The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 23, 1938, Image 3

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I ~
• Offer These Bargains and
1936 Plymouth deluxe sedan. A
clean car throughout, with ex- •
cetlent tires and finish. Motor
has bee® completely reeondi- ,
tinned in our shops.
Specially priced at _ $44!> ■
1936 Plymouth de luxe coupe
Beautiful black finish; motor
perfect; heavy duty tires. A
real buy at. $435
1983 Plymouth de luxe sedan of
the P. T). 112-inch wheelebase
series. This car has been com
pletely checked and is the BUST
of condition. Will give comfort
able, carefree winter driving
Priced at $269
*35 Plymouth coach $345
334 Plymouth deluxe sedan $32$
334 Plymouth coupe $310
'38 Plymouth sedrn $226
*32 Plymouth sedan $1T5
3 Day Driving Guarantee
v "m
Andrew Murphy
And Son
■ Lots: 15th aaid JaeknOn
20th anil St. Mary s
• AT 4411 AT 4414
I'll ■ ^#i
Asthma Cause
Fought in 3 Minutes
By dissolving and removing mucus 0
phlegm that causes strangling, choking,
Asthma attacks, the doctor s prescription
Mendaeo removes the cause of your agony.
No smokes, no dopes, no Injections. Ab
solutely tasteless. Starts work in 3 minutes
Sleet) soundly tonight. Soon feel well, yea?
Tounger, stronger, and eat anything. Gua.
"anteec completely satisfactory or mon
back. If vour druggist Is out ask him ta
order Mendaeo for you. Don't' sutler another
day. The guarantee protects you.
Johnson Drug Co.
Liquors, Wines and Beer
W E (1998 i904. N®. 24lh St
• 1208- 4—6 North 24 h St.
Pht ne WE 4137
1 Poultry and Egg Dealers
Oui prices are reasonsable.
see us first.
-- I
James Elders, who lives at 2213
North Twenty-fifth street and is a
1VPA worker, was dismissed I
police court Monday morning. He
was charged with keeping a dis
orderly house at 1701 North Twen
ty-fourth street in the rear of a
barber shop. Attorney John Adams
had the case. I
\V. M. Miller 1101 South Elev
enth street, was given five days in
jail for keeping an ill-governe 1
house. Mary Smith and I^eona
Davis, inmates, Q»ere dismissed.
Mattie Hall and Marie Tarcie in
mates of 1107 South Fourteenth
'.treet, were fined five dollars and
costs and the fines suspended; i
Freda Steward, of 1109 South'
Fourteenth street was charged
with keeping an ill-governed house
and fined one dollar and costs.1
Elisabeth Bass and Jessie Davis
were booked as inmates and the
case dismissed.
■ Jl Inn 9) fHilN ■ I J| !l
Revives you
when you
need refresh
. Good
r you
ibsmmibw. I
111 irii-i ■ ■—. ... —
WEbster 3043
(Mean up that front room. We specialise in making old j
houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for esti »
mation on work. No job too small or too large.
Ten trained decorating mechanic*. Our Motto—Service !
First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858.
Peoples Paint and Papering Shop !
refreshing reiiof.. ■ that good feeling
when you get the benefit
cf CLACK-DRAUGHT fer Ccnr: potion
IT is better for you if vour bodv keeps working as nature intended.
Food wastes after digestion should be eliminated every day. When
■you need a laxative, take Black-Draught for prompt, refreshing relief,
li is purely vegetable, made from plants widely used and scientifically
approved for their g°od laxative qualities.
Black-Draught is a truly good laxative which benefits the lower
part ol the digestive system. Many persons have found that in long
standing cases 01 constipation it was not i
necessary for them to increase the size |
or frequency of the dose of Bla
Draught in order to secure full evac'
tion. And many have found that bj
slight change in the diet, and an incre “ ,
in the consumption of liquids, the d
of Black-Draught may be reduced u
it is no longer necessary except for t< i
porary upsets. This proves that Bla
Draught is not habit-forming.
/ Be sure you get
U ‘ purely
i Remember that Black
I' Draught is made to per
■ form the real duties of
■ a laxative. It is made
I to give you refreshing
^ relief from constipation.
It is not only thoroughly
effective, but it is eco
notnical as well. When you buy BlacK-uraugnt.
you pay for what you really want — and that is
dependable, easy relief from constipation.
Sold in 25-cent packages
Easter Visitor in
Omaha Easter Sunday
Miss Panona Banks of Lincoln,
Nebr., was the house guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Toby James, over the
week end. Miss Banks accompan
ied by Mrs. Billie Craw-ford, visited
the Guide plant.
John (Cumpie) Williams, the
Beck boys, Buddy Garner and se'"-.
eral others from Lincoln were in
the city for the Easter parade.
They were seen frequently around
Mortician I>ewis' home
Miss Creel, of Lincoln was the
house guest of her cousin, Miss
Lynelle Perry, 2624 Charles street.
Many social affairs were given in
her honor. Miss Creel is very pop
ular among the young social set
of Lincoln and Omaha.
Sioux City, Iowa was highly re
presented her for the Easter par
ade. Miss Mable Ix»ngmiix> 'wa
seen on the stroll with a flock cf
Sioux City debutantes.
Australia Lets Down
Barriers to Immigrants
Canberra. — The depression has
been sufficiently overcome in Aus
tralia to permit lowering of barriers
that were raised original’/ to pre
vent too great an influx of alien
Job seekers.
According to official sources both
economic conditions and employ
nent on the island are normal.
With the lowering of the temporary
barriers that had been raised, all
aliens who desire to enter the island |
for permanent residence will be per
mitted to do so when the necessary
prrmit is obtained.
Under the classifications govern
ing the latter, preference will be ac
corded dependent relatives of per
sons already residing in Australia
subject to a satisfactory gqarantee
of waintenance from the latter; oth-1
er aliens nominated and guaranteed
by persons in Australia and who j
have assured work or $250 landing
money; aliens without guarantors in I
Australia who will engage in trades
and occupations and who have $1,* j
, 030 landing money.
FEW husbands can understand
why a wife should turn from a
pleasant companion into a shrew
for one whole week in every mouth.
You can say “I'm sorry" and
kiss and make up easier before
marriage than after. Re Wise. If you
want to hold your husband, you
won't be a three-quarter w ife.
For three generations one woman
has told another how to go "smil
1 lng through" with I.ydia E Piidf
ham'S Vegetable Compound. It
helps Nature tone up the s>m* ie,
thus lessening the discomforts iron,
the functional disorders which
women must endure in the three
ordeals of life: 1. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre
paring for motherhood. 3. Ap
proaching "middle age."
Don't be a three-quarter wife,
Go "Smiling Through."
North 24 th Street
1»U7 No 24th Si. W lb 424*'
Have your old shoes made to
look and wear like new.
Our invisible resoling is ji st
what you need to keep your
feet nice and warm,
j Men’s and Womer s scioes
left over for sale.
When you want
quick services
At. 3322 |
The Brotherhood of
Sleeping Car Porters
by Russell E. Reese
Friday night, April 15, the Oma-1
ha division of the Brotherhood of,
Sleeping Car Porter held their re-1
gular meeting at the Urban Lea
gue buiilding at which time the
ballots from our election were
counted. With brothers “Buck ’
Harris and Thomas acting as tell
ers, assisted by C. Justus the fol
lowing were elected; Bro S. Tow
les was again elected for presid
ent by over a 50 per cent major
ity, and Ned Moore polled a large
vote placing him in the office of!
Vice-president. Bro TVaylor Mur
rel was returned as secy-trcasurer
by unanimous vote there being no
opposition for this office—and also
was elected as the delegate. The
trustees elected were C. Kirtly,
Russell E. Reese, L. L. McVay, P.
E. Anderson, and Henry Beasley
Rusell Reese was again appointed
the reporter. A speech was made
by Bro Towles of acceptance and
urged a better attendance at the
meetings and outlined an educa
tional program that will begin a*
once.. Bro Ned Moore vice-president
elect, voiced his appreciation of
of being elected and offered his
unfailing support to the president
and the division. Bro. Murrell now
has the official part of imputing
your time and hours. All brothers
in doubt of pay checks are urged
to contact him, as this will be the
only way you can gain access to
this chart. All grievances, regard
less how small you may deem
them, must be brought before the
committee beJVm? you approach
your local office. It is important
each brother attend each meeting
if possible and learn why It is very,
important now that you pay your
dues. We extend our sympathy to\
Bro. Davidson in the passing of(
his wife.
Washington, April 23— Presid I
ent Roose'elt conferred for twenty
minutes on 'he morning of April
12 with a delegatio of colored cit-1
izens which called to see him to
refiister the disappointment of
colored people over the side-'rack
ing of the Gavagan- Wagner- Van
Nuys anti-lynching bill and the
silence of the White House during
the six weeks’ filibuster against
the legislation.
Mr. Roosevelt talked frankly
with the fcommittee, whi« h wn
headed by Walter White, NAACP
secretary, and expressed the opin
ion that colored people n.nd then
friends interested in such a legis
lator should continue to fight for
it. ’
The President listened att nti'e
ly to ‘he statement of the committ
ee. It was the consensus of opinion
of the delegation, following the in
terview, tha.t the Presidet favors
•r federal anti-lynching bill and
has favored the same from the
beginning. Mr .Roosevelt told the
committee members that he had
1 refrained from speaking out on
the bill during its debate in- the
I senatte lecause he did rot beleive
1 it would help the cause.
I The long filibuster against the
bill and the implications involved
in. it. especially the polit cal im
I plications, were discussed by the
I group.
In adition to Secretary White
I the delegation included Dr. Char
j lotte Hawkins Brwn, president ot
| the Palmer Memorial Institute
| Sednlio, N. C .; Miss Frances Will
| isms, of the National Board of the
YWCA, Neww York; Carl Murphy
editor of the Baltimore Afro
American; Dr. George F. Haynes
of the Ra.ce Relation Committ»<
of the Fe'er'd Council -f Church
, es; and A. Philip Randolph, pVes
ident of the Brotherhood of Sleen
’ ing 'Car Porters and of the Nat
ional Negro 'Congress.
Smith Brothers
Rugr and Clothes
2934 No ?4»h St. HA 080
Free Deliverer and Pick Up
Pillsbury Hour
24 lb. Sask . . 8oc
48 lb. Sack 81.75
■ K. C. Paking Pwd.
Small can - 9c
Large con .... 23c
Pancake Flour
Per Box.12c
3 Vi lb Bag ... 29c
Roberts Milk
Pnart^ .ie
l4.Pt. Cream .1
Evaporated Milk
24th & I>ake FREE DELIVERY
, Moscow, U. S. S. R., April 23 (By
j ( hatwood Hall for ANP)—-Histor
ical material here discloses tha
I the Puskin clan, which stretches
back many generations in Jtus
sian life, played a leading role in
establishing the Romanov dynasty
of autocrats on the Russian throne.
At the same time there wore Ne
groes present in the tsar’s palace
during the very last days of the
last of the Romanov autocrats,
Nicholas II, in 1917.
Tho "Act of Election’’ which
placed the first Romanov tsar on
the throne was signed by five of
tho Pushkin clan. This same clan
was always close to the princes
and tsars of Muscovy, and the
"Pedigree Book” of Ivan, the Ter
rible, one of the ,bIodiest, most
cruel and autocratic of tsars, had
a Puskin name in it.
It is one of the ironies of history
that another Pushkin of a differ
ent stamp at a later day ws an in
veterate and bitter enemy of these
samo Romanov tsars. Indeed, it
was one of the Romanov line, Nich
olas First, who played an import
ant role in bringing ahout the fa
tal duel which ended the 1'fe of
Alexander Pushkin.
The last of the Romanoy line of
absolutist autocrats was Nicholas
II, a nit-wit, superstitious and fan
atically religious tyrant. His last *
days in one of the numerous pal
aces were spent in the huge Alex-,
androvsky palace in Tsarkoe Relo,
then Tsar’s Village, now Children’s
Village, where Pushkin attended
school in the Lyseunv 1
When Soviet pleniopentaries ar
rived there, according to historical
material of the revolutionary days
of 1917-18 entitled "The I^st
Days of Romanovs," they found in
the palace with the tsar, in addi
tion to numerous other lackeys and j
functionaries, “Court Negroes in
crimson velvet coats embroidered (
in gold, w ith turbans and sharp
pointed cur'ed shoes.’’
__ A______
New York, April 23— A record,
of the actions of each senator on ■
anti-lynching legislation beginning
with the sprig of 1936 when the
Costigan-Wagner hill (tame up
for a vote, and ending with the!
vote on February 21, 1938 when|
the Wagner-Van Nuys bill was
side-tracked, is being released by,
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored T’oopl'\ I
The association has compiled |
the attitude of each senator,
whether in favor of the anti-lynch-,
ing legislation or against, or neu
tral. on all vot-s beginning with
April 26, 1935, to the presert time j
The information is available for,
a.ll branches of the NAACP and f
others who want ♦<> che-k up on
the activities of their senators;
with respects to th;s i articular,
Men Have Defin‘d'
Preferene For Gi^’s
With Attractive Skin
A lovely skin is one of the first
■ tilings that attracts a man to a
gftl. This was proved convi-cinglv
in a recent survey made by dune
Wathers, well kown V-o-ui y expert
foe th- makers of Nadinola Bleach
irg Cream. .
“Eight out of ten men seal that
they were first attracted to n g'rl
by her beautiful skin,” Miss Wa
thets said. And she went on to
sav that, her interviews w th men
revealed that skin care was an m
partant fetor in keeping and hold
. ing n girl’s popularity.
“This is further paved by tne
correspondece we receive, said
. Miss Wathers. “Eve-y year the
1 makers of Nadinola Bleaching
Cream gets thou -ids o" let’erf
from g'r’s Mlirg hov Nadinola
has helped them win romance and
I happiness. Married women write
us to say that they thank Nadin
ola Bleaching Cream for helping
♦hem keep their husband’s affec
tion over a long period of years.
Nadinola Bleaching Cream is a
favorite with dark skinned rates
all over the world. It is not only
sold in most good drug stores in
this country, hut can be purchased
in many foreign countries.
———o— —
quack club
The Quack club held it- Eighth
Ann’ l '-tHo Uev'c and Dance at
the l * - .indued I’" bo m. Airil IK.
The scenes tl»it were shown
, were lingerie, active sports sports,
stii od evening and formal.
Tee highlight of the program
, was the bridal scene. The bride
whose name was conceded unto
i the procession was Miss Mercedes
Ferguson, who was lovely as the
I I ,-Hlo and William < hapman made
j a handsome bridegroom.
Very lovedy models displayed
t the latest in fashion which looked
like Esquire come to life. Promin
j ent beauty ,salons provided the
latest in head dress. The girls pro
I n inated the entire length of the
hall across the stage, which was
i beautifully decorated, and back.
A lovely three-piece maroon en
I semble, a three-piece green and
hiown, a white satin evening gown
with a sesqurence on the right
i shoulder, a floor length drape on
the left shoulder with tight fit
ting bodice, a light berge suit
trimmed in brown fur was finger
tin length, dashing riding habits,
! were displayed. Most lovely wa.s a
rainbow formal, with a full skirt.
The latest in three-piece suits
were displayed. The contrasting
, jackets made a startling note.
Tho club models were: Ruth
MeRowen, Julia Williams, Ollie
I edd, Teresa James, Ann Mary
: Kennedy, Daisy Gaiter, Will Crock
er. Joe Bell, Olivia. Schobe, Lillian
Horsey, Essie Porter, Jewell Lott,
Clementine Shaw. Catherine Gov
•in, lone Jones, Willa May Butler,
I'ella Brewer. Hazel Mitler, Doris
J hnson and Christine Brown.
Trojan club: Margaret Curry,
Etre Nous: Eva Mae Stewart.
Dames: Celestine Smith.
Smart Set: Juanita Cole,
lone Jones, President,
i Willa Jakes Reporter.
North Side Beauty School
2204 Ohio St. Changed to Expert Beauty
Shop. Given Experi Service of all kind.
Miss Vessie Wentson and Mrs. Madeline
Brown Harold are the Operators^They
will appreciate their friends Patronage.
Under New' M anagement
Formally A. A. Yosseem
2012 North 24th S*. Phone WE 1073 :
Use Alamito Products
Free Delivery
Two furnished rooms WE 37HP
Neatly furnished rooms stricklj .
modern for rent $2.00 per week |
and up. Apartment and houses f«v
rrnt. Call ATlantic 7435, o
Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbater 3678
4 room modern apt. Private bath,
private entrance. Heat and watei
furnished Call AT 1558
Apartment for rent, newly decora
ted and furnlhed also an all
modern five room furnished
house Call WEbtser 3146
Colored young man for Commercial
pos'ng Athletic build, good pro
file necessary Write, giv ing details
and snapshot- Omaha Guide, Box
large front room for rent. single
or couple 2423 Maple St. Call WE
£-3 room Apts. 2902 N'o. 25th S .
AT 5246.
For Rent. Film shed A i. 951?
Caldwell St. AT 3499
Rooms, furnished and unf rnishe 1
2212 Himle tc. ,!A 2549.
3 room furnished a pa tment. pt
vate hath. HA 0085.
Apartment, 3115 Corby St. HA
One furnished room in a modern
home at 2826 No. 26th St Call
AT 6088
Apartment for rent 2602 BurdettA
Street. AT 0460.
FOR RENT—Lovee KitchenettA
ipartniKiita, 2618-18 Fatnca. or
2813 Grant st. Call We. 5663.
A conbination living room and b*<j!
room. 2312 No 27th Ave. WK 8 0
1617 No. 29ll» St.
2517 Corby St.
2825 Parker St.
Apply at el lice
1601'a 1 u in my at. 2nd Floor
t all J V jo33 nr KK 6069
i'wo kitcnoneile ap,> aiimentB, nmd
ei ii in eve. y re. pett. lias, lignt,
nu w«.#r luiuiafted. Civil HA 4io3,
2 furnished rooms, 2312 No. 27tlt
Ave,, Wll 2810.
6 room house for lent. AT 55 76
2 room Apt., 2004 No. 27th St.,
WE 3738.
Dandy big house ,10 room, 2 baths
4-car garage, nice yard. Honi<
income for right paity. Owner,
2414 Ohio. WE 1160.
Reconditioned Goodwill Used Cars
They re Spo le^a—Trouble Free Sound as a Dollar
Was Now
19)10 Chevrolet Sediui ..- — $75 $4->
19)12 Chevrolet Coach, new tires ... $175 $135
19)14 Pontine Sedan ...-.-.. $295 $270
19)16 Plymouth Sedan, trunk .... $495 $44.>
1936 Dodge IX L. 4 -door Sedan, trunk. $'85 $495
19)17 Ford “85" Touring Sedan .. $545 $495
1937 Dodge Sedan, rad ft ..........-........—. $685 $595
rn (>«.- Tent R"f"~d Tc'’ S'a*i f:ed i" 2 Davs
T rp-nn^t'Vp mv th-neh I were fjning ♦ <
drive them imself S’ltnedDAfE MCKINNON. President
Vnur Pon4'"/
2215 HARNEY-\\E. 41*1
Mcnth'End April Clicrcrxe
Steinway! Chickering! VoselKnnbe! Emerson! Steser!
Hardman and other popula r makes included in this sale.
Take Your Choice of the Bargains
Iuprights m
Reduced to as little as I
. Buy NOW! Prices Haven SLASHED!
Grands *145
Reduced to as little as
Pay As Little As 50c Per Week.
Pnmfi In Tommnrow. DON’T WAIT?
1(1«-IS DODGE ST. tth and Broadway, Council Bluff!
— - —_____