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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1938)
k.. .tfYlahl^OGwriinr** KonTi^Mnonri' :' ‘ ' ■ -r v-. •’ " V " :i?s l **** ., V ’ • :-4 T:s Lir‘:u:t t / r. J 1 »JJ M’a- -’ -4 l/ £ t; ? Codtf;oy t snu'.z ut\- j C iitna / fa « i :fy r, e ‘ ©f p rserving v,r. ".Vi na.u *1 fc'-Jtv, anJ to r i tho results of this rsscsrch ava i-LIe to tt.f pu- c. So tunny of volt have will ten re pentI) for inhiee "it ini| tne JeMtire mini Mini eoiiioiit «*f the Deck that I lime selected It as the SWhjert «it tills week v eotliMifl Those of ymi who lithe written are Wise enough to recognize the mi iHictalo e oi I liose lew lltehe* **•* tween the ehlli and shoulder* Main of you. who hate Mat written mav need in time your nitcniion railed to this area. The peek should have the same treat meat mj the fare Stand la front af a well lighted mirror and jive It careful scrutiny. Why Is II that most of ns. when we are cream Inc our fares, patting away wrin kles from around our eyes a n il nioinhs. running in nourishing and bleaching cream*, and even apply lug make up. atop abort or our hecks? the deepest lines appear horizontally across our necks. If your neck is youthful you can tool the public ns to your calendar age long after your wulsl Inis begun lo thicken and your skin has lost its early freshness Keeping your neck In condition Is not such a chore really. Vou don't begrudge the time you give Jour face. Why should your neck bo overlooked In the beauty schedule? If you Hurt Hint your neck Is lined, with the skin much coarser than that on your face and several shades darker, the first step Is to stir up ilie rlri iiini >«n A tlinroiigh clean* Illy a Hi a miiyli ilnlll Hllil |delitj ul Harm ami|i> Witlei will atari I lit si,In finyllltjt I- IiiikIi ol) With Cold water nr it nan akin '6 not toe ilrj with mi aairlnyein If you art In Hie liiilnl of creaming your fare, include your neck lu Hi la beauty i lie A lit I It* min ini' lot yoes a long nay tow a ril Hauling off wrinkles. Kor neeks Hint lime long been neglected ami allow eil to become darker Hum Hie faee a mI lit blench may be necra«arjr. Here is » simple Mini relaxing ex ercise t« strengthen ike neck muscles nml keep fliem from be culli ng Hnby i.el (lie head fall fer wrii uniII the dim touches the chest. I'licn slowly rot ale the head, si ret citing Hie neck muscles as much ns possible, Itcpeat ten times. This Is also a good cure fot mat stiffness at the l ase of the neck brought on by close work or nervousness. Start your cainpulgn for a youth- ■ fill throat contour today. Heiiiem- 1 her—stir up the circulation, nourish the skin, mid exert Ise. It's as easy ns (hut and you will be well pleased with llie results. What tire jour beauty problems! Write Marie Downing, Lttrleusa Reality l-T>un«Ittt Ion, Room 007—t 511 Locust St,, St. Louis, Mo., and she will lie glad to nnswer them. Re sure to enclose a self addressed slumped envelope. This Week In Thought and Religion By Robert L. Moody Tree Planting A speefe 1 cay each year has been set aside to plart tre s. This idea origins ed through the grow ing larm over the depletion of the Ameri an fere, ts. ( ur tit;* oi Nebraska led out in this observa ti. n. Personally we th nk it was gre*t id a because of our ev eriences with du t storms. We re told that tr es help to produce moisture and rain in general. Therefore trees ha'e sev r 1 in dispensable values, such as wood for lumber, furn tore and feul, l'ruit. shade and moisture. Some tiees are more valuable than others but each has its importance. Of the righteous and those that mourn in Zion, the pvophet snid: “that they might be celled ‘tre"s of righteousness,’ the plant ng of the I ovd." Isa. 61:3. Again Psalm 1st, declares that “the trees of the Lord are full of sap." Ps. 104:16. Since we realize that eve ybody both saints and sinners, i ■, liken o “trees, 65 we niu-t remember that “a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a cor rupt tree bring forth good fruit. Eve'-y t ee that Lrlngeth not good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Matt. 7:16-20. Inasmuch •is ou’* natural trees are important to earthly hirgs so are we. '1 ho proha'ly cause for our “ec onomic (lilt storms’’ and “spiritual drouth” j# because s manv of us, are “corrupt trees.” 1 ,i't !’■ give as much attention to ur onduct at d productivity that • o m- y truly be “the planting of the T, >r and Omaha will become a, b« lfcr place in whi"h to live. : Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame . . . Shoes look new again with our new invisible half soling. Lake Shoe Service 2407 LAKE ST. 1 Fur Storage $|99 Insurance Glazing Pick Up Service * < MOR-ANN FUR SHOP 1811 Farnam AT 0966 ! HARDY SHRUBS Colorado Blue Spruce from 36c to $4.00 each Also Pflizer Junipers—Pondorosa Pine and Black Hills Sprues Hardy Phlax, ea. 15c Hardy Peonies, ea. 15c Hardy Ferns, ea. 15c Headquarters for l.awn Crass, Peet Moss and Vigoro Plant t Food The Nebraska Seed Co. 423 So. 15th AT 1739 North Side Beauty Shop j Formerly the Northside Beauty School, OHo St., is en — Beauty Shop. Ow ned and Operated t Miss Versie Winston and Mrs. Madeline Harold. They would arnred’ate jour p:tron a^e and your friends. LET PEOPLES DO IT Glean up that front room. We specialize hi making old houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for e*ti mation on work. No job too small or too large. Ten trained decorating medhamics. Our Motto—Service First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858. <T Peoples Paint and Pajeriug Shop LAJLBY PEOPLES, Proprietor I ■M-llh :--Y mi me-Iion » i m t*ifd FREE in th1* coi *nm < IA when a • I Piling of this column is enclosed with YOUR >LF*' ON, YOUR IT'LL NAME. B1RTHDATE and CORRECT (DURESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents am a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE o' THREE (JLESI IONS* Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care o Ihe Omaha Guiue. 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. E. F. S.—Please, sir, tell me why my daughter married this man and will he be good to her? A ns: Your daughter married for the simple reason that you and millions of others did. FOR LOVE. Of course this man will he kind to her and it would be a good idea for you to make an effort to under stand and appreciate him more since he is in the family. E. A. S.—How soon will I re ceive enough money to pay all of my bills I owe and can go to be withmy friend? A ns: It will be a long time before ou pay up your bills and can make a nice trip of ('ash paid for Auln Wrecks. Old Knidiators and Katteries Parts for all Cars Aas for K. C. Script Gerber Auto Parts Company 1240 So. 16th St. JA 6300 C v^ol dated Auto parlc ro—r'iM” '*01 Cuming St. \T r.«*>6 ___ • _ this kirn). You can do it h ever, by cuttii g down on your expenses and living economic aly for about six months. M. M. N.—I have about reached the conclusion tl nt my husband -s net the type of husband I desire, ft seems as if we can’t agree on in.vthing, but perhaps it might b<> myself. Help me out please, fi [ an1 on the verge of going awry. Ans: A change should not ho * made until your health in proves. See a good doctor and after you recover completi 1 . then make up your mird abou leaving. Neither one of yo really make an effort to ur derstnnd and pet along toget her. Rear ;n n ind th t a rm> riago is a bargain of give an W. W.—I often read vour • 'imn and would like for you * ’ell me if I will be able to get >v clothes ? Ans: The clothes th >t vo 'ef your cousin take home nr all right, but t just isn’t cor venient for her to mail them to vou right now. Sh■> is porg f> get in t ugh with you re ’’an’ I Jng them in a very short time I.. L. II. Should I go to P'tts- j burgh or shot Id I go down in j Georgi*’’ Any suggestion w ul I bo appreciated. A ns; Run over to Pitt I |r<»Vi vh:l« OU ore WO 'til for vour plrr>t to onen r again f >r it v likely h < yo brother could ie'p < on get si Ul 0.1 If yor don’t find ft! thing b” th > fir-1 of M: although I a n confident yi will vou ce:> •'! a> s etlir to your farm in Georgia, T. T I have •• girl friend T ! • - very r nr>h and l want to kl w | v b re i stand v ith her? Ans: At ton notch rigb now. You had better let he know your f jelings for shr isn’t going to wait plwavs fo1 you to make up your mind t< confess your love. M. G. R. T like your column ve-v much. Should I do as I intend * ' by letting my husband alone or d ■> you think I will ever he ably to g ’* an good out of him? * Ans: Right at this time ho isn’t going t» straighten up and do tljp light thing; al though I do not think taht you should put too much con fidence in your boy friend j either for you have the Children to consider. R. R. Y. Will you please tell me why that man won’t pay me for my timiber. Is there anyway that ! I cap Pot my money ? Ana: If you make him pay you, it will be necessary for you to consult a lawyer and do | bo legally. The sooner you get the matter into a lawyer's hands, the better off you will , be. He doesn’t want to pay or he would answer your let 1 ter* Music Features & Photo Syndicate THE melody of the last three years which most clearly fits Tin Pan Alley’s definition of a “natural”— a song hit which makes itself a singable, play able tune com bined with sim ple, sentimental words — is Sig mund Romberg’s "When I Grow Too Old to Dream.” Al ready, close to 600,000 copies of Louis Reid this song have been sold. In the pre-radio days it would have sold, it is estimated, 2,000,000 copies. » * 0 01d songs, classical and light classical selections offer ever an op portunity to those most Industrious men of the music world, the ar rangers. No competition is more spirited than that prevailing in this class. For example, there are tion upon the chorus of a song can be laid to the dance orchestras. Pressed by the time limits of their broadcasting schedules, they have opportunity only to air the refrains of the tunes. The practice has al tered the technique of songwriting. Many popular tunes today carry only a refrain, which begins usually with the words of the title. P * + The year 1936 was not noteworthy in America for any expression of martial spirit. No preparedness cam paign was underway. Wars and ru mors of war abroad had not de veloped to a point which engendered a general burst of patriotism here. And yet, as if prophetical of the state of the world today, 1936 gave rise to more patriotic music in America than did any year since 1918. 1936’s Patrietic Music Here are some figures which re flect upon the martial character of muck of our music in 1936: "Dixie” | actually 139 different arrangements of Dvor ak’s "Humoresque.” As for Rubenstein's “Mel ody in F”, it tan be had In 94 arrangements. Jo Dann Strauss’ "Blue Danube” has been given, < to date, 83 arrange ments. Other familiar compositions ■which have been extensively arranged are Rimsky Korsakoff’s "Song of In dia”, with 82; Offen bach's “Barcarolle”, 73; Schubert’s "Serenade”, G7; Handel's "Largo”, 53; Godard’s "Ber ceuse” and Schumann's Sam Coslow A.S.C.A.P. was performed 8,506 times. “Yankee Doodle”, 7,723 times: "Over There”, 2,096; “Stai Spangled Banner”, 1,131. Topping them all was “Stars and Stripes For ever”, unofficial march ing song of the U. S., with the astounding to tal of 24,802 perform ances. Strange, that “Riding on a Blue Note", as a title of a jazz compost• I lion has not been used 1 until now! Duke Elling' ton comes up with it at - the name of his latest "Traumene ”, each with 44; Rach maninoff's "Prelude in C Sharp Minor”, 38 and Schubert's "Ave Maria”, 35. No wonder there are so many earthquakes. It’s Dvorak, Strauss and Schubert turning in their graves. 203 “I Leve You” Songs Incidentally, there are 1,127 copyrighted songs listed under “Serenade”. The simple but most expressive declaration of the tune makers. “/ Love You”, graces the title of 203 songs. '•Day Dreams” isn’t far behind. It appears on ICO compositions. This writer is occasionally asked. which of the two great American folk songs. "Old Folks at Home” (Sicanee River) and “Carry Me Back to Ole Virginity" — probably the two greatest songs ever written in this country—is the better. ■0-4-+ He is unable to answer. Their ap peal seems equally strong. One thing, however, is certain. Stephen Foster is far, far better known to Americans than James A. Bland, who wrote “Carry Me Back.” Yet, Bland is not a one-tune man. He wrote many songs, the moet popular next to his hymn to Virginia being “Oh Dem Golden Slippers.” As an indication of its popularity, it was performed 2,875 times in 1936. Fanciest songwriting name now occupied in fashioning tunes for the movies is Paul Francis Webster. lie wrote the words to the song, "Rain bow on the River". The music was by Louis Alter. Verses Are Rare More and more rare becomes the •ong with a verse. The conccntra Get Money --- Love 1 guarantee to help you get a *Urt hi life No case beyond hope- Slop eorrr ing ! Write me today. Information FREB< j M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sta 1 Jersey City, N. J. j fr PAYS TO LOOP w MAYO'S BAPP’ ijiditt *ud Ohi rir**' » * A Special ' 2422 Lake S ■> DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, (Jlaaa and Varniah We do glaring Mid make window shade* to order Screen, chicken and fence wire It -iltlers Hardware Everything at a low price. ’R92 24 N 94 WE 16" 1937 Plymouth Coupe like new .... $525 1933 Plymouth Ooupe, good rubber, new paint job .$275 1934 Plymouth 4 Door sedan, very good condition.$350 1935 Ford Coach ..... $300 1933 Oldsmobile Coach, very good condition . $275 1531 Willys . S”5 1931 Oak'ard 4 Do^d sedan ....-. $ 0 1930 Plymouth Sedan .. $110 Shames Body Builders 1906 Cunrng Street Be A Booster When util solicitor calls at your home, be sure to show VOI R mt« rest in your LOCA.L PAPER. THE OMAHA GUIDE by giving him or her a newsy item or taking a subscription for 12 months. 6 months. 3 months, or even 1 month When ron BOOST THE GUIDE vou are boos tnff Omaha snd are enabling ns “o give employment to more of onr owt boys and girls. • SOCOMEON BE * BOOSTER" OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 24*8 Grant Street WK i.UT-tSU opus in indigo. With the success of "In th« Shade of the New Apple Tree” as a guidepost, the country seems des tined for a series of re-writings ol old-time ballads. The above song it almost identical in several of iti bars with Egbert Van Alstyne’s "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree." The chief difference is in the tempo The old number was in 3/4 timi while the new one is measured t« j the loping trot of the fox. Already new arrangements are'be ing written of the old tunes, “Bicycle Built for Two” and “The Bowery.” Reports from San Antonio state that Grace Moore broke all of the city's concert records in a recent recital Unquestionably, the waltj song, "One Night of Love,” which featured her movie debut, played a large part in winning great publia i favor for her. “One Night of Love” was a tremendous hit. It was writ ten incidentally by the movie direo tor-songwriter Victor Schertsinger, a.s.c.a.i*., who some years back, with “Marcheta," proved he possessed the knack of melody-making. Paris Favors Our Tunes Most popular American tune m Paris during the past year wras “fa It True What They Say About Dixie?” The French capital depends almost entirely upon American times for its popular music. Other favored airs in Paris in 1®37 were “True Confession,” “Dipsy Doodle,” “Goody Goody,” and “The Lady Is a Tramp.” Wonder how “Dipsy Doodle” sounds in French 1 yew comedy number comio tongs today are few and far be tween—is “Monkeys Is the Craziest. People'’. I CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT Two furnished rooms WE 973$ FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms s'rickly modern for rent $2.00 per week and up. Apartment and houses fot < nt. Call ATlantic 74.95, or Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbster 3678 FOR RENT 4 room modern apt. Private bath, private entrance. Heat and water furnished Call AT 1558 FOR RENT Apartment for rent, newly decora ed and furnihed also an all modern five room furnished house Call WEbtser 3146 Colored young man for Commercial pos’ng Athletic build, good pro-1 Ole necessary Write, giving details [ and snapshot Omaha Guide, Box .398 FOR RENT Largo front room for rent, single i or couple 2423 Maple St. Call WE. 6070. FOR RENT 2-3 room Apts. 2002 No. 25th St. AT 6246. For Rent. Furnished Ant. 2617 Caldwell St. AT 3490 i" YOU CAN H A VIt g11' I N. *1 N* f* fp d*s aJh !l AND A SUCCESS HAND EMBLEM FREE (WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE) PRICE $1.00 INFORMATION FREE. ARABIAN PRODUCTS CO. FOR RENT One furnished room in a modern home at 2826 No. 25th St. Call AT 6988 FOR RENT Apartment for rent 2602 Burdette Street. AT 9460. FOR RENT—Loves Kitchenette Apartments, 2616-18 FatncK, or 2613 Grant st. Call We. 6663. HOUSES FOR RENT 1617 No. 29th St. 2517 C«rby St. 2825 Parker St. Apply at office 1607 Vi Cuming St. 2nd Floor Call JA 5033 or KE 6069 FOR RENT Two kitchenette aprartmeats, mod ern in every respect. Gas, light, and water furnished. Call HA 4153. FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms, 2312 No. 27th Ave., WE 2810. FOR RENT 6 room house for lent. AT 5573 FOR RENT 2 room Apt., 2004 No. 27th St., WE 3738. FOR RENT Dandy big house ,10 room, 2 b iths 4-car garage, nice yard. Hone :nfnme for right paity. Owner, 2414 Ohio. WE 1160. FOR iRENT Furnished Apartment 2522 Wirt. THE IWitiL PRICE YOU MY FOR BEING Check Below And See If You Have Any Of The Signs Quivering nerves can make you old and haggard looking, cranky and hard to live with—can keep you awake nights and rob you of good health, good times and jobs. Don’t let yourself go" like that. Start taking a good, reliable tonic—one made espe eicUly for women. And could you ask for any thing whose benefits have been better proved than world-famous Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? Lot the wholesome herbs and roots of Pinkham’s Compound help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tone up your system, nd help lessen distress from female fune -iorsd disorders. Make a note NOW to get a bottle of Vs ime-proven 1‘inkimv- Compound TO DA If without fnil from your druggist. Over a mil lion women have written in letters reporting wonderful benefits. For the pa9t GO years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has helped grateful women go “smiling• thru” trying ordeals. Why not let it help YOU? . . . LISTEN t~- r-;~ — —• i i-.J. 1938 ELECTRIC EEFEIGERSTOBS "H tshed to a whisper!" That's what you'll say afier listening to the new 1239 Electric Refrigerators. And little wonder! Thoy aro more quiet! Very important, too, they w.ll save you money by using less current! Now. more than ever before, they are Better Values in Better Living. See your dealer today. Thrill to the economy and conven ience of a 1938 Electric Refrigerator. SEE YOUR DEALER Enjoy BETTER LIVING with Cheap Electricity OB.B1.