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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1938)
Marge s Lolumn By Marjorie Jo Smith Chester Bennett had to break a $2® bill) Saturday mght to pa one of Daisy’s 2.r. cent credit de^ts You know when you carry love secrelin around and don’t tell any body about them it is taxing on the heart U?t we forg u to men tion it. Homer McCraney has the heart trouble. If Dr Hutten had a w.fe he wouldn’t have his shoos unlaced and have to eat his meals out, but after all ;s said and done, doclois do know best. Everybody was g*Jt*ing icady t > win $2,500 for the best name for tho now cab company lo a'<d m our midst, but ns rt wu>re, s nee they united to form it, they just called it Untied and saved the dough for insurance. ]<u'h Williams- mus. be an off spring from the- same farn'y tree as i,h« king fish She is ttever un happy and she tells a 1 of h"i friends to buzz her. Gertie Vnwters said that if no complications arise, she would havo a beautiful shower garden this spring. Just then two of them arose in -t’he form of Dad Vawters and tho neighbor’s dog Thp way sho handled the situation she well deserved her n;ckname ‘Battle A xe.' I Some cm suggested that since Evelyn Woodward works at the whine token out of her voice. If shr. does wo know Rose Luckey will follow suite Sometimes Margaret Starks snyr. love is the sweetest thing. Maybe its the March weather. No woman needs to be a wall flower nowadays just pass by Killings worth and Price barber shop and let Bailey make eyes at you THRIFTY 12 ART ( LIJB The Thrifty 12 Art club met Tuesday- March 15. at the home of Mrs. Pearl Let?, 6928 South Twenty-f’fth gtr« t. Fallowing the few minutes of business discuss on the- hostess served a lovely lunch eon which was enjoyed by nil. Af ter wlrch each one was quite cag. r to resum** rheflr work During this tinv vie discusri-vd the topic of correct fashion for each individu al. Many helpful facts were brou ght out op the subject Wo are indeed sorry to know Mr*. Williams is yet conf’nnd to I> d.'fout Very happy to know she is improving and will soon be out again. We were very happy to have Mrs Ohristinh Strudivant of 2731 F'rankTin street and Mrs. Vivian Lewis of 2116 North Twenty rM'nth stnett as our questo. Wo do hope *hey*ll visit, us again soon and daily Enough so that they might g'Hj more of what we are d<vng A pleasant time was had by all. AUXILIARY REORGANIZE!! A group of women met at the h'me of Mrs. S. B. Northeross, for the purpose of reorganizing the Medical Auxiliary Offeors elected were: Mrs. S. B. Northcross, pre sklent; Mrs Herbert Wiggins, vice prea’dwnt; Mrs. Price Terrell, secretary: and Mrs. G. B Lennox, t res-suren*. The next meeting will be held at ♦ ha home of Mrs D. W. Gooden, March 25. Wa^nnwheelers Give Theatre Party Thirteen spokes of the Wagon Wheel Sport« dub spent » very enjoyable evening last Thursday March 17, when thtiy attended the kit* theatre when the picture ‘The Spirit of Youth’ was shown, which featured Joe Louis, world heavy weight. champion and Clarence Muse, Radio und screen star. At exactly 8:30, (inch spoke was at tho theatre. The tickets had been purchased in advance and a reserv ed section of the theatre was roped off for their arrival Mrs. Russell Reese, the first spolflu to become ill since the or ganization of the ccub. and who has been oonvaletscing at her home from a minor operation was able to attend, to the great happiness and relief ofi the other members. After the show, the party went to the apartment of Miss Estella Robertson and enjoyed a Dutch treat mMnight lunch The first reguar meeting of the club was held alt, the home of Mr end Mra. Robert 1 Britt, Tuesday March 1. Despite the fpet that the host and hostess of the meeting muta confine themselves to foods oqi ‘tiviods oi iBi|fi Britts set a pace in their serving that will ba hard to equal, al though they did stock to the rules The next meriting will be at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R Hammond, the first week of April ANOTHER SMASH HIT All —TVrms Five piece oak breakfast set, with black trimming expedition table, four chairs, fail back, post and solid seats ■ ONLY $21.50 FIDELITY Furniture Dept Jlt7 Ifeward St. JA 0288 THE SPORTSM AN LEAGUE T c'. .< met with Mr. J. Aixkr on- 2?.; l -rhy, with a very time si d the boys plant,-.1 j ,,, ; J maker lo be Saturday, ,11 ; Lake and there j ,t.- i and » h r excitement , rv ,, s welcome, that means .t|, ;■ j f, you (loll* know Who ' 1-4, ;„on L< ague are, com oi:-, K the b ys, we ar you ! i >• ds J ,:n Anderson. President, „i. 8, Avanl. Rt per er n •nnouncement A ir, h 27 will be wo . t Zi. n Baptist church. Erf y v nan in Omaha who , r s r,t«.d to come and % lido ,d and glorious flay "uvo aid h ug your friends. A iv- id iv -gw !s in store for you Ai ,n are welcome. ill- AI.DRICH players TO HOLD MEET1GGS Tha Aldrich Plaji rs, a dramatic club i-pom* red by Mrs. Squires, m<e every Sunday from 4 until 5:n p m. The club is named «1 er Ira Aid 'vh. a colored actor of thr : rly stag?. A', tha pi«.;Jent tlhe group is re in arsing the plays, The Florist Shop’ and ‘Two Dollars Please.* Both of plays are coined is and will probably be presented to i : public somet-nye in April* Tho members of tlho club are: Eddi» Wiight. pr-osident; Eva Maie Stewart, vice president- Pearl Winston, secretary; Mydtle Tho mas, repo ftp i; Annie Belle Th imasi Juanita Macy, Mildred Williams, Wesley Hudson, FI 1ix Williams, fohn Taylor, Milton 'Mooro and Byron Winston. CALLED TO TEXAS Mr and Mrs. W L Myei8 were ■ailed to Dallas. Texas due to the a nous illness of the'r daughter, >Ir-. Hazel Jordan CARD OF THANKS I take this method to express ny frrnfiude fcr t h * many conval cent cards and flowers sent me ,! ' hg my confinement in the hospital. And especialy the many •rnvers petitioning for my re covery i ■■hall never know but what it "ns the prayers tha saved me. VV. L. Myers Mrs. W. L. Myers and family v-ith to (Xpi—.ss their appreciation for the kindness and courtesies *howT> us duting the Illness of our 1 ■ loved hushard and father, Mr \V. L. Myers, Signed: Mnf. W, L Myers Mis. Floreoie Hughes Mrs. Hazel Jordan Robcij and Ketme+h Myers W.V.V.V.VAV.V.V.W.V.V COMPARE Sin-Raked »•>!* Wlih All OtHars SEE THE REM ARK AHLK DIFFERENCE Note the tender crust— The pure u hile color— The fine even texture of Wonder Bread .. Beware Kidney Germs if Tired, Nervous, Aching *** vou Run Down. Nervous, suffer Aching or Bwollen Joints? Do you Oct Up Nights, or *Lunpr £rom Burning Passages. Frequent Headaches. Leg Pains. Backache, Dlsslness, Puffy Eyelids, Loss of Appetite and Energy? If so. the true cause often may be germs developed In the body during colds, or by bad teeth or tonsils that need removing* These germs may attack the delicate mem branes of your Kidneys or Bladder and often -trouble. Ordinary medicines can t help much because they don’t fight the T1P .doctor’s formula Cyntex, now stocked by all druggists, starts fighting Kld ney germs In 3 hours and must prove entirely fln 1 .wpr* ar'd be exactly the medicine you need or money back Is guar ontecd. Telephone your druggist for Cyntex ■ Slaa-tex) today. The guaranter.protects >ou. Copr. 1*37 The Knox Co. Cleo Cola; j Queen of Sparkling Drinks | 112 oz. (or Sc I ijV.,.W/.V.V,,,V.V.V.V.VA j COFFEE JOHN’S < •: 111 So. 14th St. < •1 Biggest 10c Meals In City < Everybody Welcome ’ AVi'iV.VAV.VAV.V.V.VA BERmy ••RomnncE F. ■■** ^ ’* ■ ' Sj <JE I BMB| / BjHBIHHldMMiflMIMMwUiBlHMiv I he tincyse Beauty Foundation was establisheo by { the Godetroy Mangtactennq Company to study methods of p.esefvino womens natural beauty, and to make the results ot this resea-ch available to the public. iik.Ai n ITI.TUUC AND THE WOltKING GlliL "Beauty Culture and the ■ IVtaking Gtrl” — llm is the title gnen for her letter on beauty hints by Miss Hilda lean Paul of Baltimore Md who won second prize in my contest You will remember the first prize winning letter was published in my last column and the third and fourth prize winners will see their let ters in this spare in the next two issues of my column. Most of us are "working girls” and I k”ow you will find Miss Paul’s ideas most helpful and in teresting I did Loveliness, every woman's desire should be every woman's posses sion. Beauty culture. Indeed, helps the plain girl overcome hot natural handicaps The girl who must | work for a living should do every ! thing sl.e cm to make her appear , mice completely charming l ooks are important; there are no two I ways Nhout It. An employer Is only ! human wtm chooses from a number of applicants all well trained, the one who Impresses him most pleas antly Any one Is likely |.t suspect that a ulrl who Is not wel* groomed Is elthet lazy or hot very llilelll gent. The working girt must appear beautifully groomed and appropri ately dressed for her role In the working world. She should appear clean from the skin out. Cleanli ness Is Hie first law of beauty. She should carry herself well; a good carriage denotes henlth and energy. A soft, natural daytime makeup Is appropriate. The powder should be a wholesome, natural skin tone and should not appear patchy The rouge should be subdued to a faint hint of color and the lips should be smoothly outlined and evenly red dened Eyebrows should be slightly arched and brushed lint: and eye lashes accented, but not stiff with mascara Of course, the young woman should oexer forget her Imlr She should have her hairdresser give her a shampoo, press and wave or curls, to suit her countenance, at least twice a month And her hair should he dry treated by her hair dresser every week Milady’s hands must be attractive too clean, smooth and faultlessly manicured—no bright colored nail polish foi the girl at work Her polish should lie a pleasant medium tint Willi these rules of beamy culture In tnlnd at Ipast ;.s far ns appearance Is concerned the work ing girl will liltve no trouble keep ing her fob CORRECTION Because of a typographical erro if was Mated in last weeks issu that the Rtid’s Pharmacy had pur chased the Thull Drug Store at 2 A Seward Sts. The atatemen vh'iuM have r« ad purchased fMil ing in wh!ch the TI'ill Pharmao wf" fr,-"»e»iy located. The Thull drug store is still i active operation three doors sout of 24 & Seward on the west s!d of the street. A Three Days7 Cough Is Tour Danger Signal No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold, or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids na ture to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranes and to loosen and expel the germ-laden phlegm. Even If other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, try Creomul sion. Your druggist Is authorized to refund your money if you are not thoroughly satisfied with the bene fits obtained from the very first bottle. Creomulsion is one word—not two, and it has no hyphen In It. Ar!c for it plain1’/, sec that the name on me bottle is Creomulsion, and you'll get the genuine product and the relief you want. (Adv.) HELPING HAND CLUB The St. Patrick's banqutt given by the Helping Hand club wen* over f'me. A wonderful program by Mr" Viola Bradford, the church and the tables were bear/ifully decorated by Mrs. S. Clark. Mrs R'ddit-ux end Mrs Windson were the lovely hostesses. Mrs. J. L Betts, President Mrs. H Speese, Reporter Asthma Cause Fought in 3 Minutes Bv dissolving and removing mucus or phlegm that causes strangling, choking. Asthma attacks, the doctor’s prescription Mendaco removes the cause of your agony. No smokes, no dopes, no injections. Ab solutely tasteless. Starts work in 3 minutes. Sleep soundly tonight. Soon feel well, years younger stronger, and eat anything. Guar antee completely satlstactory or money hack. 11 your druggist is out ask him to order Mendaco for you. Don’t suffer another i day. The guarantee protects you. — HINES TAILOR SHOP Cleaning, Pressing and Re pairing. Dyeing and Hat Cleaning Dresses Cleaned hiuI Press ed—Fur Crafting, Etc. 2523 Q STREET : Reid’s Pharmacy New Store, Ail New I3 Fresh Merchandise 24th & Se war WE 1613 I ,j Deluxe Fountain Service Served from an all refrigerated ti’ed front and back fountain C.J. REID Formerly \irfth Reid Duffy Pharmacy | 24TH and LAKE 24TH and CUMING *7a *7he TAJ toman lAjliai tto WIN HIM BACK Bring back lustre and color to your tres ses, quickly and easily with a simple application of Godcfroy's Larieusc.Grcy ness and streaks merge into a beautiful, even shade. Black, brown or blonde as desires). Your face once more is framed with the halo of charm that first won his heart—and that will draw him back to —you. Get a bottle of L.trieuse todav. GODEEROY'S If yowr dealer ^E^ doe* not have d’"cti1'25 hair coloring GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3510 OLIVE ST. • ST. LOUIS, MO. y» VBVww»vue Gypsies C.ypsies are known nil fhe world over as n wandering people. In ninny langiia. os the word "gypsy" has become ■ aon.vmous with "vag Bhoiwl." "tntmp.” ill the Soylet union a gypsy alphabet has been created. There are gypsy newspa pers, a gypsy theater, scores of gypsy schools where children are taught in their native language. The have settled down, they till the soil, work In factories and joint ly with the other 108 nationalities of the U S. 8. It. take an net »■ part In the creation of a new life. RAMBLING AROUND Peace is the reward of right thinking. Experience is a dear teacher— too dear. Faults should not be confessed recklessly. You may hate gossip, and yet you can't forget it. Even having your own way isn’t the road to happiness. Men and women make big I money every day telling tbe 1 beat and moet complete line of over 300 guaranteed coe* 1 metics, navonng, mcuiunw — and curios. Customers buy on sight and buy the next time you call. Make up to $40.00 a week full time, $5.00 a day spare time. Gel Lucky Heart s FREE SAMPLE CASE FULL OF $9.00 WORTH of guaranteed products and free samples to^ay. Write Luckv Heart Com' pany, Dept, j j ^ Memphis, Tennessee. : HERMAN'S j | I i i I MARKET II i HERMAN FRTEDl.ANDE? { Proprietor "EAT FI ElSt HMANN9 YEAST FOK HEALTH ~ -4th and Lake Street \V Ebster 5444 TIRED, NERVOUS, EXHAUSTEDl .. . Look to your stomach Start taking Hostetler’s Stomachic Bitters right now and you will quickly note how its medicinal herbs and roots help to revitalize yonr digestive glands and give new vigor, energy and appetite. Famous ! for 64 years. At all drug stores. 18oz. bottle. $1.50. $ .VAV.V.V.V.V.VASV.V^ ‘HOT-GLO” LUMP L0N0 I.ASTTNC Clean Large Lump Most Economical $6.85 ConsumersCoalCo. AT 4444 Robbin’s Pharmacy 2306 No. 2ith St, WE 1711 life No cm* beyond ho»»e Sloy «orr» ing I Writ* me today Information FREfC M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sta Jersey City, N. J. DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY WEbster 3043 I NEBRASKA PRODUCE I 1202 i-8 North 24th Street Phone WE 4137 • i j Poultry and Egg Dealers j Oui prices are reasonsable, | see us first. j j j New Cleaning Prices SPECK l Any Two 90c Items . $1.25 1 3-Piece Suit .. $ .75 ] 2 3 Piece Suits . 1.25 I _—, _ - « 1 3-Piece Suit J 1 Ladies’ Plain Dress . $1.25 1 Men’s 3-Piece Suit 1 Top Coat . $1.25 2 Ladies’ Plain Dresses .... $1.25 1 3-Piece Suit .I 1 Felt Hat . $1.00 1 3-Piece Suit 12 Neckties . $1.25 1 4-Piece Suit . $1.15 1 Pair Pants ..40c 2 Pair Pants .... 75c Edholrc . ; < t j I.aunderers and Dry Cleaners < WE 6055 ; LET PEOPLES DO IT S ' I Clean up that front room. We specialize in making old ; ; houses look like new, inside and out. No chairg'e for eati ; mation on work, tfo job too small or too large. I | 1 • Ten trained decorating mechanics. Our Motto—Service I First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2808. Peoples Paint and rapering Shop ! LARRY PEOPLES, Proprietor Speaah=4ttfminmti£n£ QuVcK FRIENDLY SERVICE We welco .a credit buyers with the same hiendly appreciation as extended to cash cusiomors. There's no embarrassment no unpleas ant investigations—and we deliver your purchase at once. _ ^ .!< )MES BATTERY and TIRE SERVICE Park Ave. A Famain AT. 2!>20 The Heme ef Friendl* Serviee I The spiral bars of this Tread act like wincULield wipers, sweep the water right and !rft. making a dry track for ihe rubber \o «?•<?*. --■ ■»