The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 06, 1938, Image 1

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    Largest jm
: Negro Paper a &|js g^H
- in Nebraska >« full pages of
Cents ! _ . OftHljfiS
Entered ns second etnas Matter at Postofiice, Omaha. Nebraska- Omaha, Nebr., Saturday, August 6, 1938 Number Seventeen
C.S.G.A. Golf Meet
Opens August 21st
Midwestern Golfers To Compete
at Minneapolis
Minneapolis, Minn—The Centra^
States Golf Associaton will held
its Eight annual tournament here
Sunday August 21, over the tricky
Hiawatha course, 1 he Twin Gity
goK club of St- Paul & Minnea
polis will be host to the Assccia
tion for the second consecutive
year at the 1937 tourney was con
gested over the dutiful Keller
course in St. Paul. The wsocia
is made up of clubs n ' opeka,
Kansas; Omaha Nebraska, De^
Moines Iowa; Kansas City Mo. St.
. Louis Missouri and the host club*
John H* Williams of Minneapolis
is president of the organization.
Harts are being made to enter
tain the largest entry list ever to
compet in the associations eight
year history. The tourney is one
36 hole medal play affair, bam
Shepard 1937 champion of St.
Louis will be on hand to head
bho star studded entry list. Lx
champs Charles P. Howard, of
Dos Moines and Richard-Young,
of St. Louis wil lalso be here.
Shepard has two legs on the as
sociation’s beautiful champions hip
trophy while Young has one cop
ping the title in 1930.
_*■» 1 If v.'fl a
pion during the first four years
of the Central States existence.
However since his defeat in the
1935 event at St. Louis by She
pard he has r.ot been aide to win.
]'dany consider Howard the best
all-round golfer of ths areas \vhch
is backed up by the figure < a~
they show he ha; finished one
two three seven years in a row.
'The competition has been get
ting knecner each year. I .at year
on th fnal round with only two
hols to be played Howard Wil.
liams and Shepard were all t od
with Jack Howard only one stroke
behind. Williams and Shepard t o 1
the evert at the end cf 3G Ivies
bet Shepard won the play-off.
With new blood coming on sepeei
aily from St. Louis and Kansas
City this years tournament should
produce even greater competi
_ _
Nancy hunt, member of the
choir in the WPA Federal Thov
atro's “Haiti,” owes much of her
luccess to a scholarship she re
ceived while a school girl. “Haiti”
will climax its sensational Har
rvii b,r opcriEpf r/- i 1 *3
theatre, off Broadway in July.
Washington t TT 4 “(C) —
Dean Rapheal O'Hara Lanier of
tho Hou) ton Junior Colic . a has
been named assistant to Dr. Maty
McLeod Pelham:’ director f N* -
gr>> affairs of the National 1 ' Ci
Administration $4000 a year it
waa reported last week. Dean
Lanier succeeds to the post recent
ly vacated by Dr- Frank I!o..:c
who is assistant to Dr. Robert
Weaver of the U. S. Housing Au
On July 28th Executives and
members of Trustee Board and
micro than one hundren, members
of Trainmen, Brakemen & Por
ter Union No. 21458 affiliated
with tho American Federation of
Labor met in Special session in
call meeting at tho home of the
National President, Mrs. Steve
Dennett at 607 and one half East
■6th St. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
jjfor the consideration among other
'things the resignation of Mr. A.
■ ebb, white National Represent
ative of Trainmen Brakemen and
jig-Porters Union No. 21458 and to
■elect another National Represent
Bativo to serve in place of Mr. A. !
■K. Webb, white until general elect
|®on February 1939 and discuss
Blatters of wages and working
^Kmditions schedules pending ad
^■istment before various western
f ** * Southern and Southeastern
| Mr. Vernon C. Coffey colored,
iybf 1316 North 7th St. Kansas City
■Kansas employed in the capacity
Bpf trainmen on the Omaha Divison
Bpf the Missouri Pacific Lines, a
«Taduato of the Philander Smith
College ofTheology and a gradu
ate of the university of Omaha
Law School 1938 class and a
world war veteran was elected as
tho National Representative to
fill the vacancy left by Mi. A. %,
Webb, white resigned. Hr. d££*y
i very well known character a
mong the colored trainmen, ho
wen several full train crew fights
staged by the white Brotherhood
of Railroad Trainmen to oust
members of the cobred race from
positions of brakemen, train por
ter flagmen among the most out
standing were the fight and case
before the Railroad Commission
of the state of Kansas, and before
tha Railroad Commission of the
State of Nebr. in the year of 1938.
Mr. Coffey served as the General
(lhairn.wn t b r colored t.ra;nmien
of the Missouri Pacific Lnes, al
s) served as General Employee
Representative of the National
Federation of Railway Workers
of which Mr. L. w. Fairchild col
ored of Popular Bluffs Missouri
is General President.
Mr. Coffey expect to build the
new Trainmen, Brakement and
Porters Union N. 21458 to a mem
bership of thirty-fie thousand
colored trainment. An open state
ment was received from Mr. Cof
fey, as to his confidence in the
newely organized Union of colored
trainmen: it was saiu by Mr.
Coffey, We colored have tryed in
vain for the ast twenty-five years
A 'oto for Frank L. Burdridge
is a vote for a Negro Deputy
County Attorney. We, the Omaha
Guide, will stand behind the above
statement if Mr. Rurbridge is nom
inated and elected County Attor
ney of Douglas County. So Mr.
Negro voter, make history. If you
aro a republican and believe in
placing a light on the hill for an
inspiration for your children that
ai'o going to school, you will go
to the polls Tuesday, August 9th
and vote for FRANK L. BUR
DRIDGE for County Attorney.
to obtain a colored charter which
would protect colored train por
ters. and brakement and foremen
from the American Federation of
Labor that we might have an or
ganized prestage and support be
hind us that would place cur
workmen in a position to secure
adequate living wnpert for our
work, and decent working condi
tion for colored trainmen now
the door of opportunity that have
been shut in cur face for the past
twenty-five years has been open
ed to we colored trainmen; now
we shall prove to the world that
colored trainmen are ene hundred
per cent Union brothers, and will
win your rights and prove that we
are worthy of the privilege gran
ted Bo our race by Mr. Williams
Green president of the American
Federatin of Labor.
sieve tiennett
National President
Trainment, Brakemen &
Porters Union No. 21456,
Affiliate with the A.F, cf L.
Newark N. J. August 4 (C>—
Tho re vial of the Newtek
under the alleged sponsorship oi a
Harlem paper hit ifc first snag
Saturday morning when following
two visits in a row by Dr. C. B.
Powell of Nek York Julius J.
Adams managing editor who. was
brought west from Chicago | was
fired allededly because of an edi_
torial “Newark Needs Hypcder
mic” which appeared in the Herald
of July 9. On leaving Newark it
was stated Adams was being tran
ferred ’ to the city desk of the
Amsterdam News in New York
but the Newark grapevine buzzed
with the news that Harlem was
merely a stopover for Adams on
nws that Harlem wasSIIRDULU
bi« ivav ba<'U,
New York August 4 (C)—-V.r.
C. Handy father of the “blues”
has been cn Broadway lor twenty
years ho revealed in a special in
terview in the office of Handy
Brothers Music Co. 1587 Broad
way Friday. Mr. Handy will be
65 years old on next November 16
ard is still active managing the
affairs of his world-wide organi
zation himself. Associated with
him in the bittiness is his brother
C. E. Handy and his son VV. C.
Handy Jr.
Mr. Handy practically earns his i
living now from royalties on the 1
“St. Louis Blues”. As a member of
the American Society of Authors
Composers and Publishers his
rght are amply protected and
his income runs around $20000 a
year from all rights to the song.
Hfe firm is active however in the
publishing field and is making a
special effort to cause the public
to know better the works of Ne_
gro authors. A new piece the film
has published is ‘ Drum Corps with
Buglo” a modern treatise by A.
Rev. Hi Ison Accepts
Thjrd_Call To Salem
fcaglnUrr . gOTML>.a ... -.-www.m\,m.Jmim
Honorable Theophlu; M, Mann
Grand Polemafch of the Kappa
Alpha Psi fraternity, who is busy
far ahead "t the "Grand Concave”
,'n Detroit next Douesmiber, getting
things lined'up so the twenty
eighth anm'al 'nicetiny; will Igo
oti' according to schedule. Attor
ney Mann ia lawyer for the iX S.
Department of the Interior, stu
toned in Chicago. The busy law
yer frequently travel by air to
squeeze in time for promoting
Kappa affairs. (Calvin Service).
Ja k Thomas former bandmaster
of tnfe U. S, Army many copies
of which have been boug. t by the
v«u, meat i -r the l T G ban..;'..
IVashirgton August 4 (C)—One
hundred young men and women
have been graduated from various
college! and universities both in
American and abroad through
scholarships furnished by the Elks
h i', announced by Judge W. C.
Hues ton Commissioner of Educa
tion of the order. An average of
$1000 has been spent oip ^uch of
tht graduates and assitances ha,
ui [j %i our? otpw aeqiunu c Su^pnpur
ton eapnpejgjopun jy i.oajji uocq
In adltion to this week the Ed
ucation Department under Judge
Ilueson has fought.for the adop
tion of legislation federalizing the
Negro public schools of the South
and for a fair distribution of the
public school funds. Judge llues
ton has also fought for equal sal
aries to colored teachers and for
the cstablf hments of public
(Vll ^ #V> »• M/»*—oUil J„„ V
there are noaa
Mr. Bernard E. Squires execu
tive secretary uf the Omah;a Ur
ban League,, spoke on Sunday in
De; Mo;ni s, Iowa to the Central
Association of Federated Negro
Women's Clubs. Mr. Squires spoke
on Negro Youth Faces America
Tho meeting was held in the Sen. \
ate Chamber of the State Capitol j
Building and even the balcony j
was filled to its capacity. The re- {
cord breaking overflowing crowd
thrilled as Mr. Sqeires spoke on
tho many problems confronting
Negro Youth as he faces Ameri
ca and how he offered a solution
under the three points as follows
first, he encouraged self enlighten,
ment of the group, secondly, the
removul of the supposed stima of
tho pigmentation of our skin third
tho devolernent of a heritage of
tho group. Many persons reques.
ted copies of th0 speech. Governor
Kraeshel of Iowa also spoke at
this meeting.
Accompanying Mr. Squires as a
special birthday gift was Mis3
Mildred Squires who enjoyed the
trip immensely.
Omaha, Nebi\, August 6—A new
feature has been added to Ak
Sar-Ben’s annual entertainment
program, ono which it is believed
will fill a long felt need in this
section of tho country.
Ak-Sar^Ben officials have
announced the event will be known
as “Market Week Festival'’ will
bu introduced with the presenta
tion of a gigantic mimical extra
vaganza, “Soaring High,’’ in
front of tho grandstand at Ak
Sar.Ben field tho week loginning,
August 22.
Included in tho presentation will
bo beautiful chorus numbers, out
vaudeville features un<l
specialties by stars of two conti
nents, inclding performers brought
to the UnHed States direct from
the Follies Beige re in Paris.
A thrilling finale in which a
girl is shot from a cannon sixty
feet through the air, into the arms !
of two catchers, is one of the big i
numbers of the show. This specta- |
ruJar act is performed without I
any safety net. It was first per- j
ir 1'"
Ak-Snr.Bcn is bringing this new .
typo of out-door extravaganza to i
tho people of tho mMdlewest in !
the belief that it will meet the
grwny demand for something dif
ferent in both exciting and cultur
'd entertainment.
With un all-star cast of more
than 100. tho show will bo staged
each night at 8:15 on an out.door
platform 200 feet long with three
revolving stages. Elaborate
cenij effects will give the huge
stage the apparanco of an amphi
Admission [vices are at a low
popular-priced scale, with reserved
grandstand seats at 80 cents and '
$U0, box seats at $1.(55 and un. ;
reserved grandstands seats only '
55 cents. Children under 1 4will be !
admitted for onlv 25 cents.
St. Louis, Aug. 5—Despite the j
passion of the National Baptist ,
Convention for increasing edu
cational facilities for the youth,
tho denomination it is hardly con.
sidored likely by church leaders
who are preparing for the con..
venion to be held here next nomth
that the National Training school
at Washington D. C. will be re.
opened under convention auspices.
Tho institution which was closed
for some three years is presided
over by Miss Niannie H. Bur
roughts who is president of of
tho school and corespnding secre
tary of tho Woman’s .Board of the
National Baptist contention. For
many years the chief source of
support for the school wh’ch
trained girls in religious and
manual arts, was from money
raised by the Woman's Board and
tho National Baptist Convention
Some ten or twelve years ago it
was pointed out, however that the
National Training School like tho
old publishing house at Nashville
was an incorporated body not a.
menablo to the church but control
led by its own board cf trustees.
Tho ttrustees were invited t>
make the school h component parr
of tho church but declined. Hie
Woman’s board an auxiliary of
the convention thereupon with
drew its support.
The woman’s board white ot
tho Southern Baptist Con'enth n
raised $ 10,000 rectnly to help edu
cate young colored women but
dec!' t ■ place the money it i3
understood in th NnPoral Train
ing School unless ihut institution
beeanio a definite part of the
u nvention. Plnre arc now being
developed for nn educational plant
for women in connection wdth
tho American Baptist Theological
Seminary at Nashville.
fr r h rr
Mi'. Voter, study the cadidate’s
past record and know for your_
self. If in doubt and don’t know
tho candidate’s past record, espec
ially his attitude toward giving
you your pro.rata of employment,
just call At. 4662, the Omaha
Guido office.
Wo have installed a special
phone for any information you
desire. We have a record of each
candidate Not a Two Weeks Bc_
foro Election Record, but We Know
His Attitude Toward Giving You
and Yours, Your Full Citizenship
At tho last Business Meeting
the Salem Baptist Church 23th
and Decatux’. The Rev. E. H. Hilson
oi Tucron Arizona made his ac„
ceptance address.
This able minister has pastored
tho Friendship Baptist Church
for tho past two years having re
sitmed his post at the East side
Baptist Church in OKmulgee, Ok
Tho Salem Baptist church fii'st
called Rev. Hilson in 1927 from
Tccnrkana, Texas where he was
pasttoring the New Town Baptist
The former Church site of the
Salem Baptist church at 22nd Se
ward was pui’ehased and all in
debtedness cleared before he was
called tjo the Antioch Baptist
church of Muskogee Oklahoma,
where he served a membership of
2000 or more for four years (4)
sueessful years.
Feeling the need of an able pi
lot the Salem Baptist Church re
called Rev. Hilson in 1934 for his
second pastorate.
This experienced man has built
and bought a number of churches
some of which are as fellows •
Tho New Town Bapti t Church
in Texarkana Texas, College Hill
Baptist Church in Texarkana Ark.
and our own Salem Baptist
Rev. Hilson is a pi-oduot of the
Arkansas Baptist college having
received his B. T. H. Degree in
1912 and an honox-ai'y degree of
D. D. from Philander Smith in
Under the leadership of this
public Spirited man the Salem
Baptist church should progress
both from a spiritcal and an in_
tellectual standpoint.
In loving memory of ADRIAN
One Year, since that sad day,
Tho one we loved was called
God took him home, it was His will,
But in our hearts, he liveth,
His Family