The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 26, 1938, Image 1

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    f.=========^—-===- C MM ” I
! Largest IT Cents
1 Negro Paper i '
Enter'd as Second Clan Mat ter a1 Poatofflce, Omaha. Nebraska OMAHA, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1938 VOL. XI No. 90
‘Gap Eye,’ Former U. P. Waiter Seriously CuJ
Southern Pacific Dining Car Worker s Win
EXCESS OF $100,000
Devpie the pr p s 1 of tie
Ann r oan Association of Railways
(represent all a'ass 1 ctarriee's’
s' eking substantial wage decreases
for all classes of rail employees
the Din'ng Car Union succeeds w
racing wages of cooks, waiters
and porter? lepresc.n ed by the
organization more that, $iHO.OOC
annua’ly. On March 16, 1338. a
nr W'atiwi settlement was reached
between the gigantic Souther,,
Pacific company and its din'ng car
employees. This agreement affords
increase.; as high . s $13.00 pet
mouth per man. This *n t 1 ment so
highly favorable to the workers
culm'nates a fight wli ih has b'en
vViTaysly £ ught foe iV'O'? than a
y ay Clarence R. Joh.ison general
chairman, of the organization
stc..ftd that tliis s: tile ment is
t he largest ever mad) on this class
of imployc.’s. first, b cause of th
large number of workt'r? involved
and. oondly due 10 the amount
to t*’ received by each employee.
In addition the agit rnirnt is re
tradSive to October 1, 1937, thus
lietttmg each regularly assigned
employ*}' back pay ranging from
$fl( to $K0 per man. In round
dolters anil cents this will bring
upwards to $50,000 covering back
pay over a period of five months.
Manx if thi scheduled new rates
of j*iv for various classifications
arc far in excess of rates for
sarnlar employees on other roads.
fiOM'ie of lOvese ratios runn’ng higher
by S54.00 par month.
TV brilliant success of Dining
('a’- Employees Local 582, is di
rt*, try attributable to its splendid
of# t.) V? and loyal militant mem
boas; Mr Douglas DeVaughn is
pr*avitnt,. His indefatigab* efforts
in Ix-half of the members of the
organization is outstanding
The recent victory of this Union
constiencious group bespeaks for
the value of organization.
Man Fined For
Annoying Woman
J W. Jacobs, white, was fined
$25 and costs in Judge O'Brien’s
court Monday morning for molest
ing. Mrs. Ethel Phillips, 2928 No.
Twenty- f/fth Is'llvt; whil/ she
was walking on North Twenty
fifth! street cm /the morning of
March 18, Mrs Phillips, who was
on hei' way to visit friends and
carry ng hter six nun h old child
said thati the defendant passed her
four times and made suggestive
gestures toward her, whereupon
sh» took his au'o license number
and reported tthe .incident to her
father, Jasper Cole.
ilW&% Mr*. Nor* Flanagan
Mrs. Vova Flanagan, 92. mother
of the Rt. R)ev Msgr Erl ward J.
Flanagan, better known aa Father
Flanagaai. of Boys Town, died at
th* home of her daughter.
Leads to Fight
i Alvin Bal/i'tvin, known to ivn1 /h
Omaha r-sidemts as Gap Eye
was seriously cut Wedneday even
ing, March 23, about 7:30 p m.. at
I 24th ad Lake dtrects.
lie and Georgt Crumbley start
i ed a fight some time Wednesday
nu-riling iver some misunderstand
irg I tv»en the two. Gap Eye is
1 : ported to have hit George Crum
L \ y in he eye In the figh
Aj o <wn we:« s' para’-d and b th
v v
A1 / > uJ 7 p. m ’ uhe same night
they both met again ait 24lth and
lake. And the fight s! talked all
ov • again Gap Eye was cut
at: oss the chest, an ries of both
urns and is in very s ricus condi
.ion. H" was given medical aid by
Dr. S.lomon ,
“The Ghost” to Be
Presented Soon
The Llttie Theatre group of I
Omaha, washing to play its part in:
the drive for ‘Back to flesh’ for |
«tago entertainment, will present
he sensation of 1938 in stage
production ‘The Ghost’ March 30
and 31 at the Urban League Com
munity Center, w’hh the curtain
rising at 8 p. m.
This marvelous play has been a
howling success wherever played
and with the wonderful cast that
has been assembled by Miss Deloris
.Tarmin, daughter of the head of
Omaha university school of drama
tics, serving as director, drama
loving patrons of Omaha will have
the opportunity to witness a play
filled with interest from the time
’he prop man raises the curtain
until it is dropped on the utter
cf the final line of the plav.
The cast and tihe parts they will
nlav are as follows: Oswald, Mr.
William Conwell; Mrs ATving.
Mrs. Madeline Sterling: Reverand
Wanders, Mr. W Harris; Regina.
Mrs. Lillian Pettifert; and Eng
■frs nd, Mr D. Lewis
———o -—
The United Cab Co. Tn , located
ep 2103 North Twontyc-fourth
se,.rr>t wishes to have you know
that thpv ar" new open t,o servo
you w'fti as pm efficient and
courteous service as can be found
Fa oh of -t,he beautiful cabs
found on the streets of Omaha
wi'h f*lhn inserin*ion of United
C-'t-s and ‘hn insignia of tthe hand
she Vo denoting united effort on
the part ef every drive,, for is insured n gains* possible
nepii'ents in according to tihe state
1;."'. t,bn,s assuring »*s natron a
. efo Wlp from '.heir Point of »n
'i""V'C to their point ef destina
The United Cab aside from of
fering a safe, sane and protected
ride, also rff»r von the most rea
sonable tare in Omaha. Ten cpnts
foe the first, half mile and five
ci “‘s for each additional half mile.
The company which is incorpor
ated is composed of the following
individuals: Mr. Chcsley Pierce,
president; Mr James Brown* vice
president; Miss Midred J<ihii«en
secretary: Mr. Herman Friedlande
treasurer and Mr. Lewis Moore.
Mrs Bertha Porter 2712 North
Twentieth-eighth avenue, sister of
, Mr Z. Bradley pa«se,t after a
brie# period of illness with pneu
Plan All-Negro Chicago Motion Picture Company
The above group of Chicagoans
nieit last week at the home of A.L.
Foster, executive secretary lccal
Urban Lague, to meat David A Lu
ndy. pivsklent of the Sunset Pic*tu
ro Company. Hollywood. California
vho came to Chicago to establish
a studio devoted exclusively to the
making if all Nfigro movies of the
h'g'hest type. The project stud
io will develop actors and actresses,
directors, cameramen, scenario
j writers and other movie specialists
In photo, left to right, seated,
uc Mrs. Rob rb Black, Mrs I.undy.
Mrs A L Foster and Mrs. Bertha
Mi . !• v Lev i.'; stand ng left to
'.<rh‘. Frew I* W'a. s, jr., Robert
I’aylor. Mr Lundy and Mr. Foster.
Cornhusker Golf
Holds 1st meeting
The ataasflin’s first meeting of
the Cornhusker Golf club was held
Sunday afternoon. March 20 In the
Omaha Guide office with twelve
present The greater pari cf the
meeting was consumed in a lively
discussion on plans for a 'Golf’ to he held April 27 at
which time both men and women
enthusiasts will gather to play
golf, picnic and watch demonstra
tions. A golf outing committee
composed of Pen|'.leton, Murray,
Bernard Squires and Malcolm
Scott, assisted by Bslly Davis was
appointed by Boyd V. Galloway,
president. The establishment of a
junior auxiliary was also discussed
Those present wore Boyd V. Gallo
way, Sabert Hanger. Atty. John
Adams, Malcolm Scott, Penny
Murray. Bernard E. Squires and
Gainas T. Bradford.
The next meeting will be held
Fp’day April 1. a,t the Community
Center or at the residence of Mr.
Plan May I4 estival
The following persons augments
by any other sponsors c f junior
choirs are urged to answer the
clarion call of the general chair
man Mr. S. E Gilberiand gen
oral director. Miss Ethel Jones
for the purpose of discussing plans
which hall lead up to the present
ing of the second annual Guidite
Club May Day Festival They arc:
Mrs. M. Dudley, Clair Chapel ME;
Mrs. Elsie Warrick and Mr Elmer
Faulkner, Pleasant Green; Mr. C.
W Porter, Metroportan Spiritual;
Mr. and Mrs. A. B Young, Pilgrim
Mrs Rent hit Mallory, Christ Tern
ple; Mrs. J. F. Alison. 3rd Seventh
Day Adventist; Mrs. Lula Bryant,
Zion; Mrs. Christine Althmwte and
Miss Tamar O'Neal, St. John AME
Rev. D Nicholson, Clarinda Iowa;
Mr. and Mrs. Willis. St John
| Baptist; Mrs. F P. Cloud, of
Bethel AME; Mrs. F. P Jones,
Mt. Moriah; Mrs Mildred Wiley,
! Cleaves Temple CME; Mrs. Z. E
McGee, New Hope; Mrs. J S.
Williams. Hillside Presbyteirian;
Mrs Mildred Roberts and Addie
Foxall, Bethetl. The above named
person are urged to meet at the
Northside ‘Y’ Monday evening at
Wonder Bread Is the
Selection 84 Out of 100
The Continental Bakery, located
at 20th and Cuming streets., an 1
enterprise which employes seven
Negroes is taking this opportunity
lo ealt it'o the afttiemtion of the
readers of the Omaha Guide the
quality of the bread which is
known by the trade name of
WONDER BREAD. First they'
Wish to have you make the follow
ing test, Lay a slice of Wonder
Bread and a slice of any <Xher
bread you are using on your kit
chen table Allow them to be expos
to the air for about an hour— -th»n
look at them. Note whiah slice of
bread will have stailted to turn up
and curl, sia h a test will enable
vou to determine the lasting fresh’
ness of WONDER BREAD. Such
I a (teat will enuble the house wife to
know what bread to buy in order
to save money because you can use
all of it
The Continental Bakery does
not. ask you to purchase WONDER
BREAD unless you are satisfied
that it is the boat. However, they
do ask you to compare WONDER
BREAD w'ith all other bread by
using the* 1 2 3 test that of feel;
taste, and smell. Feel for smooth*
j ness, note the close knit for easy
spreading and rich golden colored
toast Note <too the absence of
large holes. Feel t»be difference in
I the other bread.
Before itasrmg. squeeze eaen
! slice close to your nose Get the
full wheaty aroma of SCO BAKED
Then tasfee a bite of Wc ndeV
Bread. Slowly let it linger in your
inoiTh, get the full flavored
| goodness Taste the other slice
j and discover for yoursef which is
t.ho better. When you, hav*> eom
| pleted vour 1 2 3 test ask your
grocer ' for WONDER BREAD,
j First because it is the bread which
has been the overwhelming choice
; of 84 housewives out of every 100,
secondly because the Continental
j Bake ry has shown a willingness to
shown an appreciation for the
: patronage of our grouip by em
ploying seven Negroes
I Satisfy yourself by making this
simple and easy test disregarding
the good things that may have
been found in this article and
idstgn bo let the best bread
i win regardless of the name.
Buddy Mc( rae May
Fight Armstrong
'inddy MjCihc- who lost hie fight
horn at (ho City Auditorium two
weeks ago to Jimmy Legrove of
lies Moines on a very bad decision,
may get a figh with Henry Arm
silroj in Omaha, sometime in
Mediae aas hud six fights with
Legi 'Ve and won four of them
dec is' ns. And the o'her two were
lost on de • nns Out of the six
figh s theie have h en no knock
downs for either of them .
Mediae wi ighs 126 pounds and
l as been fight ng for about five
year , He is a elev r boxer and
when he was in S*. Isiuis in De
cmbn\ be w iked out daily with!
Armstrong, who ( ra sed him .very
highly McCriio Ls expected to
ha'e one more fight here in Omaha
then He will loave for the East
where he is scheduled for several
figh‘s w;th some of (he best fight
ers in the East.
Met rae,’s brother is his trainer.
Medren is working out daily at
Tenson’s gym, along with Jimmy
Morris. a heavyweight of Los
Aihgi lrs California
Service Station
Has Budget Plan
The M E, Jones Battery and
Tire Service at Park Avenue and
Fa mam streets has opened a bud
get departmnt which will enable
customers to purchase Goodrich
tires, several makes of auto and
home radios, batteries and other
automobile necessities on an easy
credit plan. Mr. Jones invites all
car owners ito visit his station for
friendly and up to date service.
Sjw'c'lai prices are offetred for
spring ehangeovers See advertise
ment on page 2.
Thn Rotter Homes and Garden
club of Olarinda, Iowa, was organ
; ired on March 19. Mrs. Nellie
Cason was ducted as president
, Miss Moss, pecrelkary hnd Mrs,
Anna Nash, treasurer The elut
is expecting to do big things in
I the future.
Rise In Total Cost
of Public Relief
Jan. Report Shows
Cost of public relief ip January
ci nbinued Ifee r'ise recorded for the
throe pi t ceding months, according
to figures issuiyt toil ay by the So
cial Security board. Total Federal,
State and local costs incurred for
aid to the needy in January includ
ing warping under the Works Pro
gram. amounted to $207,000,000
an increase of about $12,500,000
over the total for December
The figures n ported by the
Hoard are compiled regularly in
collaboration with other Federal
agencies and stall- and l eal au
thorities. The January flgmo in
cludes amounts for the various
program* as follows: Assistance to
t he ml dy aged, to the needy blind,
is nd to dependent children from
federal, statt hihI local funds under
the Social Security Act, and other
rubric assistance of these special
types. $40,000,000; -earnings under
th ■ Works Program, including the
\\ elks Progress Administration
and other federal agenc'Vs through
which wages re paid to persons
certified as in need of relief, $98.
000,000; Civilian Conservation
Corps. $20 000,000; subsistence
grants under the Farm Security
Administration. $2,000 ; genera!
relief in cash and in k'nd, by states
end localiti s. $47,000,000. Those
• urns lyprusent aid received bv the
needy; administrative costs are
no* included
On the basis <f reports received
by the Hoar,; it was estimated,
after allowance for duplications,
that in January about 5.0 million
different households received public
aid of onC or more of the types of
the above mentioned. This repre
sents an increase of about a half
million ovtr the estimates for
Tu each of these major types of
out lie r»:<1 except subsistence grant
under the Farm Security Adminis
irnhioiA rustjs fj>>i January wore
liieh'i- than those for DDeeimber.
There was a rise of move than 6
per cent. The total cost of fl dernl
atnt'1 and local aid to the needy
Air January was about $6,700,000
below the total for January 1937 it
was point* d out, despite the steady
increase in these costs which has
cnrrtimued since October It was
emphasized that thh figures re
ported id irate only the amount of
aid provided and are not neotssar
lv a measure of the extent, of
Tfied for relief. Tn sonv communi
ties local funds mny not have been
a callable for aid to nil the persons
who were eligible to receive It
under federal, state or local pro
According to reports from states
cooperating in public assistance
urograms under the Social Secur
ity Act costs of nearly $40 000.
fino were incurred in January' for
nayrwnts from federal, state and
local ftinds to recipients of old ape
*1 >?sistanee. aid to the blind and aid
t.. dependent ehidtt'n Tn January
tv,.re were 1,608 780 reeipkepts oi
eld ago assistance in 47 states, the
District of Columbia. Alaska and
Hawaii, comprising averape pay
ment per recipient was $19.30 for
that month. The stae of the avev
age pnvmnt per recipient ranged
from $4 53 in Mississippi tn 39.6(
in Colorado. Tn 36 states, tlhe Dis
thict of Columbia and Hawaii
mak’Tip payments undrr the pro
gram for January', aid was extend
nd to 44 836 blind persons. Th<
average pavmPTit for the montl
was $25 54. Tn .38 stntes, the Dis
D-ict of Columbia and Hawaii, ah
wn« provided in January' on hehal
of 542. 287 dopentVtit children h
218.499 families. The ave.rap'
monthly payment was $32.06 pe'
1 family . ., _i < *
Two young Omaha women made
futile attempt®. Thursday evening
to commit suicide, one by drinking
Lysnl, the second by gunshot.
Miss RvVa War", 20, 915 North
Twen*y-f f h street, attempted to
< nd her l'tf'* by drinking Lysol
T\ is reprn'ed that Miss Ware,
who lives at the hom" of her em
ployer, Mrs. Dorothy Thornton had
returned home with h”r Toy friend
from a downtown show, shortly
after reaching home, th” two en
graced in a li vers quarrei which
culminated in *(h'» at’iempit on the
r-irt of Mtss Ware to end her
life by drinking a portion of Ly
"1. and only by th” alert action
of Me*. Thornton, who was sum
moned fn the girls room, by the .
T v friend, who upon reaching the
ioj m and finding what had tap*
t >ned. immediately gav” tht vie
t'm first, aid and notified the
t who qyjckly r< -rpondp-d and
lofik 'he vnurT^'W-v o *h'» Nieho
lns Penn hosnitol where she was
given ni-dical a:d and her life sav
The second young Jody ^pho at
ti< nipt *d suicide was Miss’ Alaaa ■■
OordWft, 24. 2890 Ohio streiet. It
s rep rt“d that Miss Goodlutt had
, ! i'en ('"•spondent for some and
that she sho^ herself in the right
ch”s*, using a 22 calibre CoH
.automatic, while conversing with
Mrs. Carrie Davis, who was is
another room sepan'ed hv a bath
rcom Mrs. Davis seated that Miss
Gnodleht was tmll'kig her that sh#
was gring to kill herself, suddenly
-he heard a shot, going to Amin’s
room she found her lying on th#
led. As Mrs. Davis entered th#
Room Alma eat up and walked ou|
into the hall wberg she collapsed
Mrs. Davis ndtifled police wh#
ecu’” and carried Miss Goodlott
Nicholas Senn hospital. It is re
pented she will recover
Omaha Council
To Hold Forum
The Omaha Council of (the Nat’l
' Negro Congress will sponsor its
third educational forum, Sunday
.\f u -h 24 at the Urban Leagu*
Community Center, 3:30 p. m.
In keeping with our policy of
presenting various liberal and
progressive organizations who have
a definite program for the develop
; nient and progress of the Negro,
wo are pleased to announce that
•he NAACP will have charge of
the panel discussion, based on th*
> hreo years twelve point plan pro
‘ posed by the Council for the right#
1 of Black American citizens i«
For 29 years this organization
has carried on a militant fighit for
the rghts of the Negro in America.
Therefore in accordance with th#
purpose of the Congress, that of
cooperating with any all organiza
tions who have a program o#
liberality, we welcome this oppor
tunbty to present this organization
as well as do our part to earry
forward such a fight.
Dr. Wesley Jones, president of
j ithe local branch of the NAACP
who has recently returned from a
government grant post graduate
course in the control and proven
tion of Venereal disease conducted
at Washington I> C., where aside
from his study had several confer
cnees with Mr, Walter White,
secretary of the NAACP will be
the principal speaker. Dr. Jones
was recently appointed chairman
of the Public Health Committee of
' the Council ,
\ -o
\ Mrs. S. E Boone of 2«o‘> Miami
> street, i« recovering from p short
, spellj kvf illness A |l l"J-ks ha*
. friends for having 1" en so
to her