CHURCH NEWS CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. L. M. Keif, Pastor Edna Pankev, Reporter Easter Sunday was a beautiful day amt a great day at our church. Otrr Sunday school attendance was good. At the 11 a. m. servic we had the pleasure of listen ng to a mess age from Rev. Wilson of Episco pal church of Lincoln, Nebr. The text was found in St. John 20:20. The sermon was enjoyed by all present. Among the visitors pre sent was Rev. O. J. Burckhardt of Lincoln. At 7:80 p. m., our Sunday school and HYPU gave a lovely program. We were glad to have as our mas ter of ceremonies, Mr. Edward Goodwin, honor graduate of Tech high school. Out' three months raly was a great success. The church was di vided up in three groups, senior women, junior women and men’s group. The men brought in the most money. THere will be a banquet given in the near future, Mr, W. Hogan, captain of the men holding the hon or seat. C.omo out and worship with us. Visitors are always welcome. Toot Kidneys contain 9 mlllton tiny tubes nr filters which may be endangered by neg lect or drastic. Irritating drugs. Be careful. Jf functional disorders of the Kidneys or Bladder make you suffer from Getting Dp Nights. Nervousness, Leg Pains, Circles Under, Eyes. Dizziness, Backache. Swollen Joints, Excess Acidilv, or Burning Passages, don t rcte on ordinary medicines Fight such troubles with the doctor's prescrip tion Cyst ex starts working In 3 hours a>'d must prove entirely satisfactory in 1 week, and be exactly the medteine you reed or money bark Is guaranteed. Tele phone yonr druggist for t'vefex (Slss-tex) tndn- The guarantee protects you. Copr. jr*T " he 1 < >. | - ■ - ... . JOE LOUIS, the World's Champion endorses and uses only MURRAYS HAIR POMADE because it is » World's Champion Hair Dressing. It must be good I You try it TODAY 11 THE 0MA1 BUSINESS AND .. DIREC Save time, worry, cor consulting this comple horhood and City Busii RABE’S BUFFET *426 N. 24t.h St J». 91M CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 No 22mi Si WE 0846 STEPHENSON BEAUTY SHOP •087 N. 24th St. At. 5810 CHARLENA I.EWtS BEAUTY SA(.ON 286f> Mapl»* St. IA 6116 ECONOMY TAILOR Ch-s n Simmons, Prop. We Cut, Trim Make Suits to Order Make all ainds of alterations for ladies and Cents. Cleaning and Repairing p f 1918 No. 24th St. American Wiener Shop '609 N. 24th Street. KING Yl/EN CAFE (01 OH N 24th St. Ja 8*7* CHARLIW PLACE 1609 N 24th St. We 4019 For real ('Irani! v and Laundry Service Call DON S jA ii*** 2008 No. 24th St. Rev. D C. Stephenson, Prop. ELITE CIGAR STORE ESI? v ?4t* St Ra 4296 JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N 24tb St Wa. 0998 DCFFY PHARMACY t4th and Lake We. 0609 MORNING STAR BAP. CHURCH Rev. Geo. E. White, Pastor Mrs. W. E. Fredericks, Reporter Sunday school opened at the us ual hour, with a large attendance present, with the superintendent, Mrs. Stromile in charge. A beautiful program was ren dered. A paper, “Easter” was read by Mrs. Mary Williams, the chil dren and adults were given eggs. At 11:30 a. m. Rev. White de livered the message. Subjet“A Risen Christ.” Text Matt. 28:0. At 6 p. m. BYPU opened with a large attendance. The general lesson subject, was ‘Victory Ou1 of Defeat.’ The lesson was taught by the president, Bro. Johnson. At 8:00 p. m. the message was again delivered by Rev. White subject, ‘A Great Commission. Text, Matt. 28:19. Visitors present with us: ministers; Reverends .1. C. Crowder, Braggs, N. C. Cannon and Collins. Others were Mis, Holt, Mrs. Crowder and Mrs. Hopkins and our own Mrs. Parth enia Smith, who has been out of the city. One who we are glad to welcome back in our midst again Bro. Vealand and Deacon Jenkins of the Pleasant Green Baptist church. The Missionary Society is doing a great work under the leadership of the pres, visiting the sick and praying for them and contributing large donations. Visit all our services. Visitors are always welcome at Morning Star. PLEASANT GREEN CHURCH Rev. J. H. Reynolds, Pastor Willa Mae Ross. Reporter Morning service was held at 6:00 a. m. Easter morning. Song by the ehior. Prayer and then another scng. It was told why Easter came sometime in March and sometimes in April. A lovely Easter sermon was preached by the pastor. Sunady school at 10:00 a. m Easter Song service was held for 5 min. Teacher took i h irge of their class for 10 min. Afterwards 'he r.rogram was rendered. There was judges to judge 'he best part in H. program. And that was to be j ,,'ven at the Y.M.C.A. Wednesday ight. Also any part of 'he -service. Come one. Come all. Patronize Our Advertisers -- | Open For Business UNITED CAB CO. 2303 North 24th JA 7171 Prompt, Courteous Service Place our name oil your file ml use the safe way of trails ortation. CHESLEY PIERCE, Prop. JA 7171 1A GUIDE PROFESSIONAL STORY.. fusion and money bj te Directory of Neigh rcess places. HOUSTON’S GROCERY 014 No. 24th St JA 25*; Our Sausage a specialty Free Delivery NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St Wa MK Electrical AprPsnpe# DONAHt-n < HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Farnam St. Ha. 05O< Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4600 A me* Ave. Ke. 081? Gracery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 6444 (.sundries EMERSON LAUNDRY *824 N. 24th St. We. 10» EDHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 N 24th St Wa. 6SM Manement Makers HEFT A NOTES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke I7S> Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1616 N. 24th St We. 47*' REN A KF.RMIT ANDERSON Painting, W.J) Washing and Decorating 28 Year* Experience F>-timate* free Work Guarantees 2X01 .Miami St 2872 Binny St Phene WE 6820 METUOPOLITAN t ill .it .1 Kev. K. W. Johnson, i’astor Mrs. Edna Mitchell, Keporter Early Easter drama at 6:00 a. ni. was a wonderful service. Sunday school opened at 9:00 a. m. wiht a large attendance. Sis Edna Mitchell is superintendent. Wo ask for more new members. A wonderful program was rendered by the children, and all were gben Easter baskets. At 11:30 a. m. the choir opened the service by singintr. The pastor preached a wonderful sermon and his subject was, “The Victorious Christ” St. John 20:17. The spirit was high. There was a large num ber present and many babies were christened. Special service at 3 o’clok. Ser mon by the pastor. Subjet, “Master Builders,” 127 Psalms.The meeting was a wonderful service and was largely attended. BYPU had a wonderful program at 6:00 p. m. Sunday night the drama was repeated and the veil ing of one member on the Deacon ess Board and four on the Healing Board. Pastor’s Aid meeting on Tues day. Service Wednesday night preach ing and prophesying. Friday afternoon Missionary Society meets Sister Milton pres. We always welcome our friend* and visitors. INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH Elder W. I. Irving, Pastor Mrs. P. V. Avant, Reporter The Church that stands for the vanity of Gods People as a stand aid of Christian Fellowship. Sun day school was very well attend ed. We had the Easter Progrm in connection with the regular morn ing service which was arranged by Miss Maxscene Perkin and Mrs. Owen Donald Gorum was master of Ceremonies. After the program the mothers of the children were oiled upon who made very incour Hging remarks concerning Beth 1. Th sick of the chu h is report ed Brn. \V. P. Wade and is still confined *o his bed and is in very bad condition. At 7:30, tthe Sunday school pupils rendered a leautiful Eas ter program. We \vi-h to express our appieciatii n to Mr.-. J. I). Thornton an 1 Mrs. A. Bn I no t fo •heir faithful service in preparing ‘he children for the program. Remember our prayer and class '»ach Wednesday of the •week. ■ " —— 0 "■ 1 ■- — «l?CONl) BA!'MS I CHURCH < larh’da, Iow a Rev. 1). Nicholson, Pastor Sunday school opened ut the us " i hour with a large attendance, tl! seemed to have 'he Easier spi it. Rev. Reagan of Omaha, taught the lesson. Morning service was in high. The pastor* brought forth a won derful sermon full of fire. Evening service, the Sunday s< hool had a wonderful program. We are proud of our young people. Wo were pleased to have as vi s:tors all day, Rev. J. L. Reagan, of Omaha; Deacon Charles A. Simms and wife of Waterloo, la. Sunday April 24, we will have a ■pecial program. Rev. C. Adams of Omaha, Nebr., will be the guest peaker. Come one and all and njoy the day at the Second Bsip ist church. -o--— ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. M. K. Curry. Pastor Sunday was a high do*' «t /ton. •Caster services were held bv dif ferent departments of the church. At 9:30, the Sunday school pre sented an interesting Easter pro gram. Baptising followed immed ately after the program. At 11 o’clock, the Senior, Inwer •<1 and Junior choirs combined fur ished the music for the morning services. The pastor preached a cry inspiring sermon. He "elected his text, from Matt, 28:6. The bouse ■as packed to its capacity. There "•ere fifteen added to our mem ’ "rship, ten of whom were for baptism. Baptising wi>! take place again next Sunday morning after ®unday school. BYPU opened at 6:30 with the r> esident, Miss Ora Lee Britt in "barge. After the study of the '">-son, a beautiful and touching Tableau Easter pageant was pre ■“"ted, directed by Mrs. M. K. Curry. It was highly appreciated. A t 8 o’clock, the combined choirs "-no’ and the pastor preached a "hort sermon, taking his text f om ♦ he 27th Psalms. ','1 e first Sunday in May w'H --'• the clog;ng of our $6,000 ' •: and don’t forget we are cel • • •"♦'ng the 50th Anniversary of "• • • hur"h and many interest !n» ■ 4- will be promoted fr^m now ’’ he close of the celebra'ion. " ’ ->"b1i<> if! c""')'a’lv invited to • "t nnd be with us dur ng this m; gn and celebration. PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. G. K. Stevenson, Pastor Mrs. M. L. Dixon. Reporter Faster and eggs brought an un usually Large group of children nut Sunday morning. Everyone in the school, children and adults re ceived an egg. At 11:30 the pastor took his tixt from the 25th chapter of John. “I am the ressurection and life.” Subject, "Jesus, the Self Existing Christ.” Anything that can exist itself don't need any help or (assistance. Jesus don’t . need us but we need Him. He spoke of Easter as being the queen of all the Sabbaths, and how it took His birth, His life, His death and resurrection to make life complete. There .were \so many visitors, all had to be acknowledg I ed and welcomed at one time. We are glad to have you visit Pilgrim. Come again. There was one to unite with the church. The Sunday school Easter program was at 3 o’clock. This program was enjoyed by a very large and appreciative audience. The discussion in BYPU was quite interesting. All the groups sang an Easter number together. Prayer services each evening. This week, preparatory to the re vival beginning Monday. the 25th. Rev. J. H.Patten, Dcs Moines Iowa will speak during the revival. Mr. Frank Osborne, gospel linger from Bryan, Texas for the scr vices Sunday and will also assist with the revival by singing gospel songs. Don’t miss the opportunity of hearing him. UNITED SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH R. Rice I eader J. O. Watson. Repor'e.' Subject, found in (- '*• 6:10 and text, ''OpportunityAs we have therefore opportunity, let us do L ood unto all men, especially unt > 'hem who are of the household of faith. And this text will be preached bv Elder ,1. Burden, th'- lo’ul pas'or, Saturday morning April 23. Come one and all. You are invit" 1. Sabbath school opened at 9:30 ,a. m. every Saturdf y morning. Come out and study the holy words of our I.urd and Savior, Jesus Christ.Service every Saturday morning and Missionary nee'ing Saturday evening at 3:30 p. ;n. and prayer meeting every Wednes day evening from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. and everyone is cordially in vited to attend these meetings. MT. NERO BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. G. Gates, Pastor Helen Bradshaw, Reporter The Sunday school was opened at the usual time with the super inton 'ent in charge. The Sunday s-bool lessoin was, “The Victorious S' >vhn” (Easter). General Lesson tnxt.s, Acts 2:21-36. The Golden Text was, “This Jesus hath G >d raised un, whereof we all are wi - r euses,’* found in Acts 2:32. The morn'ng services were trulv full of the Easter spiri'. We were honored to have Rev. C. L. Union f Pleasant Green, deliver our Easter sermon. His subject was, "Whv Seek Ye the Living Among the Lead?” The sermon was truly spiritual food for 'he soul. The Easter ‘Pirit was felt throughout tbn whole day. The BYPU' was very interesting. 'V 'her Bradshaw taught a very i» "trii' tive lesson. The subject was “Victory Out of Defeat ” Les sen text, Mark 5:10-43. All are invited to come an dte with us in our BYPU. Our Easter program was very interesting and full of the Easter spirit. Mt. Nebo’s doors stand open at all times for visitors. This Week In Thought and Religion By Robert L. Moody Civic Welfare Recently the editor had the editor had the honor and privilege to attend a very inspiring meet ing of Negro men. This group seems to be anxious to personify l’’p ideal: “Where there is unity, there is strength.” A s a grace, we have been the i victims of a “divide 'em, rule 'em” policy. We have made many efforts to rid ourselves of this influence Now. in Omaha, there seems to be an “awakening” and a desire for civic unity and solidarity. We hav • several organizations such as th Negro Chamber of Commerce Omaha Branch of the National Negro Congress, NAACP and th'1 4-C Club. The 4-C Club seems t > bo an original and local enterpvis" and many of our men are pled" ig themselves to the principles of this organiza'ion. So many movements nave negu i in Omaha (Religious and Civic) until the avei-age layman is pe<«i mistid c.g. doubtful as to our motives and success. But fellow citizens, let us look away from “the cross to the glittering ero'"n ” We ask of you leaders of thes « new movements: Be true—be of good couragp, “like men *>•« strong.” If this is done, ther laymen sknll stand by vou to *'• end and ever march forward •• otovjous future in our commuo t life. ^hoe PHHp or Shame . Shoes look new again ••Sth our new invisible half soling T^lrn Cl’no dnevjep 3-J07 .LAKF ST Toothsome Education ... A Child Health Day Feature On How New York School* Are Teaching Dental Hygiene This unenthusiastlc young lady typifies thousands of New Yor* i school children who visit Guggen heim dental clinic regularly for les* sons in oral hygiene and practical instructions in correct care of the teeth. Objecting at first, they soon find careful attention to the teeth obviates painful dental sessions in the future. .ii i pi»h nmn i Each youngster's toothbrush ti kept in a sterilized rack container at Guggenheim clinic, to be used regularly for "drill” purposes. These students are goint, through their "daily dental dozen” with vim and vigor. Off stride, they're being shown the correct brushing movement un der supervision of a graduate den tist and nurse. Rubber aprons pro mpt rlnthing.* Robbin’s Pharmac) L’.tOfi No. 2till SI. « I. 171 Open wide! Youngsters with teett In bad need of cleaning first under' go a thorough dental scouring, thei move to the brushing room when they are taught to keep them spot less. On the first vtsi. to the clinic. thJ child’s teeth receive a thorough ex-* ion Cavities are filled and, as a last report, bud teeth extracted. The little patient may decide wheth er the anesthetic be local or gen eral. This child is taking gas ARE YOU ONLY A. THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN, tjecause they are men,cam never understand a three quarter wife—a wife w ho Is all lev# and kuidneaa three weeks In • month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your hack aclif-w —how your nerves scream—dou t take it out on your husband. For three general inns one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It belpa Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: I. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood 3. Ap proaching "middle age " Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDfA E PINKHAMS VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go "Smiling Through." TRUSSES SUPPORTERS| ELASTIC HOSIERY ABLOMINAL BELTS EXPERT FITTERS SEILER Surgical Co. MED ARTS BLDO. .. Ill Socth 17th St. Omaha ANNOUNCEMENT ; .Wm. 1