The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 02, 1938, Page TWO, Image 2

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    A PERSISTENT curiosity of this
department is why America,
the nursery of jars, has not come
forward with a
Lou » Reid
jazz opera. 1 r.e
mahatmas of
i the Metropo
' litan would
probably wcl
(f core sach a
worir, but as yet
n o t h i r.g bar
come from the
masters of what
the professors
call "the mo-cin
So busy are the masters piospeet
Ing in the Hollywood gold fields
that It is unlikely any such work
will be forthcoming roon. Thus,
what jazz laurel* the Met can
claim are the alien contribution of
the German, Kvenck. The latter's
opus. "Jonny Spielt Auf,’' was a
Jazz opera, but to feeble was its con*
ception of what America knows as
jazz that it was prompt
ly shelved after a few ■
performances. It hnsfl
never been revived. V
M ' I
We would like to tee*
each expert inanujac-tt
tiirers of jure as fJoro-E
thy Fields and Jimmy a
McHugh (remember!
their "/ Can't Cite foul
Anything But Love, I
Bahyf”), Vernon ltuke,5
Harold Arlen (Msl
“Stormy Weather” is E
one of the great fata
arias). Mack Garden
and Hatty Kerri, IV. I'.
Handy, Dyke Filington,
Ferde Grate try their
hands at an opera. And, perhaps,
Koark Bradford or John Dos Bas
sos or Varhel Lindsay, or Carl
Sandburg—someone who knows the
comedy cs writ as puthos of the jazz
age—might Ic induced to fashion
the libretto, weaving the fabric of
restless j.rt sent-day American civi
lization into a new operatic form.
At le-st, eu:h a musical work
would be wholly and itiefutabiy
American. It might be the means of
breaking down some of the snobbish
dependence upj.n foreign operatic
tradition. V/e do jarz bitter than
ve do any other musical form. In
deed, we lead the world in jazz—in
melody, in fertility of rhythm, color
and variety of instrumentation, but
we have yet to put it upon the
pcuidtal of national culture.
The concert hall continues to find
room for new ja« written in toe
li itlnow manner — compositions
labelled '‘concerto," with special at
• • nlion paid to French horus, oboes
e id bassoons.
Eventually. America will discover
a Mark Twain of jazz—some melody
r. an steeped in American traditions,
1 Messing a rich rar e of humor,
i :rt to the mechanical significance,
ltie bustle and speed of the age.
Du Bote Heyward
*.I».C A.P.
Author 11
“Poryy and tiffs'*
Tt.'-v- the popular music World
lit t :<Jr ‘ly finding interest in
I Jonah, it has not dusted off the old
\retlral song, “He'll Tell Me All
About tt Over There." Maybe, you
rente, Lrr the line: "I'll mount that
golden t' and. take Jonah by the
hand, r,r\ h 'll tell me all about it
ever /.<• • .” It was quite a favorite
• ‘ t' r i ' i p wetting just around
i .c *;i i.iC liver,
t torn- t\ t remains popular more
‘..r v.;;i s is a phenomenon. In j^ajs the following phe
roiiK’is have teen noted: ‘‘Smoke
Uets ii Your Eye*,” “Love in
BSocn\” “The Last Round Up,”
“The Music Goes Round,” “Stare
T ell os; Alabama,” “Carioca,"
“Merry Go Round Broke Down.”
Publicity rcenis to have halted’v ernreirifng Sing Sing’e
g c cluh r * 100 voices and Us or j.j.u Land of 66 pieces.
Passing of ths
Comic 8ong
The favor of the comic
. song with the public
• seems lo have dlsap
' peered. Perhaps it is
due to because there are
few singing comedians
left. With the passing
of such men as Ray
mond Hitchcock, Bam
Bernard, Lew Dock•
stader, Eddie Foy, Jeff
lie Angelis, all of whom
* used to pay good prices
l for ditties, the com ,c
i song industry went in o
a decline. WJien these
comedians were floa ••
ie.ting we had such
t nes as ‘‘Who Paid the
Rent lor Mrs. Rio Van
j Winkitt”, “A II Pressed Up and Ka
Place to Co,” “Fammany” “Ever,
body li'or/.-* but f ather" and to on.
In so me, instancer, a good comic
song spelled the. difference between
success cud failure for a show.
Rudy Vrtlee, Walter O’Keefe and
ethers revived end refurbished t :<>
eld ccmic ballad, ‘‘The Man on tin
Flying Trapeze,” and started it
upon a briefly popu’ar career. Oc
casionally, England has sent over n
comic sonp—there was "All thv
King's Hoiaes'1—but the race is to
the sentimental senp. Songwritiny
immortality is to ther e who sing c l
love and ir.ocnshins in fox-trot or
3 4 time.
Don’t hoar much scat singing Rny
morn, b’or a time (here was a very
epidemic of hot-cha-cha-clia. h.-de
hi-hi-hi, skld-a-ma-rlnky-dee, unip-i
Way back, there was "Yacka Hul.1
Hlcky Hula" and Von Tllser’s "Ob,
How She Could Yackl Harki Wicki
Wacki Woo!" The latter opus could
lie called a gem of expressiveness
The young woman of the title wn<
so accomplished that Von Tilzer
had to take five verbs to describe
her adequately. That was scat siug
tng, of cource. but nobody kuevi
it then.
BEETHOVEN SAID: ‘‘Music should strike fire from
the herrt of man, and bring tears from the eyes of
I gus rant** to help you «*t a itoM It
Ilf* No raa* bfyond ho^*. Stop suriy
Inc 1 Writ* mr today Information fk£|i
M. WILLIAMS, Journal Squirt St*
Jersey City, N. J.
taiiricKn and ('hinear Disho*
Kinjr Yuen Cafe
ultP) 241 h Si lHi'k«un
Open from 2 p. m until 3 a. m
Other girls
can have
** I iLEASE don't print my name,
JL but if my story can help other
girls, here it is! I was unpopular,
never asked out on account of my
ugly, blotchy dark skin! I tried so
many remedies I grew discouraged.
I said ‘I’ll try just one more.' Luck
ily it was Nadinola. Now my skin
is several shades whiter, soft and
smooth as silk. Men say I'm
What YOU Can Do
Tonight, smooth a little of this
fragrant, scientific cream on your
face; no rubbing or massaging.
While you sleep your skin be
comes lighter and lighter—
softer, smoother, too! Other flaws
and blemishes, coarseness and
ugly shine are improved at the
same time.
Nadinola Is Sura and Sato
Don't take chances with un
prav d bleaches, ointments or
salves. Demand genuine Nadi
nola, tried and trusted for two
You Got Results—or Money Back
For sale at good drug stores in two
sizes, 50c and $1. Every jar of
Nadinola contains full instructions
and positive money back guaran
tee. If your druggist doesn’t have
Nadinola, don't accept a sub
stitute write direct to Nadinola,
enclosing 50c or $1 for postpaid
package and a free book of beauty
secrets. Address Nadinola, Dept
27, Paris, Tenn.
‘Y* Activities
Thu Annual Business G!r;'s Na"
| Lit.n w.oc banquet wn.i held at the
i t i n.tul Association on Match 29.
i ho Dunqu l was opened by the
pi. riding charm win. Wilma Kotab.
1 he grade was sung by the group.
11. • group singing was in charge
of M Itu.h and June Smith,
introdu ..i *ns were made by the
preaiding chairman. It was very
in'err» ing to note the greetings
iVutm the other ci ies, as this bnn
1'JO is held over the wide world
n this df’ite- The girls who alterd*
d 1 e Leadership Training meet
ing for ut luaal six ef e gh.'
. Lings received their* di
iomas. presented to them by the
vice president of the bond of
riirec ' rs, Mrs. J. M- White The
ri of he KrTie Nous club render
ed a lovely number and girls
aking part were; Dorothy Scott,
\dt>. Ixa< Walter and Irene Havrojd
Tho Panel discussion was the main
r\C7V of the evening; the topic for
■iisrru^sion was. “The Bust** kss
Gil’s Sha’e in a Dec<’cracy.v The
girls on the paw 1 were: Amel’a
Grr'iers n, chairman, Dorothy
Butterworth, Ora Lee Britt,
Eleanor Jacobson. Bernice Grice.
Dorothy PoMard, Dorohra Tume
nrd Dorothy Dvorek- Sl’dc pictures
of la®1*! years eanrp period wen
down. The meeting closed by the
group singing “America the Beau
I tiful.
There is -tv* he a tea given or
Sui »!ny, April 3, at 2228 Burdette
This tea is giv'*n by the Trogan
Hah for .‘‘he benefit of the Baby
Con+est- Th’s contest, is being stag
d for Convention funds.
(‘<iw elas'-is will beg:n at the
yyvr\ on Surd y, Apr'l 3 and
i. 11 continue for six wfeks.
Comp icurv.'n will he held n1
'Id Cermal Assrtiution on March
| 30 H* 4 o'coek with a sun re- meet
j lag. This group will inelrde g'rb
I'vh't went .to Camp during ast
' summer.
Infer club Council w'll be hold
■ t, 'the Nor^hside brarrh on Sa4ur
day, Apr'l 2 at 10 o’clock. All
men’ll' is |'<a e be present.
M-s. Soui . is will p'ltsut a
>’ ivV i t* r> Storv Tilling group
or Saturday, April2, at the Norih
s’do b-anch- All moth-rs who hiv
.•m-Oirl IV‘'crvfts p1’ as - se + h<\‘
t.he<. ,.. |T|o ,'n 'hi 1 Y’’ on Snlurda
t ‘.Vs groun. The hours are 11:00
hi 12:30 o’clock.
BoIY.amio Girl Reserves w 11 be
* ’f’ s ci. h Gross K cks on April
"t ’v> T«oh high.’Yl, Girl
!’ >mi ■!, s will ho gU’sts of the
r - -s K! ks on 'he following Tut*'*
T e , rn-Vn ’s d "rec* mg “Th >
Block Acf’’ " mi’g*..y pVy n 3
"ft* !•.*■ "h,. 11 b n hi ague Com
"irn'ty f b,*i‘ er th# ’ t »r port of
A’-il, Ties il v will he e ven t
' !•» s >i i Ci I , ,»—>s o C -nfrr
'cnee and Summer Camp.
I M"s T :l'i"’ i P t, ifov-cl *'• ,
I divisor for 'he C,mss Kicks.
Mrs Poneere lloll'tiiv i a ’■
dg K th *hi Blue T' i ing'i a I **
d Pate clubs.
Negro Health Week will be ob
served in all clubs of the *Y’ oil
April 4 and Mrs. Jamie Norman
■Ml ee view Dale Carnegie's boo’
“How .to Win Friends and In fir
men People.’’ All nv'*h 's ru
vpoe*ed ti. atb nd. ’Die m e-tiny
'ell’s at 7:30 p. m.
Tho T’oian 'lab me mb- rs an'
ih->i” escorts will breakfhr* ,(f p.
“Y’’ m Palm Surd-iy follevsed b
•i brief worship sevvVe prepare*’
by the Worship cnwmi.t'W.
! The Quacks will hrv> pnlni S’ n
day \ . pers. The i>nb!!c :<■ invi’ed
noucmvrvr'*j 'tint
T'i "s «*;v t Progve'srvc
club is a move" cm spun-o- ' d h
* bo '••onion who s t* a * cod (’••v
> advancermr.s. 1 a* wonun
ol (Vs organisation have organ'
»*'■'! t’v'nis ,’vfs fi>r ‘he united
i ft’nt. of ni (gi‘es*'rtg in the 1 no*
ol' ivlieieci. sociology. indus* r
*’•*•'"o’"'oa s it p l’tirs
In the ppiiif of »his inov'inen1
O'* H., won h;>ve already establish
ed a (lodging) headquartois, s1
tl.'i* they oan assemble it:o onriv
out the various duties that wilt
confront them.
An opening will be held Fi iday,
April 1, from 11 a m. to 7:30 p
The principal speakers will be
Mrs. Busch and Mr J Wefjt.brook
McPherson, who will speak at 3 p
Sandwiches, coffee and salad
wilt be served for ton cents.
All lumbers are urged to bring
several friends.
- --.YpyCAN hAve
“ * laTTf M fir I lil
Station C. Dept. N Cleveland, 0
M arge’s Col umn
By Marjorie Jo Smith
Pauline Johnson says tjbat all
extra advice can be ha tied down
to her little sister Peggy. When
ruil > (starts </Ming l^r facts
ol' life she says “Yon hursh um a
Walt D'isr> y could have made his
f ictt; t, ‘Snow Whi e,” in so much
1, ss time if be had come to Omaha
lor his eiharao'ers We hav© to
offer: Ruth Wheeler as Sleepy;
Trivira Club Carl as Dopey; Jurdie
Clayter as Sneezy; Martin Thomas
as Bashful; Gertrude Shropshire as
Grumpy; Fstell iR/obeiilson as
Happy and Atfy. Biyant as Doc
You might see Erncliffe’s coupe
parked any direction), but when she
drives itihn Cadillac it is always
heading West
No one has seen a Robin th s
spring. Pei hap Millie Gilbert stole
the show
It seems as though Mai Scott
is the acme of masculini’y in
Omaha. Two boys were fussing
over /the kind of tobacco that v. as
best When one of them said. “Mai
"ho i uses /.‘his kind.’’ The other
gave in and said, “Oh, well I d'dn’t
’•ncrw that Why didn’t you say
that at first.”
John Riley and Bus Phillips are
looking for a third party who
wants to invest money in a profit*
fkl-e business
Fdna Carr is /the new mine for
A the tic Club vs Henry Sharon
' evono wan'ing Jc-rw h’s
about*, he can be found
Vaning against the/third light post
down on 'he wp»4 side tf *he
e'tm-t. sour h of 24th and T ake.
Accordng to Athletic Club offici-’l*
his st-i ement will hold true for
ho next two weeks
Graham is a connoisseur of
liquors. Fdrose doesn’t drink They
were seen eating and drinking in
-. ceit ain night, spot, but alas
’was only pie and milk
Havo you had the privilege of
“ iviri" one of Ion? Hanger’s
1 ok gifts ?
The Church of th» L'v’ug God
i w>r* March 10 at he home
*’ ^:s. F Crum. 25th and Grant
17 ,>1,,^ m"* at
ho homo of S’s. C A B’liyboy,
"n't'/, rv-j-iioo , ^
f-o ror, of *f,.„ f
. ’.a.o* «•*. u Wrigh’. 2525 No
25 h street
'®o-tir® was onrh-d '• V,h ♦h"
o o-o| „ oVioj.g.p. lortU'-o
v r-o-oc TVeTisoa rn’n’-ed
all r *”mr' ons *** Jh"'r r?
C l - r-o . ><hieh tho e'uh was
•0,. ,1 , . i \ Iti-ch-on wir
pe-a-ed bv the t'0®^,es,«
’’a 1 1 -/* > ' f I Vi , mi-va ”’r’/’t1a *
)1 *'-o ... r- '.d-fo4, AT R0 18.
S’s M VVoigM p -si/lfin
Sis. M L Steel", R porter
Johnson Drue Co
Liquors, Wines nnd Beer
I'rescrip (ions
V'E (’»»» 1904 iv241h Si
PrrscnUd by MCA
The Sepia Swing
Sunday, April 10
Hours 10 to 2
Baha’i Faith
“It is toward 'his goal—.the goal
of a now Wo; Id Order—that a lim
ns !'d human* y must strive.’’
In the wide spread suffering nnd
chaos. despite the sincere and
zealous efforts of the noble leaders
of our human insituti nn, we find
the need of an irresistible power,
' “The Love of God,’ which over
| shadows the effects of all oth<»r
1 forces at work in human conditions
| God is kind to all, manikind are H s
sheep and He is (heir real sheperd
‘The (Tall rtf God,’ ‘When raised
breathed anew life into the body
of mankind, and infused a r/’w
spirit into the whole creation. It
is for this reason that the world
hath been rnoveel .to its depths, and
the heart* and conciencvs of nmn
been quickened where long he evi
dialers of “his evidences of this
regeneration will be revealed, a"d
the fast asleep will be awakened.’
Under the leadership and train
ing of God. the real shepherd.
t.Vse of spiritual unders’andine'
belieive that ‘The Call of God’ is
expressed in the matrial world or
Paint, Glass and Varnish
We dn glaring and make window
shades to order
1822 24 N 24 WE 1605
j New Cl waning i
, 1
Any Two 90c Items . $1.25
1 3-Piece Suit ... $ .75
2 3-Piece Suits . 1.25
1 3 Piece Suit
1 Indies’ Plain Dress .$1.2."
' 1 Men’s 3-Piece Suit
1 Tup Coat . $1.25
2 l.adies' I’lain Dresses $1.25
1 3 Piece Suit .
1 Felt llat. $1.00
1 3-Piece Suit
12 Neckties . $1.25
1 4 piece Suit . $1.15
1 Pair Pants..40c
2 Pair Pants . 75c
Launderers and I) y Cleaners
WE 6055
'1 f
24th and Lake Street ,
YVLbster 5444
world of action, both in the ofn
strua.'ive and the process of dis
inter gration that must ntteessarily
precede tho esablishmen of a ‘New
World Order.’
liahe.'u'lUih in his teachings
the oneness of humanity and the
nd peri lent investigaton of truth
imply means that every indivi
dual member of (he human race is
txhr-;, ed and commanded to set
aside superstitu*iou« belief and,
'rruli'ior.ul 1 lind imitations of
Religion and investigate reality
for himself. Thus may you acquire
krowwledge and having ‘knowledge
and conviqtion’ put it to practice
and nltiin happiness and spiritual
Cleaning, Pressing and Re
Dyeing and Hat Cleaning
Dresses Cleaned and Press
ed—Fur Crafting, Etc.
IONC T.4c’t~V'!
Olenn Large Lump
Most Economical
AT 4444
Cold Storage
for Furs
Insured against fire
moth theft
I Remodeling, Repairing,
Kish Royal Fu
rs 1
2411-1.1 Farnara St.
AT 6543
> 111 So. 14th St. J
•I Biggest 10c Meals In City /
> Everybody Welcom# £
■V.V.V.V.'.V.V/W.’ ’.V.V.
iCIeo Cola
| Qnppn of Sparkling Drinks
! 12 oz. For 5c
r-y- y-» > m m
Robbin’s Pharmacy
2306 No. 24th St. WE 1711
WEbster 3043
The wise and pleasant way to relieve a cough due to a cold is a I
Smith Brothers Cough Drop. (Two kinds: Black or Menthol—5^.) j
Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drop s containing VITAKIN A
This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous 1
membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections. J
Reid’s Pharmacy
New Store, All New
Fresh Merchandise
24thS& Se war d WE 1613
Del uxe Fountain Service
Served from an all refrigerated tiled
front and back fountain
Formerly with Reid Duffy Pharmacy
24TH and LAKE 24TH and CUMING
Olean up that front room. We specialize in making old j
houses look like new, inside arid out. No charge for esti j
ma*ion on work. No job too small or too large.
Ten trained decorating medhatnics. Our Motto—Service \
First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858.
Peoples Paint and Papering Shop
Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET
GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It's Easy;
Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good thm^ that NIonev would buy
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