The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 02, 1938, Page THREE, Image 3

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NOTE:—Y iui question w I be answered FREE in th s col
iimn ONLY’ when a <1 pping of this column is enclosed with YOUR
ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents and
a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEYV ASTROLOGY’
READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on
THREE QUESTIONS* Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care of
The Omaha Guide. 2118 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
K E. C—Will I be successful
if 1 should get the job that 1 am
anxious for at this loime.
Ans: You will advance rapid
ly if you do get the job Don’t
give up v’he position you are
now heIding you are
quifoe sure of something definite
The coming months are going
bo be very prosperous ones
for you if you keep up the
grade you are now going*
l jvi L>— If I should spend the
day Basiler in Pa , do you think
people here would P°-Ut t'heu
fingers of scorn a>t me,
Ans: It, really isn t any
business of anyone’s as I®®*
as you are acting decent Visit
t'be city you ha'e in m nd and
eall upon this party, you will
enjoy the trip immensely.
C N—I want to know if 1
medical dot:.or? ••
Ans: To consult a nv.a cai
doctor you tan ftel reasonably
sure cf gettirg over your pre
sent ailment. I don’t think it
wise ■;o consult any otlwr per
K. K W—Has this person re
eived ' he letters l have written
FREE LUCK BAGI 60c Algerian Majo
Luck Bag anJ aamplai Hair Draning,
Powder, Ointment Free. Sand 10c to
cover mailing cost,
Dept. . Memphis, Tenn.
from common colds
That Hang On
No matter how many medicines
you have tried for your cough, chest
cold, or bronchial irritation, you can
get relief now with Creomulsion.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance
with any remedy less potent than
Creomulsion, which goes right to
the seat of the trouble and aids na
ture to soothe and heal the inflamed
mucous membranes and to loosen
and expel the germ-laden phlegm.
Even if other remedies have failed,
don’t be discouraged, try Creomul
sion. Your druggist is authorized to
refund your money if you are not
thoroughly satisfied with the bene
fits obtained from the very first
bottle. Creomulsion is one word—not
two, and it has no hyphen in it.
Ask for it plainly, see that the name
on the bottle is Creomulsion, and
you’ll get the genuine product and
the relief you want. (Adv.)
S o- 3 iked
With At! attars
Note she tender crust—
The purr white color—
The fine even texture of
Word 7 Bread
: and if so why doesn’t he answer?
Ans: 'Don’t you know that
he is evading you so that he
can >call off the marriage? It
would be well for you to begin
going with some other nice
fellows and get your mini off
this party for he does not
intend to cany out the plans
you have made
G S— Should I follow my own
mind or take the step I am about
to take in a murath or so?
Are: Depend on thus boy
friends of yours for he is
quite sincere and wtants to
'take you and your youngster
juff, as foon as lie is f nancial
ly able Give him a few months
to get ahead before carrying
cm', {hie plans you now have.
R C.—I g«vc up my job and
now I am sorry. Gould I get itj
back? ALso would like to have a
private reply from you
Ans: I honestly do fe 1 tint
you could get this job back
were you to go in p ‘iv n to
,g. he lady you worked for.
Shrc realizes 1 ihflt you did what
you thought beat, an! sbie will
bo glad to r. cons d r every
thing- Send a quadter for my |
Set-1 D<ry Reeding and 1 will \
bo glad to give y u five < ph
irrns on bee quest iotas by re
turn mail. i
7' _A. K—I have lost w iyht a"d
I am iush v orderi> g " hat is the
reason for I do nr+ diet ?
A ns: Fo r i f e past few
months you are all winy your*
. -'f t wrv. Th!s will cau e
you to lose weight v rv nu’ek- i
1" So? a ''on or, ho will b’
■nl ’e 'o g:ve you d tailed in
fom-v-v i -ird «wk vru o’T a
good diet so t'h*»t ycu will put
your wr'g’P vn'k on.
A II—Must I take up the course
I have in mind? Would I fail?
An<,: r-'-.ninly n"t. Yon
could mast r th« ®cu”se if yu
tr ed 1, would he a good thing
V-o -n *• ur mind cceupied
for a while.
—1 — 0
*ttv. rHYRf.E^ F. DAY'S I
2>02 No. 2'th St. Tuchman Bldg.
\"*i «* Of Administration
T|n she <” untv Court of Douglas
(Vontv. Nebw*skr.:
Tn ,'Po matter of the estate cf
NV'll« R. Cm-ry. Dceased.
A'l per-'n-s ipteie«ted ;n said
aw hereby rot'Ced that a {
i-nfjti-n Pwc he> ri filed in said1
r- * plh»(j’'ug Frit s«id dceased
’P-a jeov-jrg no last " ill and prav
<nc r r administration upon his
t^te. aw? that a hearing will h
’■••ft on said po‘it'on brf<>m sa*-'
w rxrt thin 23’v) day of Apr'l
1 °38 and that if "thev fnil t nn
nr of o-ipl C,-vn-- nri (Pp said 23"d I
<lay of April, 1938, at 9 o’clock ' i
M. to contest said petition, the
onf rnav grant the same and
>’o t' n/tw-rr* frnfj ,p of s°id e *ntp
' t "I--* R. Ca?-ey or some other
-• ii‘ op'n ro'f, n and pi’oceed to n
-ettlement thereof,
Bryce Crawford
foutity Judge
Wp 4-2-38—F.n 4-16-38
North 21th Street
1807 No 24th Si. WE 4240
Have your old shoes made to
look and wear like new.
Our invisible resoling is jt st
what you need to keep yc ur
feet nice and warm.
Men’s and Women's shoes
left over for sale.
Help Kidneys
Don't take Drastic Drugs
Your Kidneys contain 9 million tiny tubes
or Alters . 1 .1 may bo endangered by neg
lect or brat.iC. irritating drug;. B. careful
if fuuct.oi.ul dk-orders of the Kidneys or
Biudwr i > ,:e \ cl sutler from Getting Up
Niphts. Nervousness, Leg Pains, Circle
Under Eyes, Die tss. lickaebe, 8 a alien
Joints, i '.ce s Ac.ditv, or Burning Pr-s-seces
don't rely on c hr.’ry medicines. light
such troubles v 1 the doctor's pre emp
tion c»*..s. C'stex f r> > working in 3
hours a-d m® pr®» entirely satisfactory
■n 1 c k. end h>- e’ t®c medb-lae you
red e' "io ®- l ore u guaranteed Tel"
I t for I I ' - t.rv
in-^ Jh c",. ps protects you, Cope
IOE and COAL 00
V(j Extra ( barge for llalf Ton
2.»20 t.ake Street AT fi.l'.o !
Latest Lighthouse Equip
ment Proves Efficient.
Washington, D. C.—“Self-announc
ing” lighthouses and lightships that
tell the mariner just how close he is
approaching them, even when a pea
! soup tag shuts them from view,
i make up the latest equipment of the
United States lighthouse service in
its fight for greater safety at sea.
"The vital element of this recent
contribution to safer navigation,
now coming into wide use, is a
combination of signals which tells
the navigator his distance from
dangerous reefs or shoals," says
the National Georgraphic society.
"Twenty - nine stations sending
such signals, scattered along the
Atlantic and Gulf coasts from West
Quoddy Head, near Eastport, Maine,
to the Southwest pass of the Mis
sissippi river, recently participated
in the most elaborate demonstration
of their use ever arranged. They
operated continuously during day
light hours to give all passing ships
the opportunity to test out the new
method, and judge of its accuracy.
Danger In Fog.
"In the stress of making harbor
In a fog, shipmasters are too con
cerned to rely on cn unfamiliar
method. The tests by distance-find
ing observations were made in good
weather and in daylight because it
was realized that, when the ac
curacy of the new method was inv
mediately revealed by bearing*
taken from visible landmarks,
mariners would gain enough con
fidence i,‘i the signals to rely on
them later when fog would obscure
the station sending them.
"When approaching land in fog
it is often possible to hear sound fog
signals from a lighthouse or light
ship; yet. because of the vagaries
of sound traveling through fog, th
hearer may be unable to dctermihr
with any accuracy his distance froir
the sending station. This difficulty
A’hich has caused many sea d is
ters, is greatly reduced by th
new ‘distance-finding’ signals, whici
really are 'distance-telling' signals
"Two signals are sent simul
taneously — a radio beacon signa
and another by sound. The marinei
notes the t! that elapses between
arrival of the radio signal, whici
comes in first and reception of th
sound signal. By calculations base;,
on this lapse of time, he can di
termine how many miles he is froir
the sending station. The signals
can be picked up by all ships fitted
with radio direction finders or evei
Simple radio broadcast receivers, h
they can be tuned to the propci
wave length. Sound signals are
sent, of course, by the usual fog
horn or siren.
First Use of Signals.
"This method of distance-tellinf
was first tried out by the United
Slates lighthouse service in 1929
at Cape Henry lighthouse, Virginia
and Poe Reef lighthouse in the up
per end of Lake Huron.
‘ The following year seven addi
lional stations were placed in opera
lion on the Great Lakes, where
mariners already were making fre
quent use of radio-beacon signal!
for calculating their positions. Tin
use of distance telling facilities wai
but another step. In 1931 ten mori
stations were given the new equip
ment, including two on the Pacifii
coast: the Blunts Reef lightship.
California, and Grays Harbor light
house, Washington.
“Blunts Reef lightship lies a shor'
way off Cape Mendocino, a promon
tory which must be rounded by all
ships bound up or down the coast
Because of reefs extending seaward
from the cape, ships must keep well
offshore. Calculation of distance
was formerly difficult when fog
obscured everything. With the new
signals, mariners can compute ac
curately their distance from the
lightship and reefs, and avoid steer
ing too close to shore.
"At Grays Harbor lighthouse,
Washington, vessels entering the
bay from the open Pacific must
pass through a 'narrow entrance
formed by two jetties. When fog
conceals !he shore, ships seeking
the entrance are in danger of run
ning aground. The new signals, sent
from tie lighthouse close to the
jetties, will enable ships to ap
proach them with greater safety.
“In 1033. nineteen lighthouses and
lightships were given the new dis
taucc-telling equipment in addition
to those already in operation. By
the end of 19311 at least 27 other
stations will be so equipped, bring
mg the total to 73."
Slot ;Mf! Nip1 littPHS
(Ifiio I' ' Iti I Tiltin' w. I«nvn ,\J:»
snarl unit NVriti I'aroMna are foe
iiic soy bean »la!es with thirty Pin-*
and n half million bushels, twice
the crop ot hist year Kinee hiiv
ireneral'v is plentiful not so many
farmers Mils rear cut their soy
heaps for Imy lint rather threshed
them for the heaps Where soy
heaps are Mioruiirhly dry there Is
little danger from lion tins l-'ew In
sects -inad. them When stored
at 'll decrees seed with hleh mots
Mire content showed Hi Me evldenn
of loss In viability nfier n year
Hiirh temperature and til Hi mols
hire content cause storage loss, hut
little loss nee l He , i i<lo< .- I if >he
heaes are dry v hen f!ifesl:eil —
Ohio Farmer
Mrs. I 11. w l ams if 130S Na
23th f rapt, re orts that she ha<
been ill but is recovering nicely.
. , . . °)TIo.K>ji s ^DOvcnruma,
I ;
The Laneuse Beauty Inundation w t established by f
tke Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methcds
rl preserving womens natural beaut, and to make
the results ot this research available to the public.
The writer of the following
column, Miss Naomi Walker of
Wise, North Carolina, who is the
third prize winner in my contest
for letters on original beauty
hints, strikes an interesting note.
She puts beauty culture on the
basis of artistic sculpture. You
will be interested in what she
In this grent world of ours men
ind women me demanding answers
, to certain questions. To l»e beau
tiful Is (lie challenge that every
i woman la America must face. <treat
| sculptors are taking rough stone,
wood and clay and molding It Into
something that Is beautiful. We.
I too, can do the same for ourselves
with little expense. A pauper can
I easily possess that “priceless pearl"
I ended beauty as well as a million
i a I re.
1 Kvery Indy who desires to he
beaut I ful should try controlling her
voice. Try* talking before a mir
ror or board and notice the sound
of the voice. If it is harsh, change
the tone because no lady Is h null
fill who is boisterous. Cultured, re
lined milliners always add m the
charm and l»eailly of a lady,
V.e always consider i lit* face,
luck, nails, and hands I1>|. Too
many ladles >ii la-1 ore a mirror and
spend hums daily prepare g tm-se
tilings uiisiic.-e si'olly. The he I
way to acquire that lasting ne, ay
Is by selecting Hie creams, powders,
lotions and polishes Hat blend
with your complexion. It is iiso
less to recommend any partici.lar
are pa ration because the one I ree
ummciid might not si t every cu e.
Therefore you must si tidy the
I --—
texture of the skin and then pur
chase your cream.
We mast hew ure of sea ley legs
ami rusty knees Unit are so com
mon among us in wittier. They de
prive I lie sheer silk stockings of
their beauty. Why not try washing
anil greasing them gently each night
to avoid eiiiimrrasstnent7 When the
face, hands Mini other things have
been properly cared for. develop
that pleasing personality I hut leaves
a lasting imprint upon acquaint
atiees. |
So many women to whom nature !
has given beauty nre uimttmclive
because they dress unbecomingly.
They wear led when Idae will
bring out the color belter. They
forget to odd that scarf or pin (tint
will heighten the eyes and cause the
cheeks to look rosy. There Is a
little secret In the type of print
which an Individual wears. If ail
extra large person wears a dress
with unusually large print It de
tracts from the beauty of I lie- per
j son and causes attention to he dl
j reeled to the size. Shoes mid stock
I in s i*i*:i either add or detract.
| Avoid cramping tin* feel been use a
cramped foot causes discomfort,
and one never looks one's best
i while in misery
I Kimilly, ii can la* concluded Hint
the little tilings ihut many w-mien
neglect would add so much to their
charm mol lien Uly. When lliegreul
secret ol lieum> shall lie revealed
at last, the little things dial arc so
easily forgotten will con*Imp* to add
the finishing touch In charm.
hi my next column Mm Re H unity of Chtmgo, the
n* nner of the fourth prtte, will
hr nv unfit.
Horse in Austrklia
Almost every Australian fnnt'ly
>\vu» a horse, ami every t« ,vn lias
h horse racing ir.ick. That is Hie
English Inlliicnce in the country.
Among the itui• >nant horse races
In the world are the .Melbourne nip
races held in Australia every No
vember. in tiie larger cities there
Is a turf meet lug at least three or
four times a week. The people play
a little golf.
Fertilization of FUh E;|i
The tir>t record of artificial fer
I tilization ot fish eggs Is of the prac
tices of an Austrian monk, l»un
I'inchnn, who practiced methods of
hutching trout. Artificial fertill/,8
linli was redl covered by Ideut. <1
E. a a cold in 17'ISt Fish farms were
fiien estaldislied in (iermnuy and
Ihe fish produced became an liupor
hi at article of commerce.
•" j*
*• Goodrich Tires, Goodrich %
•* Battries, Motorola Radios ?
Auto Accessories
< your spring change •!
■■ ark Ave. & Farnam AT 2920j»
■v WAV.V.S-.V.V.-.y.v.., V
1 !
• Bus travel today is most
luxurious. Coaches arc warm end
comfortable. Individual reclining
chairs and free pillows Paggoce
stored inside always handy. Ask
agent about low fares to all points.
Big savings on round trips.
Cheyenne . $9.00
Chicago . 8.50
Denver . 9.00
Kansas City . 3.20
San Fransico .. 27.00
Los Angeles . 27.00
1416 Dmiglas at 15th St.
l’h ATianlic 2300
--.... —
One furnished room in a modern
home at- 2826 No. 26th St. Call
AT 5988
3 room Apt. Hills paid. JA 0986.
FOR REVT—Love's Ritcncnette
Apartments, 2616-18 1'atncK, oi
2613 Grant st. Call We. 5553
Furnished Rooms WE 2303.
Neatly furnished rooms s'.ricklj
modern for rent $2.00 per week
and up. Apartment and houses fu<
rent. Call ATlnntic 7435, o
Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbster 3678
4 room mod rn apt. Private bath,
private entrance. Heat and water
furnished Call AT 1658
Apartment for rent, newly decora
ted and fumihed also an all
modern five room furnished
house Call WEbtser 3146
Colored young man for Commercial
poN’ng Athletic build, good pro
file necessary Write, giving details
nnd snapshot Omaha Guide, Box
\'. ANTED to rent to two men with
wives nnd good jobs, two lnrg
rnoms. Otj for i'eht houeskeeping
r’M in evening ParMy furnished
Phone in later at 2502 Blondo St. ■
5 room, modern, sun porch, $20.
Inquire at 3109 Corby St. WE
Apartment for rtnt AT 9320.
Apartment for i nt 2502 Burdette.
Sti-eeL AT 9400.
Two furnished rooms WE 3738.
A conbination I vinj; room and bed
room. 2312 No 27th Ave, WE 2810
1617 No. 29th St.
2517 Corby St.
2825 Parker St.
Apply at office
1687 f/j Cumin); St. 2nd Floor
Call J \ 5033 or K E 6069
All N ew—Terms
3 piece maple, early American
bedroom suite, ladder back bed,
vanity and checft of drawers.
0*TT v 05
Furniture Dept
1107 Howard St. JA 0288
NaeNModern Rooms 2611 Patrick
St. WEbster 2895.
' !>rf'c> front room for rent. siiAzle
or couple 2423 Maple St. Call WE.
71'Him for Rent. Men tnly JAdcs-m
[T pay*; ?'> * noR wpi ■
t*dic* »nrt Ohild'ft: » Won
A Sm*ci;ilU
2422 Lh1c*> Street
Asthma Cause
Fought in 3 Minutes
By dissolving and removing mucus oi
phlegm that causes strangling, choking
Asthma attacks, the doctor's prescrintlon
Mendaco removes the cause of your agony.
No smokes, no dopes, no injections. Ab
solutely tasteless Starts work m 3 minutes
Bleep soundly tonight. Soon feel well, year
younger, stronger, and eat anything. Guar
anteed completely satisfactory or money
back. If your druggist Is out ask him U
order Mendaco for you. Don’t nuflt - nuthei
day. The guarantee DrotecU you.
Liquor Store
Specials on
winest no W liskey
2 year old Whiskey
90 proof, pint___
24th and Patrick JA 9255
Isc Rcttits 11(ibits
Sweet Milk .•.Qt. 10c
Sweet Cream. Half Pint . 10c
Evaporated Milk.2 tall cans 8c
Butter Milk . Qt. 8c
Free Delivery
WE 0402 24th & LakeSts.
Strops, V-neck, pumps
and ties in gabardine
and kid. Sizes 3 Vi to 9;
AAA to C.
Straps, pumps, oxfords
and sandals. Sixes 8Vz
to IP/2; 12 to 3; 3!4
to 8.
OTHERS 1.98 to 3.45
Goodyear welt soles,
combination lasts, catf
uppers. Sizes 6Vi to