JUDGE JOHN W. YEAGER Non-Political + EXPERIENCED «• FAIR +- HONEST ♦ FEARLESS *- CAPABLE JUDGE JOHN TT. YEAGER Now serving a second term, ■as a Judge of the Fourth Ju_ dicial District, has attracted fitatewide attention for his im, partiality, his sympathetic un derstanding of people and their problem's. Born on a farm, he receiv ed his early education at a * country school. At the age of 19 he left the farm and earned bis way through law school from which he gradu ated with distinction. He prac. deed law for many years. As a County Prosecutor he was fearless and aggressive in his prosecution of crimin als. During his term of of fice he has been called by our , Supreme Court to hear and help decide many important cases. He is 47 years old; married- He served 18 months in the World War, 8*i months of which were overseas, llis credit to our highest tribunal. For Chief Justice, vote (X) JOHN W. YEAGER. Z*SZ4_ (Political Advertisement) 1 —— i . .. ■ ■■ ■■■—m NOTE:—Your question wfjl be answered FREE in this col* umn ONLY when a ripping of this column is enclosed with YOUK QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, BIRTHDATE and CORRECT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS- Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, I ' ' ' I » I I j 1 I I I I I I I I I I I Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. 4809 S. 20th MA. 2153 DOLGOFF HARDWARE PAINT. GLASS and VARNISH j We do glazing and make window shades to order i SCREEN, CHICKEN and FENCE WIRE GUILDERS HARDWARE Everything at a low price. 1822 24 N. 24 WE 1607 ----- , - " REID’S PHARMACY Phone WE. 1613 24th and Seward Sts. Omaha Free Delivery _____i . ^RJ The SlowAqed Favorite W J. B_What must I do about the property of my father’s which is in Virginia? A ns: About the only thing you can do is to arrange to sell it so that you can clear up tho indebtedness. Have it appraised and if ou like, put it into the hands of some good reliable Real Estate Agency down there. T. M. H—For the past five years 1 have been out of work and all of my friends seems to have forgotten me even my boy friend that once seemed to care enough to marry me. I stay wor. ried all the time and I want to know what to dot AY1S! fclnu buipiuyniem miu do th’s within the next thirty days. There isn't any reason for you being without work five years—this alone is enough to make your friends feel a lit tle disgusted with you- When you do get something to do that will occupy your mind you will get over your nervous ness. E. E. D.—My husband left me and his people are pouting with mo also. I haven’t done anything to cause this and I wish to know ii it would be allright for me to accept the courtesies and atten. tion of other n’ce men since I don’t stand a chance with him? Ans: Enter suit for divorce immediately and when you are granted same, which should not take more than sixty days in your state then accept the attention of other friends. In all probability he has filed suit for divorce—but that will not be necessarily divorce you and you must talk this thing over with your laywers. A. V. R-—I have tried for nine years to have something and I am now thoroughly tired and disgust ed. Would it help any if I pack, ed my bags and “lit out’’ for the city I have in mind? Ans: A sensible idea. You If You Have Any thing You Don’t Need & wish to sell Just... f WE. 1517 d,Pt have worried continously for tho pest few years about making your home in Philadel phia and I honestly feel that you would be using good judgement to carry out this i plan you have in mind, A. B.—Is there any way that I can change him as he does not care for church picture •shows, dancing or any kind of of entertainment? Ans: Not a possible chance of changing him and don’t enter marriage with the thought that you can make him like tho kind of like that you do. He is a quiet type and will never be able to frolic in the fashion you desire. L. S.—There is an attachment run on my car for a bill of my husband’s but understand the car is in my name. Will I be able to get it back ? Ans: Laws in different states vary—the thing for you to do is consult a good lawyer and take his advice on the matter. I do think that some adjustment will have to be made about the bill before you are able to get your ear. M. M_I do want your opinion atwtn ony farm as I feel that you will help me if possible? Ans: Put-it up for sale and if you are offered a nice bar gain or margain of profit then sell—otherwise hold it for a while. You really do not wish to go ba;‘k there to live and if you can't get something worthwhile from it, then do so. E. S.—Please tell me why my people pick at me and what really Dr. Harry C. m MOORE Republican Candidate for Lieutenant Governor 1. The man for the job. 2. Favors $30.00 pension for our aged. 3. Favors reduction of taxes. 4. Favors reasonable exemption on homes. 5. Favors the Townsend Plan, Houso Roll 4199. 6. Favortf considerate treatment due veteran for service rend, ered. 7. Favors a compulsory state vot ing law. 8. Favors control of Syphilis— (The nation’s destroyer). 9. Favors one term of four years for all state offices. 10. Favors la's state offices and more work. 11. Give me your support and get results. On The Ballot 0 Harry C. Moore (Political Advertisement) is my trouble? Ana: You have a swell dia_ position and they just take advantage of it to try to a rouse your “bad points”. The less you have to do with them the happier you will be. Make friends among the people who do not live near you. -— OUR COMMENTS by VVrsie Winston “A HEALTHY SCALP FOR HEALTHY HAIR” Is your scalp crying out for lu. brication ? Are you annoyed with dandruff? A dry, irritated scalp produces unattractive hair growth. i Your scalp ia the ".-oil” from, whence comes healthy hair. Just as it requires good soil for a suc ceseful garden, so too you must cultivate a clean healtihy scalp for quality hair. No woman can successfully treat her own scalp difficulties. It is a scientific process. There is a special technique for scalp niass ngo that only the trained beauti cian understands. It is vitally important as a pro, tective measure that all oils used in such a treatment he of high standard and not just nny highly advertised product sold over the counter to the publice. Also, correct application of any emollient in essential. Scientific manipulation of one's scalp sti mulates circulation and promotes hair health. Futhenmore, there is not better pri paration for your hair than a series of ous scalp treatments Your hair will be easier to care for after such a thorough pre conditioning. Make treatments now for high ly beneficial program of scalp treatment and watch your hair improve. (Continued next week on “EYE BROW GIVES EYE ALLURE’ BAHA’I FAITH Baha’is attending the Feast of Perfetion, Aug. 1st, were remind ed that Beauty, Perfection, Brill iancy and Spirituality in this ex istence comes from or through the Word of God. For all it is the su preme goal, the greatest desire, the cause of life, light, and in struction. Man possesses two kinds of susceptibilitidft; the natural eomtions which are like dust up on the mirror, and spiritual sus. ceptibilities which are merciful and heavenly chartapjterifctifc®. Thero is power which purifies the mirror from dust and transforms its reflections into intense brilji ! ancy and radiance so that spirit ual susceptibilities may chasten tho hearts and heavenly bestowals sanctify them. What is the dust which obscures the mirror? It is attachment to the world, a'arice, envy, love of luxury and comfort, haughtiness and self desire; this is the dust which prevents re flection o fthe rays of the Sun of Reality in the mirror. The nat ural emot'ons are blameworthy and are like rust which deprives tho heart of the bounties of God. But sincerity, justice, humility, severance, and love for the be lievers of God will purify the mirror and make it radiant with reflected rays from the Sun of Truth. Nothing is more fruitful for man than the knowledge of his own shortcomings. The Blessed Perfections says, “I wonder at tho man who does not find his own imperfection*." We must there, fore endeaver usselves to attain o ho perfetions of the world of humanity, and lay hold of ever lasting life. “CURIOUS or inter ested, please accept an invitation to a Baha’i Fireside Chat, Wed. Effective May 1st: 20 Cent Discount on Laundry & Dry Cleaning Cash and Carry Edholm and Sherman Launderers & Dry Cleaners WE 6055 evening, 8 p. to. at 3014 North 28th avenue* -o J.J. KRAJICEK FXMt COUNTY ATTORNEY J. J. Krajicek, demux-ratic can didate for county attorney, a pro gressive professional man and an oustanding citizen of the South Side has been a resident of Neb raska since his birth some 66 years ago, of Bohemian parentage. As a youth he attended Omaha Schools and obtained the founda tion for the higher education which he later obtained. Mr. Krajicek is a married man and has a family of eight children, whose ages range from sixteen to thirty. None of his relatives are holding office at this time, or drawing any compensation what soever from any source. . *■ -« - •- , *- • - ■ RESERVED FOR The FEDERAL Market 1414 N. 24th St. AT 7777 Across the street from tlie COG AN FONTENELI.E HOMES Patronize Our Advertisers HARRY HENDER Republican Candidate for METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT As a can.. dviate for one of the directors of the Utilities Board, I pledge my self to an economical 'operation of the gas and water system of the city— - lower corr oi operating expenses should mean lower rates. Every man, woman and child of this city is financially irjaerested in the management of this institution because they pay the bills for water and gas ocnsinn ed I do not think that too large cash reserve is necessary. I be lieve that tile present cash re serves are too large and rates should be lower. I am in favor of employing lo_ cal labor, executives and office workers. I believe I possess the nocess ary qualif;caaions for the Job and, if nominated and elected, I will ab all times pass on bo the consumer all reasonable profits and savings thn(; mny bo made in the manage ment of this institution. If you want a representative on this Wli^ies Dean! who is vitally interested in your behalf, vote for me on August 9th. Harry Hender Political Adv. Vote For— E. M. Jacobberger DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR Primaries August 9th Election November 8th (Political Advertisement) SAMPLE . . . DEMONSTRATOR . . . USED RADIOS AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES For your home, par ty room, summer cot tage ... or your spare • room. Philco Table Cl AC A Model, (i-tube. * I Uav Philco Table Clilttl Model, 9-tube. * I Hw Majestic Con- C 1 AAA sole, 6 tubes.. * I Atwater Kent 5- C0AA Tube Console... Fried 7-Tube ei|QC Console.* ■ lT3 Crosley Console, 6- tube. Atwater Kent . 7- Tube Table... J Crosley 5-Tube AO Table Model.... CACV TED C Plus Usual Small i CMO 1 lERiTIJ Ca,ryine Charge |