The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 19, 1938, Image 1

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    Broad Fight For Race Rights Urged By N.A.A.C. ?.
T%Tt L Cents I
I lr i Per
^ | V Copy_
Entered as Second Ctaaa ■atterat Postoffice. Omaha. Nebraska- OMAHA. NEBRASKA SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1938 VOL. XI No. 50
St, John Literary Club Has Entertainment
-- ;
The St. John Literary club held
» very interesting meeting Monday
at the Althouse Beauty schoo1.
featuring a bcok leview by Mr
Edward Bruce who reviewed the
book ent'tled “As a Man Think
etb' and a quiz session on Negro
History led by Miss Covington.
Priies were awarded to the fol
lowing Persons, Mr William Con
well, for answering the largest per
cent of questions, Mrs. Christine
Althouse, the sponsor, for the won
derful interet she has shown in
the organization
The club, eighteen in number en
Jo/kf a delightful Dutch lunch 1
following the awarding 0f prizes.
Mr- Lawrence Lew's, a former
memfoer of the club, was present
and given a warm wel ome. Mr
Lev is has been sojourning in St
Pr-ul. Minneapolis, for the past
ten months.
Salem baptist mission
The SaVm Baptist. Missionary
Society met Friday. March 11, at
the home of Mrs. Ader Watson,
1009 North Twenty-seventh street.
A 'ery enjoyable, meeting was
held. Fourteen were present The
lesson taught to us by the instruc
tor Mrs. A D. Turner was found
in the 2.3rd chapter of Matthew,
beginning at the first verse. Sub-(
ject was “Use Not Liberty for a j
Mrs. Ader Watson served a love j
ly luncheon Everyone enjoyed
themselves and were very grateful
to Mrs- William Haynes as our vi
sitor. She spoke some vtery inter
esting words to us. We are always
glad to have her with us
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Haynes, 2107 North
Twenty-seventh street., Friday,
March 18 Come and visit us any.
tinyy Visitors are always welcome.
The Thrifty 12 Art Club met
Tuesday March 8 at the homo of
Mrs. Addie L, Marrow, 5517 South
Thirty-third avenue- The meeting
was called to order by the presi
dent. Mrs. Whitlow Following a
brief business pt riod the hostess
served a delightful luncheon, keep
ing in line with St Patrick's Pay
which was enjoy'd by all.
We were happy to have Mrs.
Katye Smith of Tw.enty-ninth and
R streets as a guest Mrs. Smith
stall'.d she had a very pleasant
visit with the club. Everyone seem
cd very happy to see Mrs Pearl
T/>e hack at her post, and sorry to
know Mrs. Minnie Williams is quit”
ill We hope she will soon be able
to be up and about again.
Everyone reported a pleasant
M. Robinson
A daughter, Sandra Cecile, was
bom to Mr and Mrs Cecil R Wat
son. Monday. March 7 Mrs Wat
son was formerly Miss Ruth M
.Tones of Omaha and a teacher in
the nublic schools of Atchison. Kas.
Mr Watson spent two days in
the city with his family.
The Watsons now reside in San
Francisco, California
Mrs. Watson and daughter will
remain in Omaha with relatives for
a short time
Heads University
president of Southern university.
Patou Rouge, La , Dr Clin k took
over i ho adm’nsitration of the in
stitution formally on March 0, suc
c ceded his father as president, Dr
J S Clark., who retires June 80
and becomes president emeritus,
headed Southern for 24 years while
it grew from a small b ginning to
one of tihe most important state
Lang Grant colleges 'n the South,
with a plant worth $1 500,000
S S. Alliance
Holds Meeting
The Interdomirrational Sunday
School Alliance met Sunday, March
13 at Christ Temple church, at 3:30
p m., with the secretary in charge
after which the superintendent
pres id) d.
There was a forum discussion,
'‘Are Sunday Schools Essential and
are they Producmg the Desired
Effi ct.’ led hy Mr. Parker of St
John. Some very interesting facts
were expounded
The members of Christ Temple
Sunday school are very proud of
dip attainment of both banners
A short, spicy, and timely pro
gram was rendered.
The next meetfng will be held
April 10 at St. John church
Subject- for discussion, ‘‘Can th
Church of Today Solve the Pre
sent Day Problems.’
We are asking th'“ cooperation
if all the Sunday schools of the
-ity in making this a worthwhile
organization Come, you will be
Bio. Webb, Superintendent
Mrs Beatrice Gray. Stc'y.
Miss Ruth Hersey, Rep.
On Sunday afternoon, between
4 and 8 p m Mrs Earl Jones. 2512
Corby street gave a delightful St
Patrick's Day Tea Soft green
light gave color to the dining room
A repast consisting of green frost
ed cake, green sherbert and gteen
candy in connection with chicken
salad, tea and other varieties were
To top off this Tesotifld •'rfffrur
was the lovely hostess, Mrs Jones
dressed in a sheer green dress to
completely match the setting More
than 150 persons attend this affair
New York, Mar. 17—A call to
the country to dig in in the home
communities for a broad battle to
s cure the citizenship rights of
colored people was issued today by
the National Associat'on for the
Advancement of Colored People
Pointing today to the 47-day fili
buster against the ant'-lynching
1 ill as evidence that the Negro
must fight not only lynching but a
whole system of discrinrnation, ex
ploitation, and oppression, the as
sociation states that it is not call,
ing any conferences on the anti
lynching bill at this time, but is
pressing a program of education
ur.d action in hundreds of commun
ities throughout the country.
F015 t.b -inti-lynching bill itself,
the- NAACP states that it is nego
tiating certain plans for securing
further action on the bill at this
session of Congress, but that these
plans for the pipsent cannot be re
vealed. Without relenting in i'->
work against lynching, the asso
ciation is driving forward on cer
tain objectives which will be shap
ed up rally at its Twenty-ninth
tnnual conference to be held ii
Columbus. Ohio, the last week in
The principal item in this pro
gram is a fight to secure the ballot
for those colored people who are
now denied it and to this end, the
association has already sent in
structions to its 400 branches,
youth councils and college chapters
to stimulate registration and vot
ing. Suitable test cases will be in
stituted in the courts and careful
consideration will be given to the
framing of legislation whei> the
need for such is indicated
The association also is mobiliz
ng its members and associated
groups b hind certain proposals to
guarantee that the proposed fed
eral education bill will not discri
minate against Negro schools. It
is asking that the, bill contain a
provision for a minimum school
trrm of 160 days, that the distri
bution of federal funds be equit
able without reducing the provi *
sions of state and local funds, and
that annual reports on the distri
bution of this mon,ey be published
and the authority given the feder.
nl government to withhold the
funds of any state which violates
the act.
A wage and hours hill which will
(Continued on Page Two)
Former Northside!
Druggist Opens!
Store 24 & Seward
C L Reid formerly a partner in
the Reid and Duffy Drug store,
annuonces the purchase of the
the Thull Drug store at 24th and
Seward street.
In order to give the first class
service which characterizes his
stores. Mr Re'd has installed new
fixtures, new decorations and stock
ed up with a complete line of high
class drugs and sundries His
motto will be—It must be good if
carried by the Reid Pharmacy
Since giving up his partnership at
24th and Lake streets, Mr Reed
has operated stores in Grand
Island and at 24th and Fort St- in
Omaha However, he says that he
has had a desire to return to the
Nortside among his old friends
and acquaintances and that he
will greatly apprecite their calling
on him for the best in merchandise
and prompt delivery service
Youth Council To
Hold Big Meeting
Thu newly form°d Youth Coun
cil will hold ttis first business meet
ing Friday evening at the Urban
League beginning at 8 p. m
All persons from high school ape
to tho ape of twenty-five inclusive
are u.’p'M to attend
Speakers interested in the wel
fare of youth will lead pertinant
nnestions per ain'ng to youth pro
blems hei"e in Omaha.
New York, Mar, 17—Pointing
out that the proposed federal edu
cation b’ll, which will distribute
$855,000,000 of federal money to
the states in the nl.I-xt. six years,
will probably not be called up for a
hearing before going to the floor
of* Congress, t h NAACP is asking
that certain safeguards against
discrimination be included in the
For the protection of Negro
schools, the NAACP is asking, (1)
equitable distribution of funds be
tween white and NVgro schools
without reducing the. proportion of
state and local funds spent on Ne
gro schools; (2) a minimum
school term of 160 days for every
school, white and black; (3) annual
reports from the states to he U X.
Commissioner of Education; (4)
authority to withhold allotment
from states which violate the act.
The NAACP is asking that letters
be sent to President Roosevelt.
S nator Alton W. Barkley, Sena
tor Pat Harrison and to the sena.
tors from the states in which the
letter writers live
Career Conference
Held At YWCA
On Friday, March 18, 19 and 20,
the Second Annual Career Confer
ence for high school youth and
voug people out of high school up
to the age of 22, will be held at the
N’orthside YWCA. The theme of
the Conference is “The Key to
Your Future '’ The Conference
will open on Fr day with a banquet.
at 6 p. m Miss Mary E Sawtell,
the director of the unior Division
of the Nebraska State Employ
ment Service, will be the banquet
speaker She will talk of the kind
of petrson one needs to be in order
to succeed in any line of work.
Betty Davis, of the Gross Eieks
Girl Reserve group, will preside at
the banquet
On Saturday evening, there will
be a symposium on Occupational
Trends, followed by discussion
groups. The following persons will
participate in the Sympinum and
read the discussion following it;
Social Service. Mrs- Robbie Tur
ner Davis; Trades, Mr. Harry
Peimund director Omaha Division
of OCC; Beauty Culture, Mi's
Christine; Domestic Arts.
Mrs T. P Mahammitt, and Civil
Service. Persons to be announced.
The Confei-ence closes on Sunday
afternoon with a Summary and
Inspirational message by Mr Ran
dall Meiart of the Public schools.
Mrs- Helen Thomas, of Casper
Wyoming, returned home after a
visit with her parents, Mr- and
Mrs Edward Fletcher, and little
daughter, Betty Jean
Mrs Thomas spent several weeks
in Omaha and attended many affais
in her honor by her sisters, Miss
Lorraine Fletcher and Mrs James
Crumbley and many friends
Eilfest of the. Nebraska White
Spot advertising campaign in time
will be to “double our population
and stimulate business in all lines
so that we never will be tempted
to add to our tax structure by ad
opting any of these ins'dious v*g
aries which are proving detrimen
tal to the welfare of some of our
sister states.”
That is the opinion expressed by
G. F Eberspacher, of Seward, a
Master Farmer since 1930
‘ As an old Master Farmer of
Nebraska I want to express my
he'arty appreciation of the cam
paign to advertise our state as
the White Spot of th Union for j
its freedom from those devasting
extra forms of taxation so wide
spread over th)-' country, and for
its freedom from debt,” Mr Eber
spacher said. “I am glad we have
a well tstablishod and successful
policy of paying as we buy instead
of piling up huge bond issues to
borrow money,
“This news spread before th*
world will foster industries here
to have a part under our liberal
laws and working up our surplus
products into useful articles for
general consumption over the coun
try ”
W. Marshall Ross, of Gibbon,
president of th'- Midwest Wool
Marketing association and a Mas
ter Farmer since 1929, does a
great deal of traveling,
“Wh rever I go and am introduc
ed as a resident of Nebraska the
response is, ‘Oh. yes, The White
Spot of Ann riea where you have
no bonded indebtedness, no sales
taxes or income taxes, and your
roads and statehouse are paid for
wheii finished-’
“The publicity given Nebraska
by the fact that it has no bonded
indebtedness or sales tax has been
far-reaching,” Mr. Kosr said. “I
have read many editorials in Kan
sas and Missouri papers in regard
to the White .Spot of America, and
the com tin ntators usually wind up
by saying, I would like to live in
a state like that ’
“There is no doubt,” Mr. Ross
added, “that many people will b
attracted to Nebraska, for after
traveling over many midwest |
states I know that Nebraska has
many other advantages in addition
to its freedom from debt and nuis-1
anee taxes that reeommr nl it to
(Uontinued on Page Two)
TVA Probe Will
Include Jim Crow
New York, Mar 17 — If a sena- j
torial investigation is made of the
TVA. the question of discrimina
tion against Negroes will Ire in
clud/ d in the examination, the
NAAf'P was assured by Senator
If. Styles Bridges, of New Hamp
shire. When Senator Bridges an
nounced lrcently that he would
ask for an investigation of ‘every j
phase” of the TVA, the NAACP i
telegraphed him asking for per |
mission to have its officers appear
at such an investigation, and sub
mit evidence of thr* gross discri
minations against Negroes in the
TVA with respect to employment
and Ksidence
Don’t forget the Hofyby Show on
May 7 It. will be a dismay of ar
ticles made during the Hobby
Days on Saturday at the YWCA . j
Also Groups in the “Y” who have
had interest groups in knitting
will take part
People’s Drug Co.
To Have Formal
Grand Opening
Sunday March 20 wMl mark the
ortming of the first Negro owm’l
and operated drug stoip ever to
be stablish-d in South Omaha,
when tho looping Drug Co. form
ally op-ns its doors to the general
public at 2721) Q stiff, t
The convpn igy is compoai^ of
Dr. S F: Nortiheross, manager, who
has for years successfully served
the populace of South Omaha as a
phyician. M Q-orge Althousn. who
F’Cis Fxen active for years in the
labor movement of the Pullman
Porters in tire middle west, and
Rev. 1* M Harris who has oper
ated a successful ronsorlal parlor
on the. Southed" for vein's
Tho li ople’s Drug Co. promises
efficient: and court© >u.s service at
all tinier ard invites the general
publ’c to visit their store oil Sun
day, March 20 and inspect for
themselves the new ard wholesome
stock of drug merchandise on hand
--O — -
Washington. D. C , Mar 17
Attorney ieUi’n d 1 y th> National
Association for * he Advancement |
of Colored People will argue the
case of .Foe ital . who is con'ictul I
of munhir in Paducah. Kentucky,
Is fore the Unit i! Suites suprem
court here Monday, March 28
Hale’s case was tak) n over by t ho
NAACP at the request of the Col
ored Civic League of Paducah af
ter tlv Kentucky supreme court
had affirmed his eonviection and j
death sentence. The appeal to the
high court is based upon the fact
that Negroes have been denied
jury service in the county in coun
ty in question for more than fifty
consecutive years.
* -
Better housing is beconvng the
watch word throughout ttw Un’ted
States Sunday afterroon, Dr. T
Fieri SullengT of Omaha univer
sity, told an audien e at th. Urban
l eague Community Center tl at
tho effllc‘s i f bad hi using were
many. Ho stated that it increases
mobility, bad health, over crowd*.
i.*tss, immoralitiy and the break,
down of family life- He further
1 o'nted out that bad housing caus.
e.s a lack if prtd- in the home and
♦hat tb<“ tenant sh uld insist
that t’( landlord cooperate in
hiautify’ng tho home through
painting and providing of the ne.
cessary plumbing, thus making for
r. better health and sanitary con
dition. He uig) d that the Negro
populace of Omaha got together
an-1 sp" that tlhe city ordinance as
’*■ pertains to housing l:c adhered
Many of those present were re.
siaents of the new Ft deral Hous
ing Project, Logan Pon-twnelle
Homes, and upon interviewing
t Id m it was brought out that for
two or three years many who were
now taking advantage of the mo
dern apartments of the f>: deial
project, had sought to have their
respective landlords fix up thi ir
homes, such as repairing of plumb
ing, installing of ins:de toilets and
bathtubs, painting, etc. but had
been repeatedly refused
Th meu* ng was sponsored by
tl ■ Omaha Council of the Nation
al Negro Congress. ,J Dillard
Crawford, chairman of t hi Negro
Commeeial club’s tetter' homes
committee, presided
Other speak} rg were J. West
brook McPherson, Council presi
dent; S Edward Gilbert, nat’l. corn
milteeman to tihg Congress; B. F.
Squirt s, Urban League Secretary,
and Paul Holliday, member of the
Commercial Club Better Homes
'— 1" ■ -
GERS, Grand Basileus of Zeta Ph:
Beta who has just led her soroi'y
u observance of “Finer Woman
mod Week” Mrs. Rogers elected
'his winter to succeed the late
—-.- - »
Violet Anderson, is a tin* '*e of
Wheeling. West Va.. and i rt
f Teachers College of In 1; a"® s
and Butler universe’■ *’ n
years she has tun Jn n n 'i sic
schools., .moflnda apol's.
O 13