feLD YOU i 0 HAVE t ml KETHISj) l WEE LUCK BAGI 50c Algerian Majo Luck Bag and tamplet Hair Dretting, Powder, Ointment Free. Send 10c to •over nailing coit. tOLDEN BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Pept. G 2 Memphit, Term. A ‘•hingtriii April Hi ((') -The WV-hinglon Tribune carried two ftiH page lids, last week, rne f mu Gunther’s beer and one from The National Department store. Count Basie Holds Omahans Spellbound What is swing? The French call it “Le Jazz Hot." the BrPt’sh call it “Mah-velous-^h? The young folks danc it, the air waves carry it and, oh boy it is a cinch that fount Basie plays it. Sunday night and into the wee hours oi Monday morning, Count Basie, the man of fascinating swing rhthm .and history making swing ban dably assisted by the talented Jmm* s Rushing at the mike, hel dover 400 music loving Omahans spell bound watching those purveyors of broken notes, led on by fhat red hot drummer, Joe Jones, whom many in author ity claims can play more than Krupa, one of the sepia boys with Rennie Goodman. Using the same technic as re nown “Duke," the “fount” directs his fascinating rhythm band from the piano. While the well groomed and handsomely teg ed aggregation of aitist.s made the lieautifully de ciyated ballroom, known as the “Dreamland." racers shake with red hot and blue dance tunes, time lifter time a so Pie am ora man, one of our own, in the person of Willie Hall, snapped the gleeful crowd and the big 18-pie-e swing band. Prior to the p’aying of the BggfpjjP f\ Goodrich 1 | Silvertown I f| With Life-Saver Tread | Um . . „ tire with the greatest nm Here» a tire wi f,eted_a I |n Skid-Protec .on ®ver ukor__ I II tire that wU> »'°P Y°da _ than I 1| on wet »\ipP*rY r°Q**fore. And I II You ve ®vsr g°ivcrtowns are the I M don't forgot S Golden I 51 only tire. dan- I PlYrot°aPh,gh Ipeod blow out*. I %PI protection Against I "TlJ SUids end Blow-Outs \ NO FXTR4 COST Mony tire* cost more but NO TIRE ... at any price can give ycu thi* two-way protection against skids and biow-auts. I SEAT COVERS C.uss up your car At Low At lot spring driving. Give its interior nsw beauty—new clean liness with a set ol smartly tailored Goodrich Covers. Coupe Site S I FOG LIGHTS I Make Night Driving Safer »229 A low coot effective driving light with convex amber colored lone. Hae eelentiiic locue ior maxi mum illumination and penetration oi tog. eleet and rain. An outstanding value at this low price. BATTERIES I Ai Low At *4« and your Old battery Replace winter-worn batteries NOW and avoid trouble c id delay. Every battery in stock is fully charged — ready to put in your car — ready to give you lew co.it, dependable serv ice. Every battery guaranteed. 1938 MOTOROLA AUTO RADIOS Brand now 1938 mod- tA AOC ols — oomo available H J J with Push-Button Net- J . work Tuning and ta- Ml %r moui Acoustinator. _ ... So. thorn today. A* Illu*,ra,»d QUA 1.1 20th and Douglas °pen ^'denr'*“ ^ Street Downtown Store Sundays v‘oiuh Omaha Galloway Wreck ’Cm Shames Fix ’Em _ _ . .. jSHAMES BODY & RMJIATORCO. Patronize Our Advertisers “My skin was dafk, coarse, oily! How I envied girls with lovely complexion*. I wasted months trying this and that. Finally I learned about Nadinola Bleaching Cream. I used it every night just as your directions stated. It waa so. so easy! For while I slept Nadinola did ita wonderful work. Soon my skin became notice ably whiter and softer, and smoother, too, until I really have today a glorious complexion that has brought me friends and popularity!" You Can't Lose! Money Bach Guarantee Every cent you pay for Nadinola is refunded if you’re not fully satisfied. Simply smooth this fragrant cream on every night. No rub bing, no massaging. While you sleep the posi tive bleaching action of Nadinola refines, sof tens and whitens your skin. Soon you’ll see a marvelous improvement. Get Nadinola today. At all drug stores, 50c, large money-saving size $1 Be sure you get genuine Nadinola! Don't trust your loveliness to any unknown substitute. If your druggist doesn’t have Nadinola, send us the money and we will mail it postpaid, with free book of beauty secrets. Address Nadinola, Dept. 33, Paris, Term. m theme song, which all were sorry | to hear, because it meant the end f the evenings superb swing mu- ; si.', Mr. Jimmie Jewe l, the p >pu- ' lar dance promoter of Omaha, had announced the coming of Andy j Kirk, another real band. All Oma- ; ha is in high praise of Mr. Jewell ; for bringing such outstanding bands to Omaha. -o i .* * Greetings To All For A I>pendab!>e Used Car—Call MAX WILEY AT 7106 2026 Farnarn Determination Vs Ability On the morning of October 17, 1936, about the break of dawn, to be exact 6:05 a. m., Mr. ( . C. Galloway, while enrout to Iowa City for the Homecoming game, a pilgrimage he had made each year since the death of his son, LeDrue Galloway, who was a star member of the Iowa university football team of 1924-25, was serious^' in jured in an automobile wreck, suf fering five broken ribs, the dis locaticn of both knees, a cbsed left eye, torn forehead, and a lac (f'-ated scalp V.hich Veqiired 12 stitches to close, resulting in his spending three months and 20 days in the hospital at Atlant’c, lows and at home. However despite this narrow escape from being killed in a wreck that left the car in the ? condition which may be seen in i tho ab ve picture, taken by ■" Shames Body and Radiator Co., \ 1P0<5 Cuming street, who guaran- , ■ s hat if you wreck 'em, they « ’v i f‘\- ‘om. Mr. Galloway is de- | termined to make the trip to Chi- i cago, where he had planned to go 1 following the witnessing of the | game at Iowa City, for a confer- •, ence with Congressman Mitchell J and Editor Abbott of the Ch'cag > Defender. Out of this wreck comes the car which he may be seen driv ing about the streets of Omaha, j So all car owners be smart and do as Mr. Galloway did, when you i wreck 'em turn what is left over 1 to Shames Body'and Radiator Co. j1 for they will surely fix ‘cm. ■\ t—mj urn "ir »t— ■.V.V.V.V.’AV.VV.'.V.VAV/AV.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.V.WV You wreck ’em We fix ’em! Shames Body Builders 1906 CUMING STREET Everything ne w for your Car from top to tire s At the right prices PAINTING-YES THE OVEN BAKED FACTORY WAY Tow in Service Any Time Day or Night CALL AT 4556 AFTER HOURS WE 1253 W.W.W.'AV.V.V.'.ViW.V.VAV.V.VAW.V.V.V.WA . ■ imw¥t-‘ — ■■ ■■ ntpf 1 1 v1 jjnmmmMm——■ FRIGIDAIRE M meter-miser Brings greatest savings ever known on liirrent...K)ocl...Ice...Upkeep 0 0 09 I or you m&y nof zf erf// a. SAVE MORE ©tf CUSSZ£7 2 SAVE MORE OK rOCJ> 3. SAVE MOPE ON ISE A SAVE MORE OK UPKEEP B k ij • No refrigerator buyer should miss our gi’.a Spring jj> ' Showing of the most attractive, usable and money-saving C Frigidaires ever built! They give you PROOF of amaz ingly greater savings on current... food ... ice.. upkeep. R And they reveal why you must save in all 4 of these ways or you may not save at all. * This is because some refrigerator; may save pennies » in one two, or even three ways . . . only to waste dollars ■< a fourth way. Sc, to avoid “hidden extravagances”, de | mand PROOF of 4-WAY SAVINGS. Trigidaire with the It New Silent Meter Miser gives you this proof. Also NEW 21 “Double-Easy” Qviclcnbe Trays ... NEW Moisture-Seal Hydrators...NEWLY-STYl ED v 9-Way Adjustable Interior PRICES AS LOW AS and scores of other exclusive q p* advantages. Simplify your ^ 1 *9 O buying problem . . . see J >. Frigidaire first ... be safe and save! EASY TERMS see oim 4-WAY SAVING demo titration ..—,r,-__ f Extra Special Value Brand New 1933 : [FRIGIDAIREi Master Model Sliding Shelves '] f Electric Lighted• '-rj For (4495 I An Terms As Low As a month Generous Allowance For Your Old Ice Box ’ r~~ Starts You! 1 Join Mickel's , Club 1_