FREE LUCK IASI 80c Algeria* Majo Luck Bag and lample* Hair Dreuing, Powder, Ointment Free. Send 10c to cover mailing coit. GOLDEN BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Dept, Memphii, Term. Our Patronize Advertisers Heb Kidneys Don't Ta^e Drastic Drugs Your Kldnevs contain 9 million tiny tubes or niters " hi, h mnv he endangered by neg lect or drastic, Irritating drugs. Be careful. If fnncf'i a disorders of the Kidneys or Bladder e yuj suffer from Getting Up Mights, *.i i v>-: Leg Pains, Circles Under E Dmc.ncss, Backache, Swollen Joints. Ey, , 5 Acidity, or Burning Passages, don't i- . on c dir ary medicines. Fight such tro bka v ,'i the doetor's prescrip tion (,v»t»x starts working In 3 hours a"d must prove entirely aatlsiactory In 1 we!:. and be exactly t’’e medirine you reed or money back la p: u ran tend. Tele phone,. vow druggist for < v*tex consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. RABE’S BUFFET e42fi \ 24th St. J». 9195 CHRtsTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 N" 22ml Si WE 0846 STEl’IU VSON BEAUTY SHOP 8037 N 24th St. At. 5810 i. MARI,ENA LEWIS BEAUTY SALON 2856 Manic St. ,JA 6110 ECONOMY TAILOR Ch s m Simmons, Prop Ac t'ur. T'mn Make Suits to Order Make all Muds of alterations for t arfies and Cents. Cleaning and Repairing 1918 No 24th St. American Wiener Shop 4509 N 24th Street KING YUEN GAFF 2010>* N 24th St Ja 8676 CHARLIIF# PLACE 1603 N 24th St We 4019 For real Clfanirjr and Laundry Service Call DON’S J A 0555 2008 No. 24th St. Rev. D. C. Stephenson, Prop. ELITE CIGAR STORE 2812 V 24th St Ha 4236 JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N 24th 8t W«. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY •*tb and Lake We. 0909 HOUSTON'S (5 ROPER A ill No .’4th St JA 3543 Oil' Sausage „ -.pecmlt.v Fie* Delivery NORTH-SIDE LKANSFEfc !;414 Grant St We 5« Electrical Appliances DONAHOO & HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Fnrnam St. Ha OIM' Graders W F HOCH Grading and Excavation 450A Ames Ave Ke. 031 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We 544 Laundries EMERSON LAUNOPV 2324 N 24th St W. in EDHOLM * SHERMan 2401 N 24th St We Monument Maker* HEFT » NOYES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke 173 Produce Market* METROPOLITAN PRODUCE i MS N 24th St Wa 473 REN * KERMIT ANDERSON Painting W .11 Wa*htng and I worn ting 28 Year* Experience Fetimatea free Work Guarantee. 2801 Miami St. 2872 Binny St Phoaa WE M2* CHURCH NEWS BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. T. J. Sanford. Pastor J. S. Jefferson, Reporter Sunday School opened at its us ual hour with superintendent pre siding. With an excellent school and all the teachers present, all of the classes took great interest in the lessson. At 11:00 o’clock A. M. Rev. San ford broght us a splendid message from Psalms 77:13. “Thy way, O God, is i nthe sanctuary: woh is so great a. God as our God?" Everyone enjoyed the splendid message. We are very sorry to say that our Dear Bro. W. P. Wad" was called from labor to reward on Monday 18. Of course we will miss him, but the Lord knows best. Allen’s Indeavor League meets at. (5:30 every Sunday evening with Mrs. M. L. Young presiding. Pra yer and class every Wednesday evening of each week. MT. MORIAH BAPT. CHURCH Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor The order of services axe as fol lows: Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.; morning worship- 11:00 a. m.; BYPU, 6:00 p. m.; Evening wor ship, 8:00 p. m. and Prayer meet I ing every Wednesday even'ng. ! Services throughout the day were as usual. At the morning I worship we listened to an appeal I ing sermon on the subject, “The j Glorious Experience. For the evening worship, th pastor brought to the congregation an interesting and timely discus sion from Prov. 6. Subject, “Six Things that God Hates.” This sub ject was discussed very beautifully and made very plain. The Usher board is planning a pie Sale to be held the second Sat urday in May. Theme nibers and friends were glad to see Sister Julia Henry who has teen ill quite some t;me, pre sent at the services throughou the day. Those who axe still on the sick list are Mrs. Long, Mrs. Luln Johnson. Mrs. Dicus and Mrs. Beck. To the many friends and visitors we extend a cordial welcome. BACKACHE Flush Kidneys of Waste Matter Poisons a«d Acid and Stop Getting Up Nights. 35 Cents PROVES IT When your kidneys are clogged and your bladder is irritated and passage scant and often smarts and bums yiu need Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules a fine harm lk?ss stimulant afrid d'(uretfic that always works and costs but 35 cenfs at any modern drug store. It's one, good, safe way to put healthy activity into kidneys and bladder—you'll sleep sound the whdle night thru. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL— right from Haarlem in Holland—you ire assured of results Other symptoms of weak kid ney and irritatd bladder are liacka'’he, puffy eyes, 'eg cramp,1 _ SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Clarinda, Iowa Rev. D. Nicholson, Pastor Sunday School opened at the usual hour with Miss Rachel (Jason Superintendent president the Sun day School is progressing and have all members trying to be most duti ful members. Morning Service was in high. The Pastor brought forth a won derfuld seron. Subject. The second coming of Christ. One member was; added to the Church, who was Mr. H L. Brown. After noon Service, we had a wonderful program.and a rally. Terminated which was a huge suc cess. \nd the improvement of the Church will begin soon. We thank all that helped to make this rally a success. We were very happy to have Mrs. Irene Motion as a guest on our program. Evening Service was the spot light servve of the day. The Pas tor brought forth another shearing messages. Sub. New thanks. Two p.nd united with the church for Baptism. Miss I.oiuse Nash and Mr. Marel.1 Griggs. Wo thank the Lord for these souls. Friday May fi, we are giving e, birthday dinner in hon or ofRev. I). Nicholson, our Pastor, and a program. Visitors are always welcome to Clarinda. Baptising will be Sunday, May 1 at 11:00 o’clock and the service will be down on the river. Come one and all and go down to the river with us INTERDOM IN ATION A I, CHURCH Elder W. I. Irving, Pastor Mrs. P. V. Avant, Reporter The church that stands for the unity of God’s children as the standard of Christian fellowship Superintendent Miss Marie Per kins reports the Sunday school is nr'-o’re«'-ing r’ght along. The theme for the morning ser mon was the “Vision of the Trans figuration.” To the three di-eiples who were its fe.vnred witnesses, saw a beau tiful. gleam of the light of immor tality. calcul ted to cheer and strengthen them mdiViduMly in their labors and trials. The Bible Forum meets Thurs days at 7:30 p. m. Conte and join in these most enlightening discus sions. MORNING STAR BA I’. CHURC1 Rev. G. E. White Pastor-in-charge Mrs. W. E. Fredericks, Reporter Sunday school opened a.t 9:30 a. m., with a large attendance. The general lesson subject, ‘‘Receiving Vision for Service.” Rev. Bray bov was v. visitor in the Sunday school. 4 '! At 11:30 a. m. Rev. White de livered an inspiring message. Sub ject. “Who is Who?” Text, I Kings 1:18. At 6 p. m., BYPU opened with the president in charge. Attendance was good, and the lesson subject was, “Will the Teachings of Jes-, us Work Today?” At 8 p.xm. the message again was delivered by Rev. White.) Subject, ‘You Must Be Born Again” Text, St. John 3:3. Visitors pre-l sent were Mrs. Irene Taylor and Mrs. Swively end Miss iBernice G»-ay. Visit all of our services.. Visitors are always welcome a Morning Star. -o ANNOUNCEMENT -r Special announcing the coming of nev. A. L. Branch, one of the lead ing Minister’s of the country and Castor of Tulsa Oikla, who woll be +V>e Guest of the Salem Baptist Church 28th & Decatur St. start Sunday May 1 1938. A power in G< oel. Yo ate cordially invit ed and urged to attend these ser vices. R v. C. C, Pell'cs. MirDter TIRED, niZ^VGUS, EXHaVSTEDI , . , Look to your stomach Start taking Jlostetter'a Stomachic Hitters right now and you will quickly note how its medicinal herbs and oota h»-lp to revitalize your digestive glands and ,ive new vigor, energy and appetite. Famous for ii4 years. At all driqs stores. 18 oz. bottlo. $1.50. * A Three Days7 Cough Is Tour Danger Signal No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold, or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids na ture to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranes and to loosen and expel the germ-laden phlegm. Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, try Creomul- ; slon. Your druggist is authorized to i refund your money if you are not I thoroughly satisfied with the bene fits obtained from the very first bottle. Creomulsion is one word—not two, and it has no hyphen In it. j Ask for it plainly, see that the name on me bottle is Creomulsion, and you’ll get the genuine product and the relief you want (Adv.) CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. L. M. Relf. Pastor Edna Pankey, Reporter Sunday school opened at the us ual time, 9:30 a. m. with a large attendance. The lesson wa« found in St. Mark 9:2-10. Subject; “Re ceiving Vision for Service." Many good thoughts were brought out. Our pastor preached the services for the day. The morning sermon was especially good. The text was found, St. Luke 9:28. Subject, “Transfiguration." The sermon was full of inspiration and afford ed food for thought. We were glad to welcome to our city, Mrs. L. M. Relf, wife of our pastor, who will be our guest for the coming week. Mrs. Relf is r school teacher at the Doolittle School of Chicago, 111. Our HYFU opened at (1:00 p. m with the pi,esi(lent, Mr. E. Good win, presiding. Our Union is grad ually increasing this nice weather. We are expecting to have with us on next Sunday Bishop Wm. A. Washington, and the following week, our Senior Bishop, Chas. P. Jones. Among the visitors present, w'ere Mv. and Mrs. Scharron and Mr. Conlquitt. Visitors are always given a hearty welcome. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. M. K. Curry. Pastor Sunday, April 24, marked '.he opening of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of our '’hurch. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. was well at tended. Baptising followed imme diately after Sunday School, at 11: o'clock. ’The assistant pastor. Rev. I’1 C. Williams preached from the subject- Triumph Over Hinderances which was a very beautiful and in juring sermon. Four members were added to the church. BYPU opened at 0:;10. The lesson was distu -ed v ry effec ively in each group. Evening service was well attended. Service ai“ being held each night this week. Th public is invited to attend. On next Sun day, Rev. M. K. Curry Jr, of Tex as will preach. Come early and get a seat, as we are ezpeeting. The Church to be filled to its Ca pacity Let’s us all cooperate and make this occasion a memorable one. UNITED SABBATH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sal-bath school opened at 9:30 A M. Preaching Service opened at 11:00 A. M. Missionary meeting opened at 3:30 P. M. and Prayer Meeting opened at 7:30 P M. to 9:30 p. m. and the night s rvice opened at Sunset on Friday even ing and the text on the subject for the on coming or the next Sabbath will be preached from the 54 chap ter if Isaiah, and the 2nd verse and it reads thos: Enlarge the place ol’ thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of hire habita tions: spare not, length' ll thy cirds and strengthen thy stakes. And so we cordially inviting every one to attend these services every sabbath day which are on every Saturday begin ng with April 30. 1938 and are eontining on for ever and ever, and this subject above will be preached by Elder I. Burden, and please keep a close attention to the Church News in the Omaha Guide every week. There will be a report of the sub ject or text that will he preached on the following Sabbath. Wo are asking of the parents to send their childreu ti visit our sab bath school begining from April 30, 1938 until June 15. And to let their children to be regular attand ance at or sabbath school and we will, give them best of care every sabbath and if they will be regu lar attendance we will give them a nicinc on children day which is on June 25. 1938. Wo will appreciate the kindnefs of the parent and we would like for the children to take part in the Childrens Day Pro gram. And God the father and Jesus Christ the son and the holy Ghost will testove many blessing upon them for us. Their is one in our congregation (hat is sick. It is Sis Lulu Dicus. She is in a very low stage of siek • »ss. Her resident is 1520 Ohio c>. She has been sick for several weeks. —.——o MT. NEBO BAPTIST CHUHC'I Rev. J. G. Gates. Pastor Helen Bradshaw, Reporter The Mt. Nebo Sunday school was opened at 9:30 with a large ittandance. The president in rharge The Sunday school was taught by Deacon Thomas. The subject of the Sunday school lesson was, “Re eeiving Vision for Service.” Gen. T esson text, Acts 9:7. Golden text, “This is my son, hear him.” The morning services were very spiritual. The pastor preached an excellent sermon. IIis subiect was, “In Hell He Lifted Up His Eyes.” His text was, “It is your time now; but it will be mire after while,” found in the 16th chapter of Luke. Visitors of the church were; Mr. I Ro«cnberg and Mrs. Fields of St. John Baptist church. The BYPU was interesting. Evening services were enjoyed by all. The sick of Mt. Nebo are as fol-i lows; Mrs. Smith and Mother) Susie Billingsley. The Missionary Society is doing j a great work under the competent leadership and careful Christ-like leadership of their president, Sis. U. Billingsley. Visitors are always welcome to come and worship with us. Patronize Our Advertfaerfl PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH! Elder L. H. Hervev, Pastor — Sunday school opened at 9:30 a. m. with a. very nice attendance. Ono new pupil enrolled in the pri mary class. Visitor was little Mar cia Taylor. At 10 o’clock the pastor and deacons took the four candidates to Zion Baptist church for baptism. We are very grateful to Rev. Curry for baptising for us. May the Lord bless him in all his good works. At 11:30 a. m. the pastor took for his text, II Peter, 2nd chapter, and 2nd verse. Subject, “Learning the First Love.” At 3 p. m., the City Mission met at Paradise. Sermon was preached by Rev. J. C. Crowder. His text was Joshua 3:5. Subject, “Clean Up.” BYPU met at 6 p. m., with the president. Miss Estella Morris, presiding. 8:30 p. m., the pastor brought to us another wonderful sermon. Text, Romans 8:18. Subject, “Liv ing After the Spirit." We were glad to have visitors through out the services. Mission Circle meets every Mon day night. Bible class meets Thurs day 8 p. m. The sick of the church: Deacon Pauline, Sister Hill and Sister Smith, who lives at 3019 Pinkney. Paradise is progressing very commendable under the piost ef ficient leadership of Rev. L. II Hervey METROPOLITAN CHl'RCIl Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor Mrs. Edna Mitchell. Reporter Sunday School opened at 9:00 o’clock with a large attendance. Sister Edna Mitchell, Superinten dent, still asked for more new members to join us. At 11:00 o'clock, the choir open ed the service by singing. The Pas tor pleached a wonderful soul striking sermon. Subject. “Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord ”: Exdous 13:14. The spirit ran high. B. Y. B. U. was at fl:00 o’clock, we had a good Program conducted by Sister Mildred Jackson. Sundry night service a! 8:0) o’clock. The Pastor preached from Exdous. The going through with Seriad of Sermons had a wonder ful shout. Many visi ons were pre-; sent which we always welcome. Tuesday night Pastor’s Aid meeting. Bro. I'h Hips who is pres ident wishes all members to be present. All men of the church; also all men friend’s to the church are ask ed to be present the 3rd of May to organize a men’s club for bene fit of Church Progress.. Wedne. dp.y night regular service Freaching. Prophesing, and Heal ing. All welcome. Thursday night. Special Service to sponsored by the Missionary Society. Elder Swain will preach. So come and hear him. Friday afternoon, Missionary Society will meet at th? church. President, Sister Milton wishes all members to be present. We always welcome our friends and visit°rs. BAHA’I FAITH THE COMING OF AGE OF MANKIND “Progress" Mans, knowledge, his achievements are expressions of the spirit in the material world.^ Hu man beings from birth progress physically until they reach matur- 1 ity. All material things progress to a certain point, and then begin to decline but with the soul there is no decline, its png.ess is limb less. In the wide spread chaos and the destructive forces of our civil ization, we evidence decline, “The Maturity of the World.” and “The Coming of Age of the Entire Hu man Race." Divine Revelation is orderly, continuous, progressive, not spas modic or final. God through H s prophets has ever given humanity the foundation upon which civili zation is built. His Holiness, the Christ said in accordance with the spiritual ca pacity or the infancy of the hu-, man rare: “1 have many things to: say unto you, but cannot bear them nn . Howbeit. \ hen He, the spirit • f the Comforter, who is sent by the father, is come, He w ill guide1 you unto all truth.” The teachings of Baha'u’llah have the same basic principles, but according to the stage of maturity i f the world, and requirements of this age. Baha'ullah’s New World Order plan is rooted in the cond tions and needs of the world as they actually exist. Transportation and communica tion make the oneness of mankind, and universal peace, from the standpoint of reason and science Loth practical and possible. The fact that, difficulties in one part of the world are felt throughout the world and that all kinds of pre judices are not ba^ed on facts, and that prejudices retard progress, hence th« need for the abolition of prejudices. In a matured wowrld man must now become imqed with new vir t’t' s and power, new moral stand- j ards- new' of Mrs. Al'coj Nelson. 2621 Blondo street. The hostess, Mrs. Alice1 Nelson served a beautiful lunch. Twelve members were present and one visitor, Mrs. Owens. We were pT'd to have her. Also Mrs. Cora Jackson, of 2616 Crnnt street, who has been so si"k w*\". back with 11s. We were all verv busv knitting, embroidering, making flowers. Visitors are al ways welcome. Come and see what this club is doing. Roxie Bolden, President Cora Jackson. Reporter --—o Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mason and j son, Avocn. and Mr. and Mrs. Ar i Ihur McCain motored to Topeka, Fog., over the week-end. to visi* I Mr, end Mrs. Samuel McCombs -nd friends. They were lavishly r,t. + /,nfn Jnff) RobbirTs Thar mac' 2306 No. 211h St. WE 17* ^MPPir . WIENER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Best Chili and Best Hod Dost in the Weal All Kinds of Sandwiches Tee Cold Peer to Complete the Meal Buehler Brothers Meats 2501 N. 24th St. JA 0850 212 N. 16th St AT 9790 2408 Cuming St 4903 So. 21th St. MA 4821 Patronize Our Advertisers ARE YOU ONLY A. T QUARTER WIFE? MEN, because they are men,can never understand a three quarter wife—a wife who is all love and kindness three weeks In » month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your back aches —how your nerves scream—don't take it out on your husband. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the threw ordeals of life: I. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age." Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA K PINK HAM'9 VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go "Smiling Through." TRUSSES SUPPORTERS ELASTIC HOSIERY ABLOMINAL BELTS EXPERT FITTERS SEILER Surgical Co. MED. ARTS BLDG. Ill Socth 17th St, Omaha % Wm t! 3 oHzaxt and cd'nd &jt *7Uct i ' : W Don't I t u;;!y hair come between you ' and the m.;n you want! Use Godefroy's * Larieu'C. It will mai.e your hair a rich, even shade of jet black, black, dark, \ n. . o.ii.i or light brawn, or blonde— g • it i „ silky-softness and lustrous sne. ii that men can't resist. Don't delay — pet a h ittle of Godefroy's I.arieuse tt . Satisfaction guaranteed or your o. '.i.ei will refund jour money. CaiSEfr*1 If your daa'er £6 doe* nef h-ive "'^,fo:' - HAIR coloring 71 GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3510 OUVE ST. • ST. IOUIS, MO. 8c SHIRTS 8c When Finished Out of Any Family Serviei- ] E'Tt'SON LAUNDRY ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St WE 102" ;