.CHURCH NEWS W SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. K. II- Ililson, Pastor Carrie Harris Reporter ; Out Sunday school was open at 9:30 with superintendent presiding Bro. Ccoper who h Wen to Congress will give us fi'o to ten minutes to talks on doing and happenings in Congress every WAV.V.V.V.V.V.'.V.V.V, Dully Pharmacy Wo. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery w «* • W « ■ * *r« 9 9 rm 9 9 9 9 L_ —. -- --— “AMERICAN j WEINER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Best Chili and Kest. Hot Dogs in the '.Vc*t All Kinds of Sandwiches _____< i HOME MADE ICE CREAM j i ' 9-»9 9"9>-9-9»9-9»-9»«9»9-9-9<«9-»9«.#.»9»9..9-9»9»«9..9»«9» ittQsa ymWBMM Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame Shoes look new again with our new invisible half soling. Lake Shoe Service 2407 (LAKE ST. wmtmmmmmsm Sunday morning. Cc-mo out some time:, The It - o’clock service was very enjoyable. . With our beloved pastor elect Rov. Hibson, with us for the 3rd time. His subject was: The Man of Ferry. Sprits were very high. RYT’U was open at 6:00 with the President presiding. BYPU was very lively. 8:00 o’clock services were very splendid and Rev. Hilson, present ed another s'u] stirring sermon. Visitors are always welcome at Salem. --—o— — • CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. L. M. Rdf, Pastor Edw» Pankey, Reporter Sunday was a great day s.t our Church. Bishop Wm- A. Washing ton, D. /I), of Ix>s Angeles, Calif, delivered the morning message.’ The text was found, Galations, 6 14. Tlio Bishop illustrated Christ dying on the cross for us. The sermon was soul stirring, one wus united to the church. The af ternoon services was conducted by Dr. Sears, of Ix>s Angeles, Calif. Dr. Sears ipreached a high power, ed sermon frim St. Luke, 15. Subject, “God‘’s estimate of Man” At the 8:00 P. M. sevrice Bishop Washington preached from St. John, Subject “Christ the Esteem World.” Tho Lord poured out his sprit upon Bishop Washington artJ ho fed the congregation food from upon high. Our District Convention is over but the wonderful message that Why hot. . . GET those home appliances at The Omaha Outfitting Co. Pay as you are paid. Weekly or monthly AT. 5625 2122 North 2tth St. “The APEX PAR’” 1818 NORTH 21th ST. JA. 9331 Fine LIQUORS and Wines Dinners & Short Orders Served also The Place Where All Are One Family LET PEOPLES DO IT Olean up that front room. We specialize in making old houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for esti mation on work. No job too small or too large. Ten trained decorating meofhataica. Our Motto—Service First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858. Peaples Paint and Papering Shop LARRY PEOPLES, Proprietor i- < THE SECRET TO YC9THFBL-LOOKIHG HAIR • • • Drab, Lifeless, Gray-Streaked Hair Takes on Glowing Beauty with a Single Application of Larieuse THE middle-aged woman whose hair is soft, alluring, colorful, always sparkling with dancing highlights—how does she do it? What is the secret to her youthful looking hair? Chances are she uses a hair coloi iog and chances are the hair color ing she uses is Godefroy's Larieuse. Years ago this "secret" was gener ally known only to professional hairdressers. Today it is shared by women everywhere. You, too, can ha-. v }“ to re direct to... IfilK C( J , OODEFROY MANUFACIU*.:!; i « . ~f» r*.:\ • • ?,... . Ex. N—F—S, 0-7,30-38 our beloved Bishop Washington and Dr. Sears delivered, will live cn i nour hearts, .Mary visitors from out of town Were present, and the various churches cf Oma ha, co-operated with us in mak I jng our convention & great suc cess. Come out and worship with us. Visitors are always welcome. CLAIR CHAPEL CHURCH G- D. Hancock, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. 1 Preaching 11 -00 A. M. Epworth I^sague 6:30 P. M, Preaching 8:000 P. M. Sunday school opened at the a. j bcvo hour with a good attendance. At the eleven o’clock service i Rev. Hancock selected St- Luke 111:1 “And it came to pass, that, as he wus praying in a cecrtain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray as John also taught hia disciples,” for his ser mon. In this lesson he brought to us the necessity of pra.yer in chirstian life. Several visitors . were present and welcomed by the chcureh. The tribes of Israel have started their journey to the pro misel Land and praying that it will be reached by September. On Sunday night Rev. Calhoun deli vered the message to us. Music was furnished by the .Ramsey children which was so very much enjoyed. This service was conduct ed iby Brother E. A. Hunter of the tribe of Ruben. Remember our Wednesday night services and attend them. ST. JOHN AME CHURCH “The Friendly Church’r Dr. R. A. Adams Pastor Tho Sunday school started the days services at St. John last Sunday with a fine attendance. Dr. Adams is teaching Mr. J. C. Parker’s class and Mrs. Har ris, Mrs. Parker’s Clu.ss. It is near time for the annual picnic and it is very important that the children are present each Sunday to make sure they get all information given out about the picnic. Dr. Adams preached a very strong sermon from Acts & chap ter .'18 arid 39 verse. His ssubject was “Fighting against God”. Some of his outstanding thoughts were as follows: When you crush Christians You are crushing Christ. Those who fight aga.inst real ture IPlilress Human Brother, hood, The Church, and make confusion withhold their means of confusion withhold their means of support, are fighting against God aro fighting a losing fight. If a thing is right, you can’t very well stop it because the right will prevail. Standard may charpro but principles remain the same. Tho guest soloist for the morn ing service was Mrs. Rose Buck ner of Oakland Calif, who was accompanied at the piano by Mr. ,Booker Washington of Omaha. Other visitors were: Mrs. Cnr dela Armstrong and daughter and son. Miss Georgi> Dill, and Alfred and oJseph Jaunory of ILeaven worth, Kansas, Miss Wilda Chile and Mr. J. T<. Taylor of Omaha. And nlso Miss Eloise Jones of Dal las, Texas. Wo are always glad to see our visiting friends and invite them to make St. John their church homo while in the city. Tho sick of the church; Bro ther George Ray is able to be back home from the hospital, Brother L. M. Goodlet is still a very sick man. Tho choir’s Request Program tho 4th Sunday night will be very good. Come and bring your fri. ends and out of towns guests. There is a great treat for you. Read your Omaha Guide for your local Church News. THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOO Elder E. J. Clark, Pastor Elder 'vud Mrs. M. S. Steele and also Mra Marie Wrisrht, Miasion «ry, he.ve returned from the con Slightly U°ed Garments HATS, SHOFS. COATS, SUITS SOrJ> AT LOW cost i Boom 201 O’OT'se Block ; o^atvvSTTT1: T'OSTFFF’CE vention of Oklahoma City, Okla homa. Mrs. Katherine Steele brought back a report from the i beginning' to the ending of the convention also did Mrs. Marie Wright bring % wonderful report. A splendid sermon was preach ed Sunday afternoon by Elder lb ay Boy rnd some very interest ing remark* were made by Elder Steele concerning the convention. Some splendid remarks by the pastor Visitors were Mrs. Laura Lee, son r.nd daughter and Mr. Marshall of Souix City, Iowa Visitors are always welcome. BETHEL AME CHURCH Rev. T. J. Sanford. Pastor J. S. JeffersKm, Reporter The Sunday school opened at , its usual hour, 9:45 a. m., with i excellent attendance. The general subject, ‘ Deborah” , “Emergency Leadership.” * Scriptural text, Judges 4:1—6:31. . Golden Text—“Who knoweth thou i art come to the kingdom for such ' a time as this?” Teachers took charge of their classes for 30 min utes. All classes took great inter ' est in their lesson*. The boys’ In | termediato class is still holding i the collection banner. Wre are still asking the support of the parents to lend us their children*. At 11 o’clock, Rev. Sanford selected his text from I Kings 17; 40, “This day will the Lord de liver thee unto mine hand.” Every one enjoyed his wonderful mess age. Wet had with us a large number of visitors Allens Indeavor League meets at 8:30. Our Union Service will be held n.t Cleav esTemple Sunday, July 24. Come ard worship with us Our regular prayer and class service Wednesday of each week. MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor Mrs Edna Mitchell, Reporter Sunday school opened at 9:30 by superintendent Sis Edna Mit-| cbell Tbo lesson was taught by the aonoher and was very inspir ing. There was a large attendance n.t Sunday school. 11 o’cclock servjce was opened' by the Chirr with singing ‘The Lord is in TTis Holy Temple’’, our pastor brought the message from 2 SnmiH 14—5. Subject “Grati tude”. He preached a wonderful sermon. The spirit, ran high. God was in every prayer ard every song (5 o’clock BYPU, which we hope at all time to welcome visitors. Plep.se attend these services as you can learn about the wonder ful work of God. The program wm omitted. 8:00 sendee was opened bv the choir. Tho pastor preached a wonderful sermon from Ring 18, 24th verse, subject was “Why Stand Ye Halted between tho Opinions?” One was added to the church. We had a wonderful shout in the church. Come and Robbin’s Pharmacy 2306 No. 24th St. WE 1711 Cleo Cola Queen of Sparkling Drinks i i , i ' I Herman’s Market HERMAN FRIEDLANDER PROPRIETOR ' “EAT FLEI8CHM ANN’S > • VST FOR HEALTH” j 2it.h and Lake Streel | WEbster 5444 join us in our worship. AH are welcome- We had some out of town guests which we are al ways glad to have. Bring your sick and let them be healed thru God’s great power- We welcome | all. | Tuesday night Pastor's A d. Wednesday night regular ser | yice. Friday afternoon Missionary ; Society meets, Sister Melton, | President. BAHA’I FAITH BAHA’I FAITH Tn tho Baha’i Cause, arts sci ences and all crafts are considered as worship. The ma.n who makes a piece of nctepaper to the best ! of his abality, conscientiously con_ centrating all his forces on per fecting it is giving praise to Gcd. Briefly, all efforts and exertion put forth by man from the ful ness of his heart is ‘ Worship, if it is prompted by the highest motives and the will to do ser J vice to humanity. This is worship: RECORD SAVINGS Ru ild—M odernize—Re-roof Re-side Insulate Get Free Estimate MICK LIN LUMBER CO. 19th & Nicholas JA. 5900 to serve mankind and minister to people’s need. Service is prayer. A physician ministering to the sick, gently I tenderly, freefrcm prejudice, and. beliving in the solidarity of the liunnian race—he i3 offering praise. Please accept an invitation to a “Baha’i Fireside Chat” each FOR SALE—Marmon 5 Pass. De luxe Sedan. Maroon, 6 wheels & Tires, Mechanically Sound $85.00 See at North Side Transfer, 2411 Grant. -—s Wednesday evening 8 P. it. at 3014 North 2Sth av*e. Doreene Holliday -o, l Lux Barber Shop 2045 North 24th St. A BARBER WANTED Patronize Our Advertisers Tiie 9 Center SAVE CAR FARE— Do Your Shopping Today at The Neighbor— hood 5c and 10c Store. Belter Values - -Save Car Fare FREE PERFUME to the First Three-Hundred Ijady Purchasers from 9 to 6 SATURDAY, JULY 23rd. 2035 North 24th St. - STATE FURNITURE CO, ie % mnmmnm placed ht siJm i is: s, TWi complete service for ii* includes the following pieces; 6 Dinner Pistes, 6 Breed and Butter Plates, 6 Soup Dishes, 6 Fruit Dishes, 6 Cups, 6 Saucers, 1 Platter, 1 Vegetable Bowl, 1 Small Bowl, 1 Sugar Bowl, 1 Creamer. Made of highly glated, rich Nile^grcen, American »emi.porcelain. FULLY GUARANTEED NOT TO CHECK OR CRAZE Kitchen Tools are of the latest design, heavily nickel plated, with green baked*enamel handles .... the kind of high Quality tools that every housewife craves to own. mi— «■ — ■■■ iiaaim wnaiwi — iw mi i im « i ■ ■« m— — r With color all the rage, this attractive, all-over green Bolero Ware is the real 'tops' for style and beauty. And at the ridiculously low price ashed, this is by far the outstanding Dinnerware Value of today. AND THAT'S NOT ALU To make this offer really spectacular, we are giving away, ABSOLUTELY I FREE, a complete matched set of Modern Kitchen Tools, exactly as shown below, with each Set of Dishes purchased during this Sale. KITCHEN TOOL MODERN SUITE AND FOUR OTHER PIECES Modern design Davenport and Chair . . . and you get 4 other pieces as pictured at positively no extra cost to you. Seo this amazing value. 3-PC. BED- $7745 ROOM SUITES.. 4LK ELECTRIC FANS . 75c A WEEK ELEC. REFRIGERATORS Demonstrators, Trade - Ins and Floor Samples Cf ACA as low as.