The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 09, 1938, Image 6
[Attend Central Zeta Phi Beta Regional Conf Reading left to right:Row 1— Sorcis Gold;** Guy Martin, nation al tamiouchcs; Ruth Crittenden, deputy for central region, M ary Lou Ash, Martha M. Parks, Aud rey Anthony, central regional dir ector; Nellie H. Rogers, bas ileus; Lon Swarz, national ep istohus; Ati y. (Barbara Gondall, Flora Bates, Gladys JByers, Rosa lie. Barnell. Roy.* 2—.Sorors Klla Walker, Marjorie St-wart Joyner, Verla Bedetibaugh, Carolyn Williams, Hattie Guy, Tma .Black, Hattie Gilliam, Carolyn Cain. How 3—-Sorors T)r. Is>ona A. Johnson. Thelma Jackson, Beatr ice Cooper, Ora Higgins, I^viet rieul Gianton, Mattie James, Louise Harris, Blanche Thomp son. Frankie Griffin. •Row 4 Sorors lx>uise Brown,! Daisy Lenoir, Ozella Hall, Mary I. Wilson, Ethel Crawford, Flor ence E. Burford, Willie Mae John son, Lois Stith, Elsie Gearin, Sadye Dunham. Row 5—Louise Harris, Hazel Worlridge, Hazel I^ine, Dorothea Frazier, Ednia Graves, Furniss C Hall, Genevieve Rayford, Virgie Dunville. The Co-General Chairmen for the Conference were: Sorors Ima H. Black, Omega Chapter and Sor or arolyn J. Cain, Iota Zeta Chap ter. (ANP). RUBY KLZY GETS COAST ROLE Los Angeles, July 7 (C)—Ruby Elzy, noted soprano, was given p. leading role in “Run Little Chil un”, being produced by Hall Johnson for the Federal Theatre project. -o HABEAS BUFFET 2229 Lake Street for Popular Brands of BEER and LIQUORS —Always a place to park— Patronize Our Advertisers USED CAR SALE 1932 Pontiac sedan $145. 1930 Ford Coach $110 1929 Chrysler 75 sed. $65/ 1930 . Ford coupe $85 1929 Nash, new tires $50 1937 Chevrolet coach $525 Many others to choose from Small Down Payment—Balance Easy OMAHA MOTOR Co. 2215 Harney —WE-4444 Boys & Girls Win A Prize Free FREE Free Alright boys and girls, here wo are. Lots of fun for your School vacation. Thirty days to win three big prize* 1st prize, one set of Ball-bearing Roller skates and you letter with your picture in the Omaha Guide if you win a prize. 2nd prize, one Van Avery soft hall and your picture in the Oma ha Guide; 3rd prize, one Old Hick ory Baseball bat with your pict ure mr the Omaha Guide. The rules ou how t« win the above prizes Write a letter to the 7-star Com ' • , ic Section Editor, 241* Grant. St.„' W \ *j Omaha, Nehr* telling, why you l*a» the Omaha Guide 7-Star comic ,. , —---——Section in lOO wrmts.-'Ttie axjWffr-— must be in the Omaha Guide Of f»ce on or before July 1, 1M9 at 8:00 P. M. Prizes will be awarded July 15th at the Omaha Guide Of fice 2418 Grant St. Omaha, N«br The heading of the Omaha Guide 7-Star Comic Section must be en closed in your letter. Tho verdict of tho Judges will be final. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. 00. INC. 2413-20 GRANT STREET OMAHA, NBER. I ' -.-■ o — , “Peckin' "Creators - . *■ i, s?swr Tin Photo shows The Throe Choco lateq^s (left to right, Paul Black, Tlsvan “toosby, Af Gipson), fam ous as the originators of “Peek in’’, wlffi Wert1 held over for the nw show at the Cotton Club on Broadway ..ini New.York’, to intro duce Duke Ellington’s new dance number, “The SkrMiteh”. The Choeolateers, rated as one of the fastest arji most entertaining acs in show business, were discovered on the Pacific Coast by Ellington and their engagement at the Cot 011 Club in New York followed- In addiion to their club appearance, tho darters were featurd at the Paramount theatre on Broadway, recently. (Calvin Service.; Tenant Farmer Purchases Farm with Gov’t Loan ►TV * OneyF ftyp first farmers ’ffcipato in the farm (BPvriecsTnp progfram of the Farm Security Administration, Nat Williamson, j North Carolina farmer, obtained ; a $3,000 loan this spring, with i are Top, Nat Williamson with one of his cows; Center left, Mrs. Wil liamson; Center rigrht, Gwendolyn _ I snai.^ames DonaW. two \M the Williamson chil(flli*Blwt*, the farmhouse on th^ ®wr--rfar® be fore it was remodeled. (ANP)