1 •• —■ ■■■ ■ -■■■■ .... ■■ ■— .—* NOTE:—lour que'-'ion w.'.l be answered FREE in this col umn ONLY when a <1 pping of this column is enclosed with YOUR QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME. BIRTHDATE and CORRECT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS. Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care of The Omaha Guide. 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. E. M. H—Doeg th*. one I lov? Care anything for me and why doesn't he ask to take me places? Ans: He doesn’t care enough for your company to want to spend an eveavng with you. iDon’t pine away your time thinking of this party but get m*t and enjoy t>te friendship of other boys After all you ar6 NOT IN LOVE and won’t be foi- quite some tire. E. M. G—Tell me if my mother is going to take me home before school is out? I am very anxious to complete this grade and feel eo worried for she might take me homo and my stepfather and I don’t get along. Ans: Study very hard and show a good record, and in the meantime try to get an after noon job looking after child ren and doing something that will pay you a little extra money during the week To help pay your way through Open For Business UNITED CAB CO. 2303 North 24th JA 7171 Prompt, Courteous Serbice Plaice our name on your file and use the safe way of traus portation. CHESLEY PIERCE, Prop. JA 7171 North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL 1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240 Have your old shoes made to look and wear like new. Our invisible resoling is ji st what you need to keep yc ur feet nice and warm. Men’s and Women's s3ioes left over for sale. VISIT THE New Elite Bar 2423 N 24th St. Drinks Of All Kinds At Moderate Prices Special Courtesy to Ladies Direct Wire on All Sporting Events Christopher & McGill, Props. school will make your mother want to see you have your way. S. C. C—Can I defend on get ting a better position anytime in the near future? Ans: Yea, before the end of the year you will be on a bet ter job. The best thing in the world for you to do is decide on the type of work you like best and put your whole time and thoughts on improving yourself along thc chosen line To do so will enable you to make a good salary. N. A J—I am anxious to make a change and go away about the first of the month. Tell me if I should or not? Ans: What on earth will you do with the children if you carry out your plans to leave? There is someone else be sides yourself to be considered and arrangements must be made for them before you can tlvnk of your own pleasures I doubt if you will leave. M. H. S—Will I ever get the thing I wish for most in life? Ans: Indeed you will, and oh! what a chubby little fellow it will be M. H.—What) does my ex-boy friend think of me and are all boys like him? Ans: You and this ex-boy friend have come to the part ing of the ways. Certainly not all boys are not like him They take only the liberties that they feel that they can get away with. M. W.—My husband and I are living with his mother and she is disagreeable. Do you think we • should move to ourselves ? Ans: Swallow your pride and make your mother-in law love you- At this time it would be quite impossible for your hus band and you to move out as he doesn’t have the money to support you like you would expect. Just as soon as he gets a better paying job he will want a home, of his own. Robbin’s Pharmacy 2.306 No. 211h St. WE 1711 WHY NOT j Get those home appliances at the Omaha Outfitting Co. Pay £s your are paid. Weekly or monthly' AT 5652 2420 Lake .■.V.'AV.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V SAM FLAX UQIOR STORE 1402 No. 24th St. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 2 year old 90 proof Whiskey AT 9715 8c SHIRTS 8c When Finished Out of Any Family Service EMERSON LAUNDRY i ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St_WE 1029 METROPOLITAN C’lli Ri H Rev- H. W John.-o.i, Pastor Sister Cason. Reporter Jesus is the light of the world Sunday found the l'ght of God shining forth in the heart of His children, all seemed to be in one accord Sunday school opt tied at its usual time and found many smiling faces of adults as well as children. The lesson- ‘God 'Require* Social Jlstice,, was a wonderful hsson Mothers send your ch id on : out that they may be on the Easter program. Morning service was a reminder of the day of penhocost, when the Lord sent the Holy Ghost in the upper room upon His children j Tho spirit was really upon th? | Lord's servants. After the healing service, there was prayer led by \ Sis Johnson. The sermon was de livered by Rev. A J Thomas of! Kansas City Subject was, ‘Conse crated llsarts.’ It was a wonderful- j ly delivered sermon A-fter the sermon, there were rP maks by Rtv Caldwell. The Bible lesson in the Union was very stq ngthening It was food for thought. Each group had a wonderful time explaining their lesson The public is ir.vited to come out and learn more about the Lord and we also desire for you to ^joy the progiams. Evening service was a very up lifting one Special numbers re quested by the pastor wrate sung und°r the direction of Sis. K Riley The ml ssage by Rev Thomas of Kansas City, who i® in charge until the pastor recovery, was very en couraging. There was also a sp.cial solo tby Sis Crumbly. Also a few spiritual massages by Rev Thomas Wednesday night their ' will be a fire scaonce under the direction of R> v Thomas if the Lord sees fit. Everyone is welcomed to the ser vice. Friday night, by the pastor and choir of Pleasant Gr-‘en Everyone was happy to hear of the pastor feeling better and wishes him a spq"dy recovery. Anyone wishing prayer or desire to go to a prayer’ service. S;s Johnson i sconducting them nv) ry day from 12 until ?t She would enjoy having you out. Twen+y - seventh and Burdette stijets You are always welcome at our church. Come, bring your fam:lv and friend and make yourself at home- j X Now is the time to travel and save money. Fares are extremely low and round trip tickets mean further savings. Coaches are warm and well ventilated. Baggage stored inside —always handy. Free pillows. Ask agent for low fares to all points. LOW FARES Cheyenne . $9.00 Chicago . 8.50 Denver . 9.00 Kansas City . 2-95 Los Angeles .„. 23.00 San Francisco . 24.00 BURLINGTON BUS DEfOT 1416 Douglas at 15th St. Ph. ATIantic 2300 Johnson Drug Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions WE 0998 1904 No. 24th SL PATRICK Liquor Store Specials on winesand Whiskey 2 year old Whiskey 90 proof, pint-* 24th and Patrick JA 9255 paradise baptist church Kev. I, It Hervey, Pastor Sunday school was called to order by the superintendent with a good attendance At 11 a. m, th(- pastor brought to u.s a wonderful message Sub.. | Man's Shameful Fall.' Text Exen ] 3:P Deacon Wilson wh« has been on the sick list for the past seven weeks, was able to be out and wor ship with us. At 3 p m., the Union mass meet ing met at Paradise Baptist church It was a wonderful gathering. Tin program was carried out. Mrs Minnie Bryant of Salem Baptist church stirred every soul. Mr Willis’ of St John Baptist church was the principal speaker We that know him and haw heard him ' always strive to hear him again. - Each church had a representative Also our state president of the New Era Mrs. C Haynes BYPU at 6 p nr, was enjoyed by all. Miss Rebecca Ashley and brothers were visitors Next Sun day the men will have charge of the program. At 8 o’clock praye rservice was led by Deacons Johnson and Paul ine Aftor which thei pastor brought to us anoth r inspiring message from Luke 15:17. Subject, ‘He Come to Himself-’ We had expressions from visitors. Visiting ministers were Revs LaFalls and McCrary. If you have not heard Rev Hervey, come to Paradise. Mission Circle meets every Mon. day at 8 p m. Bible study Thurs day even’ng at 8 o'clock. Everyone is welcome Atty. H. C. Robertson. Room 718 Keeline Bldg, at 17 and Harney St. PROBATE NOTICE In tl»e matter of the estate of Theodore Scott Simpson, deceased. Notice is hereby given: that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administratrix with will annexed of said estate before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 2nd day of May 1938 and on the 2nd day of July 1938 at 9 o'clock A M., each day, for the purpose of piesenting their claims for examin ation, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims from the 2nd day of April 1938 Bryce Crawford County J\idge 12 19 26 MT NEBO BAPTIST CHURCH Rev J G Gates, pastor Helen Bradshaw, reporter The Sunday School opened at th ■ usual time ar, ROUND-UP EXTRA LIBERAL ALLOWANCE || j for your Old Range ti'e want 300 old ranges. To get them we will give you a very liberal allowance on your old range (no matter how old It may be) when traded in on a new, modern MAGIC CHEF or KOPEK range. Choice from our extensive stocks. All models, all prices. Pay on your gas MU—up to 1 years. Come In at once and get details. I I AS LITTLE AS I $195a J I MONTH Buys a Modern I GAS RANGE Your Dealer Will Also Give You a Liberal Allowance for Your Old Range