The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 16, 1938, Page SIX, Image 6

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    Calvin s Digest
By Floyd J. Calvin
(Only column in the Negro Presslisted by Editor
Younger Generation
Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, Fed
eral NY A official stationed in
Washington, on a visit to her
scbitol in Florid >, obsenis:
"On Tuesday, Students’ Inter
racial Day was observed. It was
thriling to se those while students
from the University of Florida,
Rollins University, with the stu
dents from Edwards Waters coll
ege of Jacksonville, the Florida
Normal college of St. Augusine
and Bethune-Cookmnn,. meeting
together for a day of conference
and o,f getting acquainted. It was
thrillingto see them on the enrnpus
chatting together, eating in our
dining room and discussing peace
and justice at home and abroad.
With young people like these fac
ing together such problems, we
ft ml that we are making an advnn
ct ment that we have long dee med
of hut just beginning to realize."
This is a splendid statement on
the growth of toleTence in the
beautiful state of Floida. How un
fortunute that nt a similar meet
at Gammon Theological Seminary
of Atlanta, at about the same time
was mlirred hy a white woman
with hate in her heart slapping
President. Willis J. King because
he refused to allow her to take
pictures of such a gathering so
peaceful and cordial. It was known
1)’- f this woman wanted the pie
to stte nn ,roMb,e. for she
})■•« ,‘vee slandered Gv Presidents
w fo because that lad >’s friendly
Attitude toward all people, inclu
ding Negroes.
Wo are sorry for President
King’s enhnrrnssirtg experience,
but mu«t commend him ,,n the dig
rified way i t whHi he ha1 died the
s’trf'tion. Those in the forefront
of the movement toward larger
leedom for our group must xpeet
the unpredictable to haunon, and
nm«f remain calm when all around
may he shnkv and impetuous,
"Finer Womanhood"
The* recent national celebration
of “Firi'r Worn* hood Week* by
the national Zeta I ’hi Be'a sorori
ty focuses attention on the splen
did nims ad ideals of the modern
voung womanhood of the group.
The fine example of the unselfish
devotion of energies to an ideal,
set by the late Mary B. Talbert,
and the splendid example of in
spirational work now being done
hy Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, are
not beinvr lost on the rising women
of the race. The fact that week is
set aside to stress the develop
ment of finer womanhood is proof
that, we still see something far
more important than material
gains p«d benefits, for which to
strive Wo see better lives and Irot
ter living, and an ever improved
status, as ends to bo sought. These
ends are never attained in full
for there is always room for im
provmenit, but the fact that Zeta
Phi Beta strives for that which
may he attained hut is never corn
plete. is worthy of the highest
C. ('. C. Anniversary
The Civilian Conservation Corpr
is celebrating its fifth anniver
sary. When President Roosevelt
went into office the young men of
the country were in a bad way,
suffering from idleness, lack of
income, and inability to go to
school or college. With the ecming
of the CCC ns one of the emergen
cy projects, immediately thousands
of young men found a constructive
way to occupy their time, as well
as gainful employment which aid
ed their dependent families and
themselves. This experiment has
cot quite a sum of money, but we
belive the general good has been
best served by its creation
We note with some disappoint
ment, that an order has gone
tin ough to cut the to cut the num
ber of camps- and we note with
approval the fight being waged *o
re store these camps. We think
these camps are needed, for con
ditions are about as had now as
they were \yhen the emergency
called forth the creation. We be
lieve tile camps should be restored.
It is good to be able tosay that
the CCC has, on the whole, been
fair to Negroes. A ratio of ten
tier cent of the whole has been
fairly well maintained in both the
number of Negroes enrolled and
the number of camps given over to
Negroes. Negroes have been given
"•i active part in the ndmiruUtra
tsui if the project, including of
ficers in vnrious units, and officials
on the headquarters staff.
'll in all, we are proud of the
Travel Industry
Travel is now a five billion dol
lar ir.tlui+tiy. according to Glover
and Cornell in the “Development
if American Industries." Negroes
got very little from any general
industry, except as laborers or
consumers, but in life insurance we
are goingforward, arud now in a
ariety of ofher fields, including
travel, wo are beginning to ven>
tore forth. In this connection we
mte the announcement of the tenth
< ur of Europe by Mr. Adolph
Hodge, of 1949 74th street Brook
lyn, N. Y., who after walking to
California in the early twenties,
dicided he would like to continue
to see the world, arid has since been
to Japan, Norway. Russia, and
nearly all of the countries of the
Old World, tking parties with him
each time. The business has grown
to where Mr. Hodge’s annual tour,
sailing early in July and return
ing in from 50 to 60 days, is looked
forward to as a regular summer
evevnt. A teacher by profession,
Mr. Hodge cater to teachers, social
workers, business men, and others
of travel persuasion, and always
reponts a good trip by all. He re
ports a goodly group already en
rolled for a tour of Germany and
other mid-European countries this
vear, and has personal assurances
from Chancellor Hitler that all will
Big Investor
John W. Roxborough, eo-mana- [
ger of Joe Louis, heavyweight '
champion of the world, has recent
ly become associated in a very
substantial way with the Chicago
Rurr Oak Cemetery association
which is completing one of the j
finest all-Negro burial grounds in j
the country. At the recent annual ,
meeting of the stockholders and
directors, Mr. Roxborough was {
elected to the company’s Board of j
' Directors for the ensuing official1
year, together with B. J. Broxton,
j real estate owner who was also
1 elected vice-president, and Dr. Ed
ward W. Beasley, prominent phy
sician and surgeon.
Other members of the board are
J. Turner Wall, W. Ellis Stewart,
I Larry If. Race, J. O. Ish, Jr., T.
M. Mann, M. O. Bousfield, Ear! B.
Dickerson, and T. K. Gibson. Mr.
Roxborough has been a prominent
business man of Detroit, Mich., for
a number of years, and Chicagoans
welcome his entry into the busin
ess life of the Windy City.
be well for Mr. Hodge and his
friends in the Third Reiuh.
Tenn, Communists
Bar Jimcrow, So
Office Is Raided
(CNA)—Six persons, including
two white workers, were arrested
this wyck in a raid by city dctect
itives on the Communist Party’s
state office in this city.
Formal charges against the six
were “loitering and vagrancy,”
but no one here doubts that the
leal reason of he mid was police
objection to the presence of men
cf both races in the office on the
basis of complete equality and
The ofice has been occupied by
Ted S. Wellman, Communist Par-'
ty district organizer for several
months. Wellman was one of the*
two whites arrested on a charge of
“loitering and vagrancy.” Well
man ami W. A. Humphrey. 5-1, a
white WPA worker, were released
on $1,000 bond each.
Tho four other victims of the
police raid were freed on $250
bond each. They are: Charles
Lane, 18, Emerson McGuire, 19,'
Charles Carey. 37, and Rena Carey
Wellman charger that the arr
ests were merely a “smoke screen" j
to cover an attack on progressive
forces in the city, and to hamper
the party’s program of uniting all
progressives .Negro and white, in
•the fight for democracy in the
South. An immediate appeal was
Johannesburg:. South Africa.
April 16 (CNA1—A rocktall in
the crown Rolrf mine as a result of
an earth tremor trapped scores of
native miners today.
I 4 '
Delicious Flavor
| Whole Wheat
j Flakes w ith Bran
Music Features & Photo Syndicate 1
«QWEET LEIT \NI," Harry Owen*’ song which Bing Crosby firs'!
*5 popularized : 1 the film ‘‘Waikiki Wedding,” captured first place itv
the balloting of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as the
best song writ
ten for a film
during 1937. It
topped by a com
fortable margin,
it is said, such
other meritori
ous tunes as
Warren and Du
bin’s “Remem
ber Me?”. Cole
Porter’s “Rosa
lie.” and “That
Louie Reid old peeling,” by
Lew Brown and Sammy Fain.
There are 2,270 different lullabies
or cradle songs, regularly published
and copyrighted in ASCAP'S files.
Nearly one-quarter of them bear the
title of “Berceuse.” . . . Again,
showing how often composers have
the same idea, there are 490 com
positions entitled “Barcarolle," And
air that is still heard is Irving Ber
lin's “Alexander's Ragtime Band."
But then, this tune is the epic of
One Enduring Ragtime Air
A lifetime has passed since it first
crashed upon the pianos of the old
cabarets of the country. It swept
across the nation with the force of a
cyclone. Feature writers interpreted
prominent citizens on the perils of
ragtime and Berlin was considered
everything from a menace to a
With ragtime now spelled as jazz
and swing, Berlin confines his acti
vities chiefly to blue skies and melo
dies that linger on, leaving the hot
stuff to others. Yet. when the call is
clear and persistent, he, too, can
turn out torrid jazz as he demon
strated in “Heat Wave.”
this list does not in
clude 106 different ar
rangements which have
been made of Offen
bach’s famous work of
this name , . . Fifteen
different lyrics have
been published to the
music of the Neapolitan
serenade, “O Sole Mio.”
Even the music of Wag
ner's “Evening Star”
has been published un
der six different titles.
Those Sentimental
Sentimental ballad.i
of home and mother
md smilina-throuah-the
James Weldon
■ The roof gardens and
road houses are coming
to life, • and the dance
tune-men are ' scram
bling for position.
There's one thing sure
in these uncertain
times. Dance music was
never better. The com
petition is severe and?
it is keeping the com
posers, as well as the
band leaders, on their
toes. It is doubtful,
however, dance music
brings people to their
toes in the parlors. Peo
ple use it as background
for bridge and conver
heartbreak continue to find a big
public. Witness the recent pop
ularity of “There’s a Gold Mine
in the Sky," “On the Sunny Side of
the Rockies" and “When the Organ
Played O Promise Me." This type
of song stems, of course, to the late
j Charles K. Harris and his "After
I the Ball," which was a tremendous
hit for more than a generation.
I Harris who had unusual talent for
this style of number, followed up
| his great hit with other successful
ballads which, along with "After
The Ball" are occasionally revived
—“Hello Central, Give He Heaven,”
“Always in the Way," “Break the
tfews to Mother," and “Somewhere
the Sun Is Shining.”
The old ragtime tunes that flour
ished when Theodore the First sat
upon the White House throne are
seldom heard today. The jazz pian
ists and maestros of the present
sniff at the “Maple Leaf Rag," at
one time the craze of the land. Even
such a tune as Kerry Mills' “Whis
tling Rufus," once shouted in every
cross-roads of America, rests in
dusty oblivion.
About the only definitely ragtime
Ko song in the last six months
hart a quicker rise—or a quicker
fall — than “ B ei Mir Hist d u
The Curse of Repetition
Repetition is still the curse ol
music broadcasting. The public en
dures repetition in heaping doses, or
chestras playing the same tunes
hour after hour, night after night.
And yet, the music publishers are
largely responsible fot the overplug
ging. They have believed that con- I
centrated airing of a new song over
a period of a month or more to an
audience of 60,000,000 would bring a
rushing torrent of gold to their sheet
music counters. They did not reckon
uoon the effect of the constant
No listener can endure a persis
tent dinning of a ditty. He quickly
becomes fed up—fed up in most
cases in less than a month. Even the
complex strains of the classic com
posers cannot stand nightly repeti
tion. Even a Debussy or a Richard
Strauss cannot hold up under it. And
if they can’t, what chance has a
simple Hollywood ballad?
! Reid’s Pharmacy
| Phone WE 1613 i
l 24th & Seward Omaha
! Free Delivery_ !
Cheek Below And See If You Have
Auy Of The Signs
Quivering nerves can make you old and
haggard looking, cranky and hard to live
with - can keep you awake nights and rob
you of good health, good times and jobs.
Don’t let yourself “go” like that. Start
taking a good, reliable tonic—one made es/>e
dally (or troitu n. And could you ask for any
thing whose benefits have been better proved
than world-famous Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound?
Let the wholesome herbs and roots of
Pinkham's Compound help Nature calm
your shrieking nerves, tone up your system,
and help lessen distress from female func
tional disorders.
Make a note NOW to get a bottle of this
t time-proven Pinkham's Compound TODAY
vi — — — ■ ■ 111
without fail from your druggist. Over a mil
lion women have written in letters reporting
wonderful benefits. , „ „
For the past 60 years Lydia E. rmkham s
Vegetable Compound has helped grateful
women go “smiling thru” trying ordeals.
Why not let it help YOU?
“We Serve”
HON. S. W. V^LKEl^™
President of the Pilgrim Health
and Life Insurance company* cf
Augusta, Ga., in a formal state
ment to the public, officially an
nouncing the fortieth anniversary
celebration of the company, cli
max of which comes on May 2,
says: “It is because of our anxiety
to serve our day and age, as well
as we possibly can, that we call
attention during this year to the
fact that we have served for forty
years. By pausing <to pay homage
to the men and women who aided
so valiantly in the building of our
company we may be able to per
suade a larger number of our peo
ple to become conscious of their
duty to support racd enterprise
wherever they can, thus building
a more nearly complete racial self
respect.” Pilgrim assets rose from
$439,908 in 1933 to $758,309 in 1937 I
It owns only $40,000 ira real estate, i
but $662,094 in stocks and bonds, |
market value on December 31, last.
Tapi al fully paid is $100,000. and
surplus to policy holders, $125,- ]
556. (Calvin) Photo)
Mm -^Denver California
rm Low f,rM Now in Kltoct 4H
Ph. ATlantic 2300^^^
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Easter Greeting us eondit'on your oar
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Battery and Tire Service
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-Omahafastest growing
Sell your customers these
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Cigars Y—R 5c 10c
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Ben Bey 10c .2 for 25c
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Omaha Tobacco Co.
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315 So. 13th St.
Our »
Tasty Ire Cream Molds by
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Get a New
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and as little as $5.00
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A Bird Roof will, first protect your property, then en
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Let us look your roof over and show you the many
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