period down
to the present date at special pro
grams. A huge pageant depicting
every phaso of racial progress, a
mammoth parade, special pro
grams on each day of thP conven
tion, and a concert devoted to Ne
gro .music and addresses will oc
cupy prominent places. The larg
est crowd in the history cf the
convention is anticipated, accord
’ng to L>r. L. K. Williams, presi
(See picture on page 4)
alliance, was general chairman.
A. R. Goodlett was in charge of
the athletic program. Leaders
in th , recreati n project assisted.
The WPA concert band, directed
by George Bryant, provided the
__ ■ ,
Tho Los Ang' les Urban League,
through the office of its Execu
tive Director, announced today it
iiad received word of the official
appointment of one of its members
of the Board of Directors, in the
person of Mr. Clare oe R. John
son. Mr. Join am has been con
nected with the local branch of
tho League for more than seven
years, servi g on several of its im
portant commit tees.
Mr. Johnson is krown throughout
California principally, and the
eastern and southern sections ctf
the country as well, for his labor
activities, having served as Vice
and General Chah man of the Din
ing Car Employees Local Union
582 fir the past thirteen years
and as Secretary-Business Mana
ger of the Pining Car Employes
Credit Union since its inception;
and in addition mere recently be
came field representative for the
International Union cf Hotel and
(Restaurant Employes, with which
tho local dining car group is af
Because of his technical skill,
broad experience, and sympathen
ic understanding of the problems
rf gabor generally, and thcHe
wh'eh affect Negro and other mi
norities specifically, Mr. Johnson
received the signal honor of being
invited to Join the staff of the
United Saate.s Housing Authori
y Washington, D. C., in the ca
pacity of Assistant for Negro Re
lations. Due to the heavy pres
sure -f field work and other labor
Renominated in 2nd Dist.
Leads Republicans for
Assessor Post
Nominated for Chief
Republicans Choice for
Francis P. Matthews
Charles F. Me Laughlin
Joseph C- Stolinski
. ■■£■ V H ' :
M. F, Mulvaney
Wife Dead ; K'usband in Serious
Conditions From Gunshot
Word was received in Omaha
Wednesday morning that Dwight
Dorsey former Omahan and son
of Mrs. S. H. Dorsey 3717 Parker
Sc. had shot and killed his 20
year old wife, Peggy, in Los An
gles Calif- The report also stated
that Dorsey had tried suicide and
was in the hospital in a very seri
ous condition.
The report stated that the Dor
seys have been having domestic
difficulties for the past year,
since they visited in Omaha dur
ing the spring of 1937. At that
t'mj Mrs. Dorsey returned to Ca
lifornia and Dwight went to N.
V. City. The couple had been mar
ried for 2 and one half y-ars and
had a daughter about 10 months
While in Omaha Mr. and Mrs.
Dorsey were v ry popular in the
younger married set.
This was Dorsey’s second mar
riage. He first married the form
er lone Pinkett of Lincoln and
Omaha in 1928. They separated in
1934. Dorsey was born and raised
in Omaha and attended school at
Tech High and Iowa University.
activities in the California area,
Mr. Johnson will not be able n<>
leave Los Angeles to assume his
new responsibilities until the lat
ter part of the month.
Democratic Results In
2nd and 3rd Wards
821; Andy (Jensen, 570; Al. C.
Scott, 472; F. M. Jaocbberger,
McGrath- 1,289; Simon A. Simon,
459; Clyde Drew 858.
County Treasurer-Otto Bauman,
1,263; M. L. Endres, 655.
County Clerk-Jamt's P. Hoc^or,
1,432; Jice Bulat 377.
, County Surveyor- Bill Green, 1,530
County Attorney- James T- Eng'
lish, 1,225; J. J. Krajicek, 273.
Leading the Race for
Chief Justice
Robert G. Simmons
for County
WBk®* !
Wm. Bill Green *
* 1
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