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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1938)
Teachers Seeking Salaries Are Fired Baltimore, Md,, June 80—The ■^campaign for equalization of salaries Negro and white teachers in two counties resulted [ i the firing ctf at least four of i them and he intimidation of many ■ others, it was learned here this | Week. Howard Pindell, who had been teaching five years in Anne Ar- ! undel county, nnd who thus had tenure ami could be fired without cause. w?a transferred two years 1 ago to Frederick county where he was offered a better job as prin cipal. However, his tenure earned in Anne Arundel county was not good in Frederick county before ho earned his tenure by working j two years in Frederick. His two- i year period was completed this spring and he was fired. Mr. Pindell was the first teach cr in the State of Maryland who offered to cooperate in the legal | action to florce equalization of i salaries. Evidently tho nochool authorities feel that he is a dan 1 gen us person to on the pay roll, especially if he has a tenure because he may consent to be the | plaintiff in a salary equalization I suit at anytime. In Somerset county, Namoii Allen, who was not being consid ered as *. plaintiff in a suit, but was ^one of the leaders among the teachers in the community in the agitation for egual teachers’ sal aries, was dropped this spring by tho school board. He had not been teaching more than two years and so could be dismissed without cause. In Prince tieorge's county, the superintendent of schools, Nich olas Orem, has declared open war In the movement to equalize tea chers’ salaries and has stated that he will fight it through the courts and by intimidating the Negro I teachers in anyway in his p wrr. As a first step ini his campaign of brightening colored 'teachers, he has dismissed aX least three [ probationary teacchers to prevent them from earning tenure and thus escaping dismassal except by cause. Evidently the intention is to keep replacing teachers within the two year period so that there wll be a fresh crop always on hand completely at the mercy of the superintendent. I* was Superintendent Orem i who first objeted to NAAt'P attor neys examining the minutes of the I school board. It was necessary for the lawyers to file a petition de manding eccess to the minutes. | Insures a ourt fight every step of the way in order to win equali zation of salaries in Prir.ece Geor ge's county. In two other counties in Mary- | l».nd, Montgomery and Calvert, the I salaries were equalized by agree men* out (4 ourt, but not, however ■ N'fore actual legal papers were ' *lled. The unequal salary scale in Maryland, which annually deprives Negro teachers of some $486,000 has been called “wholly uncon stitutional’’ by the best lega.l ex perts in the state, and his opinion has been forwarded bv them to Governor Harrq W. Nice. This opinion of the best lawyers and o*dges in his state led Governor Nice last year to announce that ho would steps at once to have tho legislature repeal the unequal salary scale and institute one sa lary scale for all teachers. (Despite the victories ira two Mary eland counties and the opinion ! of state legal experts, and the opinion of Governor Nice, Super intendent Orem in Prfince George’s county is determined to block every move to equalize teachers. Governor Nivo granted an aud ence June 22 to Carl Murphy, editor of the Afro-American; Geo. B. Murphy of the Maryland Edu cational Association; Thurgood Marshall, of the NAACP legal I staff; and Marse Calloway; Balti more political figure. The con ferees discussed teachers’ salaries and the Govevrncr announced that he would refer to* it i.-* his speech to be delivered June 30. .-o See Church Fight of Robbery Shooting of Ark. Presiding Elder Little Rock, Ark., July 2 (ANP) —A fractional fight between fri-; ends supporting (Dr. A. (>. Wilson j in his candidacy $or the AME bishopric and those backing for; I>r. J. H. Clayborn, editor of the i Southern Christian 'Recorder, in' his candidacy for the same posi tion, was seen Vast week at the the probable cause of the shooting and robbery of the Rev. O. Shor man, 44 presiding elders of the Camden district, at his home a week ago Tuesday. Two ministers ! have been arrested tend quizzed as j I his assailants. Rev. Sherman had attended a j meeting of the firjmce committee of the board of trustees of Shorter j college, an AME institution, and was given a stachel containing! | $2,31SJ raised for the college1 to j I home arvl keep overnight. | 1 Two men followed him in their car and as he drove in his drive-1 way, one shot Rev. Camden { through the nouth and snatched the money hags. He chased them in his machine until he collapsed ! from loss of blood and scock. | It has since been pointed outi that turning the funds ovevr to I Rev. Sherman was “irregular” in- j asmuch as Dr. Clay born is treas-j urer of shorter, and that the pres-1 iding elder’s assailants were thor-1 ough aware of the es surrounding the committee) meeting. Rev. Sherman has identified! one of his assailants to police a« the Rev. Han Id Nelson, an Okla homa pastor whose father is one of Arkansas’ leading ministers. Rev. Nelson, about 27, is a form er student at Shorter. He was alrrested and is being held with out bond in Pulaski county jail. Police also arrested the l^v. A. A. Cooper, pastor of the second A. ME.- churcch in Camcfen, 'fmt he was released when officer^ were convinced he was not involved. Rev. Sherman, who is slovHy re covering from the gunshot wound . is sa Nelson supporter, while Rev. Nelson is understood to be back ing Dr. Clayborn. __ft__ ---4--*> t Patronize Our Advertisers THE OMAHA GUIDE T== Classified Telephone Directory : - The following Merchants will Appreciate Your Patronage. . For Quick and Courteous Service at A Reasonable. Price. . . Consult The OMAHA GUIDE'S Classified Telephone Directory. Automobiles SHAMES BODY BUILDERS-" 1906 Cuming Street Cars in very good condition—good rubber, like new. Oldsmobile Coupe *34 excellent condition, reasonable; take over payments—WA 6542. i Beauty Culturists CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE It Pays To Look Attractive 2422 N. 22nd St. WE. 0846 NORTHSIDE Beauty Shop Always Look \Tuur Best. Consult Us 2204 Ohio St._AT. 5902 BEER TAVERNS RABE'S BUFFET ~7. 2229 Lake St. JA. 9195 r CHARLIE’S PLACE 1604 No. 22nd St. WE. 4019 BEVERAGES & LIQUORS FREE DELIVERY JOHNSON DRUG CO. Liquors, Wines a.nd Beer Prescriptions We. 0998 1904 N. 24th St. DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING Company WE. 3043 THE LIQUOR STORE 2315 Cumins St. JA. 6564 “We Appreciate Your Patronage'’ ICE CREAM JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th WE. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24t.h & Lake WE. 0009 Contractors _ W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. KE. 0316 I,et It Raim! Improve Your Home Experienced Roofers — Asbestos Siding— Reasonable Prices. B. Jones,— 34th Taylor, E. Omaha-, _Call WE. 5310 A Groceries HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake WE. 5444 HOI STON’S GROCERY 2114 N. 24|££t. JA. 3543 Our Stusftge A Specialty Free Delivery BERNARD'S GROCERY & MARKET . Where \Tou Get More for Your Money. 2012 North 24th St. LEWIS GROCERY Groceries Meats Ice Cold Beer WE. 2478 2723 Binnev FREE DELIVERY LONDON’S • MARKET 24th & Charles Street WE. 0561 FREE DELIVERY ONE HORSE STORE W. L. Parsley, Prop, WE. 9467 2851 Grant MONUMENTS & MARKERS HEFT & NOYES 40th ft Forest Uawn-Ave. KE 1738 >mv Tailor—Cleaning ft Re ig. We ent, trim, mske auits to OT(W >9iK K jA*b St. ! HARDWARE DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish. We do ! glazing and make window shades to order. 1822 N. 24th WE. 1607 Laundries & Cleaners EDHOLM * SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th WE. 6055 CURTAINS 25c UP —No Pin Holes. Special— Office Laundry or Men’s Laundry— Blankets— Tablecloths. Laundry Delivered. Mrs. Berniece Morrison. JA. 2541 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. WE. 1029 CURTAINS Laundered Me Pr. Will Assist In Your Spring Cleaning To Obtain The Best Results in Curtain Laundering Call JA. 1628 Painting - Decorating OMAHA JOBBING CO. Paints $1.00 gal.—The Devoe Water-Proof Spar Varnish $1.50 gal. 317 N. 15th St. JA. 5604 Ben & Kermit Anderson Painting, Wall Washing & Decor ating Work Guaranteed 2801 Miami, 2872 Binmey WE. 5826 Me Assist Your SPRING CLEANING By Doing Your Papering - Painting We Specialize in CABINET WORK - CARPENTRY CALL EGGERTH JA 6896 Let PEOPLES Do It—Ten tia'm ■d decorating mech-i.mics. —. Ouri Motto ‘Service’. Peoples Paint & Shop - AT. 0654. NOW is the time to Improve Your Home— Let Bob do your Paper ing, Painting & Plaster Patching Reasnable Prices. WA. 8199. Poultry and Effcs METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1301 N. 24th WE. 4737 ! Poultry dressed while you wait_ ; Strictly Fresh Eggs. ' NEBRASKA PRODUCE 220(5 North 24th St. | Our Prices i\re Reasonable—See 1 us first. WE. 4137. | SHEPHEARD'S Poultry ft I -i. Mkt. 2410 Erskine St. JA. 37721 Sundays WE. 4398 Sheet Metal Works j Tin, Copper. Galvanized Iron Works. NESBIT & WEIR Fur mm-! es. Farnam Sheet Metal Works 2908 Farnam JA. 6660 Shoe Repair MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 N. 24th—High grade mater ial used on a,11 work—guaranteed Across from the Logan Fontenelle Apartments LAKE SHOE REPAIR 'Shoo Pride or Shoe Shame1-. Shoes look new again with Our : New Invisible half soleing. _ !._2407 Lake St. _ FURNACE REPAIRING FIREPOTS FIREPOTS Donovan Bros. 47S3 Seward WA 1666 Wanted_ WANTED Wanted experienced beauty oper ator. Call Mrs. Michael, WE. 5633 Salvation Army Industrial Home Needs Your Aid—Call Us When House Cleaning—Clothing—Furn iture, Magazines, Newspapers, or Anything You Have. Call JA. 4135 Wanted To Buy AUCTIONS Runge & Son Auction Co. Highest Prices Paid for Complete Homes of Furniture or Odd pieces. 2821 N. 16th At. 3341 Cash Paid for Complete Hornet of furniture or odd pieces, of fur niture. We estimate prices on all complete homes of furniture. Kenwood Auction Co. KE. 3124 ROOMS FOR RENT Room for Rent JA. 2549. FOR RENT Nice clean airy rooms. Home cook ing and board. WE. 6247 ROOM FOR RENT 2 Furnished Apts. WE. 3738. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished Kitchenette Apt., All modern conveniences—2622 Cald well, AT. 5576. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms WE 37.18 FOR RENT 2 Furnished 2 R om Apartments Call JA. 7568. , _!_» FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, modern conveniences. 2516 Burdette Stv WE. 4571. FOR RENT Front Apt., 2723 Ohio. WE-0718 FOR RENT—Dove’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2616-18 FatncK, ot 2613 Grant st. Call We. 5663. FOR RENT Nicely furnished apt., 2511 Corby St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms striekly modern for rent $2.00 per week and up. Apartment and houses fot rent. Call ATlantic 7435, o' Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbster 3678 TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS - YVe are compelled to announce a charge of Five cents, on all ac counts that receive their paper ii th'" mail—YVhen subscribers move and do not notify us of their new address before moving. Thanks—Mr. A. B. Me Caw, Circ. Mgr., WE. 1517 MEN WANTED Colored young man for Commercial posing" Athletic build, good pro file necessary Write, giving details and snapshot Omaha Guide, Box 898 TRANSFER NORTHSIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St.WE. 565(1 PLACES TO EAT 15e Extra for Taxicab Delivery AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2609 N. 24th Street CHOP SUEY American aid Chinese Dishes KING YUEN CAFE 2010^ N. 24th St. JA. 8576 FOR SALE FOR SALE Dandy big house ,10 room, 2 baths 4-car garage, nice yard. Hom< income for right party. Owner, 2414 Ohio, WE 1160. ~FOR SALE $125.CO to $250.00 Cash 60 houses, mme modern, some part modern with oak finish, cement basement and garage. E. M. Davis Licensed Real Estate j Broker 2817 No. 24th St._WE 1166 | For Sale Bargains In Homes Down Payment from j $75 up to $350 BALANCE LIKE KENT E. M. DAVIS LISCENSEB REAL ESTATE BKOKER ?817 No. 24th St WE 1166 FOR SALE Buy your cloth ng, Shoes, Furni ! ture. Household neeessilies at the I GOODWILL SERVICE STORE At Low Prices 2522 N. 24th St. Help them pav Opportunity Wages To Handicapped People BIG RFMMAGE SALE New & Fsed Merchandise 513 N 16th St. June 21-22-23 9:30 A. M. GOODWILL SERiVilCB STORE 2522 North 24th St. All Stock is being Sold at Close- i out Trices—Ratgains. St re clos ed July and August. Reopen Sept ember. for sale PIG BARGAINS IN HOMES The following houses can be bought with a Small Payment _ Balance Like Rent. Modern and Part Modern. 2615 Decatur St. 2816 Decatur St. 2825 Seward St. 2827 Seward St. 2613 Hamllto* St. 959 A North 25th Ave. E. M. DAVIS. Licensed Real Estate Broker 2817 North 24th St. WE. 1166 FOB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT 1617 No. 29th St. 2517 (.'why St. 2825 Parker St. Apply at office 1607 !/2 Cuming St. 2nd Floor Call JA 5033 or HE 6069 UNFUEnTsHKO APTS. FOR RENT 1 rooms and bath up or 2 2 room &pts. Rent reasonable. 2H08 Miami itroet. FOR RENT 1-3 room Apts. 2902 No. 25th St. \T 5246. FOR RENT Vico clean apts. Have to he seen to appreciate. AT 9460. HOUSE FOR RENT 1834 N. 22nd, 4 rooms, redecorat ed, new floors—$16.00 WA. 8336. Lotral Notices— Atty. Itay L. Williams Room 2 Tuchman Bldg. 2>lth Lake IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, Nebraska In the matter in the estate of Lovelac Campbell, Deceased. All persons intersted in said matter are hereby notified that on the 23rd day of June 1938 Ray L. Williams a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from hi: trust as administrator and that r hearing will be had no said peti ti n before said Court on the 23r day of July ] 938, and that if yoi foil to appear before said Cour n the said 23rd day of July 193' '.t 9o’clock a. m. and contest said netition the C urt may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and such other and further orders, allowan ces and degrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matter pertaining t-- s vd estate may be finally settled an,| deter mined. Bryce Crawford. County Judge.1 Begin July 2-38. Ending July 1(1-38. John Adams, Jr., attorney 310 Knrbuck Building Itt the County Court in and for Ilctiglns County Nebraska. In the matter of the Estate of T If. Dyson, deceased. - NOTICE * To the heirs, creditors n.nd all otiier persons interested in the estate of T. H. Dys&ru, deceased You" and each of you are hereby notified that on the 27tht day of June, 1938, in the County Court, in and for Douglas County, Nebr aska, in the matter of the estate of 1’. II. Dyson, deceased, the foll owing order was made: Whereas Pinkie A. Jones has filed in this proceeding her peti tion*, the object and, prayer of which proceeding and petition sue to obtain n decree tliatT. H. Dyson, deceased, a resident of Di uglas Comity, Nebraska, died on or about tiie 22nd day of October, 1931, in. Omaha, Nebraska, seized in fee sample of an undivided one-half interest in nil of the foil [wing described real estate in Douglas Couty, Nebraska, to wit: The East 21 feet of the West 77.5 feet of the North 127.5 feet of Block *'C” Shinn’s Addition to tilt* City of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and re corded; that lie left no will or testament that no application has been made 'n the state tf Nebraska for the appointment of an administrate! of his estate, either by bis heirs or by persons claiming to be cred it'Ts of said deceased; that he left surviving him as lv’* only heir and person interested in his estate 'J'eiriu Dyson, bis widow; that she bud tlio right of descent in all said real estate so left by the deceased. Whereas, said petitioner prays that hearing be fixed for su'd ; heur’ng and ,ihat noticce of said hearing lie given to heirs, credi tors and n|l other persons inter ested in said solute required by law. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that a bearing on said petition be had before this court on the 23rd i day of July, £938, nl 9 o’clock, u. m. and that if no cause be shown I why tho prayer of said petit'on should not be granted the court may grant the same. It is further ordered that tin* copy of this order bo published in the Omaha Guide, . legal newspaper of said Douglas County, for three successive weeks prior to the days of said hearing. BRYCE CRAWFORD Coun,ty J udge Begin July 2—1938 Ending July 16—1938 ('has. F. Davis. Atty., Room 1 ’Bachman Building, 24th St. at Lake PROBATE NOTICE . In the matter <f the estate of Wi lie G. Norman, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That, the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas O unty, Nebr aska, at the County Court Room in said County, on the 16th day of August 1938 and on the 17th day nf Oc tber, 1938, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the purpose ol' presentng their claims for ex amination. adjustment and allow ance. Three months are allowed fo* the creditors tr* present their rhiims, from the 16th day of Julv 1938. Bryce Crawford, . County Judge. I lx-.rin 6—215—38 i End 7-9- 38 John Adams, Jr., Room S10 Karbach Block, 15th and Douglas Sts. Notice of Probate of Will __ In the County of Douglas County, Nebraska, In the mat ter of the estate of William J. Gosten deceased. AH persons interested in said estate are. hereby notified that a petition has been filed m said Court, braying for the probate cf a certain instrument now on file in said Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, and that a hear'*)" will be had on said petition bo I't re said Court ou the ltlth day of July, 1938 and that if they to appear at said Court on tho said 16th day of July, 1938 at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest the pro bate of said will, the Court may allow and probate said will and giant administration! of said es | bate to Mary Lou Costen or some | other suitable perstn, enter a de | gree of heirship, and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford, County Judge begin 6—25—38 End 7—9—38 John Adams, Jr., Atly. Room 310 Kitrbaeh Juildirp, 15th and Doug'as Sts I’ROIIATE NOTICE _ In the nv.tter cf the estate of Lewis Davidson, di’eased. Notice is hereby {riven.: That the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judpe of Douglas C ur.ty, Nebr nskn, at the County Court Room in said County, on the lfith day of August 1938 and on the 17th day of Occtber, 1938, at 9 o’clock A. M., eB."h day, for the purpose of presentn{r their claims for ex amination, adjustment and allow ance. Three months are allowed for the creditors bo present their clsi.ims, from the ICth day of July 1938. Bryce Crawford,* County Jud/;e. beyin 6—25—38 '* End 7—9—38 John Adams Jr. Alty. Room N. 310 Kerkade Block 16th and Douglas St. probate notice In the matter of the estate of Effie L. Dudley, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administratrix with will of said estntt', beiflrre me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 16th day of August 1938 and on the 1.7th day of October 1938, at Sr o’clock A, M. each day for the pur pose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment awl allowance. Three months are al lowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 16th day of ; July, 1938. Bryce Crawford County Judge Beginning 6-26-38 j Ending 7-9-38 Bhe Omaha Guide