CHURCH NEWS METROPOLITAN CHl’RCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor Mrs. Edna Mitchell, Peporter Sunday school opened at 9:30 o'clock with a large attendance. Sister Edna Mitchell is superin tendent. We are asking for more new members to join our Sunday school. At 11:30 the choir opened the service by singing. The pastor preached a wonderful sermon. Sub ject, “Christ the Conquering King.” Text, St. John, 12:12, 13 .The spirit ran high. There was a large at tendance. BYPU was called to order at 6 o’clock by the president, Bro. Fred Forrest, in charge. We had for our lesson, Act 2nd chapter. Many visitors were present with our large congregation. At 8 o’clock the message was de livered by the pastor. Subject, “1 Am the Lord.” Text, Exodus 12: 12, 13. One was added to the church. We are glad to have Sister Dan iel back in our midsts affer being absent due to illness. Pastor’s Aid meets Tucdav night. Service Wedneday night conduct ed by Sis. Mildred Jackson. Friday afternoon, Missionary Society will meet. Sister Melton, ^resident. Easter morning at 6 o’clock, „here will be a drama. Come an it. Your Kldnevs contain 9 million tiny tubes or filters which may be endangered by neg lect or drastic, irritating drugs. Be careful. If functional disorders of the Kidneys or Bladder make you suffer from Getting Op Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Circles Under Eves, Dizziness, Backache, Swollen Joints, Excess Aciditv, or Burning Passages, don't rely on ordinary medicines. Fight such troubles with the doctor’s prescrip tion Cystex. Cystex starts working in 3 hours and must prove entirely satisfactory in 1 week, and be exactly the medicine you reed or money back is guaranteed. Tele phone voor druggist for Cystex (Siss-tex) todav? The guarantee protects you. Copr. 3937 The p'-cx ro. L_ - - —--— JOE LOUIS the World's Champion endorses and uses only MURRAYS HAIR POMADE because it is a World's Champion Hair Dressing I* must be good I You try it TODAY 11 You will miss a treat if you fail to be with iis Easter morning. At 3:00 o’clock theie w'll be a special service. Come and see how much money we laise in our drive. Our goal is on to the alley. -o SECOND BAPTIST ( HURt 11 Clarinda, Iowa Rev. D. Nicholson, Paster Sunday school opened at the us ual hour with Miss Rachel Cason presiding. One member was added to the roll. Morning service was in a high spirit and the pastor brought forth a stirring message. Text, Rev. 7:16, 17. Evening service was the spot light service with a large group of young people presort. The pastor brought forth another stirring message. Subject, “How to be Sav ed.” Easter Sunday, the Sunday school will have their program at the evening service. We were pleased to have Mrs. Irene Motion wdth us Sunday and wo enjoyed the song she sang. Come to the Second Baptist church and enjoy a good oid coun try serviie. Visitors are always wel come. MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. P. Mosley, Pastor I.enora Parker. Reporter Service at Mt. Olive was spirit ually high all day Sunday. Rev. M. C. Leffall of Mt. Nebo Baptist church preached a wonder ful sermon at the 11 o’clock ser vice. Mt. Nebo Baptist church worship ped with us at 3 o’clock. Re'1. Gates the pastor brought forth n soul stirring message. Subject, “What Must I Do to be Saved?” The pastor brought the message at the evening service. Subject, “Joy in Sorrow.” Visitors present with us: Aity. Adams, Rev. and Mrs. G. E. White, Rev. and Mrs. C. Adams, and a number of others. Mt. Olive welcomes everyone to worship with us. We invite you to be with us Easter Sunday morn ing at 5 a. m. and all day. -o ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. II. K. Curry, Pastor Sunday school opened at 9:30 a. m., with a large number in at tendance. * w At 11 o’clock the pastor gave a wonderful message. BYFU at 6:30 p. m. Program by group No. 2. A/t 8 p. m. the pastor preached a short ami inspiring sermon. His Open For Business UNITED CAB CO. 2303 North 24th JA 7171 Prompt, Courteous Serv ce our mune on your file 22nd St WE 0846 -'TEPHENSON REAUTY SHOP •087 N 24th St. At. M10 < HARI.ENA LEWIS REAUTY SALON 2X66 Maple St. JA 6116 ECONOMY TAILOR Cho» 171 Simmons, Prop. Cut. Trim Make Suits to Ordet Make all hinds of alterations for f adies and Cents. Cleaniri? and Repairing 1918 No 24th St. American Wiener Shop «609 N. 24th Street KINO YUEN CAFE *010** N 24th St Ja 8676 ] CHARLIE* PLACE l60» N 24th St W* 4019 Fnr real CRanirp and Laundry Service Call DON’S j A 0565 2008 No. 24th St. Rev D. C. Stephenson, Prop. ELITE CIGAR STORE U12 N 24th St Ha. 4226 JOHNSON ORUG W>4 N 24th St W* 0999 | DUFFY PHARMACY *4th and Lake We. 0609 HOUSTON * GROCER A '114 No. 24th St JA 3643 Oui Sau**ee a specialty Free Delivery NORTH-SIDE TR A N8EEE '414 Grant St Wa. MW Electrical Appliance* DONAROO A HOYLE Nor^e Appliance Co. 2423 Farnam St Ha OW* Grader* w f Horn Grading and Excavation 4606 A me* Ave Ka. 031 Grocery Store* HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 644' I sundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N 24th St We 102 EDHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 N 24th St We Auf. Monument Maker* HEFl A NOYES 40th and Forest I.awn Re 17* Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODCl ¥ Ifilf N 24th St Wa 47* REN & KFRMIT ANDERSON Paintitijr. W^ll Wa*hiner and Decnratintr 23 Year* Experience Fvtimate* free Work Guarantiee 2801 Miami St. 2872 Binny St Phone WE 5826 subject was, “Finding Oursekos Doing Service.” The text was, “What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul." The Imperial their sang several inspirational numbers including, “Hide Me,” “1 Love to Tell 'he | Story,” and “I’m Going to Work Until the Day is Done.” The evening service is increas ; ing in attendance. Everyone seems j to be interested in our coming 50th Anniversary celebration. We hope to go over the top in a big way. The Senior choir will present a musical program Friday evening April 22. The public is inrvited to come out and enjoy this musical treat. -e PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. H. Hcrvey, Pastor Sunday school opened on time, with a very nice attendance. At 11:30 a. m. the pastor prea ched a wonderful sermon. Subject, “Finding Ourselves in Service.” BPYU, at 0 p. m. We had some very encorurnging remarks from our City BYPU president, Mv. Win. Cooper. Other visitors were: Mrs. Bessie Williams and Rev. Bowman. At 8:30 p. m. wre had a full house. Visitors from different churches of the city were present. The pastor preached from the 19th chapter of Gen. and the 17th verse. Subject, “Get Out-of-Town.” The revival will continue all through! out the week. You are cordially invited to worship with us. BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. T. J. Sanford, Pastor J. S. Jefferson, Reported Sunday schoolopened at its us ual hour, with the superintendent, J'. S. Jefferson, presiding. The school was well attended with all teachers present and a very inter esting lesson. At 11 o’clock, Kev. Sanford brought us a strong message from Matthew 21 :'J. “And the multitudes I that werot before, and that followed J cried, saying hosanna to the son i of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” A large eongui | tion v/js present. Rev. Sanford was filled with the holy ghost and the entire congregation enjoyed his message. We regret very imrh to sav ! that Brother W. P. Wade is still confined to his bed and very ill. His address is 1703 Nor.h Thirty third street. Members of Bethel please drop in to see him. The church is praying for him. At 8 o’clock Rev. D. W. Bass of Cleaves’ Temple CME church, brought to us a splendid message from Revelation 5:6. Text, “And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beas’s, and in the midst of the elders, stood a lamb as it hail be£n slain.” I wish to announce the Good Friday services it o be held at Pil grim Baptist church, Friday April 15 at, 11 a. m., under the auspices i f the Ministrial Alliance. Rev. T. J. Sanford, pastor of Bethel AMR church will deliver the sermon. Evcyone is invited. Our regular prayer and class meeting every Wednesday of each w eek. ST. JOHN \. M. E. CHURCH “The Friendly Church” Dr. It. A. Adams. Pastor The services at St. John last Sunday were very impressive. This being Palm Sunday, all thoughts were directed chat wav. Hoth in Sunday school and church. Dr Adams preached a very strong sermon which made the thought of Palm Sunday more in teresting. The sick of the church are about ‘ ' e same as last week. ’The Sunday school will present v very nice pageant Friday night before Easter and Faster Sunday I .1 TIRED, NERVOUS, EXHAUSTEDt ... Look to your stomach Start taking Hoatetter's Stomachic Bitters right now and you will quickly note how its medicinal herbs and roots help to revitalize your digestive glands and give new vigor, energy and appetite. Famous for 84 years. At all drug atorea. 18 ox. bottle. $1.50. e A Three Days7 Cough Is Tour Danger Signal No matter how many medicines : you have tried for your cough, chest ! cold, or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids na ture to soothe and heal the Inflamed mucous membranes and to loosen and expel the germ-laden phlegm. Even if other remedies have failed, don't be discouraged, try Creomul sion. Your druggist is authorized to refund your money if you are not thoroughly satisfied v ith the bene fits obtained from the very first bottle. Creomulsion i 3 one word—not two, and it has m hyphen in it. Ask for it plainly, see that the name on me bottle is Creomulsion, and you’ll get the genuine product and the relief yon want. (Adv.) Sunday it will hav« its regular Ester Sunday program., 'I he choir promises a very fine Eas'er Suunday night service. So 1 come and bring our friends. The choir met again Sunday i with all the other choirs to re hearse for the Goodwill Spring Musical, to be held at Central high school Sunday, April 24, at, 2:45 p. m. This will be a great treac for the music lovers of Omaha. Mr. L. L. McVay, the chairman for the I Musical hays he is sure this will i he for better than ar.y other year before. -o CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev. L. M. Relf, Pastor Edna Pankey, Reporter Our Sunday school opened at 9:30 a. m„ with a large attendance At 11 a. m. service, Rev. Relf preached a sermon from Luke 19: 29. One outstanding thought to be remembered was, “The Lordliness of God.” The sermon wns highly appreciated hy the congregation. Our HYPU was held at *> p. m., with the president, Mr. Edward Goodwin, in charge. The attend ance was good. The young people are getting ready for the Easter program next Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. We were glad to have in our morning service, Mr. Maxwell Butcher. Visitors are always wel come. -—o MT. NEBO BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. G. Gates, Pastor Helen Bradshaw, Reporter The Sunday school was opened at 9:30 with the superintendent presiding. A very interesting les son was taught by Rev. Kenfrom. His lesson was taken from the 8th Chapter of St. Mark and the j 38th* verse. The morning services were con ducted by Rev. J. A. Harris. His subject was, “Be Sure.” His text was taken from the 6th chapter of St. John, the 69th verse. Rev. Harris sermon was spiritual food for the soul.. The BYPU was very instructive and uplifting. Rev. Adam of Pil grim taught the lesson. Rev Adams a very competent teacher, taught i a lesson of superb interest with much ability. The evening services were con ducted by Rev. Adams of Pilgrim. Rev. Adams’ subject was taken from the 18th chapter of St. Mat thews. Using as his subject, "Who is the Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” He put his whole soul, spirit and mind into his sermon His sermon brought out clearly the true ideals, standards and spi j rit of one who has been truly con i verted. The Mt. Nebo Mission is still ‘ progressing and doing the work of mission. Mt. Nebo’s doors stand open to all who wish to worship with us. -o MT. MORIAH BAPB. CHURCH Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor F. Burroughs. Reporter Another beautiful day greeted us. The Sunday School was well attended. We heard a most inspir ing and beautiful sermon at the morning worship on, “The More Abundant Life Perfected.” There were three essentials that a Christ ian must acquire before he can reach this perfected state. They are Bible born Christians,—a Bible living Christian and a Bible giving Christian. At the evening worship Rev. S. McCormick preached an interesting sermon. His text was Exodus 12: 13. The subject, “The Danger of Moving In The Devils’ Ne'ghbor hood.” Early Easter morning services at 6:00 a. m. next Sunday. After this sei vice an attractive break fast will be served. We were glad to see Mrs. Jones present at the morning worship. She slipped in quietly and it was sometime before anyone knew she was there. The condition of Mrs. Willa Da id son at this writing it critical. To our many visitors we extend a hearty welcome. _n_ PILGRIM BAPTIST (Hl'KClf Rev. E. Stevenson, Pastor M -s. M. S. Dixon, Ri porter Sunday school at 9:30 a verv good attendance. Morning services at 10:45 with V pastor speaking from the 11th ’•v'pter of Maik. Subject “The rriumphart Entry of Jesus Into rerus-Ium.” Hew they laid paints f Christ to wj Ik on and a few t ys later *l*ey crucified Him. iiH Judas sat with 0hr;st and *<> v jth Him then betrayed Him. ’In also spoke of how they t troed n Jesus and how they wi 1 turn you. Mr. Frank M'W H ants of Chi ago and Mr. John lewis of Kan sas Citv were visitors. Rev. Steve1 son is • ssi tiug with revival in Sioux Cit •. (', ’ up No. 2 h: d charge of HYPU. The young peoples choir an**' for the series »|l da”. All ‘•eitfs weie pertaining to Palm Sunday and Faster. During the evening servj ps r-ngs were rendered by the fol ’nwii g persons: solo, “They Led ”'m Away *o be Crucified," by Mi®® Christine Dix n; duet, “The, 'ttu Rugged Cross was sung l,v Miss i ou! e Dowifi g and Miss Hattie Crump. Mrs. D'xon sang, “ ' M Alone" and the Misses 7en r>Ht and Ha tew«e Har^r ‘nog “’* Was Alone The Savi r Died.” In Memoriam The first Sunday in April was National Memorial Sunday of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por ters and Maids, at which time we paid tribute to our departed mem hers. The Omaha Division takes this method to honor the memory of the following deceased Brothers of our local: J. G. Lewis, J. W. Thomas. J. C. Bradley. George Cloud, Lee Coun celler, T. H. Dyson, J. A. Hardy, William Miller, Austin. Taylor, T. D. McCraine, and P. F. Collens. I The Omaha Division of the Bro therhood of Sleeping Car Porters The financial drive is coming on quite well. -o SUNDAY SCHOOL ALLIANCE The Sunday School Alliance met Sunday evening at St. John church at 3:30 p. m., with the superinten dent in charge. The i'oium discussion subject was, “Can the church change the present day problems,” ltd by Sis ter Parker of St. John. Many in teresting points were brought out on either side <»f the question. We were glad to have thq Me tropolitan Spiritual church become a member of the Alliance. There was a remarkable attend ence although the secretary was ab sent due to illness in her family. The Viext will be at Clair Chapel, May 8, at 3:30 p. m. at which time the annual sermon will be preehed. The June discussion subject: “What can the church do to help the home?” The pastor, superintendent, and members of Christ Temple Sunday school are again the proud re I cipients of both banners, having I held it two months in succession. We are urging the Sunday school I for their cooperation in this move merit. Bro, Webb, Supt. Sisiter Beatrice Gray, Sec’y. Miss Ruth Hersey, Reporter -o CLAIR CHAPEL M. E. CHURCH Rev, W. C. Conwell, Pastor The Easter program, will begin ! at 11:00 a. m., April 17th. A ser mon from Luke the 24—G. Text, lie ' is not here, but is risen. Recieving 1 of members in the church as full members, 8:00 p. m. a ehuich school program. We hope to be in one of the greatest Easter services In the his tory of the church. Pleae don’t miss ; it, for we are looking for you all members and friends. We hope every member will come to help wake the world service full. PLEASANT GREEN CHURCH Rev. J. H. Reynolds, Pactor Willa .Mae Ross, Reporter ' Sunday school 9:00 a .m. with | Mrs. I. M.Oliver presiding. A love ly program will be rendered by the Rose Bud class. Morning worship. Song by the choir. Prayer for the sick by Rev. Caldwell Solo by Rev. Union and Harold Reynolds. Solo by the young people. A lovely sermon was preached b the pastor. Visitors Mr. Charles Morris, Mrs. Henry Murry, and Mrs. Doug las. Mrs. Robinson sang an adjo urnment. Evening service. Song by the choir. A lovely sermon was prea ched by the pastor. Several solos were rendered. Visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Edmond, Deca Watkin, Mrs. Holrnn and Cradford. You are welcome a ly day to our church, INTERDOMINATION AL CHURCH Elder W. I. Irving, Pastor Mrs. P. V. Avant, Reporter Sunday service* were verv good. The Sunday school work was in (hinge of Miss Marie Perkins and is e'ill progressing. Sunday morning preaching was drine by the raptor. Subject, “The frot* of Christ." I* was shown that Jesus is not only the savior of the "■orld hut is an example of suffer **.p\ A h o it seemed *" f t into the *'-ou'le once times of the presen* day. Fve"i"o' opi-vir,e was the beg'n i"o* r-f Passion We"k services end r*r>/'p1 P*-Hvr»rs « Ip^O** 0*1 ' h tivepfe of tbp d"v r\f ♦,‘*P t v prV rf l.rbrVfs l’fe. The ;n -ort’ ne each nigh* • ,r,h'* J’**^** v" » ■"f welcome to attend our ^Hoe Pride or Shame Shoes look new again •ith our new invisible half soling. Lake Shoe Service 2407 LAKE ST. This Week in Thought and Religion By Robert L. Moody Easier and New Life The Muster said, ‘‘I am the re direction nnd the life; he tha* hc lieveth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live,” Jas. 11; 25. As we approach the celebration of Easter, we cannot help but see life expressing itself through the songs of robins, the flight of wild geese, and the appearance of new blades of gntss, buds and blossoms. Those of us who are financially able, join nature by purchasing new clothing to make ourselves look new. Every human being is interested I in "life”, in fact all nature ; anim ! a Is and plants struggle to maintain | “life”. This one thing should re main in our minds daily, that is, I that, this mortal life is transitory or passing. This is a time when mortal life will cease with all its joys and sorrows. But “we have a hope within our souls, brighter than the perfect day.’’That hope is, though the mortal man or •al> ernacle shall be dissolved, “we have a building -eternal in the heavens.” So as Christ arose and triumph ed our death, we, too, shall rise to everlasting life or shame and eve'' lasting contempt—according to how we live and die here. May we remember as attend the the various programs and church service during Easter day, the greatest moaning for all of the eggs, rabbits, itew clothing and display is to show “new life.” Only true believvers in Christ aril possessors (if His Saving Gmee, can celebrate this season in spirit and in truth. We have partaken of the first resurrection i. e.from a dead state of sin and hope to he raised in the general resurrection. “And this is the record that God hath given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. lie that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath the the Son of God hath not life.” I John 5:11, 12. —-o AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2!>0H North 24th Street i Best Chili and Best Hod Dors in the West All Kinds of Sandwiches Ice Cold Beer to Complete the Meal ATTY. CHARLES F. DAVIS 2502 No. 2’th St. Tuchman Bldg Notice Of Administration In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: In the matter of the estate of Nellie B. Carey. Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has beeni filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and pray ing for administration upon his estate, ar\J that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 23rd day of April 1938, and that if they fail to ap pear at said Count on the said‘23rd day of April, 1938, at 9 o’clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and gi ant administration of said estate to Luke B. Carey or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford County Judge Be 4-2-38—En. 4-16-38 SPECIAL . Shampoo . 25c Press . 25« Croquinole .. 25c Manicure . 15c Pla n Facial . 25c ALTHOUSE BEAUTY SCHOOL 2422 N 22nd St. WE 0846 W.V.V.'.V.W.VAV.V.V.V NORTH SIDS TRANSFER long Histnnre Hauling Moving and Storage •Hone 2414 Hranl St .V.%V.V.*.V.,AV«‘AV.%V.,.A Robbings Pharmacy 2106 No. 241h St. WE 1711 ARE YOU ONLY AT THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN. because they are men.can never understand a three - quarter wife- a wife who is all love and kindness three weeks in a month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your back achea —how your nerves scream—don t take it out on your husband. For three generations one woman has told another bow to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure In the Hires ordeals of Ufs: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age ." Don’t be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E PINKIIAM 3 VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go " Smiling Through." TRUSSES SUPPORTERS I ELASTIC HOSIERY ABLOMINAL BELTS EXPERT FITTERS SEILER Surgical Co. MED ARTS BLDO. Ill Socth 17th St. Omaha ANNOUNCEMENT j IWm. Ittl, 1114 It A\t, Ctircil BIlIIi; Pioneer Post 8©4. American j Legion sponsors a dance on | April 18 at the Strand Ball- j room, at 6th and Broadway, • Council Bluffs, la. Wm. Givens, Ccrrmender 8c SHIRTS 8c When Finished Out of Any Family Service EMERSON LAUNDRY ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St_WE 102"