BAHA’I FAITH Baha’is throughout the world on July 9th commemorated the eigthy-eigth anniversary of the martydom of the Bab, forerun ner of the Baha’i Faith in Tab riz, Iran (Persia). The Bab, (i. e. Gate) was a merchant of Shir az, Iran who in 1884 declared that it was His Mission to pre pare the way for a new revela tion of God’s message to man kind. Aftr six years of heroic stead fastness and ardent teaching in the face of the combined opposi tion of church and state in His native land, the Bab fell victim of fanatical persecution. He was ordered put to death on July 9th, 1850 in the barracks square. When the guards were sent to take him from His cell for execu-1 i tion, the Bab was talking with , one of His followers. “Not until l have said to him >*11 those things that I wish to say can any earthly power silence me”, j | the Bab told him. “Though all the world be armed against me, | yet shall they be powerless to i deter me from fulfilling to the last word my intention.” I>isre-; garding the words, the jpis.r<\ or dered the Bab to the square, wher He and one of His devoted followers, who had begged for Martydom with Him were sus pended by ropes to a casement. According to Iranian historians, whn the smoko of the voljey fir ed by His Executioners cleared away, the ropes had been severed j and the Bab could not be seen, j Untouched b_ bullets. He was found in His ce.l conpleting tha interrupted eonveisahou with Hi? follower. To those who four*] Him, Ho said, “I have finished my conversation-—now you may proceed to fulfill your intention.” A second time He was taken to tho barracks square, and then executed. His body riddled with bullets. In 1863 Baha'u'llah, Founder of the Baha’i Faith pro claimed that He was the divine messenger whoes coming had been foretold by th Bab. He too spent most of His life in prison. Dic ing forty years of exile and im prisonment he was chiefly engag ed in committing to writing the Revelation of which he was the bearer, and teaching and traine ing his followers. The teachings of Baha’u’llah ptomulgate a new world order of economic security and world peace, calling mankind out of the age of adolescence into the ago of maturity, today the Faith heralded by the Bab has organized groups in forty na tions. In the U. S. and Canada thero are units in over 400 cities. Northside Beauty Shop OUR COMMENTS By Versie Winston “Beauty Service for Your Vacation Plans" Vacation time is hero. But if you do expect to spend your lei sure time in the great outdoors, you can’t afford to neglect your beauty needs. While you arc think ing about vacation plans, where you are going, what you will wear, and i'll the dozen and one other things that go to make up a grand holiday, don’t forget first consideration should bo given to your beauty needs. Knowing Ibefore you go away that you have h^d a brand raew smartly done hairdress, that your complexion is vibrant with the result of some very beneficial facials, and that you have had a tAmtmcnt mnnUcure certainly gives you an air if assurance. Fortified with these beauty ess entials!, you start vlacationinig with a feeling that its not such a bad world after all. It is the drying out process that ages a woman's skin- The secret of skrjn beauty is correct lubrication. Rvery preparation/ used on dry skin must bo selected for its lubricating qualities as well as its efficincy. Improving the condition of one’s hair is a “MUST’’ in our modern scheme of liv'ing. There are many contributing causes of unattractive hair One of the first is Natur’s own elements, Luton as they are with dirt and dust from streets. Add this to the gases from fast moving au tomobiles and you have a situa tion that is a bit rough on the qualities that go to make up a healthy attractive head of hair. A dusty atmosphere ia ore o>* the prime reasons why every woman should give special atten tion to the condition of her hair. Th o modern wgman has learned that hair, to be healthy and alive with natural sheen, must have re gular reconditioning treatments. So before going away on your vacation consult us for your beauty needs. (Continued Next Week) EXPERTS BELIEVE SCUMBL ING BOXING CAREER IS, ENDED New York, July 14, (C)--As ’Max Schmeling sailed away oa the Bremen for his home in Ger many last week, experts predicted his boxing career ended with his last ill-fated encounter with Joe Louis. Doctors at the Polyclinic hcspital said Schmeling will be bedridden for about five months before the back injury suffered on June 22 in the ring with Louis will be healed completely. Schm eling is optimistic about coming back to the U. S. in January to fight Tommy Farr, but experts that if the German ever returns to America it will be as a sight seer. OMAHA GUIDE f __Classified Telephone Directory „ The following Merchants will Appreciate ^our Patronage. . l or Quick and Courteous Seivice at 0 0 A Reasonable. Price. . . Consult The OMAHA GUIDE’S Chisshied 1 • • • • Jj Automobiles SHAMES BODY BUILDERS ' 1906 Cuming Street Cars in very good condition—good rubber, like new. Oldsmobile Coupe ‘34 excellent | condition, reasonable; take over payments—\VA 6542. Beauty Culturists CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE It Pays To Look Attractive 2422 N. 22nd St. WE. 0846 NORTH SIDE Beauty Shop Always Look Your Best. Consult Us 2204 Ohio St.AT. 5902 BEER TAVERNS RARE’S BUFFEr 2229 Lake St. JA. 9195 CHARLIE’S PLACE 1604 No. 22nd St. WE. 4019 --- BEVERAGES & LIQUORS FREE DELIVERY * JOHNSON DRUG CO. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions We. 0998 1904 N. 24th St. DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING Company WE. 3043 THE LIQUOR STORE 2315 Cuming St. JA. 6564 “We Appreciate Your Patronage'* IceTcream JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th WE. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th & I^ake WE. 0600 ! Contractors W. F. HOCII Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. KE. 0316 Let It Rairn! Improve Your Home Experienced .Roofers — Asbestos ■Siding— Reasonable Prices. B. Jones,— 34th Taylor, E. Omaha, Call WE. 5310 . Groceries HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and I^ake WE. 5444 HOUSTON’S GROCERY 2114 N. 24th St. .TA. 3543 Our Sausage A Specialty Free Delivery BERNARD'S GROCERY & MARKET .1 Where You Get More for i Your Money. 2012 North 24th St. LEWIS GROCERY Groceries Meats Ice Cold Beer WE. 2478 2723 Binnev FREE DELIVERY LONDON’S MARKET 24th & Charles Street WE. 0501 FREE DELIVERY ONE HORSE STORE W. L. Parsley, Prop, WE. 9467 2851 Grant MONUMENTS & MARKERS HEFT & NOYES 40th ur Motto ‘Service’. Peoples Paint & Shop— AT. 0054. NOW is the time to Improve Your Home— Let Bob do your Paper ing, Painting & Plaster Patching Reasnable Prices. WA. 8199. Poultry and Eggs METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1301 N. 24th WE. 4737 Poultry dressed while you wait.— Strictly Fresh Eggs. I NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2206 North 24th St. Our Prices Reasonable—See ; us first. WE. 4137. j SHEPHE ARP’S Poultry & Fish Mkt. 2416 Erskino St. JA. 3772 ■Sundays WE. 4398 Sheet Metal Works Tin, Copper. Galvanized Iron Works. NESB1T & WEIR Furnac es. Farnam Sheet Metal Works 2908 Farnam JA. 6666 j Shoe Repair MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 N. 24th—High grade mater-; ial used on all work—guaranteed. Across from the Logan Fontenellej Apartments : LAKE SHOE REPAIR ‘Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame’.— I Shoes look new aghin with Our; New Invisible half soloing. 2407 Lake St.j FURNACE REPAIRING FIREPOTS FIREPOTS Donovan Bros. 4733 Seward WA 1656 Wanted__ WANTED Wanted experienced beauty oper ator- Call Mrs. Michael. WE. 5633 Salvation Army Industrial Home Needs Your Aid — Call Us When House Cleaning- -Clothing—Furn iture, Magazines, Newspapers, or Anything You Have. Call JA. 4135 Wanted To Buy AUCTION'S Runge & Son Auction Co. Highest Prices Paid for Complete Homes of Furniture or Odd pieces. 2821 N. 16th At. 3341 Cash Paid for Complete Homes of furniture or odd pieces, of fur niture. We estimate prices on all complete homes of furniture. Kenwood Auction Co. KE. 8124 ROOMS FOR RENT Room for Rent JA. 2549. FOR RENT Nice clean airy rooms. Home cook ing and board WE. 0247 ROOM FOR RENT7 2 Furnished Apts. WE. 3738. FURNISHED ROOM for Rent. Ja. 4326 FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished Kitchenette Apt., All modern conveniences—2622 Cald well, AT. 5576. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms WE 3738 FOR RENT 2 Furnished 2 Room Apartments Call JA. 7568. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, modern conveniences. 2516 Burdette St., WE. 4571. FOR RENT Front Apt., 2723 Ohio. WE-0718 run. nr.» x—uove s jvivcnenew Apartments, 2616-18 Patrick, or 2613 Grant st. Call We. 6663. FOR RENT Nicely furnished apt., 2511 Corbv St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms strickly modern for rent $2.00 per week and up. Apartment and houses for rent. Call ATlantic 7435, or Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbster 3678 For Rent, furnished kitchenette apartment 2014 North 25th St-, WE. 2365. Furnished Apartments, 2 rooms, everything, 2521 Blondo* AT-8392 MEN WANTED Colored young man for Commercial posing- Athletic build, good pro file, necessary Write, giving details and snapshot- Omaha Guide, Box 398 I -- - I TR ANSFER NORTHSIDE TRANSFER | 2414 Grant St. WE. 5050 PLACES TO EAT 15c Extra for Taxicab Delivery AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 N. 24th Street ~CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes KING YUEN CAFE 2010*4 N. 24th St. JA. 8576 FOR SALE FOR SALE Dandy big house ,10 room, 2 baths 4-car garage, nice yard. Hom(, income for right party. Owner, 2414 Ohio. WE 1160. FOR SALE $125.00 to $250.00 Cash „ 60 houses, some modem, some part modern with oak finish, cement basement and garage. E. M. Davis Licensed Real Estate Broker 2817 No. 24th St. WE 1166 For Sale Bargains In Homes Down Payment from $75 up to $350} BALANCE LIKE RENT E. M. DAVIS LISCENSED REAL ESTATE ! BROKER FOR SALE Buy your clothing, Shoes, Furni ture. Household necessities at the GOODWILL SERVICE STORE At Low Prices 2622 N. 24th St. Help them pay Opportunity Wages To Handicapped People BIG RUMMAGE SALE New & Used Merchandise 513 N 16th St. June 21-22-23 9:30 A. M. GOODWILL SERVICE STORE 2522 North 24th St. All Stock is being Sold at Close out Prices—Bargains. St re clos ed July and August. Reopen Sept embea'. FOR SALE BIG BARGAINS IN HOMES The following houses can be bought with a Small Payment _Balance Like Rent. Modern and Part Modern. 2615 Decatur St. 2816 Decatur St. 2825 Seward St. 2827 Seward St. 2613 Hamilton) St. 959 A North 25th Ave. E. M. DAVIS, Licensed Real Estate Broker 2817 Norlh 24th St. WE. 1166 Furniture for Sale Full size bed spring and mattress a.lso a buffet Cheap, Call JA. 2364, Mrs. H. Fox. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 1617 No. 29th St.. 2517 Corby St. 2825 Parker St. Apply at office 1607'/j Cumins? St. 2nd Floor Call J V 5033 or KE 6069 UNFURNISHED APTS. FOR RENT t rooms and bath up or 2 2 room upts. Rent reasonable. 2808 Miami Itreet. FOR RENT 1-3 room Apts. 2902 No. 25th St. AT 524G. FOR RENT Niro clean apts. Have to be seen to appreciate. AT 9460. HOUSE FOR RENT 1834 N. 22nd, 4 rooms, redecorat ed, new floors—-$16.00 WA. 8336. i —Leig'al Notices— Atty. Kay L. Williams Room 2 Tuchman Bldg. 21th Lake IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA In the matter in the estate of Lovelac Campbell, Deceased. All persons intersted in said matter are hereby notified that on the 23rd day of June 1938 Ray L. Williams a petition in said County Court, praying thut his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator and that a hearing will be had no said peti tion before said Court on the 23rd day of July |938, and that if you to appear before said Court on the said 23rd day of July 1938 at 9o’clock a. m. and contest said petition the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowan ces and degrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matter pertaining to said estate , may bo finally settled and deter- I mined. Bryce Crawford, County Judge. Begin July 2-38. Ending July lfi-38. John Adams, Jr., attorney 310 Karlmck Huilding In the County Court in and for Douglas County Nebraska. In the matter of the Estate of T II. Dyson, deceased. NOTICE To the heirs, co-editors tt.nd all other persons interested in the estate of T. II. Dysons deceased You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 27th. day cf June, 1938; in the County Court, in and for Douglas County, Nebr aska, in the matter of the estate of T. II. Dyson, deceased, the foll euing order was made: Whereas Pinkie A. Jones has filed in this proceeding her peti tion, the object and prayer of which proceeding and petition are to obtain a decree thatT. II. Dyson, deceased, a resident of Di uglns County, Nebraska, died on or about tho 22tid day of October, 1931, itit Omaha, Nebraska, seized in fee simple of an undivided one-half interest in nil of the following described real estate in Douglas Gouty, Nebraska, to wit: The Hast 24 feet of the West feet of the North feet of Block “C” Shinn’s Addition to the City of Omaha, ns surveyed, platted and re corded; that he left no will or testament that no application has been made in the state of Nebraska for the appointment of an administrator of his estate, either by his heirs or by persons claiming to he cred it otrs of said deceased; that he left surviving him ns h’e only heir and person interested in his estate Teftia Dyson, his widow; that she had the right of descent in all said real estate so left by the deceased. Whereas, said petitioner prays that a hearing be fixed for said hearing and .that noticce of said hearing he given to heirs, credi tors and all other persons inter ested in said se.tate required by law. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that a hearing on said petition be had before this court on the 23rd day of July, ^938, at 9 o’clock, a. in. and that if no cause be shown why tho prayer of said petition should not be granted the court may grant the same. It is further ordered that the copy of this order be published in the Omaha Guide, a legal newspaper of said Douglas County, for three successive weeks prior to the days of said hearing. BRYCE CRAWFORD Coun,ty Judge Begin July 2—1938 Ending July 16—1938 I lelp Us To Serve You Save Additional Cost taf* ' « Important Notice—Please Read Oarefully The Omaha Guide wishes to an nourvo the Government is a )\v charging a fee for nil changes of Subscriber’s addressee Failing to notify—Not the Post office but the Omaha Guidj Office, will re sult il charging a fee by the post al authorities. REMEMBER, >t you give the Postman your change of address card your First Class Mail will ccome to you without any charges, but your Second Calss Mail, Newspapers, Magazines etc., will Not Come until someone pays the government the fee for the Change of your address. Now how are you to prevelt the charge? JUST REMEMBER when your Postman is given your change of 1 address card, call the Omaha Guide WEBster 1517 and give the Cir ulation Department your Old and New adress. By doing this there wjll be NO CHARGES made by the postal authorities or the Omaha Guide. If you fail to carry out thi^V bove Instructiols not only will you Miss your Paper, but Postal Au thorities will charge a fee and our Circulation Department will gbave double work and you will be with out your weekly news until every thing is straightened out. Will you please Cooperate with Us ii this matter. If you dol’t thorou ghly understand the above instru ctions PLEASE be so kind as to Call Our Office WEBSTER 1517 nd ask for the Circulation De partment and we will have a re preseltative sent to you to explajn more fully for your satisfaction. We have tried to do uor part in this matter and wa hope that you will meet us half way. FAILING to abide by the above rules, thro Government will make a fee col ection and we will be forced to pass it on you, together with an additional charge on your account for each change of address made without notifying our offjee before moving. We will be compelled to make a small charge of 5 cents for each change of address made Without Notifying Us before you Move. We wish to thank you in advance for your full cooperation in this matter. A. B. McCaw Circulating Manage^ Omaha, Guide Pub. Co. 9° Shopping with me ! 1 u