The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 26, 1938, Page FOUR, Image 4
RUMMAGE STORE. 2621 Grant Street “AMERICAN.I i WIENER SHOP 250!) North 24th Street i i , Best Chili and Best llod Dogs in the West ' All Kinds of Sandwiches Ice Cold l eer to Complete the Meal .. Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame . . . Shoes look new again with our new in'isible half soling. Lake Shoe Service 2407 LAKE ST. S P E C I A L . Sb.inipoo . 25c t.„. 25c Croquinole . 25c M- nievre . 15c Plan Pac*‘a1 .. 25c A T-TIl O IT SE BEMJTY SOHOOT. 2422 N 22nrl Sf WE 0846 .W.V.VAVWWWWA P’]frv Pharmacy We Ot;0f ,n,i ' \ v v err r FTS PRES(’KIPTIOXSJ f *■♦> rV hverv L> ■ •••••«•••■* r * • • • • • • *••*•■*•»»•*** <«•!«• v<ill I'll SIDE I If \\*FKR faing tlislanei llnottoi Mo'ir j mol st,, hi'' Ph<-ae " !•' »>'>m ’ill i i.raoi **• TRADE AT TUCHMAN’S Food Stores,Inc. WE 0402 24th & LAKE FREE DELIV ERY CHURCH NEWS PLEASANT GREEN CHURCH Willa Mar. repor.vr R. v Reynolds, pas. or Sunday school 9:00 o’clock with presiding The Gleaners class went on a excurs'on to Z'on Rapt, church. Next Surutay March 27. the Busy Bee class will visit. Visi tor. Mr. Anderson of Coucil Bluffs fowr. Morning worship 11:00 o’clock Song by the ehior. Prayer for tho sick R»/v UuiorJ. Announcement nd song by the choir. A loveely f rmon was preached by the pastor. Visiters wei'e Mrs Anderson and Mi- \V Trims.Collection and adjou nnient followed BYI'U was at 6:00 o’clock with Vice president presiding A song i vice was rendered. Remarks i made by the president. Evening service and song by the ho:r Pmyftr for the sick by Rev Caldwell The pastor introduced to and presented to others the r.nk~v of t ne n ght. Rev Campbell A h vcly sermon was preached subj ‘Dscord herbitage for material satisfactory Oolhdion, song, and adjournment ended the services —-o CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH Rev I,. M Relf. PasW Kdna Pankey. Reporter Sunday, March 20, was youths day at our church. Sunday school started the day’s services, with nn interesting lesson. Subject, 'Keep ins tii Body Strong ’ At the 11 a. m. service*, cur! pastor preached a »oul stirring soi-mon found in St Luke 15:11. Si bjer ‘Prodigal Son.’ Truly our 1-pnrts burned ns Rev. Rolf preach 'd out of the depth* of his soul Wo w iv favored with many Uviutiful songs from our young ! spin's chorus. We also enjoyed trio sung by M:ss lmogene Butler. Mr. Wilfiam BuMl'r and Muster Donald Butler Cur HYPU is gradually increas ing *h’s n'cf w"vith r. Many in te '<eing ami beau'iful programs' : 'o lining plann tl for our young rennle. Am nir the visitors present were Attv Adams, .st-.; and Dr. Faulk Wtors are always w< Icome at Christ Temple church. ARE YOU ONLY A. THREE-QUARTER WIFE? Men. because they are men.can never understand a three quarter wife—a wife who Is all love and kindmiss three wi-eks in a month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your hack aches —how your nerves scream—don’t take It out on your husband. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegeta bio Compoimd. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the throe I ordeals of life; l. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age." Don’t be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E PINK HAM!) VEuKTAHLJC COMPOUND and Uo "Smiling Through." THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .. DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. RABE’S BUFFET 2426 N. 24th St. Ja. 9196 CHRISTINE AT.THOUSE 2422 No 22nd St WE 0846 STEPHENSON BEAUTY SHOP ■087 N. 24th St. At. 6810 CHARLENA LEWIS BEAUTY SALON 2856 Maple St. JA 6116 ECONOMY TAILOR Chaa. IS. Simmons, Prop. We Cut, Trim Make Suits to Order Make all Kinds of alterations for Ladies and Gents. Cleaning and Repairing 1918 No. 24th St. American Wiener Shop *609 N. 24th Street. KING YUEN CAFE WIO* N. 24th St. Ja. 8676 CHARLIE'S PLACE 1603 N. 24th StWe. 4019 For real Cleaning and Laundry Service Call DON’S J*A 0555 2008 No. 24th St. Rev. D. C. Stephenson, Prop. ELITE CIGAR STORE *813 N. 24th StHa. 4221 JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St Wa. 0991 DUFFY PHARMACY Mth and Lak« We. 0601 HOUSTON’S GROCERY 2114 No. 24th St. JA 3643 Our Sausage a specialty Free Delivery NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant 8t. We. MM Electrical Appliances DONAHOO A HOYLE Norge Appliance Oo. 2423 Fa mam St. Ha. 060( Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4606 Ames Ave. Ke. 0S1J Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 6444 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 10» EDHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St We. 6«6t Monument Makers HEFT A NOYES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. ITSfc Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1616 N. 24th St. We. 4731 BEN A KERMIT ANDERSON Painting, Wall Washing and Decorating 1 23 Years Experience Estimates free Work Guaranteed 12801 Miami St. 2872 Binny St i’ Phone WE 6826 INTEKDOMIN ATION AL CHURCH Elder W. I- Irving, Pastor Mr.-’. I’- C. Avant, Reporter Thu church that accept the unity of God’s people as the standard of Christian fellowship. Sunday school opened at the usual hour Wiith a large attendance At 11:00 a m. a very inspiring and uplifting sermon was delivered by Rev. Samuel Stafford. It was a nrnjl mesftapo Subject, "Draw Near to God.’ Jame8 4:8. It was very much enjoyed by all. Tho pastor preached a very good sermon at the ovening service The women’s day was a success. Don't forget overy third Sunday is womens day at this church. Conte and hdlp tho women make a success of this day- You will he ’ eneflj ed by attending. Mrs. Addle Grrum, 2436 Parker street is the chairman ! Prayer meeting and Bible Forum will be held at tlr's church Thurs day at 7:00 p. m | Next Su,ni lay will be our quar terly meeting Visitors arc cordially invited to attend all our services. -o ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev- M. K Curry. Pastor Sunday school opened at 9:30 a. m with Supt. F C Will:ams in charge. A large number was in attendance Some v«ry interesting ■ id V--Infill points were brought rut in (ilia d*acussion of the lesson.1 At 11 o’clock Rev Williams preached a very iteresting sermon. Being young people’s day, the lunior choir sang fur both service* noning and evening Rev. Adams f Pilgrim Baptist church preached| it 3 p, m Thet young people are to he complimented fer tho^r improve incoit. We should encourage our! .’oung people more in th« '-r efforts] n trying to play their part in our, nh lurch work RYPU was opened at 6:30 p. m .<,:,h Miss Ora Lee BrUtt. the pre-] < presiding Program was Hindered by Group No. 3 A* ft n m Rev Williams preached a shirt inspirational sermon. His 1 uhi'cf was. ‘Hold to That Which Thou Hast, That No Man Take It From Thee.’ found in Rev 3:11. Manv visitors worshipped with us in all services. -o — METROPOLITAN t HUUCH Rev- R. W. Johnson, Pastor All day Sunday was a happy day lor Mvi/opc/Han.. FSist, h cause t.he Ivord had spared our shepherd to be In the service. We hud a wonderful time in the Lord Sunday school also had a good crowd. Each class had a good kisson. Obedience and good friends lo others were some of the main tcpiics Tiie children are all locking forward to Easter so the supt. is asking all mothers to send their children out. c Morning service was suppos-d to have been conducted by Rev Thomas of Kansas City but. after the huiling paid of the service, the pastor Was given peririlssioil to speak n few words. He rose and thanked the members and friends for their visits and sick cards and •he spirit, took charge of him and you know the rast. Tiie sermon was pr ached by our pastor Subject,] T Was Blind. But Now I See/ It j a very uplift!ng sermon. Everyone enjoyed the wonderful tea given by Sis Dixon ul the home of Sis. J. A Crumbloy, from .1 to 5 p. m Messages were g;ven to ail as they drank tiheir ten by Rev Thomas and also was favored by a lovely J program by different soloists and a quartette. The Union was veiy interesting. The lesson was exrdnined very clearlv and all received food for thought from the lesson Come early and enjoy the wonderful pro grams. Evening seiviee was one which the pastor was impressed to give. There were special numbers by the quartette before sermon The i rmon by the) pastor. Subject,i ‘Selling Out from God ’ was some th’ng we all should think about, j Some of us when we have trials j nri I'TibuVitionis and Juvu-tjaches and heartbreaks will sell out from f-’od Rut that, 's because your! faeth is not sound enough. No, matter how close we may i>e to Gcd. them am times when we all b-ivn to stand and wait on the ■Ovation of God Rnroe^mea He is iust trylcx our Faith. If you have t ever senn or beer, in a candle 'urh1- se’-vice. you should be in one ^ ou don’t know what you a ret missing Re'. Thomas is holding help service Monday March 22. Those who desire to work, increase salary or other material blessings, don’t miss this servicei Friday n'ght Bishop Taylor wll be here to conduct a service so tell all your friends Let us give him a packed hou.s'' We are asking your continu ed prayers for the pastor’s health end strength We certainly enioy having his mother here with h’m and hope she will stay a lond time. Come out and enjoy the services ns we jeslm that all Omalia be united as one band Rring your friends (and make yourselves at home at Metropolitan- t.h» pastor members and friends all welcome you ST JOHN A M E CHURCH ‘The Friendly Church’ Dr R, A. Adams, Pastor Sunday was another banner 'day at St. John. The Sunday school started the services of the day With a very fine attendance' L>r. Adams preached three times during the day. lbo morning scivice. The Anni versary Sermon of the Usher Foard at 3 p m. and the regular right service. The sick of the church are reported as improving, except Sister Martha T. Carter and Bra Milodgo "a ill in St. Joseph hospital but ’■’*• is leported that he 13 im proving . Dr. Adams is expecting to have an out of town speaker in his service next Sunday. March 27. He t*l!eves Dr C. F. Flipper, one of tho most outstanding men in the A M. E church will be with us Tho Sunday school has started l lo work to an I V'Ste'r pageant during tihe Easter season, as well as the regular Easter day j program Thu eho’r is preparing some! very special Easter music. And ^ rlso working on the mus e for the; Fourth Annual Goodwill Spr'ng Musical, fuato ring all Omaha ’s I est choirs and the WPA civic band at the Central high school auditorium. Sunday April 24, at. 2:46 p. m I The choir’s Fourth Sunday night request: service Sunday March 27 w'll bo Very good and will likely bo the last one unt’l after the fourth Sunday night in May. No visitors cards were turned in hut we were glad to see so many pnsent and Invite them to St John while in the city. You will find all your church, ‘•oc’bI and fraternal news in The Oniiha Gtrdp. why rot have i sent to your home each week? MORNING STAR BAI’. CHURCI Mrs. W Frederick, Seporter Sunday Sdhool opened at tho hour with the superintendent Mrs, Stromile presiding the General Ies son subject Intemperance. The cla ss was taught by Bro Vealand a largo attendance was present Alt 11:30 the sermon was deliv '•ted by Rev George White. of ML Moriah Bapt Church.Text: Isafh6 1. Subject “I saw t<he Lord ’ BYPIJ openrd at 0:p.m with the president- in charge. Tho Willing Workers club will meet, Thursday night at the home < f Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, 2709 Charles Mrs. Mary Williams, pres M sion Circle meets every Friday president Bro Johnson in charge.1 General lesson subject, ‘.Christ meeting the world’s ri fr V 8:p.m. .Rev White again deliv cred another inspiring sermon, that 'corns to have reached the heart of every one present, text,Acts 1: 1-t 15 Subject, .The power of a praying church. Visitors who wor sh'ped with us were Mrs. White. Mrs Fields, and Mr. Nettles, at 1:30 p.m. at th church, the Cul ♦j" ' Course will he taught by Bro lea land at 9:38. We invite you to attend our services, visitors are always welcome. BETHEL A. M. F CHURCH Rev- T. .1. Sanford, Pastor .1. S. Jefferson, Reported Sunday school ope|ned on time, 9; 15. with Mr. Jefferson, supt., at h's post of duty, with a very large schorl. Subject for discussion, ‘Kn ping the Bodv Strong ' The The Sunday school was filled with joy after a brief discussion. Little Miss Frances Jefferson1 is very displeased with the bovs holding the collection banner. All I have to say is boys try and obtain tho attendance banner We girls ere lonely for mere boys in vour class. To make our Sunday school v hat it should he largely depends on the paimts. Let us have your ' "vs and girls and we will give th"m the proper training At 11-00 o’clock. Rev Sanford whr at his best. Took for his text from the 5th chapter of Matthew and the 16th verse. ‘I^et your light shine before mein that, that they may seo your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.’ The holy spirit dwelled w ith us while he talkpd by the " ay We were very pleased to ha'-p vt'h us. Sister Raker of St. John, Mrs. Josephine Rurham of St l.ouis. Mo. Bethel AMK church Visitors are always welcome in our service. At 7:40 our regular Union ser vice met. ait Cleaves Tempi** Scripture lesson by Rev. Bass, T-iah 48:1-8. Prayer by Rev Nuby. after which a special selection was r. ndered by Rev. Bass Title, “O I(Ord, Wha-J Shall I Do?” Rev. Sanford preached from Daniel 2:10 “And the Chaldeans answered be fore the king and said, there is not a man upon the eftrth that can show the kings matter ” The I /engine met in Union service at Cleavs Temple. The following Sunday services will be held at Bethel. 2410 Franklin. Come and visit our Union service which is conducted by Rev Sanford and Rev. Bass. For real church news, read the Omaha Guide, one of the very best -..ypy y* " AND A SUCCESS HAND EMBLEM FREE (WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE) PRICE $1.00 INFORMATION FR(t. ARABI AN PRODUCTS CO, ^ Station C. Dept. N Cleveland, O SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Clarinda, Iowa Rev. I>. Nicholson, Pastor Sunday school opened at its usual hour with Miss Rachel Cason pies.ding All had a very good | lesson and were interested in it.' Mrs. Georgia Green ga'e a splen did thought on the lesson we were pleased to have her as our visitor Morning service was in high sp:rit and a nice attendance. The pastor brought forth a very in stiructivo sermon. The Mission Circle had a nice' program in the afternoon wHh a large at endance. The guests on th I program were Mrs. Gorgia Green of Kansas City and Mr .Floyd Wonder of Omaha. We are always ( glad to have visitors with us on our programs. Evening service was the spot] light sea-vice. The choir stirred up ’he sph’it wfth some lively songs.] The pastor brought forth another inspiring sermon. We appreciated tho ineourag'ng remarks by Mrs I Georgia Gropn. We hope she will come again. PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. G. E Stevenson. Pastor M rs. M- L. Dixon, Reporter The teachers cf the Sunday, school met at 9:20 for prayer in itha pastor’s study, which is their custom before opening Sunday chool. Tho school was opened at 9:30 by the superintendent, Mrs.1 Lula Gat us Thirty minutes for lesson discussion by the class I «s. Mrs. Thconpsom of Dallas, Tex..' was a visitor School attendance was 101. Visitors are always wel-l come to come to Pilgrim, to the ‘Friendly Sunday School.*' lug. S •evenson, our pastor, le'ng absent, Rev F. S. Gocdlett,1 spoke to us from the 57th Psalms.1 Subject, ‘My Hctirt is Fixed 0 God.’ Visitors \V\.«ie Mi's. R S | Brown, Mr. Raymond Richardson of St Phillip’s church. Mr. John J.j Thompson of Dallas, Texas. Tho Deaconess cf pilgrim hail service!; ’wfilh the Defcconess of Zion Baptist church Sunday after j noorl Rev. C Adams was the, speaker. , BYPU was Ojtened with Group Mo 3 officiaiVng. rr‘ i erl rdar luncheon sponsored by he Heait to Heart club was verv nicclv ,■ i-riod cut. _ I BAHA'I NEWS As we end the Baha’i fas>t March 21, it is truly spring time botlh spiny ually and in the world of Nature. Spring with al its] promise of growth and renewed | beauty. lemiinds Baha’is of the. saying of the Baha'u’llah. ‘The! most blesstd beauty’—''0 Human] kin! Very ye are all leaves and fruits of one tree.’ And when we reflect upon that| at present, tlhe principle ef the oneness of mankind resembles a seed sown and which lies dormant,! unt;l the spring time of the univer-j sal pence draws near and humanityi like a rose garden or orchard of various races, tongues and peoples add charm and beauty to the world of existence Baha’u’Hah tells us that :t new life—‘is stirr'ng wi-th'n all pe ple’i and in obedience to the Divine law the'b aim and their work must! bo it,hat the tree of their existencej produce good fruits, and no fruiti is greater than love and kindness' toward all humanity. Doreene N. Holl'day - , n ——. i MOUNT NEBO CHURCH Helen Bradshaw, reporter Rev. J. G- Gates, pastor The Sunday school was opened with very lively devotion, with th superintendent presiding. The les-] son was taught very interesting by] Mrs Billingsley. The subject wasj ‘Keeping The Body Strong.’ Golden; text, Now therefore beware I pray, t hee and drink and eat not any un clean things, Judges 13:4. The les1 son was reviewed by Rev. J A. I Harris. The sermon was based on A bra' bam and his son, Isaac The service' was impressive and spiritual. The mssion held its meeting Sun1 day. The spirit was high and Rev Mosley’s congregation turned out. The BYPU was very uplifting. Mr Cooper of Salem was present. Rev. Gates preached a very in-' tcresting sermon using as hi? sub-! lectt ‘As an Eagle Stirs His Nest’.! bis text was taken from th? ,321 chapter Ihnr "rononiy. Everyone en joyed the service imrmensly. All a’e invite,} to crme and wor ship w*tth us HOW OFTEN CAN YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion into a shrew for one whole week in every month. You can say "I'm sorry" and Idas and make up easier before marriage than after. Be wise If you want to hold your husband, you won t be a three-quarter wife. For three generat ions one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals at life l. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood 3. Ap proaching "middle age " Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E PINK HAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Do "Smiling Through." This Week In Thought and Religion By Robert L. Moody The Passing of a Great Mind The death of America's Criminal Lawyer No- y, Clarence Darrow. Marked the passing of a legal genius. The .preacher’ and .wisest man.’ Solomon, asked the question, ‘How die h the wise man.’ He an swered himself by saying, ‘As the fool For there is no remembrance of the wise more than of the fool. One event happertoth to them all.’ Though Mr Harrow questicn«d our putrority of and belief in the scriptures and Jesus Christ, he has jo no to joi’n the {numerable cara van which moves into the silent chambers of death. None of us find physical plea sure in thinkmg1 of our own dying, tut since it is 'once appointed .into man to die and after* death be judgment,’ our best assurance is to live always ready and be sustained and soothed by an un faltering trust. Remember that oro of our labors, profits and riches are vanity and vexation of sp’rit Whqn we are tempted to boast )f our superiority over our fellow uen may we repent in our hearts: ‘As it happeneth to the fool, so it happeneth even tin me.’ Open For Business UNITED CAB CO. 2303 North 24th JA 7171 Prompt, Courteous Serbice Place our name on your file ami use the safe way of trails portation. CHESLEY PIERCE, Prop. JA 7171 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS IOE LOUIS the World'. Champion endorses and uses only MURRAYS HAIR POMAL'E because it is a World's Champion Hair Dressing It must be good I You try it TODAY11 TRUSSES SUPPORTERS ELASTIC HOSIERY ABLOMINAL BELTS EXPERT FITTERS SEILER Surgical Co. MED. ARTS BLDG. Ill Socth 17th St. Omaha A COMPLETE Building S ervice for Home Owners If your home needs just one major repair or improve ment, or several, Micklin will arrange the details and put all or one job into the finance plan with 1 to 5 Years to Pay—No Money Down! This service of estimating, supplying materials, sponsoring re liable contractors and financing is a Micklin Service, complete economical and very convenient for all who use it . . and for which no charge is made. Bird Roofs Pay Their Way Let us show you the beauty of the jatest shingles and roll type roof ings . . . Explain their economy and the BIRD Guarantee of protec tion. ■4 Bird Roof trill increase the mine of your property . , „nd tvillt our I\o Money Dotrn Plan you don't here to trmit. Bird-Bric Replaces Shabby Siding Your home can become a Brie Home with Bird-Bric and heavy insulating board laid right over the old siding , . . improving the looks 100% . . . a job that never needs repaint ing , . . a job that protects you against summer sun and saves i fuel in winter. We'll show you I of Bird-Bric job near your home. Insulate With Gimco Rock Wool In winter it keeps out the cold and holds the heat, saving any where from 25% to 40% of the fuel bill. In summer it very mate rially lowers the temperature. The insulation is equal to 12 feet of concrete and by far the best, by all tests ever made. •We’ll show you how to modernize your kitchen with up-to-dale built-ins. •Enclose your open porch. •Finish your basement Into clean, comfortable rooms for work or play. *Put screens on rour house or finish your attic and insulate the house at the same time. We also specialize in Johns-Manville Asbestos Siding. PH9NS JA 5000