The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 02, 1938, Image 1

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    U. S. Olympic Champion To Fight Vinciqueria Here
! Largest fjjf Cents
j Negro Paper Per
in Nebraska ______ Copy ^
. - /justicesequality HEW TO THeJIneA
Entered » Second Cl**t Ma^er Po#t»ffv.-. v.-k* «ek»» OMAHA, NEBRASKA CATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1938 VOL. XI N 51
. .—-- --—— ■ — —
Boy Scouts Hold Merit Badge Show
___ I
Tlie Boy Scouts will hold a
Merit Badge show at tip City
/ uditi rium on Friday and Satur
day April 29 and 30. There will be
73 boths showing various scou
activities that will make u.p ithe
thaw. Tickets will (be sold by all
Scouts who will be compel ng for
cfish commissions and attendance
There will also be a stage show
with plenty of comedy. This will
he one of the greatest shows that
hi is ever been piesent d by the
Boy Scoiuts.
A capacity crowd is expected
each nigh . The tickets will sell for
twenty-five cents. Be sure and
attend help vpur favorite troon
win the cash prize and attendance
prize. The attendance prize will go
the troop that sr. 11s the ms*,
The committee for the show in
clude: chairman, A. I iRhowdes;
Frank Pellegrin; publicity, W. L
Byrone; booths, J. B Rosenzwoiy;
Mlagie shew, Irving Beinalken; pro
grams. W. L Wilcox; patrons, and
prizes, Paul Willsie; and attend
ance, J. R Mortality
The Omaha Council
Sponsors 3rd Forum
Tho Omaha Council of the Na
tional Negro Congress sponsored
it* third monthly lv rum Sunday
March 27, at the Urban league
Community Center, at which time
the local unit of '»he NAACP was
pi evented in panel discussion. The
theme being, “The Rights of a
Dr. Wesley Jones, president of
the local unit, delivered the piinii"
pal address after which the meet
ing was turned into a panel dis
cussion on mar* vital issues per"
taming +o the rights of citizens,
among which were the right of
ropresenation in the adminiistiaUve
s'aff of 'he Ix>gan Fonbenelle
Homes; the denial of Ngro repre
sentation in many local enterprises
who thrive from the support of
• Negro patronage; the shelving of
the anti lynching bill in which our
tftate senators, Norris and Burke,
took an active part to bring about,
thereby slapping the Negro con
st ituenti of Nebraska squarely in
the fh«e.
Mr. S. Edward Gilbert, executive
secretary of the local council and
ional representative for the
Nation Negro Congress, rea at the
conclusion of the panel discussion,
itlhe following excerpts from a
national release as it pertained to
the pant taken by the NAACP in
the nation wide effort to pass the
Wagner-Van Nuys anti lynching
bill: “The splendid work of the
N A A CP recommends it for contin
ued leadership in this vital strug
gle. The National Negro Congress
proposes to cooperate fully with
the NAACP in bringing this bill
back before Congress and in secur
ing its passage at this present
session of Congress.
Mr. J. Westforook McPherson,
president of the local council, pre
Because of a typographical er
ror it was stated in last week’s is
sue that the Reid’s Pharmac> had
purchased the Thull Drug Store at
24th and Seward streets. The
statement should have read ‘.pur
chased building in which the Thull
Pharmacy was formerly located.”
The Thull Drug Store is still in
active operation three dooers south
of 24th and Seward streets on the
West side of the street.
^ Prize Book Published
Twenty-n:ne y"av ol i Ms is 4 pni
born Harlemite, whose v 1 m - of
m vellas. “Undo Tom’s Chil
dien.” has just b en published by
I'n-nPr Brothers, New York- Mr.
Wright recently wen a $500 prize
for ;he Look in a nati<»n wide con
test conducted by Story magazine,
in which the n.veLies will also • !>•
pear. Con'lost judgf s lavishly
praised the young a nth r for hs
brilliant work
Negro Chamber of
Commerce Meets
The meriting otf the Negro
Chamber of Commerce a.* the
Urban League Community Center
Thursday ever/ng was filled with
enthusiasm as the Better Homes,
Bettor Yards campaign t ok on
A report by the chairman of the
Ret er Homes, Better Yards com
mittee Mr. Dillard Crawford, brou
ght to light the fact that the com
mittee will :n the next few weeks
launch an extensive publicity cam
paign through which the commit
tee hopes to secure the support cf
every home, church, civic, social
and political organization in its
drive to make Omaha a -clean and
sanitary' place in wwhich to live.
The committee has been promised
full cooperation by the City Health
Other imp rtant issues discussed
were the developing of a definite
boys work program, creating of
jobs and the forming of a clearing
house committee made up from,
representatives of all existing Mens
clubs. I>r. G. B. Lennox, president, I
File For Equal Pay
Upper Marlboro. Md., April 2—
A petition was filed in the circuit
court hei'e today seeking ito have
itbe board of education of Prince I
George’s county and the superin-!
dent of education equalize the]
alaries between Negro and white (
school teachers. The petitioner in
the case is Evelyn Elsie Cook, a
ibeacher in the Chapel Hill colored
elementary school
The petition states that Miss
Cook “and all other Negro teacher
ami principals in the public schools
of Prince George’s county are paid
salaries less than thoe paid white
teachers and principals in the
public schools of Prince George’s
county with identicahqualifications
and experience ’’
No salaries are mentioned in the
petition, but the salary of the
petitioner is guessed to be about
?700 for an ight month's term,
whereas the salary for whites for
the same time is about $1,150
New Education Bill
Fa if To Negroes
Washington, April 2—The new
federal education bill which will
give millions of dollars bo the
statbs to aid t hi cm with their
i school has boon drafted so as to be
| fair to Negroes in the states which
have s»! pava'ie sehrols by law. The
new bill, which Itakes the place ol
i Vj? c’f' Harrison-Black Fle+ohei
bill (S 419) was discussed here at
a con^.-rerce Marsh 23 composed
of approximately 100 representa
tives of various o'ginization.s
throughout, the Uol d States, in
cluding the NAAfP ard other
white and erhired groups. The bill
s tattles:
“In states where separate
schools are maintained for
separate races, the joint, plans
shall provide for a just and
eauibable distribution of the
federal grants for the benefit
of schools maintained for sep
arate races withou* reduction
hf the proportion of state and
local funds spent for schools
for the minority races”
If the staibe spends ar.y portion
of bhe grant® contrary to the join*
plan, an equal amount is bo be
withheld from the next; apportion
ments bv 'he federal government
until replaced.
Just and equitable distributions
ore provided for in the following
■'ctions of the bill: general aid
for elementary and secondary edu
cation; aid for teacher training
schools; aid for school buildings;
aid for adult education; an! a:d for
library services It is specifically
s* cited in the bill after eaeh of the
sections dealing with the above
subjects that a jusit and equitable
distribution to Negroes is required
in the states having separate
schools hy law.
In its proposition fnr fair treat
ment of the Negro, (the new bill,
which is based upon the report of
the President’s advisory commis
sion om education, embodies all the
points raised by the National O
ordnating Committee last year in
its consideration of the Harrson
Black Fiddlier bill The principle
of equfitabl ledistrilbutvon to ttyi
school population of the plates of
i he respective laoes is embodied
in the new bill.
The initial appropriation author,
izes 40 million dollars for thia
fiscal year ending June 30, 1940
and this sum is to be increased to
140 million dollars for the lscal
year ending June 30, 1945- For
cbool construction the bill provides
20 millioru dollars for the first y°ar
and 30. million dollar's each suc
ceeding year through June 30, 1945
For rural libiary service the bill
provides two million dollars for the
fil'd year, increasing n,o six mil
lion doji la rs the third year and
specifically state® that equitable
distribution of library sex-vice must
be made for 'the benefit of minority
races in the states which provide
separate libi-ary sex-viee for separ.
site races
The oonfwenoe on March 23,
which was attended by Charles H.
Houdforu, sflffflcial counsel tof the
NAACP, added to the bill a delni*
tidn of jusit and equitable distribu.
tion by providing that the funds
expedit'd on Negi'o education in
the states shall not be less than
tihe percentage of the funds which
the Negro population bear to the
slate population
The Postal Alliance Auxiliary
held is regular meeting at t he
heme of Mrs. Ollie Lewis, 2415
Blondo street- So beautifully did
the hostess serve a delicious and
delightful lundhaom that it was
more than enjoyed by everyone
A short talk was given by the
president. The meeting was closed
after a lovely evening
Mrs. C B Wilks, President
Art Oliver, Negro heavyweight
and HCf; Olvmplc champion, whn
. hails f, rev. Chp'-gc, will fight Car!
V’nciquc h>. <*„.,w.,r tonrn mat;e of
Oliver, in tie m t'n. event at the
CViy Aitli'oium, Tliur dny might,
March 31.
Oliver is a great fight r, with
ptootir nf minch and is exnec'ed to
give Vindqueria plenty of troubl"
; Vineinuerin will enter the ring a
'’li'dit favorite over ''.he Ch'eago
This hattle will bp well worth
seeing- Promoter Mike Clnyt n is
giving the fight fan a great card,
ns ha nhvnvs hris done .Mr. Clayton
;s bring boxing ,-p in Omaha hv
hiving some the best punchers in
the country here.
On the same card in the prelim*
innrios is that great little fighter
Buddy MnOtHe of Wichita, who
will meet Rob Vienner, athletic in
structor of the Cudahy Athletic
Club an I who is also the trainer of
‘he W' rid Tfmiald Golden Glojves
Chimriions. He and Roy FePon
will leave for Boston with the
Oharmmons Fridav night, April 1,
at 9:30 in n special car.
Henderson PI a vs
For Omaha Crowd
Fletcher Henderson and his
swing band was in the city Sunday
night for a danoe engagement at
♦ he beautiful Obermomt ballroom.
He broadcast at 10:45 over WOW.
With Henderson is a new find
Oh u die .Ridhfirds'on, one of the
sweetest vocalist® you would want
to hear. He is a very fipe chap
with plenty of personality. He hails
from Baltimore, Md.
Tho band is on the way hack
East, from the west coast where
♦hy>v have been playing in ®ome of
the best clubs.
On the coast. Mr. Henderson is
well km wn bv his theme song,
‘‘Christntnher Columbus.’’ He has
one of (the greatest swing bards in
the country. He has composed a
lot of swing music for the king of
swing, Benny Goodman
Henderson is a graduate of
Atlanta university where he was
n star all around athlete. He is a
member of he Kappa Alpha Psi
The Thrifty 12 Art club met ,
Tuesday March 22, at the home1
of Mrs Viola Oliver, 3018 W St..
wltih the president, Mrs. 0 T
Whitlow, presiding We are deeply I
grieved to know Mrs. Minnie
Williams is yett unable to meet
wth us We do hape she will soon
be up and out again.
The club welcomed the new
member, Mrs Luebirda Arnold, of j
2875 Binney street. Mi®s Addie |
Foxall wa.s our guest She played,
and sang many beautiful numbers.
The hostess served a lovely
luncheon which was enjoyed by all
Everyone seemed quite busy on
their many different, kinds of
pieces during the time.
Nearly everyone expressed him
self on the housing project At the
end everyone seemed to put forth
the idea that a bird in the hand is
worth a dozen or more in the tree
tops. Much work was accomplished
for the afternoon
M. Robinson
N. Y. School Board
Bars Picture Show
New York, April 2—The Board
of Education of city of New
York in risponse to a letter from
the NAACP. has de id >d not to
permit ithe showing if the film
“Tho Birth of a Nation” in» tho
city schools.
Superintendant Harold G Camp
tell has written tihe NAACP fol
lowing the protest of the Associa
tion i hat the board members wit
nessed a showing of the film
n greed that it (.tight* be shown in
the sya'em. The NAACP protes*
was sent after the Stone Film
Library had sent circulars to
principals of the oitv offering to
rent *lho film “as an educational
May Day Festival
Committee Meets
Monday evening ait the YWCA,
iht Allowing churches sent either
in prson or by proxy, their repre
en.'ativos to aid in formulating
j /.rj; for the scfcond May Day
festival that is scheduled for Sun*
way, May 22: St. John A ME.
Christ Temple, Second Baptist,
Clarinda. Iowa, Bethel Baptist, M*.
Moriah, Metropolitan Spiritual,
Bulhel A ME, Pleasant Green, and
tho Seventh Day Adventist. Mr.
Booker Washington was appointed
secretary of the group.
The committee announces a
second meeting at the ‘Y’, Monday
evening, Apri 14 at 7 p. m. and
urges eVevry church interested in
the cultural welfare of the youth
to be present in otrder thait plane
may be completed.
Mr. E. Edward Gilbert sponsor,
and Miss Ethel Jones, general
irector, are seeking the coopera
tion of all churches includin''
Council Bluffs and Lincoln in
making (this tho greatest demon
stnation of youth tcilen in music
ever witnessed in Omaha.
Apartments Yet Open !
At Fontenelle Homes
The management of the Logan
Fontenelle Homes announues that
there yet available apartments,
that may be leased, emphasizing
the fact that they are vithlly con
cerned about people in the lower
income bracket whose salaries
range around $6r,.00 per month.
You are urged to come to the
office of the Logan Fontenelle
Homes and make application for
these apartments which are mo
dern in every respect.
Your health and comfort should
be the paramount issue of your
home life. Then why live in de
lapidated houses without the pro
per ventilation and plumbing,
when you cam secure a modem
apartment, a home of high grade
const motion, built according to
specification calling for the install
ation of modern facilities at a
reasonable rent which includes
light, gas, water, gas stove and
refrigeration plus a beau/tiful
landscape surrounding all of which
go to make on Tdenl home and
community life. Privea $23.95 to
Friday night was soicial night.
The social commititee planned
games and other entertainment
for the girls. Social night is held
once a miomth for the purpose of
grtting acquainted with the new
A number of girls attended Sun
day morning services at the Pres
byterian church. The girls met at
the church ami wept in as a group.
A very interesting sermon was de
livered by Rev. J. S. Williams.
Mrs. Gladys Pullum, the branch
executive secretary, gave a very
interesting Iboolk review on the
book “The Hunger” by John Boy
I)r Betliune to be Here
l>r. Mary McLeod Bafhune, pies"
ident of Bothune Cookmnn College
of Daytone Beach, Fla., will mnke
her first visit to Omaha Tuesday
April 12th.
Dr. BeiJhune is on an inspecMon
tour of NYA prw jects in the middl
west her capaci.y as director of the
division of Negro affai's of the
National Yoin'h Administration.
She is making two stops ini Nibr
aska. One here and the ether in
The vuri us social agencies and
other organizations interested in
the welfare of youth, working in
co-opentation with the loea 1 and
stale NYA. Official* have outlined
an extensive on day schedule that
will keep ithe distinqu.ished visitor
busy on a series f activities, inelud |
ing a lucheKun ait the Chamber of
Commere, a rndio interview an in*
pectoin tour of the local projects,
a dinner nuceting ait tht Urban
League, a public mass metting at
Zion Baptist church .followed by a
leception at tht YWCA.
Seattle Teachers
Hear Wm. Pickns
Seattle. Wash. April 2—The
public school teachers association
of Seattle has invited Wiiliam
Pickens, director of branches of
the NAACP, to speak ’to them on
the work of the NAACP. They
chose the topic for the address
1 can Pickens is in Seattle on a
month’s leave of absence fiom the
NAACP as a lecturer for the
forum division of the U. S Bureau
if Education
Dean Pickens spoke also before
ihe Seatttie chapter of the Ameri
can Association of University
Women in the house of the Dau
ghters of the American Revolution
He reports itha/t people are attend*
in.g the regular forum lectures from
as far as 160 miles from Seattle.
Catholic Youth Urge
Interracial Justice
Providence, R. I . April 2—A
pronouncement urging Catholic
college young people throughout
Ihe country ito insist on interracial
justice was issued here March 20
by the Catholic Intercollegiate In
terracial conference
Catholic college students were
called upon to make a thorough
study of interracial justice in the1
light of the encyclical of Pope Pius
XI; to insist that the interracial
program be included in the gen
eral course of student Catholic
action; land that every Catholi
collegian set an example in race
relations by his indivdual conduct
The student conference was ad
dressed by Charles H Houston,
NAACP special counsel, and Fa
ther John LaFarge.
Th<> case rtf Charlie Johnson,
Don Mao. in. and William Brown* a
Vegrto. who wt-«- arrested on
March 17 at 14041 ^ Fatnam street,
‘bird was ctTs*'nu'd until
Wednesday, March .10, by Judge
All three of the mer.t were
charged with keeping a disorderly
hruso and inmates. The evidence
that was produced by th" arresting
officers was race horse forms,
money sack, with a bit of change
in it. and sdueral sips. Also a
package of pencils were introduc'
Charles Johnson was named as
Several invcsitigators that said
they were hired by Bob Snmrdick,
funner police chief, testified that
hry were given nrficy by Mr.
Smaradick to go ou' and place
bets on horses in the different
bookies and -Co go hack ar»d report
to him Fach inrvea* igator said
that, he was «n a regular salary of
$25.00 a week.
A/tty- Beyle for the defense said
1 hat these men arc charged with
being the keepers of a disorderly
house. nnj a disorderly house
under section 18 of the Ordinance
of the City of Omaha he ‘a person
dealing with intoxicating liquors.
Assisran: Prosecuting Attorney
Finnehnn said that Sections 17 and
18 f the City Ordinance read the
same. He and Atty Boyle couldn’t
agree, so Judge Holmes put the
case off. until the Ordinance be
Several other bookie cases are
waiting for trial, that are similar
to this one. but they won’t come
up until the outcome tf this case
is over
Sigma Delta Tau
Honors Dean Of
Terrell Law School
The Lex Club of the Sigma
Delta Tau fraternity will gave a
dinner in the honor of George A.
Parker, dean of Robert H Terrell
Law school, Saturday evening,
March 26. at 'the Capital Pleasure
club. A unique program was pre;
pared under the general chairman*
ship of William 0 Woodson, pre
sident. Those assisting were: Geo
Parker, arrangentonts; W. T
Thomas, speakers; G. S Davis, on*
tentainment: Norris Tymona, dle
corationn and menu; R. Feather
stone, reservations; H. W Dele
garde. W A T Jenkins and F. B
Parker, publicity; and the Misses
Flaxie M. Pinkett, Rose F Ford,
Marj(*rie A McKinzie. Genieva E.
Davis, E B. Briggs; Mesckunes
Bessie Chase and M. A Haywood
receiving the guests
It was an invitational affair.
Cast of 65 to Give
Gypsy Operetta
One of the most beautiful at
tractions to be fiven during the
colorful operetitta. “The Gypsy
Troubadour,’ which will be given
Monday evening, May 9, at the
Dreamland Hall.
A special stage will be construct'
d to assomodate this large kroup
of players. The auditorium will be
converted into a beautiful Spanish
garden, where a carnival will be
held after the operetta.
Music groups appearin'* n this
delightful production wll be ih«
Las Cantores Lo» Am:pr. end
Junior Culture Gir1
The Tip"”' -*‘a v-11 b- ■ tv’er the
\ direction of Mis F < h.d Jones.