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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1938)
Calvin9 s Digest By Floyd J. Calvin (Only column in the Negro Presslisted by Editor and Publisher)^ Work in Rochester Wo wish to commend Editor Ho ward W. Coles of The Rochester Voico for his work in bringing to tho attention of City Manager Harold Baker, the unwholesome housing conditions affecting color ed citizens of his city, with the result that Mr. Coles has been named a member of the enlarged Citizens Committee on Housing, comprising eleven members. Mr. Cole was one of three new mem bers added on March 8, the other two being Arthur White, secretary treasurer of the Carpenters Dis trict Council; and Mrs, Leonard W. Jones of the League of Women Voters. Interest in sub-standard housing for Negroes in Rochester was sti mulated through an aggressive campaign waged by Mr. Coles took the form , of publicity secured in tho daily press, showing pic tures, both exterior and interior views, of Negro homes in the "slum” area. When the evidence was brought forth in the press, through the cooperation of Con gressman George "B. Kelly, Demo crat of the 38th Congressional dis trict, the public authorities were compelled to take note. Colored people themselves — clergymen, businessmen, and fraternal leaders —rtook an active interest, sending letters to the City Manager’s of fice, with the result that Editor Coles was named on the Housing Committee. It was brought out that some five hundred families are living under sub-star’Uiu conditions, and '"“that 285 families are without bath tubs, and 84 houses have no indoor toilets. A determined campaign is under way to bring a Federal housing project to Rochester, ar.d if it comes, a large number of benefi ciaries will be Negroes. The initiative of Editor Coles in starting this battle and getting results, so far, to the extent that tha colored citizens of Rochester have their own representative on the Citizens Housing Committee is strictly in line with the tradi tional fight of the Negro press to improve conditions of the people Again we commend Editor Coles. $250,000 Increase Again we extend congratulations ■Mi GET RID OF SHINE ! Why not have a lovely, lighter com plexion? Why not try this safe, easy way to improve coarse, dark, oily skin? Buy a package of Nadinola Bleaching Cream. Bach night smooth it gently on your face. No rubbing, no massaging. White you sleep the positive bleaching action of Nadinola does its work. Usually in 5 to 10 days you begin to see wonderful improvement. Your complexion grows j lighter, smoother, softer. Soon you have j what every woman wants ... a lighter, i satin-smooth, lovely complexion I You Can't Lost — Money Back Guarantee You don't risk a cent. Every jar of Nadi nola brings you full instructions and a positive money-back guarantee. Give your complexion the help of this famous treatment cream. Get Nadinola today. At all drug stores 50c, large money saving sixe $1.00. But be sure it’s gen- i uine Nadinola. Don t trust your love liness to any unknown substitute. If \ your druggist can’t supply you, just \ order direct and we’ll send it postpaid, j » Address Nadinola, Dept. 43, Pans, Tenn. s _ rmwwm NEBRASKA* PRODUCE 1202- 4-6 North 24th Street Phone WE 4137 i i Poultry and Egg Dealer* Orn prices are reasonable, see us first. i I to the youthful, but vigorous Unit ed Government Employees of Washington, D. C., Edgar G. Brown president, for the successful com 1 pletion of their 1938 wage increase fight which resulted in $250,000 being added to salaries of some 3,000 low-paid federal workers, giv ing each $60 more a year to save or spend. Last year it was $200, 000 for 2,000, and this year it is $250,000 for 3,000 workers. The UGE has just issued a book let reproducing the official record of the 76th congress which tells the story of the wage increase fight, step by step. It is interesting to note the strategy of the UGE offi cials in making friends in both the Lower and Upper House. The er ganization lists the Committee of Appropriations of the Senate as its friends. Senaitor Glass of Virginia is chairman of this Committee, and some of the mebers are McKellar of Tennessee, Copeland of New York, Hayden of Arizona, Thomas of Ok lahoma, McCarran of Nevada, O’Mahoney of Wyoming, and McAdoo of California. On the House Appropriations Committee are friends like Edward Taylor of Colorado, chairman; Jed Johnson of Oklahoma, John E. Dockweiler of California, and Em met O'Neal of Kentucky. It’s heartening to see an organiza tion, only two years old, have $450, 000 in wage increases to its credit, giving $5 a month to five thousand people. It shows what is possible in this day and age, in realms where opportunity might be thought not to exist. Lawyers Awake President William L. Houston of the Nation Bar Association told the Beccaria club, which entertain ed him at the Parker House. Boston recently, of the work of the colored lawer in improving the civic and social jife of the group. Mr. Houst on, who is also Special Assistant to the Attomey General of the United States, “recounted the victories won in the matter of breaking up the separate coaches for interstate passengers; of securing race repre sentation on both grand and pe+it juries in southern states; of pro erring due precess and equal pro tection of the law in courts; of op ening the doors of state universit ies for higher education of colored students; for equalizing the pay of teachers; of establishing the right of free speech; of breaking down residential segregation; of precur ing decrees from the courts prehib-1 iting the legislature from enacting i statutes (to bar Negroes from prim- ' aries; of obtaining civil rights as to empyolment of Negroes; of the effective work the colored lawyer has done in the matter of! civil lib ei-ties as they effect Negroes and of strong support they gave in the battle for t.h er.aotment of the anti Ivnching bill.” The National Bar Association is now in its 13th year. It was organ ised in 1925, being founded by Hon. George H. Woodson. It is good that the lawyers are banded together and, in addition to seeking their personal fortunes, are seeking as a fraternal group the betterment of the race as a whole. More respect comes do them, and to all. through! such concerted effort. Mound Bayou's Finances It, is interesting to read the ann ual statement of the town of Mound Bayou, Miss., the world- famous Negro town which not so long ago celebrated its fifteenth anniversary Its Mayor is B. A. Green, a Harv ard man. The town collected $2,045. 25 during the year, and spent $2, 015.51, leaving a balance in the tre sury, as of December 31, of $29. 74. The most important point is that the town lived wfthin its income. --o LEIGH WHIPPER NOW BACK ON BROADWAY New York, April 9 (C)—Leigh Whipper, veteian actor who haSj appeared many timps on Broadway in such plays as “Porgv,” “Steve dore.” and “Three Men on a Horse is now contributing his hit to^the success of “Of Mice and Men, at the Musis Box theatre, 45th and Broadway. A native of Charleston, P. C., Mr. Whipper’s father, Wm. J. Whipper. was a probate judge and brigadier general in command of state troops in Beaufort duiing I Reconstsuctdon. Mr. Whipper lives ! at the Dunbar a par' inents in Har 1 1cm. Johnson Drug: Co. Liquors. Wines and Beer Prescriptions ^ W E 0999 1901 No. 24th St LET PEOPLES DO IT | J Clean up that front room. We specialize in making old houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for eeti j mation on work. No job too small or too large. j Ten trained decorating meohalnics. Our Motto—Service j First, at (he lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858. I Peoples Paint and Papering Shop | LARRY PEOPLES, Proprietor I CHURCH NEWS SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH C'larinda, Iowa Rev. D. Nicholson, Pastor Sunday school opened at the us ual hour with Miss Rachel Cason presiding. All had a wonderful time and had a spring spirit. Morning service was in big) wiith a eoyevnant meeting*. Th pastor spoke on the subject, 1 The Reason Why He is a Baptist. Many good thoughts were advanc ed. Afternnon service, the spirit was still high and the choir sang as never before. The special numbei by Mrs. Myers was en joyed by all Her song was, “Something Within ’ The fourth Sunday in this montl the Second Baptist church wil have a special program. Come ou and enjoy a good old country time -o ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. M. K. Curry, Pastor Sunday school opened at 9:30 a m. A large number was present Many helpful thoughts were glean ed from the lesson. Aft 11 o’clock the Imperial Choir opened the services by singing two selections, namely, "Break Thot the Bread of Life" and “No Shad ows Yonder." Rev. G. R. Wheeler of Toledo, Ohio, .brought us a wonderful message. His subject wa “Deliver A Message to the Enemy and Bring Me Back the Word." This was a very inspiring sermon and was highly enjoyed by all. BYPU opened at 6:30 p. m. At 8 p. m., Rev. Crawford prea ched a short interesting sermon*. He selected his text from Jer. 20th chapter. Many visitors worshipped with us. bih M -o BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. T. J. Sanford, Pastor J. S. Jefferson, Reporter Sunday school opened on time, <9:45 with s!upo|intendent, J. S. Jefferson, presiding. Title of lesson, ’‘■Serving Other Races” Mark 7:24—37. Golden text, “God is No Respector of by .Rev. Sanford took his text from Persons.” The Sunday school was exitra fine that morning. With all classes represented and all teach ers present and lessoa reviewed by Sister Magg’e Smith. Many good points were drawn from the lesson At eleven o’clock our regular service. The scripture lesson for the morning Psalms 38; prayer Revelation 6:17, “For the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be oble to stand.” And the spirit rose high as he talked. As tho result one was united with the church in person of Mr. Henry Dunk ins. We were very glad to have with us that mornings visitors Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Jones, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Groves, also pleased to have Mrs. Hichman of the Metropolitan Church. The sick of the church are Bro. P. Wade, we miss him so much, we hope for bis speedy recovery and to be with us soon. Evening services at 7:45 con ducted by Rev. T. J. Sanford a’ Cleaves Temple CME Churc'i hymn No. 1 “A chore to keep 1 have and a God to glorify. Prayer by Rev. Coolige. Scripture lesson read by Rev. D. W. Bass, Romans 6—1:16. After which a specia number was rendered by Rev. 1) W. Bass, title. “I’m going through’ At 8:15 Rev. Sanford a special sermon on “Dancing.” Anythin* thaft wil draw you froVn Godl. things is dangerous. He emphasi zed his subject very strong. And many good thoughts were drawn from his subject. He taken great pains in showing thie public how dangerous it was to follow wrong things. Visitors are always welcome to our Uniion service. The followin'* Sunday the service will be held at Bethel 2430 Franklin St. con ducted by Rev. Bass. Come and be with us. Prayer and class every Wednesday night at 7:30. -n-• ST. JOHN A. M. E. CHURCH "The Friendly Church” Dr. R. A. Adams. Pastor The Sunday school attendant is better each. Sunday since the spring has come. The lessons are being taught with an unuual in tCFCSt. As Last Sunday was Commun ion Day, Dr. Adams did not preach, hut had a service that was full of the spirit. There were none to unite with the church. The sick of the church are: Sis. Bessie Hastings, Sis. Maggie G<-' - don. Bro. Mitadge I amh rt is still at the St. Joseph hospital. Dr. Adams, the pastor ,was in ' oil at home about ell lust week. We pray for his comfort. The Sunday s'hool is working r-uite hard to present a fine Eas ter program. Tt will have a i ageant as well as itihe Raster Mornin; program. The choir is also preparing a nice Easter program, and working oru I its frrlusk- for the .Goodwill Spring Musical. As Dr. Adams was not able to preach Sunday night, our friend and brother Rev. McGee, spoke for us. Brother McGee always has a fine message for us. Yuo are asked to make your first rennrt for the Spring Rally next Sunday. Now do your best be cause your church really needs rur help. In the afternoon the choir went to the Hillside Presbyterian church fo>. n group rehearsal of the Good Will Spring Musical. Your Omaha Guide is always out on Thursday now, then why not have it come to you and keep post ed on your Hujrch. social, and fraternal news f. r the Sunday fol lowing ? interdenominational CHURCH Elder W. I. Irving, Pastor Mrs. P. Avant, Reporter Tho church that stands for .he l unity of God’s children ns the, ! standard of Christian fellowship. Wo had 'ory good services Sun ; day in all departments of church worship and services. Sunday school was well attended. Our pastor did all the preaching, morning and evening which ended a series of sermons on the subject "Love as Law.” It was dearly shown that obedience prompted by like blesses the soul and all ef forts and all inetitutions governed by love is a success. It liberates from the world and strengthen our Christian character so we need not be made ashamed of. Bible forum meets Thursdays at 7:30 p. m. You are welcome to worship with us. ___ TARADISE BAPTIST CHURCI Rev. L. H. Hervey, I*astor Sunday school opened at the us ual hour with good attendance. At 11:300, the pastor preached a wonderful sermon. Subject, "Pray er Changes Conditions. Text. II Kings, 20-5. BYPU wna called to order at 6 p. m. A splendid program was ren dered by the Junior girls. Visitor wero Herman Davis of St. John AME; John Barber of Zion; Lorine and Agnes Morris of Salem, Miss Rebecca Ashen and brothers. Next Sunday the program will be ren dered by the boy group. The Boo sters contest will clbse next Sun day. Cbme see who will be the win ner. * At 8:30 the pastor brought to us another powerful sermon. Sub., "Take vour head off the world’s lap.” Judges 16—19. "And she made him sleep upon her knees.'' The revival will ci/ivtinue through out the week, perhaps longer. Sat urday we had one ,to accept Christ. Miss Viola Littlejohn a candidate I for baptism. Wo invite all churches to come | end help us ir* this campaign | against sin. -o— SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. C. C. Pettis, Pastor Sunday being the first Sunday services were very good at Salem. Sunday school opened at 9:30. i Mr. Rosebaugh, the superintendent, presiding. The lesson was taught by the pastor. Attendance was gtrod. The spirit was high in the 11 o’clock services. The Lord’s supper was administered by the pastor. BYPU was at the regular hour, 5:30 p. m. The pastor, Rev. Pettis, brought the message at 8 p. m. He preach from Galatians 6:1. Subject, "Christian Freedom,” which was enjoyed by all present. All departments of the church seemed to be taking on new life. There were two additions to the church Sunday. VisitoTs are always welcome to Salem. MT. OLIVE BAP. CHURCH Rev. J. P. Mosley, Pastor Lenora Parker, Reporter Sunday school at 10 a. m. wit! a splendid attendance. Sister Lin zola Williams Supt. The Sunday school is asking for more new members. At 11 a. m. speaking meeting the Holy Ghost came and showered I on us. If you want to gat your soul revised come to Mt. Olive and worship. At 6 p. m. BYPU, Bro. Collins president. At 8 p. m. the pastor preached an interesting sermon. Text found ■ in Luke 22— 20 verse. Subject,1 “Who is Jesus”. Our hearts burned within us while he brought to u*j the wonderful message from on high. The Mission Circle will sponsor | p. program Sunday afternoon 3 p. | m. The speaker will be Rev. Gales from Mt. Nebo. Come one. com all. - ■ -- MT. MORIAH BAPT. CHURCH Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor !•'. Burroughs, Reporter The holy spirit came and dwelled throughout the day filling the hearts of many with new hope, new inspiration, and a greater determination to press forward to that mark of high calling which is in Christ Jesus. Communion and Covenant meet ing was observed at bath the morning and evening worship. At tho evening worship the Pas tor gave a short discourse on the 10th chapter of Romans. The church ts looking forward to the Easter breakfast which is an annual affair. Everyone is in vited to come out and enjoy them selves. Have you heard tho nows? No! what is it? Why! the BYPU is having an old fashioned spall down Thursday, April 14. A cash prize will be given to the one who stands up the long est. Everybody invited to attend and take part. You may be the lucky person. Aftiong the sick Mrs. Davidson seems to be the worst. We are ask ing God to restore her health if it is his will. Mrs. Joneg is still im proving. Visitors and friends are always welcome. MORNING STAR BAR. CHURCH Mrs. W. E. Frederick, Reporter Sunday school opened at the us ual hour, 9:30 a. in., with the sup erintendent, Mrs. Stromile, in charge. At 11:30 o'clock, Rev. James 5. Anderson delivered the message, from the subject, "The implications in tiho human (growth of Jesus Christ.” Text, Luke 2:40. Context, II Peter 3:18; Proverb, 4:18. At 3 p. m., Rev, Carter, the pas tor of the New Hope Baptist church and members were present with us in behalf of the choir. The message Ava# (delivered by Rev Carter. Subject "He is Worthy.” Text. Acts 16:25-26. Did not our heart# burn within us while he talked with us by the way. The spirit was high. BYPU opened tut 6 p. m., with the president, Bro. Johnson, in charge, with a large number of visitors present with us. Attend ance was good. At 8 p. m., the message was again delivered by the Rev. Jamas S. Anderson. Subject, “The Lord's Supper.” Texit. Luke 22:19-20. Contex, I Cor. 11:26. The message was enjoyed by all after which Communion was taken. Visit our prayer meeting every Wednesday night at the church. The Willing Workers club meets Thursday night at the church. Friday night the Missionary So ciety will meet. We are very glad to announce that the Mission is progressing splendidly. There will be an open discussion on a paper written by Mrs. Stromile. Come and hear it. On next Sunday Refv. George White will be in charge of the church services. Your presence will be appreciated. We invite you to attend all our services. Visitors are always welcome. GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES — Fine for Weak Kidneys and Blad der Irritation. STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS One 35 cent box of these fam ous capsules will put healthy ac tivity into your kidneys and blad der—flush out harmful waste poisons and acid and prove to yon that at last you have a grand diu retie and stimulant that will swiftly cause these troubles to cease. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules— safe and harmless—the original ind genuine—right from Haarlem in Holland. Millions have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it—some symptoms be sides visits the bathroom at night are backache, moist palms puffy oyes and scanty passge that oft times smarts and burns. I OEMWO WTO CC.T,,^ I H C3HC7 _Bifone____ (Dm (ttOO CUMING Sr r> jgysss® OMAHA.aRBjgjj. Max Shames Free estimates THE AWFUL PRICE YOU PAY FOR BDHG NERVOUS Check Below Anti See If You Have Any Of The Signs Quivering nerve* ran mak© you old and haggard looking, cranky and hard to live ■with—can keep you awake nights and rob you of good health, good times and jobs. Don’t let yourself “go" like that. Start taking a good, reliable tonic—one made eepe• daily for women. And could you ask lor any thing whose benefits have been better proved than world-famous Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound? Let the wholesome herbs and roots of Pinkham’s Compound help Nature calm your shrieking nerves, tone up your system, and help lessen distress from female func tional disorders. Make a note NOW to get a bottle of this time-proven Pinkhain’t Compound TODAY without fail from your druggist. Over a mil lion women have written in letters reporting wonderful benefits. , Kor the past 60 years Lydia E. Pinkharo s Vegetable Compound has helped grateful women go “smiling thru" trying ordeals. Why not let it help YOU? _CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT One furnished room in a modern home at 2826 No. 26th St. Call AT 5988 FOR RENT 3 room Apt. Bills paid. JA 0986. FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2616-18 FatncK, or 2613 Grant at. Call We. 5653. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms WE 2303. FOR KENT Neatly furnished rooms strickly modern for rent $2.00 per week and up. Apartment and houses for rent. Call ATiantic 7436, or Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbster 3678 FOR RENT 4 room modern apt. Private bath, private entrance. Heat and water furnished Call AT 1668 FOR RENT Apartment for rent, newly decora ted and fumlhed also an all modern five room furnished house Call WEbtser 3146 Colored young man for Commercial posing Athletic build, good pro file necessary Write, giving details and snapshot Omaha Guide, Box 398 PEACH WANTED to rent to two men with wives and good jobs, two large rooms. Orje for light houeskeeping Call in evening Partly furnished. Phone in later at 2602 Blondo St. FOR RENT Room for Rent. Men only JAckson 2549. IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladles’ and Children’s Work A Specialty, 2422 Lake Street. > >" YOU CAN ^AVE AND A SUCCESS HAND EMBLEM FREE <WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE) ' PRICE $1.00 INFORMATION FRM. ARABIAN PRODUCTS CO, Station C. DepF. N Cleveland. O FOR RENT 5 room, modern, sun porch, $2t, Inquire at 3109 Corby St. WE 0292. FOR RENT Apartment for rent AT 9320. FOR RENT Apartment for rent 2502 Burdett*. Street. AT 9400. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms WE 3738 FOR RENT A conbination living room and b*4 room. 2312 No 27th Ave. WE 2810 HOUSES FOR RENT 1617 No. 29th St. 2517 Corby St. 2825 Parker St. Apply at office 1607Vi Cuming St. 2nd Floor Call JA 5033 or KE 6069 LOOK, FOLKS! All N ew—Terms 3 piece maple, early American bedroom suite, ladder back bed, vanity and chestt of drawers. ONT V WDEI4TY , i Furniture Uept 1107 Howard St. JA 0288 FOR RENT Naet-Modern Rooms 2611 Patrick St. WEbster 2895. FOR RENT Largo front room for rent, single or couple 2423 Maple St. Call WE. 6070. HOW OFTEN CAN YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion Into a shrew for one whole week In every month. You can say “I'm sorry" and Ida and make up easier before marriage than after. Be wise. Ifyou want to hold your husband, you won't be a three-quarter wife. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through” with Lydia K Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: I. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age.” Don't be a threo-quarter wife, take LYDIA E PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go ''Smiling Through.'' Asthma Cause Fought in 3 Minutes By dissolving and removing mucus or phlegm that causes strangling, choking. Asthma attacks, the doctor’s prescription Menduco removes the cause of your agony. No smokes, no dopes no Injections. Ab solutely tasteless. Starts work In 3 minutes. Bleep soundly tonight. Soon feel well, years younger, stronger, and eat anything. Guar anteed completely satisfactory or money bnck. If your druggist ts out ssk him to order Mendaco for you. Don't suffer another day. The guarantee nrotects you. North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL 1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240 Have your old shoes made to look and wear like new. Our invisible resoling is jurt . what you need to keep yo ur feet nice and warm. Men’s and Women’s anoes left over for sale. I Beware Kidney Germs if Tired, Nervous, Aching Are you Run Down, Nervous, suffer Aching or Swollen Joints? Do you Get Dp Nights, or suffer from Burning Passages, Frequent Headaches, Leg Pains, Backache, Dizziness, Puffy Eyelids, Loss ol Appetite and Energy If so, the true cause often may be germs developed in the body during colds, or by bad teeth or tonsils that need removing. These germs may attack the delicate mem branes of your Kidneys or Bladder and often cause much trouble. Ordinary medicines can't help much because they don't fight the germs. The doctor's formula Cyst**, now stocked by all druggists, starts fighting Kid ney germs In 3 hours and must prove entirely satisfactory In 1 week and be exactly tha medicine you need or money back Is guar anteed. Telephone your druggist for Cystex (Siss-tex) * today. The guarantee ^protects you- Copr. 1937 The Knox Co. TUCHMAN’S FCOO SUMS Use Roberts Products Sweet Milk.'.Qt. 10c Sweet Cream.Half Pint 10c Evaporated Milk 2 tall cans 15c Butter Milk .Qt- 8i' Free Delivery WE C402 24th & LakeSts.