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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1938)
Atty Ray L. Williams Turkman BJdg. 24th and I.ake NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the matter of the estate of Charlie McCanta, Deceased. All persons interested i nsaid estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and pray ing fo rdministrntion upon his es tate, an»l that a hearing will be had on said petition b«fore said court on the 11th dav of June 1938, and that if they fail tn appear nt said Court on the said 11th day of June 19.'>8. at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said p titioni, the Court m\v grant the same and grant adminis tration of said estate to Anna Brewer or some other suitable per son and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford County Judge Begining 5-21-.'18 Ending 6-4-38 Atty. John Adams, Jr. 310 Karbach Block _ * NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE UNITED CAB CO. I _,_ Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have associated them selves together for the purpose of forming a corporation under and bv virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of this corporation shall he the United Cab Co. The prireipal place of transacting the business of the corporation shall be in the city of Omaha. Douglas County, Nebraska. The general nature of the busi ness to be transacted by this cor poration and the purpose for which it is organized are as follows: (a) to own and conduct a general automobile liverv business in the State of Nebraska and elsewhere; to buy, own. sell, lease, hire, or otherwise deal in* and with auto mobiles, automobile supplies and accessories; to conduct an automo bile livery and express business; to haul and carry passenger, bag gage, anil freight for hire and to rent, or lease automobiles to third parties for hire, fb> to purchase, acquire, sell and deal in all kinds of automoh'les and their accessor ies; to purchase, acquire, hold and own nil necessary machinery, tools and fixtures for the purpose of re pairing automobiles and their ac cessories, (c) to acquire hold and own by purchase lease or other wise. real otnte and personal pro perty for the purpose of carrying on the business of this corporation, to sell and dispose of the same, (d) to borrow money and to issue warrants, bonds, debentures, or other negotiable or transferrable instruments, secured by mortgage or otherwise in such amounts as (hall from time to tjimft seem ad-; advisable, and to mortgage real es tate and to pledge' or hypothecate' personal property, notes, bonds1 warrants and other evidences of, indebtedness, in the conduct of said business, (e) to acquire the good will, rights and property, in whole or in part, or the assets or liabilities of and person*, firm as sociation. or corporation; t.«* pay for the same in cash, the stock of this company, bot*Is or otherwise and to hold or in some manner dispose of the whole or any part of the property so purchased, (f) i ^o apply for, purchase, or acquire in any lawful manner, ami to hold, own, use and operate, or sell or in nny manner dispose of, and to irrant license Of i'ther rights in Tbspecet of an* 1 in any manner deal with any and all rights, in ventions, improvements and pro cesses used in connection with or secured under letters, pat'nt or copyrights of the United States, or other countries, or otherwise! which may be deemed directly or indirectly to effectuate the objects and purpose of this corporation, or any of them, (g) to issue bonds, debentures or obligations of th^ corporation from time to time, and to secure the payment thereof by a ortgage pl'dge or otherwise, (hi to engage in anything reason able incident to the carrying out of power herein enumerated The total authorized canital stock of this corporation shall be Ten Thousand ($10,000.00 Dollars divided into one hundred (100) shares of the par value of One Hundred ($100.00) Dallars each, and all stock wheq issued shall be fully paid and noil-assessable. The j highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any time subject itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs and business of this corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors of not less than five members, to be elected annually by the stockholders. The Directors shall annually elect the followii^r officers to conduct the business of the corporation who shall be a president, ' ice president secretary, and treasurer. This cor poration shall commence its exist ence upon the filing of the Articles of Incorporation with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebras ka, and upon the subscription and payment of 01.000 of the capital stock, and shall continue its exist ence for a period of seventy-five year. Cheslev Pierce Mildred Johns'* James Brown Louis Moore Vernon Bean Begin 5-21—38 End 6-11—38 Music Features <£ Photo Syndicate ’AMERICA may have a special i V stamp next year in honor of John Howard Payne, author of “Home, Sweet Home.” The Village Board of East Hampton, L. I., has peti tioned Washing ton authorities to have a stamp is sued commem orating the 250th anniversary of the erection of w"“ e*ayne s home. Louis Reid John Howard Fayne was bom in Fast Hampton in 1791 in the t.'l<fin<j wiiich. erected in 1689, is n ’ r.aintained as a Memorial r.mevm. The Only Happy Kings Dance music, popular songs, old trm songs, variety programs, musi cal novelties, semi-classical music and comedy skits are popular in til? order given with radio listen t \ According to recent broadcast ji.surveys. be kings of the dance bands are the only real monarchs in the world today. So' many persons — broad-, tasters, advertisers, inn feepers. vaudeville and movie agents — rushing for their services. Dance archestra leaders, of all these in the radio pa ruin, have profited most (i i the microphone. Cut Die song writers who supply the raw ma t '.ial for the orchestral mill still have to be con 't : t with cukes and aie. Rare Is the Bong hit that nets Its author r’ore than JlfhOOO. ari I ,pt 11.eludes sheet sa’' s Jimmie McHugh A.S.C.A.P think he would be stumped by the assign ment. But not Loesser nod phonograph royalties. No News of New York's Anthem It is now more than a year since Mayor LaGuardia startled the coun try in general and the music world in particular with a clamor for a song "truly representative and typi cal of New York.” The anthem is not yet forthcoming. Even the stimulation of a prize of 52,500, half to the composer and half to the lyricist, offered by ASCAP through its President, Gene Buck, has not produced a song which meets with the Mayor’s favor, though thou sands of manuscripts have been sub m>!ed,_ To write a song "truly repre sentative and typical of New York," is, of course, a task as difficult of achievement as a penning of the Great American Novel. Perhaps, the town is too big, too varied, too utterly bewildering to be captured He fished Into his piano, came up with "I Like a Hump Backed Salmon.” P *~P Jimmy McHugh and Harold Adam son are writing the tunes lor the next Deanna Durbin picture, "The Certain Age” . . . Victor Schert singer has installed a pipe organ in his Hollywood home . . . He's probably heard his “Marchita” on everything but a pipe organ, and wants the novel experience . . . Big gest hit at the recent Washington press correspondents’ dinner to president Roosevelt was a special song, mitten by veteran tunesmith Pat Ballard. Called "Bonneville, Boulder and Coulee," it poked sly fun at the Administration's interest < in dam building . . . Racy contem porary civilization as provided by excerpt from bandmistress Ina Ray Hutton's ad in Variety: “Girl Trum pet Player Wanted—Must Take off and Play Hot.” i Atty John Adams, Jr. 310 Karhach Block NOTICE OF PRORATE OF WILL In the Cmintv Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of th'» estate of Eff'e L. Dudley, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that, a petition has been Clod in said Court, nrov'nnr for the probate of e certain/ instrument now on file in said Court purport mg to be the last will and testament of said de ceased, and that a hearing will b" had on said petition before said Court om the 4th day of June 1938 and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 4th day of .Tune 1938 at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest the probate of said will, the Court may allow and probate said will and gran# administration of said estate to Susie Lillard or some other suitable person, enter n degree of hc'rslvp, and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford . County Judge Begininir 5-14-38 Ending 5-28-38 Metropolitan , Produce 1301 No. 24th St WE 4737 Poultry dressed while you wait Strictly Fresh Eggs Parks Ice & Fuel Prompt Courteous Delivery Service 2106 I Hondo St. NOW OFTEN CAN YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion into a shrew for one whole week in every month. You can say "I'm sorry" and Idas and make up easier before marriage than after. He wise If you want to hold your husband, you won't be a three-quarter wife. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with l.ydia E Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 3. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age." Don't be a three-quarter wirt. take LYDIA K PINKHAM'3 VKOETABLE COM POUND and Uu "binding Through." i in a brief and appropriate musi i cal theme. _ Currently then is no popular song title containing tr.e uard "round." yet it is a word that usually crops up once or twi e a season. Best known songs in this category are "The Last Bound Up” "Music Goes Round." "Merry Go Round Broke Down" "Ring Around a Rosie," "Round and Round the Mulberry Bush” "Bast Side, Wes I Side. All Around the Town," "I've Got a Rainbow 'Round My Shoul der." In olden times they used to have the roundelay. With recitals coming in quick suc cession from the foremost bands and concert artists, America is now ab sr.biag more musical culture than in : ! the years from Washington to Vv .Ison. That girls rarely go in for orches tral ensemble careers is proved by the scant number of girls’ bands.' Two notable cases are the organiza tions of Phil Spitalny and Ina Ray Hui'.on. , i . Their- ranks will soon be augmented by Ramona, former pianist with Whiteman,! who is. now organizing an orchestra of her own. .. i A Hollywood song writer’s first and most important duty when he is commissioned to fash ion tunes for a movie is to make his melodies fit the mood and action of the script. Tuneman Frank Loesser was re cently ordered to do the music for a picture called "Spawn of the North.” You would HEALS THOUSANDS Pores. Pelagro, Syihilis, Bad Blood Gonorrhea, Bad Shin, Castric Sto niaeh. Indentation, Nervousness, Rundown Nature and Kidney com plaints. Guaranteed Treatment, $1.90 Postpaid. Seni $1.00 with r. O. iD’s. O. A. WILLIAMS MED C°. McKamie, Ark. Agents Want ed. NOTE:—Your question w'.l be answered FREE in this cof utnn ONLY when a ti pping of this column is enclosed with YOUR QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, BIRTHRATE and CORRECT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS- Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care of The Omaha Guide, 2118 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. I. M.—Please tell me where I can go to make a success? I am thinking seriously of returning to my home town but am undecided. Ans: You left your home town because you could not make any headway, why should you return ? Make up your mind to locate in a large city but on the other haul, choose some kind of w'ork and concentrate on it altogether. A jack of all trades never gets very far. R. H. J.—Will my wife and I ever go back together and if so |;ow boon? , Ar.«: You kids really did act very indifferent as well as very childish. Marriage isn’t a proposition of spite and un reasonatde actions, wheni you both come down to earth and look at the matter as you should, then you will be able to get along fine together. A. J. M.—Will 1 get a teaching position this year, if not. when will I be successful in receiving a job? Ans: Although you are qualified as h teacher, but due to the fact that it is sev eral months unt 1 you could possibly get employment, why don't you take a business course. When fall conies around you will have two chances at employment. It seems to me that you would make a very capable business lady. C. B._I read your column in every week’s paper and enjoy it. I am congratulating you on your common sense answers to troubled liools like myself. Which one of the boys I am going with mean the most to me? Ans: The young mem are in terested but not in love. In fact B. F. has pra-tically given you the “go-by" for a young girl of your acquaint ance. A very happy marriage is indicated for you within the next three years. E. L. C.—Will I have any luck with either one of the two jobs j that I am planning om? Ans: Yes, and mighty good luck at that. A very favorable contact will be made within the next few week', make the best of the job that you take. A. P. Should I go away and nko un the course in beauty cul Reid’s Pharmacy Package Liquor WE DELIVER WE 1613 24th and Seward ■ that good feeling when you get the benefit cf CLACK-DRAUGHT for Constipation IT Is better for you If your body keeps working as nature intended. Food wastes after digestion should be eliminated every day. When you need a laxative, take Black-Draught for prompt, refreshing relief, j It Is purely vegetable, made from plants widely used and scientifically | approved for their good laxative qualities. Black-Draught Is a truiy good laxative which benefits the lower | I part of tile digestive system. Many persons have found that m long f tending cases of cansupudoti :t was not j i necessary for them to increase the size • or frequency of the dose of B!a< Draught in order to secure full evaci tion. And many have found that b> slight change In the diet, and an incre in the consumption of liquids, the d of Black-Draught may be reduced u it is no longer necessary except for t» i porary upsets. This proves that Bla <- ! Draught is not habit-forming. Be sure you get th.s V purely egetable \ Laxative Remember that Etack Praught is made to per form the real duties of a laxative. It is made to give you refreshing relief from constipation. It is not only thoroughly effective, but it is coo nomioal as well. When you buy Black-Draught, you pay for what you really want — and that is dependable, easy relief from constipation. Sold in 25-cent packages ture and is the kind of work I want to do? Am: To go into a larger city to make your start would help you as you could get more experience. Beauty cul ture is intersting work and anyone with your training and initative will excell in almost any profession of your choice. M. P. D.—What kind of light was that I saw in my back room one night recently? Ans: I am inclined to believe that it was merely a reflection There was no evidence of a prowler.or anything of this particular nature. A. P_I am in distress as my love one has said he was done with me. Is there any way to get her back ? An*: No way at all until she makes up her own mind to return and this isn’t at all likely, You are grieving entire ly too much. If she wasn’t at satisfied with you, surely you wouldn’t want her to continue one. Appreciate her for being truthful and frank about her affection for you. Patronize Our Advertisers ~_classifieTads FOR RENT Two furnished rooms WE 3738 FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms strickly modern for rent $2.00 per week and up. Apartment and houses for rent. Call ATlantic 7435, or Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbster 3678 FOR RENT .‘3 room modem apt. Private bath, private entrance. Heat and water furnished Call AT 1558 Colored young man for Commercial posing Athletic build, good pro file necessary Write, giving details and snapshot Omaha Guide, Box 398 FOR RENT 2-3 room Apts. 2902 No. 25th St. AT 5246. FOR RENT 2 room strictly modern apartment WE 2742 ' FOR RENT Nice clean airy rooms. Home cook ing and board. WE. 0247 FOR RENT Furnished Apt., 2723 Ohio WE 0718 FOR RENT Large front room furnished 2716 No. 28th Avenue. AT 5177. FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2616-18 Patncic, or 2613 Grant st. Call We. 6663. HOUSES FOR RENT 1617 No. 29th St. 2517 Corby St. 2825 Parker St. Apply at office 1607Zi Cuming St. 2nd Floor Cali JA 5033 or KE 6069 FOR SALE $125.00 to $250.00 Cash 66 houses, some modern, some part modern with oak finish, cement basement and garage. E. M. Davis Licensed Real Estate Broker 2817 No. 24th St. WE 1166 FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms, 2312 No. 27th Ave., WE 2810. FOR RENT 2 room Apt., 2004 No. 27th St., WE 3738. FOR SALE Dandy big house ,10 room, 2 baths 4-car garage, nice yard. Home , income for right party. Owner, 2414 Ohio. WE 1160. FOR RENT Apt. for rent reasonable, WE 2243 You wreck ’em We fix ’em! Shames Bcdy Builders 1906 CUMING STREET Everything new for your Car inn to tires At < he right prices PAINTING-YES THE OVEN BAKED FACTORY WAY . Tow in Service Any Time Day, or Night CALL AT 4556 AFTER HOURS WE 1253 WINNING NEW FRIENDS f™.. And Blatz Milwaukee Deer will win you too, once you experience its de licious flavor — i.s smooth, meliow richness. For "the beer r f the j ear" —for all that is best in beer, try Blitz Old Heidelberg — or you may prefer Blatz Private Stock . . . Serve Blatz Milwaukee beer in your home — in bottles, or in the Cap-Sealed cans. Distributed by Quality Beverage Co. 1204 Chicago Street, Phone: 1163. .| MILWAUKEE BEER 776 Copy "f, pi•*- Rrewint Co, THE BEER OF THE YEAR i v N \ . ' * C ✓ • N . . • THE FOLLOWING DEALERS S OLCIT ORDERS FOR BLATZ OLD HEIDELBERG BEER Johnson Drug: Store 1904 No. 24th St. The Champion 2047 No. 24th St. Patrick Liquor Store . 2024 No. 2tth St. Pop’s Buffet 1604 No. 21th St. Timmons Grocery 2712 No. 20th St. R Shapiro 3502 No 30th St Carl Rabes 24th and Lake Sts. Stark Pharmacy 3423 No. 24th St. Charles Mogal 1624 Chicago St. The Liquor Store 2315 Cuming St. Jones and Thomas 1612 No 24th St Drive In Market 3520 No 30 St Jacobsen Cafe 2401 Cuming St. Joe Lehr 2301 Cuming St. Sam Flax 24th & Hamilton St Ablen’s Bar 1102 No. 16th St. Spotlight Liquor Store 16th & Capitol Ave Coming Inn 2908 Cumin St .