The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 26, 1938, Page THREE, Image 3
r _.■ CHOPSUEY Anuimau and Chinese Itishf* Kir»"■ Yuen Cafe 2010'; N. 24lli M- J.nkson 857 Open I'rum 2 p. in. until 3 a. m DOT,GOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish do glazing and make window shades to order ’S22 24 N. 24 WE 1607 WHY NOT Get those home appliances at the Omaha Outfitting Co. Pay ^s your are paid. Weekly or monthly AT 5652 2420 Lake NOTE:—Your quesiion w.'.l timn ONLY when a <1 pping of tl QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAJ \DI)RESS. For PRIVATE RE i self-nddi eased, damped tnvc READING and receive by reti IHREE QUESTIONS. Send ali The Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant S R B. F—I am very worried over the mistake 1 have made in l!fe. Are things bad for me? Should I n: ver have anything to say So the boy that I kept com pary wj-.h for so many years ? Ans: There is no need for you to "grieve over spilt milk” The mistake ha^ b en marie and you will have to make the best of it. Profit by your mis takes, but it isn’t necessary for you to hold a grudge against the young man you j ANNOUNCEMENT j Wm. Teal, 1114 16 Ave, Ccuncil Bluffs; j Pioneer Post 804. American j | Legion sponsors a dance on i | April IS at the Strand Bail- l \ room, at 6th and Broadway, j j Council Bluffs, la. Wm. Givens, Commander j 8c SHIRTS 8c | When Finished Out of Any Family Service EMERSON LAUNDRY ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2.124 No. 24th St_WE 1029 pZ}#***1 \i e..d Vo*** PH>lU \ 6S??hu"-s°;eUTc'f-\ wh t" mP’.o asA, ® p, | We moke >» oe„ tit® * and bi°w- 1 this ainai‘gf BOTH 8kvdficensc id®"" 1 You ogain6' „ UB to«* 1 « voo co" I ouis. iusl B*od tett as B K# tho 1 titicotio" °r tap6—n° d I pay No town- . , \ %'n^JW CnJd <1« 20tli and Douglas Open Evenings 2406 L Street Downtown Store Sundays South Omaha bt answered FREE in th:s col' its column i* enclosed with YOUR IE, BIRTH DATE and CORRECT f’LY send twenty-five cents and ope for my NEW ASTROLOGY rn mail my FREE ADVICE on letters to Abbe Wallace, care of itreet, Omaha, Nebraska. have tten going with H. M L—I am writing to ask you your opinion of my husband. Is ho mindless? What on <arth is wrong? Ans: His mind is not af fected- The chief cause of his indiffett-nt attitude is that ho is SELFISH. He would like for you to think him unbalanc ed, but he has more sense than ho shows. He is going to change will n he finds out he can’t uset you. A B- C.—Will I be successful if I try the treatment I w as consult cd about a month ago? Ans: Any treatment that you should take ought to be from a medical doctor. This is the only way for you to com pletely recover and do not put any confidence in these h re say remedies.” L. E W.—I have b.en living w’ih this man three yoars. Tell mo if I should stay on with this bmte or do what I have in mind? Ans: Why was to your life with some man you d'o not h-vc? You are a very young woman and if you wtnt through life as unhappy as you are now. then it is your own fault. Don’t jump into a I baigain of this k'nd. look for a husband In the meantime I. C—Do you think that my hus' I band is going to have to leave ! again this sumnil r in order to find r>. job? I am in k>ve with another | man and can’t help it. Will he giv* ! 'ne any money ? Ans: If your husband finds out about this other man he will leave and won’t ever re turn You aren't trying very bard to make your <arly mar riage a success. Don’t gamble w;t.h vour husband's hart. Ij avo this othc" fellow alone '>• t yourself a job. -—— - North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL 1807 No 24th St. WE 4240 Have your old shoes made to look and wear like new. Our invisible resoling is jt st what you need to keep yeur feet nice and warm. Men’s and Women's shoes left over for salp. IT PAYS TO T.OOK WET T MAYO'S BARBER SHOP Ladief’ and Children’■ Wort A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. $' k . s Profitable No, „ii ,4 •;'.i per irt thnl shark fisnin^ ott the Shetland Is lands is now ». >re profitable than trawling. They say that this sea son they have been able to make catches worth $3,500 to $4 000 in a few days. L uge galvanized iron swivel hookj 50 fathoms apart on stout lioes are baited with had J rks. Ti'e sharks, from ten to fourteen feel long, are hauled tboard by means of derricks. Ev ery part of the fish is used, flesh be ng suited for food and skin pre served as line leather. While the shark lines are in the sea the fish ermen shoot dolphins, which are used as food on silver-fox farms. m sot S. L. G —Does niy sister mean ini' any good ? She just won't treat me right about the property our dnddy left when he died Ans: There are some p ople who have to have the “whole ehoese’ or nop: and this is the way your sister feels She doesn't mean you any harm nlbhough she is not going to tu at you fair about this pro perty unless you have it set tled legally. ! W. L-—My only amb'tion is to become an aviator and would like any information that you could give me along this lim and also my future? Ans: You know what you want, then young fellow you must go r ght after it Your education comes first, then en ter coll) ge wheiv you can Like take up aeronautics. The pro fession is « very excit'ng one. B. J—I hava 'faken a liking to a man and wanjt you to tell me is he is too young? Ans: Let hint ckc’dv-' this fiuestiion. There 'sn’t any rea son why you and he couldn't find happinuss together pro vided you took an inti rest in tho things he likes- Don’t a1 low yourself to grow old, keep yourself young and fit. 3 i Now well you lock 1 Depends so much or is king care of yo;tr health p'OR p woman to look well, to en jo:- , .e wo k she has under taken to no and to carry on her favorite activities among her frianas. one must first feci WELL. H >r bodv must he kept properly nourished and rhe ir.t;.r be free from se v*-re iHi\ pains. Pot younger women espe cially. employment of any kind turns to dreadful toil health begins to run down. Behind thr.t .. tired look — back of J0, that giving up of so ■ , used to enjoy—may J||Wg Ut XXIUJ1UXX,) OUXXVX ing that pulls j down her strength and darkens her / j view of life. Often because of f j 1 a run-down system y from poor nourish- M ment there is a , painful, worrisome *2 condition every■ [ month, depressing J the nerves, causing % sleeplessness, loss of appetite, and wearing out re sistance. This is called ••dysmenor rhea.” If the pain is not due to any actual defects of womanly organs, It is called “functional dysmenorrhea.’’ This is the most common type of painful menstruation and is the kind which can be helped by CARDUI. CARDUI aids in re iieving me functional [ pains of menstruation, j and it helps to quiet 1 nervousness at such times. It is therefore a medicine which helps women to take better care of their health. ’f A CARDUI has been *'-m% helping women in this way lor over fifty years and I I thousands of \ them have told i | of its great bene- ' £ fit in their cases. | J It is a tried and I ( ® tested medicine, widely and fa ll vorably known. I I If you need a || bitter tonic to d help you to ob || tain more energy and strength from the food you eat, or a pure ly vegetable medicine to ease ; functional pains of menstrua- j j firm t.rv CAROTTT Iff nnt henp. I Cthe body or improper lited as so many women have formation of the or- described, it may be that your I gans or to any ciis- physician should ad- 1 ease found In the vise special treat w f . • - .. „ ,q ment In your case.) AKUUl -ot tLHymesnj R'inirr P-rk or all rI*#* aitntctlons of the pn cine Northwest, iini f is mure Insplr I’laii Mount Rainier park In t\ ashiugton. There are 420 square .nilon of mountain wonderland, 2£ glaciers, spoctiicnlar waterfalls, a rim of wild Hewers and one of the highest mountains In the world. Do Not I.ive on Air It was a belief among the old nat tirallsts that chameleons existed on air This is not true. The fact that these are aide to go without food for long’ periods no douht led to th's erroneous earlier j conclusion. Oldest Railroad Station Mount Clare In Baltimore Is tlu oldest railroad station not only it. the United States hut in the world It was hullt In 1S30. It Is now used «s a freight station. Sworda From Heaven (t Is believed that ancient tradi tions of certain line swords being sent from heaven can be explained jy the fact that they were made from meteoric iron. The Port of Pompeii Kxcncations have brought to light wluil was once the port of I’ompeli. In a tavern were found the skele tons of three men trapped wh'lr trinking wine. WOULD YOU '"t'ru Sis ^Hncsf of- Him Hair Dressings - FREE LUCK BAGI 50c Algerian Majo Luck Bag and samples Hair Dressing, Powder, Ointment Free. Send 10c to cover mailing cost. GOLDEN BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Dept. G 2 Memphis, Tenn. ' I Johnson Drug: Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions W E 0998 1904 No. 241h St 1 I PATRICK Liquor Store cm wine sind Wntskey 2 year old Whiskey 90 proof, pint.....___ 24tL and Patrick JA 9255 Now is the time to travel and save money. Fares are extremely low and round trip tickets mean further savings. Coaches are warm and well ventilated. Baggage stored inside —always handy. Free pillows. Ask agent for low fares to all points. LOW FARES Cheyenne . §9.00 Chicago . 8.50 Denver . 9.00 Kansas City 3.20 I.os Angekst .... 21.00 San Francisco . 2100 BURLifiSTOH BUS BEfOT 1416 Douglas at 15th St. I _ Ph. ATlantic 2300 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT One furnished room in a modert home at 2825 No. 25th St. Call AT 5988 FOR RENT 3 room Apt. Bills paid. JA 0980. FOR RE»'T—Love’s Kitchenett' Apartments, 2616-18 PatncK, ot 2613 Grant «t. Call We. 6653. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms WE 2303. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms s'ricklj modern for rent $2.00 per week and up. Apartment and houses foi rent. Call ATlantic 7435, ot Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbster 3678 FOR RENT 4 room mod-rn apt. Private bath, private entrance. Heat and water furnished Call AT 1658 FOR RENT Apartment for rent, newly decora ted and fumlhed also an all modern five room furnished house (’all WEbtser 3146 Colored young man for Commercial pos'ng Athletic build, good pro file necessary Write, giving details and snapshot Omaha Guide, Box 398 PEACE WANTED to rent to two men with wives and good jobs, two large rooms. Orr for light houeskeeping Call in evening Partly furnished, Phone in later at 2502 Blondo St. FOR R1NT 5 room, modern, sun porch, S20. Inquire at 3109 Corby St. WK 0292. FOR RENT Apartment for rent AT 9320. FOR RENT Apartment for rent 2502 Burdette. Street. AT 9400, FOR RENT Two furnished rooms WE 3738 FOR RENT A conbination living- room and bed room- 2312 No 27th Ave. WE 2810 HOUSES TOR RENT 1617 No. 29th St. \ 2517 Corby St. 2825 Parker St. Apply at office 1607 '/j Cuming St. 2nd Floor Call J \ 5033 or KE 6069 UX)K, FOLKS! All N nv—Terms 3 piece maple, early American bediXHun suite, ladder back bed, vanilty and eherit of drawers. ONLY «-»oo5 FIDELITY ' Furniture l>ept 1107 Howard St. JA 0288 ■ • > < I • I • »■» m > • • — SLYTER ICE and COAL OO No Extra Charge for Half-Ton Delivery 2520 Lake Street AT 6355 'M.'kXKmM. .; > >. '-^4^ I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU Regardless ot what your trouble may be, you can look the world In the fac«^ Solve all problems; Got what you Want, and Fear no Man or Circumstance*.' four Happiness and Success demand that you print your name clearly and ■end It to S45 Owen Ave. REV. CHAS. P COLCERT. Detroit, Michigan REW,»«0 MllOClAM/v a. ^ ■ jff f—|—Zf _$fFORf_ I ■ _AfTtB- _ mMK§iiW^lMSMF®K (OH 1*0* CUMINo c» ————— “"•JSSS4 oM^MANfea. Max Shames f*U CSTimatcs "I Never Knew There Could Be So Much Difference!" K — — ~~ i with MODERN Home Laundry Equipment Wash clothes snowy white, in ter less time, with a modern Electric Washer. Save weea and tear cn clothes, too! The gentle cleansing acion ol the modern Electric Washer makes clothes "stay young" months longer. Complete your home laundry modernizat on with a labor-saving Electric Ironer. It irons ANYTHING beautifully—quickly! You'll soon see the difference — and save the difference in both time and money 1 w SEE YOUR DEALER A. Nebraska The “While S/tot” of The !\’nion CBJJ.