The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 30, 1938, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    Pamphlet on Ga.
Peonage Published
New York, April 30—A report
«sf peonage in Warren County,
Ckwgia, has been printed and is
sued jointly, by the National As
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People, the American Ci
vil Liberties Union, the Southern
Committee for People’s Right, and
Ahe Worker’s League.
Warren County. Georgia, came
into prominence last fall when dai
ly newspapers reported that over
seers with ri I s were forcing Ne
3»ro cotton nickers to work on the
■farms of Warren County at a low
«>r rate for their labor than they
**ruhl have received in adjoining
«ountle -. The published report of
. Ahe investigator goes into d tail
on the Warren County situation
■ »ud reveals the extent of peonage
! I\f SpHfl<|int' Drink*!
1 2 oz. for 5c
Grow Gloss
2512 No. 24th St. \T 3M.1t}
('all AT 3035. F’F'se Turner’*
Beauty Shop, nnr) (jet a new
hnir dress to fit the new c,prune
bonnet. Price very reasonable.
Try n box of Grow (Iloss Hair
We carry n e of (he mo-1 rom
••lete p s teiei't of vegetable,
fine er. and grass seed in the
city. Save (10 iit cent liv using
or t'li'k garden seeds, such as
mustard. <ik”a. cowards sPinueh
> ■_ i oan«. etc.
Our 17,h Year at 21th & Cuming
Plant A Garden
921 North 21th St. JA 5115
24th and Lake Street
WEbster 5444
You wreck ’om Wo fix ’em!
Shames Body Builders
Everything new for your Cor
from top to tires At the right prices
Tow in Service Any Time Day „or Night
The Liquor Store
2315 Cuming St. JA 6564
Free Delivery
“We Appreciate Your Patronage"
Four can ride for the price of one There is always
one thing you owe to vuorself, that ia the safety of
your life CaJA Sunset Cab to take you any place
any time
17 years of depenable service
10c for first half mile r>c for eath additional half mile
Remember our drivers have had 10 years driving experience
without a single accident.
Call WE 3199 for safety and
low rates
Life and Fork Of
Father Flanagan
On NBC Network
Boystown, Nebi.. April 30— A
drama tiznti n <f the life rnd work
of Father Flanagan, founder of
Father Flanagan’s Boys Home.
Boystown, Nebraska, will be broad^
cast over the NBC network on a1
nation-wide hook-up Wednesday
evening, May 4 at 10:30 o'clock
Fn-’ern Standard Time. j
Mayor Joseph Westerman, the
18-year-old mayor of this city of
boys, will also appear on the pro
gram known as the “It Can Be
Done;’’ program, conducted by Ed
gar Guest. During the day prior
to the broadcast, Mayor Wester
nmn plans to call upon the mayor
and commissioners of the city of
Chicago to discuss their mutual
problems of government, and, ac
cording to Mayor Westerman. he
expects to receive many valuable
i teiv-; which may be applied to the
c ity government of Boystown.
The program will :tait with the
early life of Father Flanagan, tell
ing of the starting of Boystown
"ii! the many problems which have
arisen from time to time. It will
also jrjve a r .thee complete picture
of life in this unique township. !
After the dramatzation, bothi
Father Flanagan and the youthful
mayor will speak to the audience
which listened to the program. i
o -
K. C. Heavy veights
I»v K. (). In First
b’ Rlllv R'><is
Ph-e-Pe V{- VPS o'" K"Ofi’’s| f'itv a
'"'i"" l,nnvv« c'pht. v mi on «» te-h-|
• : ‘ii Inn-font over K<’n Pearson1
m' Alhe't I '"i. M'nnt in the first |
■ nnH "! t.h“ f'itv Auditorium i
April 21. Neavcs is ai
( I ’on vh vo champion IP* ha been
r;, i fp,, f0|. three yt-i’s. In June of
i':lT h ^ontrht -the European
-'e-'„n'er, Tfi b t Pptno'e lie also
1 -d three fights with Paul Hart- j
net ef Om-'m en ’"hich he lost on
o olive divisions. IP> knocked out I
'O'inrhl fill Mi re if Omaha. Nonvos
a vir-v br’lliant hoxor with a
lot nf I'lnss, end he is very clever.
s’.ovl that he hone to gl a re
Mir« hout with Paul soon,
tnonij p pp was sure thnt. the do
'■'"ion attains* him was very had.
Re. is men"ared by T R. Watkins of
Vnbons Pity, and is trained by
''"' hip Klice. of Kansas City.
Smith Brothers
Ruff and Clothes
en'h order
line Exnert Cleaners & Sized.
One throw ruit free with
2934 No. 24th St. HA 080
Cold Storage
for Furs
IrtS'jroJ tg tlist fire
moth th?ft
Remodeling, Repairing,
Kish Royal Furs
2411-13 Farnam St.
AT 6543 _
Washington. April 30 ((ANP)—
A•irnxinv'.tely two persons out of
every hundred of the ration’s 1935
i tu' : • d population of 127,521,003
are luted on federal relitf rools,
u g to WPA reports re^entl r
el'ii ed. Actual figures list 2.356,
875 people geeting help »,t an
average cost of $66 per person of j
which $>0 is administrative costs, j
Although the South, because of
its large Negro population, is pop
ularly considered to he p. great
drain on government reliefs funds,
thu survey disclosed tha* Montana,
whi'h has few colored citizens, is
drawing proportionately more than
any other state. There 8.4 percent
of ’he population are WPA rolls.
Ohio, with 2.9 percent, and Wash
ington, with 2.8 percent, follow in
order. Mississippi, where the color- |
•d population exceeds the white, j
has only 1.5 percent on relief and
Tennessee is the lowest in Dixie
with only 1 percent.
However, the current figures
show drop from the all-time high'
of February. 1937, when 2.4 per-1
cent, of the total U. S. population,
or 3.100,000. were receiving feder-|
al aid
New Orleans, April 30 (By I^eon
Lewis for ANP.—Assuming an air
or aristocracy and clinging to her]
“hey-hey” years of box office su
premacy, Ethel Waters and heri
Harlems revues to capacity crowds
at the Palace theatre here last
Charged with southern response
t- her stage and radio fame, the!
sepia song t r lost no hesitancy in
informing ".oproaehcs that she was'
no “has been.”
As proud as a peacock and ns!
hopeful as a farmer looking for,
rain. Miss Waters' (tp you) nut on
a show for Palace theatre audiences
that far surpassed some of her|
“flop” performances in the EAST!
•,nd Mid-West.
Improvements in the show since]
tho departure of th > famous Brown!
Bisters have raised Dixie response I
to her hid for box office suprema-l
V. Eddie Mallorv. spouse and hand
leader for the Water's revue, does
a good .job of stage orchestration,
while Butter Beans and Susie cop
the high lights as usual.
Particularly noticeable as a luck
in making show tops, is the ab
sence of feminine talent. A satiri
al men’s chorus supplements what
'he audience whs expecting—a fast
nep-squad of chorines. There was
nly three “ferns” in the show in
•luding Miss Water.
Sunshine Sammy upheld his
fame in a snappy dance act. The
entire show received hearty ap
plause from New Orleans’s audi
ences. which gt'.ve credence to her
statements that she was no “has
! ?on” and was playing Dixie as u
refuse f>-n*n P-'-Cern flops rr on
« c me-back bebut.
Lincoln, Neb . April 30 ((ANP1—
Mrs. Ruth Ann Salomon, first,
Negro wonr-pn to ’’rid a ele' cnl
position at the Nebraska slate Capi
tol, returned to her home in Oma
ha to take up r, position in the
child welfare bureau there. Mrs.
Solomon has hern in th eapitol city
for nearly two years during which
lime she wrp.s in charge of one of
the state welfare districts.
Her office gave her a farewell
party at which her n**w associates
'o Omaha sent Mrs. Soloman flor
al greetings. He main idee, while
working here, she said, was to ac
quit herself so creditably that the
way would be open for others to
follow. nr {
The best cola
drink you
ever lasted
Rich in food
value. •
*-2 i
Bishop Wm. A. Washington of
Los Angeles, Calif., presiding
Bishop of the Western Diocese of
the Church of Christ (Holiness),
will preach at Christ Temple, 26th
and Burdette streets, Sunday May
1, at 11:30 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
All ere welcome.
Bishop J. A. Jeter, of Little
Rock, Ark., will also_ be with us to
conduct a ten day revival meeting
beginning Monday night, May 2
at 7:46 p. b.
Bishop Jeter is a wondeiful, spi
ritual instructor. To hear him is a
real treat.
Rev. L. M. Relf is pastor of
Christ Temple and Mrs. Bertha
Mallory, clerk.
Marge*s Column
Will love triangles ever cease to
be. Not if Billie Peoples and
Squineh-eye have to help.
Lots of boy friends can hush up
the girl friends hut this one takes
the cake icing and the plate. He
hushed up her mama.
Dorothy Harris has a soldier for
escort sometimes. We hope and be
lieve he will have better luck than
the others because he has been
trained to eorell.
Avery Washington will have to
fast and pray for forgiveness for
'■.oending the sabbath painting the[
The insurance man -aid a lots i
of peoples had financial amnesia
around Easter.
Noble Walkers other name is
Camel Walker. lie drinks a gallon
of water in 10 minutes.
Richard Gorham says its true
Everybody meets hi watfrloo. All.
1h« little dimes he u-ed to throw :
away for purposes unknown, he is
taking them in for purposes at
The hairdressers were very pa
triotic with their nart of the stive I
show, qhey modeled copper red
hnir, white decorations, and faces,
with the blues written on them. j
Mr. Wm. Battles, 2723 Ohm St
has been employed by the Dold’s
Packing Co. for the last 12 years.
The Plant is now owned and oper
ated by the Wilson Packing Co.
Mr. Battles has been a steady and
faithful employee, and the Wil
son Co has granted him a two
weeks vacation with pay and a
trie to Des Moines, Iowa with all
expenses paid. He will represent
The Wilson Co. CIOU. He is now
stopping at the Des Monies Hotel.
He has lived with his wife and four
children ever since he was married.
McGinnis Reelected
Wilberforce Dean
Wilberfgorce, O., Aprili 30]
(ANP)—iveuii F. fticGinnis of the
College if liberal Arts, Wduer
force Um'eisity, was reelected for
uie iltn successive year at tne re
cent meting of the trustee Board.
A misunderstanding of his sta
tus, it is said, came about as a
result of a recommendation made
by President D. O. Walter that he
be given a year’s leave of absence.
The work of Dean McGinnis, as
a College Dean, has been of out
standing character. He recently
completed the scholastic require
ments for the Ph. D. degree in the
field of Higher Education wish
special emphasis on the Adminis
tration of College and Universities,
and is considered an authority in
that field.
Chattanooga, Tenn., April 30.
(ANP)—The Primary Department
of the West Main Street school
here, sponsored by Mrs. Rebecca
Carson, depicted the crucifixion
Resurrection of Christ, before the
entire school body Wednesday at
the Chapel hour. The drama was
v eil rendered and very impressive.
J iny patrons and friends of the
s liool weie present and occupied
the balcony.
Atlanta, (!a., April 30. (AXP) —
That many real opportunities for
service due to the changing of the
times arc opening to graduates of
institutions like Spelnmn college,
if they would but grasp them, was
the keynote struck in the address
in Sisters chapel Monday by Miss
Fannie C Williams, leading educa
t . and the primipal < f the Valena
C Jones Normal school in New
Oi lei'.ns. The oe ash n marking the
anniversary of the founding of
F "Iman. the first instisution of
college rank open exclusively to
Negro women.
“I challenge you to go out into
the world.” said the speaker, “find
one littele spot that needs to be,
ch'.nged. work with the people j
share with them in their responsi-,
1 ilities, help them grow and de-|
i velop, and in so doing you will
' grow in cooperative endeavor i">
I the ability to share vesponsihi’itv.
j and this Southland wherever v
i may be will become a hotter place
j because you have shared.
North 24th Street
1807 No 24tb St. WE 4240
Have your old shoes made to
look and wear like new.
Our invisible resoling is ji st
what you need to keep yc ur |
feet nice and warm.
Men’s and Women's »hoes
left over for sale.
Expert Tells How
Books Aid War Vets
Ala., April 30 (ANP)—The marked
success being achieved by Mrs.I
Sadie Peterson-Delany. Head Libr
arian at the Veterans Administra
tion Facility here in applying the
principles of bibliotherapy to the
disabled veterans is attracting the
attention of library authorities thr
oughout America and broadening
the field of this branch of library
Concerning the technique and
methods used in her effective sy
stem. Mrs. Delany, who has specia
lized in this work 14 years, had
this to say in a current issue of
Opportunity, Magazine: “BtiblLo
therapy means the treatment of a
patient through selective reading.
A. brief record of the patient’s
diagnosis- treament and prognosis
is furnished the librarian who se
lects books which will not only give
him knowledge and entertainment
but an interest in subjects which
will relieve his mind from his ma
lady and worries.
"1 he library thus becomes a
laboratory and a work shop. Here, j
minds long imprisoned in lethargy
are awakened. The attractive room I
its green walls hung with maps,
paintings and pictures of Negro
leaders, famous authors and others
who have attained prominence
through books—creates an atmos
phere conductive to reading. There
are 6,000 volumes in the general (
collection and a separate group of '
books by and about Negroes. These
are read avidly.
“We have a library press club, a
philatelic (stamp) club, a depart
ment. for the blind, where patients
are taught the Bhaille system read
ing. a debate club and a general
library service where all types of [
desirable hooks abound. Well chosen
looks ameliorate disturbing thou
ghts, tend to soothe and build up
hope and patients profit by this
valuable therapy. Few people re
alize the haunting tradegy of scores
of men , once young, ambitious and
mentally and phisically f t, who
came back from the World War
pitiable shadows of their former
selves. Veterans Hospitals are play
ing a tremendous part in rehabili
tating these men and in that pro
cess the Bibliotherapy unit has
been found to be invaluable.”
Thrifty Twelve Art Club
Mrs. Marie Brantly was hostess
t*-<> Thrifty Twelve Art Club
Tuesday April 18, 1938. After the
usual manner of opening, the hos
tess served a nice luncheon which
was enjoyed by all. We feel like
Miss Foxall has been adopted to
the club. Every one seems quite
buzy for a while. Then all of a
sudden, there arose a great dis
cussion of the 35th Psalm which
was interesting. We were happy1
to have Miss Bessie Orduna asj
our guest. A pleasant afternoon ’
was had by all.
Beware Kidney
Germs if Tired,
Nervous, Aching
Are you Run Down. Nervous, suffer Aching j
or Swollen Joints? Do you Get Up Nights, or
suffer from Burning Passages, Frequent
Headaches, Leg Pains, Backache, Dizziness,
Puffy Eyelids, Loss of Appetite and Energy?
If so, the true cause often may be germs i
developed in the body during colds, or by
bad teeth or tonsd« that nred removing. .
These germs may attack the delicate mem- !
branes of your Kidneys or Bladder and often |
cause much trouble. Ordinary medicines
can't help much because they don’t fight the
germs. The doctor's formula Cystex, no v
stocked by all druggists, starts fighting Kid
ney germs In 3 hours and must prove entirely
satisfactory In I week and be exactly the
medicine you need or money back Is guar
anteed. Telephone your druggist for Cystex
(Slss-texl * today. The guaraateoprotects
you. Capr. 1337 The Knox Co.
Duffy Pharmacy
We. 0609
Free Delivery
w.yywyww as.v .v.w
Get those home appliances at
the Omaha Outfitting Co. Pay
4s your are paid. Weekly 6r
AT 5652 2420 Lake
liU'Tican and Chinese Dishcr
King Yuen Cafe . .
!0101 j N. 24th St. Jackson ho?* |
'•pen from 2 p. m■ until 3 a. m.
Editorial of the Week
(From tile Washingt n P | April
13, 1933)
A Right Not To He Floated
The United States Supreme
Couit has set aside (he convict on'
of a Negro ft und guilty of mur-1
tier in Kentucky because the “ays
tema.tic and arbitrary exclusion” |
of Negroes from the jury lists in j
that State constitu es a denial ot
constitutional light-. Under those j
circumstances the court concluded j
that the defendant had not keen
given a fair trial.
This decision is on all fours
with the one handed down by the
court some years ago in the case
of one of the Seottsboro defend
ants. The response in that case, so
far as the Alabama authorities
were concerned, was immediate
and praiseworthy. Gov. Graves
declared that in Alabama the de
cision would be accepted “in letter
and in spirit.” It has been. Some
other States which had practiced
exclusion of Negroes from juries
also took the cue.
Apparently Kentucky was remiss
in its duty in this particular. That
State continued indefensible racial
discriminations. But the intent of
the Supreme Court to crack down
on such practices which do vio
lence to democratic principles and
constitutional rights is now un
mistakable. Once again the highest
tribunal of American liberties.
If States still excluding Negroes
from jury service expect to have
their law enforcement efforts up
held in the Federal courts, they
had better get into step with this
liberal interpretation.
ireg'R Williams Band
Leaves on Tour
Gregg Williams and Ivs swing |
bend left Monday, the 25th on a j
long tour that will take them
through the States of Oregon, Mon
tana, Washington, and in to Cami
lla. Williams and his band has been
playing nightly at the H. S. M.
Buffet, on 24th Street. His charm
ing wife is his pianist. Mr Wil
liams and his. band will be. gone
at least five months. He will re
turn back to Omaha in September.
Rummage Sale
iluipinm axp|»»|A ZJ'}I
mos Avtraiivs
WEbster 3043
LWe 0i y Old Gold
Watch and Jewelry Repairing
We Loan Money on Everything
Gross Jewelry
and Loan Co.
Corner 24th and Erskine
2414 No. 24th St. Omaha, Nebr.
Los Angeles . 27 00
San Francises. 27.00
Low Round Trip Fares
Fastest Time-Scenic Routes
Ph. ATlantic 2300
Asfhma Cause
Fought in 3 Minutes
By dissolving and removing mucus o
phlegm that causes strangling, choking.
Asthma attacks, the doctor's prescription
Mendaco removes the cause of your agony.
No smokes, no dopes, no injections. Ab
solutely tasteless. Starts work in 3 minutes
Sleeps soundly tonight. Soon feel well, year
younger, stronger, and eat anything. Uuai
anteec completely satisfactory or money
back. If your druggist is out ask him to
order Mendaco for you. Don't" suffer another
day. The guarantee Drotects you.
Johnson Drug Co.
Liquors, Wines and Beer
WE 0998 1904 No. 24th St.
_ WE 0402_
Pillsfcury Flour
24 lb. sack-89c
48 lb. Sack .. SI.75
K. C. Baking Pvvd.
Small can - 9c
Large con .... 23c
24th & Lake
Pillsbury s
Pancake Flour
Per Box.12c
3 Vi lb Bag ... • 29c
Roberts Milk
Quarts .10c
Vz Vt. Cream . . 10c
Evaporated Milk
Tall Cans 2 for 15c
Effective May 1st:
20 Cent Dicount
on Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Cash and Carry
Edholm and Sherman
Laurderers & Dry Cleaners
WE 6055
Here's Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET
GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It's Easy;
Do vou need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy
to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money
Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS forSWEET
GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade. Hair Strength, Skin Brightener,
Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 3UO Products. Vou don’t need any
experience. Work in Spare Time or Ful' Time. We show you huv, to make up to
$40.00 a week or up to $6,GU in a single day.
Send No Money. J valmor products co. Dept, is*
Just fill in coupon and mail It | 2241 Indiana Ave.. Chicago, III. I
today for FREE SAMPLES >i • I want to make Quick]Money. Plea*Mienrl me I
Hair Dressing. Face Powder and J "»• Sample, and special Offer to Agents nghi a- ay. I
Special Offer to AGENTS. Di' t I .Vimi_.........--- — - - - • — I
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2241 Indiana Avenue. Chicago, III L--_._—_-- -- -