RAR ASSOCIATION WILL HEAR JUDGE WATSON Fourteenth Annual Convention in Durham August 4-6 to Discuss Progress in Legal Profession. Durham, N. C. July 15 —When the fourteenth annual convention of the National Bar Association meets here August 4-6 inclusive, it will hear in one principal ad dresses at the evening mass meet ing August 4, Judge James S. Watson, of the Municipal Court of New York City. Judge Wat son’s subject will be “The Respon sibilities of the Negro Lawyer to His People.” The other speaker at the Aug. 4 meeting will be the Honorable Harry McMullen, Attorney Gen eral of North Carolina. Tho session will be held on the campus of the North Carolina Col lege for Negroes Scheduled for discussion during the day sessions of the convention are many topics touchcing upon problems in the legal profession. Among the discussion leaders will be Belford V. Lawson, jr„ coui> sel for the New Negro Alliance of Washington, D- C-, who won a decision on picketing before the United States Supreme Court; M. j T. Van Hecke, dean of the law school of the University of North Carolina; Charles H. Houston, special counsel for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Richard E.1 Westbrooks, Chicago, counsel for Congressman Arthur W. Mitchell in a jim-crcw suit against the Rock Island railroads; Albert C. Gilbert, president of the Harlem Lawlers Association; Pr. Robert C. Weaver, United States Hous ing Authority; Elsie Austin, as sistant attorney general of the State of Ohio; Eunice H. Carter, assistant district attorney, New York City; and representatives of Howard, Terrel and Bent law schools. The key-nete address will be de livered by President William L. Houston, on the subject. “The Old Order Changeth ’’ NEGRO LEGISLATORS HELP SAVE CRUISE BUSINESS Hamilton, Bermuda, July 20 (A jsjp)_The two Negro members of the Bermudian legislature took an active part in directing the Passenger Ships Bill of 1938, which has just been put into cf l’ert here. These two members, John Cox and H. J. Tucker jr., supported the minority report on the measure which w«g of grave importance to business men here. The majority report forced pas sengers on the many “cruise” ships which visit the island from the United Status to discharge their passengers while in port. Such a poricy would have requir ed their occupying hotel rooms. The Furness Wiljhy Steamship Lino had already advised that it would house its passengers on board ship and protested against newer and more stringent re ■ lations. The minority leport re stricted measures aimed at the cruiso bo»,ts to a tax on bars and a head tax on all passengers staying on board. It was won by tho margin of the two colored legislators’ votes. -o— INTERNES ELECT OF FICERS Chicago July 14 (ANP)—Dr. Homer P. Cooper, Chicago phy sician, was elected president as tho Provident Hospital Internes’ association concluded its three day fourth annual convention Thursday night. Other officers wore Dr. Harley P. Manuel, Columbus, O., vice president Dr. George Shropshenr, secretary; Dr. George C. Kersey, assistant secretary, and Dr. James R. White, treasurer. Committee chairman names in cluded Dr. Troy Smith, auditing; Dr. William W. Gibbs, member ship; Dr. Maurice M. Shaw, en ( rtaining; Dr John W. Lnwlah,J program; Dr. C. A. Alexander, ; Kalamazoo, Mich), public policy; Dr. Roscoe C. Giles, executive and j Drs. John W. Burell, Clurence E. Jamison and Manny Dillard, nomi natig Of the 41 physicians who at tended tho special clina'cs, sympo siums and social affairs surround ing the convention. Several were from out of town, among them Drs. E. T. Seales, Des Moines, Ia.,; William Alien, Freeport, 111.; Elizabeth Hill, Evanston; James A. Allen, Benton Harbor, Mich.; H. IX Ellis, Champaign; Harley F. Manuel, Columbus; und C. A Alexander, Kalamazoo Patronize Our Advertisers get Money --- Lov ( guarantee to Help you get a nc» tun la life. No <*a»e beyond ho**. 6tog *<>rm to_g ! W iU roe today Information fRtlSl In. WiLUAMS, Journal Square Stai Jersey City, N. J. Dept, 0, Your Kldnevs contain 9 million tiny t e* or tutors which may be endangered By r"g— lect or drastic, irritating drugs. Be earn'ul. If functional disorders of the Kidneys or Bladder make you sutler from Getting Ui» Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Circle* Under Eyes, Gladness, Backache, Swollen. Joints, Excess Acidity, or Burning Passages, don't rely on ordinary medicines. Fight such troubles with the doctor’s prescrip tion t'gnlex. Cyatex starts working In 3 hours and must prove entirely satisfactory in 1 week, and be exactly the medicine vow reed or money back Is guaranteed. Tele-* phone your druggist for Cyste* tSlss-tci) today. The guarantee protects you., Copr, I 1837 The Knox CO. < -. . mfioL i iw —iii t i itt ’rr-r^rriMKn -- . ... ■ —-•..—-— — ■ ■ —_ Automobiles_ SHAMES BODY BUILDERS 1906 Cuming Street Cars in very good condition—good rubber, like new. Oldsmcbile Coupe ‘34 . excellent condition, reasonable; take over payments—WA 6512. Beauty Culturists CHRISTINE ALTTIOUSE It Pavs To Look Attractive 2422 N. L2nd St. WE. 0846 NORTIISIDE Beauty Shop Aiwa i s i. ok Your Best. Consult Us 220' Ohio St. AT. 5902 BEER TAVERNS ‘ KABE’S BUFFET 2220 Lake St. ' JA. 9105 I CHARLIE’S PLACE 1604 No. 22nd St. WE.. 4019 BBVERAGF.S & LlQiOI'S FREE DELIVERY ‘ JOHNSON DRUG CO. Liquor;;, Wines and Beer Prescriptions We. 099S 190! N. 24th St. DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING Company WE. 3043 _j THE LIQUOR STORE 1 2315 Cuming St. JA. 0504' “We App's kite Your Pm1 -linage'’ j ICE C JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th WE. 0961 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th & T _ke_WE. 0000 Contractors_ W. F. ITOCH Grading and Excavation 4500 Ames Ave. ICE. 0310 Let It, Rain.! Improve Your Home Experienced Roofers - Asbestos Siding - Reasonable Prices. B. Jones,— 31th T ylor, E. Omaha, _Call WE.; 5310 . Groceries __ 7~H FRMAN’S MA RKET 24th ai d Lake WE. 5444 I ' HOUSTON’S GROCERY 7. j 2114 N. &4th St.. . J A. 3543 0ur Sausage A Specialty Free Delivery " BERNARD'S GROCERY & MARKET .I Where You Get More for Your Money. 2012 North 24th St. ~ 'Tewis -grocery •Groceries Meats Ice Cold Beer! WE. 2173 2723 Binney j FREE DELIVERY LONDON’S MARKET 24,th & Charles Street WE. 0501 FREE DELIVERY ONE HORSE STORE W. L. Parsley, Prop, WE. 9407 2351 Grant MONUMENTS MARKERS HEFT~& NOYES 40th & Fon°t f.i"vn Avp. KE 1738 TAILORS Economy Tailor—Clcaivny & Re pairi«f? We rut, t.-im. mpVe suits to ordor 1018 N. 2^th St. HARDWARE DO LG OF F I f ARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We do glazing and make window shade? (o order. 1822 N. 24bh WE. 1607 Laundries & Cleaners EDftOLM & SHERMAN !. 2101 N. 21th WE. 6055 CURTAINS 25c UP —....No Pin Holes. Special Office Laundry or Men’s Laundry— Blankets— Tablecloths. Laundry Delivered. Mrs. Bernieee Morrison. JA. 2511 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2321 N. 24th St. WE. 1029 CURTAI : 20: Pr. Will Assist In Your Spring Cleaning To Obte.in The Best Results in Curtain Laundering Call JA. 1628 Painting1 - Decorating OMAHA-JOBBINO CO. Paints $1.00 gal.—Tlie Devoe Water Proof Spar Varnish $1.50 gal. 317 N. 15th St. JA. 5G04 Hen & Hermit Anderson Paintin ', Wall W .shiny & Decor ating Work Guaranteed 2801 Miami, 2872 Bii.iwr WE. 582G Let Me Assist Your SPRING CLEANING By Doirg Your Papering - Painting We Specialize in CABINET WORK - CARPENTRY CALL F GERTH JA GH96 Let PEOPLES Do It—Ten train - 1 decorating mechanics. — Our Motto ‘Service’. Peoples Paint & Shop— AT. 0054. NOW is the time to Improve Your Home . . Let Bob do your Paper ing, Painting ft Plaster Patching Reasnable Prices. WA, 81' 9. Poultry anclEg'rs . METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1301 N. 21th WE. 4737 Poultry dressed while you wait.— Strictly Fresh Eggs. "7 NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2200 North 24th St. Our Prices r.re Reasonable— See. us first. WE. 4137, . SHEPHE.UtDS Poultry & FKh Mkt. 24IG Evskine St". JA. 3772 Sundays WE. 4398 Sheet Metal Works Tin, Copper. Galvanized Iran Works. NESBIT & WET, Furnac es. Ff.Tnam .Sheet Metal Works 2908 Farnam JA. G66G Shoe Repair MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 N. 24^h -High grade mater ial used Dishes KING YUEN CAFE 2010\i, N. 24th St. JA. 8570 FOR SALE FOR SALE Dandy big house ,10 room, 2 baths 4-car garage, nice yard. Homf. income for right party. Owner, 2414 Ohio. WE 1100. FOR SALE“ 5125.00 to §250.00 Cash *(i h ’ r , "!';o n ■: i_ pofto unrt modern with oak finish, cement basement and garage. E. M. Davis Licensed Real Estate Broker . 2817 No. 24th St. WE 1106 For Sale Bargains In Homes Down Payment from $75 up to $350 BALANCE UKE KENT j E. M. BAVIB ' LISCENSEI) REAL ESTATE BROKER ■ 't . V. E 1: FOR SALE ' Buy your c loth’ng. Shoes, Furni ture. ITou ;c.h' Id necessities at th • GOODWILL SERVICE STORE At Low Prices 2522 N. 24,th St. Help them pay Opportunity Wages .. • To Handicapped People BIG RUMMAGE SALE New & Used Merchandise 613 N 16th St. 'T. >7 9:30 A. M. GOODWILL SERVICE STORE 2522 North 24th St. All Stock is being Sold at Close-i out Prices—Ba gains. St re clos ed July and August. Reopen Sept ember. FOR SALE RIG BARGAINS IN HOMES Th> following houses can be boTiTht with a Smell Payment — Balance Like Rent. Modern and Part Modern. %615 Decatur S,t. 28)6 Decatur St. 2823 Seward St. 2827 Seward St. „.. . £813 Hamilton $L 959 £ ^o'rtb 2"th Avc. E. M. DAVIS, Licensed Pe»l Estate Broker N '-,k 3-t‘h St. WE( T’”ridtwre rfiX Sale Pu’l bed spring and mnttrer.a y.lso a buffet Gbeep. Jail J v " « j 11 Fox. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 1617 No. 29lh St. 2517 Corby St. 2823 Parker St. Apply at office 1607 t/j Coming St. 2nd Floor Cal! JA 5033 or KK 6069 UNI IJK NISI I El) Al'TS. FOR RENT l rooms and bath up or 2 2 room upts. Rent reasonable. 2S0S Miami street. FOR RENT Nice clean apts, Have to be seen to appreciate. AT 9460. HOUSE FOR RENT 1834 N. 22nd, 4 rooms, redecorat ed, new floors—$16.00 WA, 8330. ! —Lejgral Notices— Charles F, Daviw, Atty Boom 1 1'uch; hi Block 24 at Lake Street Notice of Administration In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: In the matter of the estate of Minnie Spencer ■ Deceased. All persons Interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court al leging that said deceased died v: ■ no la i v ill and prayind for administration upon his es tate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 20th day of August 1038, and that if ttcy fail to ap pear at said court on the said 2f)th day of Augn.-t 1038 at 0 o'clock. A. M. to contest said petition the o urt may grant the same and grant adminihtration of said es tate to".William Spencer or some other suitabl. perrtor and proceed . to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford, County1 Judge. Bogin 7-30-38. Ending 8-13.38. - ■ -«——— .• ... ----j* Help Us To Serve You Save Additional Cost Important Notice—Please Rea€ Carefully The Omaha Guide wishes to an nounce—the Government i? n nr charging a fee for nil changes of Subscriber’s addresses Failing to notify—Not t!i; Pc t cffie'e but the Omaha Guffs Office, will re sult il charging a fee by the post al authi ii» RRMRMUKP, ‘8 you give the Postman your change of address card your First Class Mail will ccome to ycu without any charges, hut your Second Galss Mail, Newspapers, Magazines etc., will Not Come until someone pays the government the fee for the change of ycur address. Now l JUST TlRMRltfTlKTl wnen you^ Postman is given your change of address card, call the Omaha Gufda W Blister 1517 and give the Cir nlatiori Deportment y«ur Old an