The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 16, 1938, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    SOCIAL V n t \r„ CLUBS
Marge s Column
By Marjorie Jo Smith
Faye Lee has n new Fontenelle
Lcgan personal! y and she stays at
ht,n»e, relieve it or donft you.
Andrew Fields was going down
the street singing “Gold Mine In
the Sky,” at/.l a lady asked him if
one ol the nuggets fell down and
hit him in the eye causing it to be
L, isn’t enough to keep vigil over
24th sercet, because a lot of ro
mance is taken care of at Brandeis
during lunch hour.
Frank Garrett is going to K. C,
next week to indulge in heavy ro
mance. He says Omaha doesn't af
ferd it. It s here O. K., but its nice
wor k if you can get i'.
B Palmer is quite Joe Louis-y
about, tackling big people in spite
of the fact that she is only a half
Woo! Woo! Mr. Davis, -ihe .Simp
son man, is wearing some more
loud tiousers, only these are still
Fritz Parks has done it again.
What is meant by saving Gover
nor Avant is behind the “eight
ball.” We know that is a pool iterm,
but these people were talking
shoot women.
To Omaha Sportsmen:
Outdoor Sportsmen will organ
ize a Gun Club.
Mr. Noah Thomas, retired Police
Officer and Mr. Frank White, a
lo'er of outdoor sports, issue a1
call for all sportsmen and lovers
of trap-shoofing to meet with them
at the M $ M club room, 24th $
Patrick across from the Kitz The
ater, April 17, at 3:00 p. m. to or
ganize a gun club for trap-shooting
and marksmanship. The public is
invited lo attend. For further infor
ovation call Mr. Noah Thomas JA
€.484. . „f
' -0
l.os Aryrele* April H! (C)— Hall
Johnson, noted conductor of the
choir hearing his name, will direct
a hugh chorus from the Jefferson
Evening High school under the
nuspices of the Adult. Education
sortion of the Los Angeles City
Schools, it was announced Friday.
1 Ritz Shoe Repair j
!We sell Army shoes $
$1.00 to $1.50 |
203.1 No. 24th St.
get Money -• Love
I guarantee to help row get a to
life. No ease beyond hope Stop »nrrj
Ing ! Write me today Information TOK»1
M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sta
Jersey City, N. J.
Miss Lena D. Paez, 15 year old
grandatig liter of Mrs. Pinkey An
derson, 2dOP Decatur street w II be
one of the participants in the Pre
Kaster style show and wedding a1
the Zion apti t church Friday ev
ening, April 15th.
Mis. Ruth Johnson, 2228 Willis
avenue was called to Hattie Creek,
Michigan on account if the illne s
of her mother, who passed after
Mrr. Joi n o'sn arrival at hei
Mrs. C-iroline Underwood, 2718
Caldwell s'reet, died Anril 6. She
is the mother of Ralph Underwood.
Survivors are f< ur sons, two
daughters, and a host of grand
children and great grand children.
The body will be shipped to
Brewton Ala, for burial, her na
tive home. The J. D. Lewis, Mor
tuary is in charge.
Dete five Perry Davis, Messers.
Ruck Ji hnson, and Ri'ws Brown of
Sioux City, were the guests of
Detectives Jenkins and Matthews
Other Sioux Titians who W'ere
in town Saturday night and Sun
day were: William Smith, Lewis
Brown and wife, and Arthn Shel
ton, his wife and little son. The
latter was in attendance at the
CIO1 victory party, representing
the CIO locals of Sioux City.
‘Y’ Activities
The Trojan Club Social and
Worship committees sponsored a
Palm Fuiufey Lueakia.t It the
YWCA on Sunday, April 10. There
were .’14 person present, who en
joyed the breakfast prepraed by
the above committees. Following
the breakfast, the Worship Com
mittee, Helena Thomas, ihairman,
presented a lovely worshi pscrvice.
It was a lovely affair. There
were nine tables seat ng four per
sons, and the favors consisted of
Eastei eggs, dyed in such beauti
ful colors, nestled in green grass.
Each table held a bud vase with
a red rose. Esther Essix is chair
man < f the Social Committee.
Th eQuack cclub’s Palm Sunday
Vesper w: s very enjoyable. The
main speaker, Mrs. C. W. Mead,
national board member, spoke on
“The Meaning of the Resumption
for Life Today." Tea was served
following the Vesper. Mrs. Bernice
Marshall, Wo'ship Chairman and
Mrs. tDorace Johnson, Social Chair
man, were in charge.
By RusselReese
The Omaha Division of the
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por
ters congratulate the Omaha Gu'de
on their Eleventh Anniversary, and
wish them many more years of
[ successful business. The Omaha
1 ivisfon of Abe Brotherhood of
Sleeping Car Porters are now hav
ing their election of officers and
all brothers who chance to read
this article am urged to attend
vrur meetings aid secure your bal
lot, and it is very important that
you pay your dues.
Much helpful and instructive in
formation is available, and yor
i Ice Gream Bungalow
Variety of Flavors: ~
| Commercial Qt. 20C Pt. 15c
! Reedettes 1 )c Cones 5c & 1 )C
D —
Bungalow Bars 5c Ea.
Don't Miss
Easter Special
"Bunny Centers'*
1 have appreciat
ed your patron
age for the past
-e'en seasons and
hope to serve
you during the
ensuing ones.
j Virginia Dixon Mih Patric*
^__ - - - . r-M ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran rai
can only intelligently receive it al
oui meetings.
We are sorry to learn of the oi hro. Win. Beasley ami
tiust he will haw a speedy recov
eiy. mxchers Taylor Morrell, S
Towles, J. R Herron and liussel,
. . ueese, were appointed delegates
to represent our division at the
Central Trade Urdon. Brothers
Sell, N. A. Bradley and S. Sanford
recently lost their sisters. The lo
cal extends its deepest, sympathy.
The field is in readiness tor t
smooth ‘'landing" on Wednesday,
April l.'l, at 8 p. m. We are looking
lor the rest of the ships on sched
uled time. Several of the ships are
rapidly approaching.
The Baby contest sponsored by
the Finance Committee of the “Y”
will close on April 13 at 8 p. m.
Tho greatest lighters, and the
best prospective corner so far of
the year is Roscoe Smith, who won
the lightweight championship of
the World-Herald Golden Glove
tournament. 'I his lad will bear
close watching. He has just re
turned from another one of his
jaunts. First he went to Chicag
to compete in the National Golden
Gloves there, after leturning hom.
for a few weeks rest, then left on
April y,with the champions foi
Boston, Mas-. where he also fought
in tho tournament there. Smith is
one great little fighter and has
plenty of courage. He is a coming
Another little fighter that de
serves a lot of praise is Preston
Love, who is a natural born fight
er. He was also in the World
Herald Golden Glove tournament.
He lost his second fight in the
tournament on a very bad decision.
Love is beiig trained by his bro
ther Billy Love, v ho at one time
was one of the best little fighters
in the middle west. With careful
handling Love will develop into
one of tthe greates fighters in his
Both of these boys have the
making o fchampionship fighters,
under careful guidance. Their
chances of reaching the top are
very good.
We have had other young men
in the local | ugilistic field that
have had a goal chance to get on
the higher rounds oftheladder, but
poor management, lack of interest
and failur eof ourselves to sfand
behind them aid and encourage
them, has : 1 o Veen a prime factor
in their downfall and failure.
Names like Haskell Lee, a natural
fighter, if there ever was one,
physically equipped and a good
puncher and an amatuer champion,
failed in professionalism. Not be
cause of himself hut lack of pro
per guidance and schooling wasted
on the altar of ambition without
proper supervision .
An ole1 *imer who is staging,
"Kingfish ” who quit the ring sev.
eral years ago, is working out
daily at Jensen's gym. He is look
ing very good.
Spring is here and the varioui
hi"h and colleges have starte<
•"•nrti-e for their rpi'ced sh <e art
ists. It >s probable that Negroy
will again nlay «•> important par
n this mo. t | pular Sp’di g sport
* me •<* ‘h ‘ 1 eel "l“H*r star!
end weight-wranglers, the loveri
cf the scanty pants sports will bt
i able to find Negioe partii'patim
j in every event with the possible
Burgess Shirt
Est. 50 Years
209 So. 15th St.
Bou ling Shirts and Lettering
Kepairs and Shirts made New
Easy Pavments :
No Money
dow n
| Men and wome.t dress up fur j
| Easter or anv time of the year \
j 1811 Farnam AT 09o8 j
exception of the mile run and the
pole 'ault. Fouc- high schools and
one of our local universities will
be represented in part by Negro
performers, as is always the case,
we find that Tech and Central
buiTd their teams around a few out
standing Negto stars.
Tech, An Fnkown Quality
Tech the' school that won the
rity championships last year, has
been hit hard by the loss of two
white stas; Dick Beal and Divid
Wall, but the number of Negroes
reporting to Dutch White should
help him. No end to such hard
workers as Chester Hodges and
Gilbert, All-City, have been proven
to be an asset to any team. The
Tech .Squad numbers over one
hundred members but is still a
question mark.
South and North, two* of the
weaker teams < n the cinder path
and field sports, will have a few
Negro youths on their squads
Three young are pioneering at
North high which had only two
colored trackmen previous to now.
These three ars Preston “Jabber
LoVe”, Bunky Smith, and Larry
Parker. Benson high will not be
represented by any Negro, .since
Gus Rose, the only one to ever
* *m pete for the green and white
is not reporting.
; Lliyd Hunters Band “ Tops”
Throughout Middle West
Ovei a period of many years,
Lloyd Hunter has been fortunate
enough to have an organizat:on
that has paved the way for other
orchestras to f< low. Hunterl is
one of the very few orchestra-lead
ers who iiegan at the tcp, and afte*
playing the Musicians Annual Ball,
the Band remains tops, on account
of Hunter’s Band bei, g so far a
head of the parade at the Musicians
Ball it was‘nt necessary to take
-> r ote.
The orchestra is composed most
ly of college boys. Each membe ■
has had an outstanding musical.
The members of this fiftem piece
band are: Lloyd Hunter, trump'd
man, also plays every instrument
in the hand. He is a Omaha boy
and he has played for two vear<
ir> Chicago with a number of great
W. S. Fletcher is now back! with
and he received his degree /rom
Howard University and one from
Nebraska, also played with the top
bands in the East. He plays th •
trumpet and voilin.
Wilie Long, trumpet. Willie ha^
played with every named band of
the South for the fourteen years.
Bill has been with Hunter for the
last seven years.
Jimmie Bythwood played with
quite a few main bands, North
and South. He plays all the reed
instruments and the violin
.Richard Harris, trumpeter and
violinist an i composer of Kan.
University; , ‘ shn Re'?v>r, 1} no
composer and writer; Devo Mills,
drums and viberphone, Ed Ham
mond, bass violin and cello; Dave
Finney, Guitar; Ik'ss Holt of Kan.
I University, reeds, composer, and
writer; Shorty Gray, leeds, Uni
versity of GlLois; Orville iDeMoss,
reeds. Kan. Uinver'ty, Rav Byron,
j trombone; W111. Kyles, popular
I baritone of Kan. Unversity; and
Paul Rivers, dancer from New
, York, NY.
J The past season the band has
catered mostly to Fraterity and
Sority dances, playing one o>- mor ■
at eve>y college in the Central
States. The kos have picked Bro
i ad way as their goal. The boys
have picked Omaha as their He>’d
ouarters while the band makes
necessary preparations.
The motto of this band
! “Integrity”
Central Track Vets Keturn
Central high, which has always
had a strong team, nnd i Tech'
greatest rival has a glaxy of las*
years stars returning. Numbered
mong the veterans are “Byron
Hooch” Winston, “lyazy” Wash
ington, Jimmy “Monogram” Hol
land, “Big Mack” Lew M cDonald,
I . Wells and Warren Philips. A
couple of new comers promise to
add considerable strength to *he
sprint relay teams.
Warren is a version of his bro
ther i \ size, the brother who was
Central former sprint star, Paul
Philips. The cry around Cen* ral is
“waheh that big 300 pound so
nhomore weight wungler, Mc
Donald, swing out with the shot
nnd discus. The author of this
piece would also like to suggest
that an eye be kept on Warren and
Omaha universi y will be re
presented in the weight events this
spring by big John Elliot, pick
Greer, the former Lecly sprinter
i will probably report to coach Hart
The Liquor Store
2315 Cumins St. JA. 6464
Free Delivery
“We Appreciate Your Patronage”
man to woik with the freshman
I squad.
So we are looking for a very
high year for the local track stars.
New York April 16 (C)—A
photograph of Paul Robeson as
he appeared in the screen version
of ‘“The Emperor Jones” appears
on page 172 of an English text
used in New York high schools.
The book is made up of “Macbeth”
by Shakespeare and "The Emperor
Jones” by Eugene O’Neill, and ed
ited by B. A. Heydrick and A. A.
Marshall, Tex. April 16 (C)—
The expending of $10,000 for re
pairs to Coe hall for boys, at Wi
ley college, was approved by the
Board of Trustees on Wednesday.
An increase in teachers salaries to
offset the reduction in mid-depre
ssion was approved. President
Dogan’s building and expansion
program for the college was ad
Mound Bayou, Miss. April 16(C)
Mayor B. A. Green of th’s all-Ne
gro towtv was scheduled to speak
on the “‘Wings (her Jordan” pro
gram over ithe CBS radio chain
from Station WGAR, Cleveland
O., Sunday morning, April 10
Mayor Green, Fisk and Harvard
graduate, was the first child born
in Mound Bayou. Local citizens
expe-ted to hear the address thr
ough WREC at 8 o’clock Sunday
New York City, April 16—Foll
owing disclosures here during Nat
ional Sharecroppers’ Week of con
ditions of forced Tabor on certain
plantationh in Eastern Arkansas,
and the arrest of Mrs. Henrietta
McGhee on a charge of enticing
labor simply because she asked for
a wage of one dollar a hundred
pounds for picking cotton, the Nat
ional Asso-iation for the Advance
ment of Colored People placed a
complaint before the Department
of Justice, in Washington, asking
for an investigation.
The department has replied |
through Brien McMahon, assistant
attorney general, stating that it
will ivestigate the situation to see
if federal laws Rave been violated.
Dallas. Tex. April 16 fQThe
Association of Southern Colleges
Colorado Blue Spruce from 35c
to $4.00 each
Also Pflizer Junipers—Pondorosa
Pine and Black Hills Spruce
Hardy Phlax, ea. 15c
Hardy Peonies, ea. 15c
Hardy Ferns, ea. 15c
Headquarters for Pawn Grass, !
Feet Moss and Vigoro Plant
The Nebraska Seed
423 So. 15th AT 1739
Dress Up (or Easter
Suits & Top Coats
Harry Masons 1512 Farnam St.
• aaa_a_a aaaaaaaa ta a a a aaaaaaaa »• a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
■""■■aaaaaaaa < a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Reconditioned Goodwill Used Cars
They 're Spo less—Trouble Free—Sound as a Dol ar
Was No.v
1930 Chevrolet Sedan . $75 $+•>
1932 Chevrolet Coach, new ti ps . $175 $135
1934 Pontiac Sedan . $295 $270
1936 Plymouth Sedan, trunk .. $495 $445
1936 Dodge 1). L. 4- door S< an, trunk... $585 $495
1937 Ford “85” Touring S an .. $545 $495
1937 Dodge Sedan, rad o _ __x__„_ '$685 $595
100 Per Cent Refund If Not Satisfied in 2 Days
I recondition my Goodwill Used Car® as though I were eoing ti
drive them myself Signed DALE McKINNON, President
Vour Pontirr Den'or
2215 HARNEY—WE. 4444
Sp«M*ial Saving* Even! . . . 500
Easter Bags
t'opie* of Mu<*h
llighfr Prieed Style*
With Three i
Hammered Hold
finish Initials
Synthetic leathers and genu
ine top grain, patent leather
and calf.
Almost every style imaginable . . . top
handles, top zippers, two zippers,
pouches, envelopes and four-part
frames. Colors to go with every Easter
ensemble . . . black, copper, navy, Pari
sian blue and roseberry. Buy a style
conscious bag at savings, Saturday.
in session here last week, rated
North Carolina College of Dur
ham, Dr. J. E. She pard, president,
with “A”. This new rating means
much for the future progress of
the institution, said Dr. Shepard.
Private owned car, 1037 Ford
85, with a radio and other delux
equipment, -with only 3,00') miles
2810 No. 24th St. AT J157
Grow Gloss
2512 No. 24th St. AT 1036
Call AT 3036. Elese Turner’s!!
Beauty Shop, and get a new
hair dress to fit the new spring
bonnet. Price very reasonable. ,
Try a box of Grow Gloss Hair'
American and Chinese Dishva
King Yuen Cafe
2010*'j N. 241h St. Jackson 8576
(>nen from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m
Modern Shoe Repair
1410 North 24th Street
Come in and see our new
line of men’s and children's
sho s. Loi g wear arid
reasonable prices.
Special Shoe Shiner
Cleaning, Pressing and Re
Dyeing and Hat Cleaning
Dresses Cleaned and Press
ed—Fur Craftiug, Etc
We carry one of the most com
plete assortments of vegetable,
flower, and grass seed in the
city. Save 60 per cent by using
cur bulk garden seeds, such as
mustard, okra, collards spinach
beets, I carts, etc.
Our 17th Year at 24th & Cuming
Plant A Garden
924 North 24th St. JA 3113
JOLENE—Styled in Hollywood
1510 N. 24th St. JA. 0S.V1
J Proprietor
24th and Lake Street
WEbster 5444