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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1938)
aWairs The -S-o-c-i-e-t-y- World organkatons ) CALVIN'S DIGEST (Continued from Pae* 7) Henderson, N. C-, birthday on June 11; Hon. Fred R. Moore, Editor of the New York Age, native of Alexandria, Va., 81 on June 16; Hon. Earl B. Dickerson, Assist COOK WHOLE MEALS... ... In a Modern Automatic Electric Roaster Incline—a complete meal In a single operation! That's the miracle story of the modem Electric Roaster. Your entire moal — meat, potatoes, vegetable and dessert— can all be prepared at one time this easy way. Its automatic fea< lures release you from hot weather kitchen tasks. It makes cooking cooL clean end effortless. For Better Meals* for Better Living, see the new Electric fbasters TODAY! | t SEE YOUR DEALER ^ Enjoy BETTER LIVING with Cheap Electricity! ant Attorney General of Illinois, native of Canton, Miss-, 47 on June 22; Dr. Gordon B. Hancock, dean of Virginia Union university, , rw.tive of Ninety-si*, S. C., 54 on' | June 2.3; Dr. Rufus E. Clement, ! president of Atlanta University, ! nativu of Salisbury, N- C„ 38 on Jund 26. --^ Mrs. Viola tBrooks ami grand J daughter, Joyce Harris, spent 2 days with her aunt Mrs. J. A Hughes and cousin, Sirs. Authur Rafferty, left Monday for her hom in Sacrament*^ Calif. MISS GIVALDINE smith ENTERTAINS To express her sincere appre ciation un the part of the boys and girls who participate^ in a Tom Thumb Wedding, at Clair j Chapel, last month. Miss Geraldine Smith 1930 N. , 25th Street entertained twenty- j two guests at a l?.wn party Sun- ] day afternoon. The afternoon was spent in playing various games, after which Miss Smith served cooling refreshments. MRS. G. W. GALLOWAY GIVES LUNCHEON A lovey July Luncheon was given p.t the home of Mrs. G. W. Galloway, of 322 Charles St. in honor of her sister, Mrs- Julia The CHAMPION Beer and Lunch 2047 No. 24th JA 4777 “Beer All Kinds of Bottle Beer ALWAYS ICE COLD Drink a bottle of yonr favorite Peer along witn your home cooked meals Beer and Sandwiches Delivered Quick Service Call JA 4777 Stewart, from Sherveport, Lo. The guests were Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. , l>avis, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. Laf ’ ter and daughter. ' RADIO MINISTER ReV. R. R. Brown. WOW Radio Minister will preach a special Missionary Sermon Sunday July 10th 10:45 A. M. at St. Johr* AME I church corner of 22nd & Willis | Ave. 1 * Now the public in sjeenral is urjjed and inrvietd to come and | see, well as heax their favorite ■ Radio Minister. I -« FEJLIZ pOCE^ The Felie Doce celebrated Mrs. Ethel Grant’s birthday, Sunday Juno 12h at Elmwood Park. The girls enjoyed a lovely supper in the park. All the girls wore their club uniforms of bn.wn ami gold. L'?fter the girls enjoyed a slight riff party at the Elite Club. Mrs. ! Grard was presented with a love ly gift from the meiribers of the club. I ..-u -o PARKER STREET HAS NEIGH BORHOOD PICNIC - , The Neighborhood < on Parker, gathered with their families anti friends on July 4th for a picnic that was very outstanding. 26th and 27th Street Parker and Blon • Streets, were ekaed by the po lice Department to assure safety for the crowd of children corses- I tants and two policemen to as- j sist in keeping order. Contests we So held for the grownups and also for tha boys and girls. Ellen Moore, and Agnes Morris tied in the girls relay each received a prize. Maggie Bufkins won the Boy and Girl Race. Claud Pierce, Clyde Frampton, Jr., Na thaniel Brown, Ran 1, 2 and 3, in the boy's race over 12 years of age, James Vawn, beat Lestie Pierce, a Texas former sprint ace in the 100 yd, dash in 10-5. After Mr. Pierce, had defeated »J1 oth ers little Pete Pierce out ran Lloyd Speeee and Pete Smith, in the race was won by 2, Charline West baby boy's race. The baby girl's an* Gene Pierce. Mrs. O.thrine Jackson organizer and supervisee, was assisted by Mr. Bobbie Brown, while Sammie Britt conducted the races. MRS. MILTON JOHNSON ENTERTAINS A every attractive Noon-day Luncheon waa given by Mrs. Mil ton Johnson, in honor of Mrs. L McAlliator (Miss Lucille Bevins-, Saturday |July 2nd. Mrs. McAUis tov ha.s just returned from Fisk University where she received her Master's Degree. Those present were: Mrs. Char les F. Daris, Mrs. A. L. Hawkins. Mrs. John Adams, Jr., Mrs. Say bert Hanger, Mrs. Eearl Wheeler, Mrs- B. Bradford, Mrs. J . D. Le wis, Mrs. Arthur B. McCaw, Mrs. Mrs. R. Ray, a,nd Mrs. S- Yancy, ---- Mrs. Maria Wright of 2520 N. 25st. The Missionary of the church of the Living God, 2316, No. 25st Street, left the city Sun day at 3 A. M. to spend the 4th in Tulsa and then she will also visit friends in Gurthie Oklaho ma. She will attend the conven tion in Oklahoma City which be gins July 5, and ends July 10th. She motored with Elder A. J. Henderson driving and Elder and Mrs. M. L. Steele and their son and daughter, Anita, and Thomas. They are expected to be gone about ten flays. -o MR. J HARVEY KERNS VISITS CITY Mr. J. Harvey Kerns, former executive of the Om,aha Urban League, ia visiting the city this week. Mr. Kerns is now secretary of tho (Division of! N egro Welfare Jn the Cincinnati Community j Chest in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is in Omoha on a business trip- Ac- ! companying Mr. Kerra Is Mr. A. L. Poster, executve secretary of the Chcago Urban League and Mr. Coffee, Supervisor of the City Re creation Department of Cincinnati. __o Mr. Bernard E. Squires, execu- j tive secretary of the Urban League j return'd home last Wednesday j from Seattle, Washington, where J i he recently a^tendd th National Confidence of Social Work. Mr. Squires reports a very interesting I conference. Mrs. Evelyn E Murray, neigh borhood secretary, returned this week from her two weeks vaca tioning in th South. The first of the summer dances for high schools in the afternoons will 'begin Wednesday, July 12 All hiirh school students are to participate. — Open recreation for grade school children is held daily in the gym nasium of the Urban League Center from 2 to 5 p. m. I DOUBLE COLA i IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY WEbster 3043 A I toU 70a about good food—Jeff, 2387 N. 24th St. -o Special date for a Civil Ser vice examination was arranged for Miss Dorothy Lee by Pout Mas ter General Parley because of a delay in receiving the notifica tion proper by the local P O dept said examination for employ ment as elevator conductor Miss Lee is employed pert tim§ in the Carey Grocery 2806 North 26st and also an agent for the Katherine Foundation Cfirmenit which has a cliente] of satisfied customers. If you want groveries of qual ity and a health garment that meets your special requirements for men and women call at 2806 North 26st St. mornings until 2:00 oclcck. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Woodridge of Minneapolis motored to Omaha over the fourth. They were the guests of Mrs. Woodridges’s pa rents of Mrs. and Mrs. Richardson of 2th and Olive St. -o James Seay aul LeRoy Thomas, two Omaha Guide speed merchants rode their bicycles to Fremont on the fourth of July. Tliey visited the Brannon family in Fremont. Mrs. Edna Mitchell of 2*121 Grant St. leaves Thursday morn ing, to start as assistant travel ing manager for J, E. McBrady, firm of Chicago, Illinois. She is working under the managership of Rev. Geo. White of this city. Mrs, Mitchell was formaly collector «f the Omaha Guide and has be6n employed by J. E. McBrady as xgent for two months. We are proud of her promotion and wish her great success. JBFF’S BARBBCUE Watermelon—Fried or Barbecued Chicken, 2307 North 24th Street. Open from 4 p. m. to 4 a. m. CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishea King Yuen Cafe .. JQlUvj A. 24th Si. Jackson 857# Open from i p. a. until 1 a. a. isaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaasisaaai Emerson-Saratoga 11 LAUNDRY Announces— — — Here’s Good News for North Omaha’s thrifty homemakers. You can now save^ 20% on all laundry and dry cleaning by ■ using Emerson - Saratoga’s convenient' t Drive in Courteous Service plus Savings j Equal to Receiving Every fifth bundle without charge. You'll like Our Quick \ Cash and Carry Service f Southwest Corner 24th and Erskine Sts. ‘MOON OVER MIAMI" By Joe Burke and Edgar Leslie ■ im 1 mu csxV ' x o! BIRTH OF A SONG Aw'.n^ Files By Joseph R. FUe&ler and Paul Carruth LC sue; „ "CAROLINA mOON“ |j "I'M A YIOOISWCG00W6W* | 1 "IN A KlTCHENCTtE* [ j "CAUfORNlA AND YOU* j |j -GrO TO eco " l |-own HAN05,DUTYNCC j ^ "I’M DANCING WITH Q "AMONG AT SOWClMf | 'DAMflure* y H BURKE &> LESLIE: B "IN A LITTLE GTPSY TEAROOM" By §1"A LITTLE BIT INDEPENDENT”® ^ (Mmto Focrtttfi & Photo Syndtoato, R#q , H . ['■06 BURKE of Philadelphia and Edgar Leilie, a native Mew | v'l Yorker, wrote many highly luceeuful »ongi individually llenj w'A vlrlou* collaborator* before they formed llieir i pretent tongwriting ^ / f Collaboration in thair ca.a meant kaaping con.tan* ) Jjf* comp*' ‘ f ► Fraalanca writors, soaking now sottingi tor mour ramon*,i tic songs, thay iournayad to Maina, without rod or roof. * A N#w EngUnA mow storm btankatad thair ambition#! •< w«N it Htwr c*bm. !► Their ever-present peril banished all thoughts of song writing from their minds. But as soon as the Maine moon came out on a clear night, the/ became the!, old salvos. , : The song became in e sense a wisWul 'fillment for them, because in a Tittle while th-' '•ere |?c!"''n at Ihe same moon in Burke and Leslie enjoy membership In the American Society of Com posers. Authors and Publishers'which protects their copyrighted works a-'M.-tst inf.ingement and licenses their use in public performance for profit.